Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 998

When Shen Lang heard what Mo Ge said, he was silent.

Whoever dares to provoke me, I\'ll kill whoever

Shen Lang himself has said this many times.

But the problem is that the contradiction we are talking about now is a contradiction between demons and Terrans, which is almost difficult to reconcile.

At that time, Mo GE\'s identity will be revealed. He is definitely not one or two people or one or two families who want to kill him!

Although Shen Lang is such a character, Shen Lang has integrated the soul of the war emperor!

The soul of the war emperor also affects him all the time!

The war emperor is the patron saint of the Terran!

The war temple has been guarding the Terran for many years

Shen Lang sighed and said, "I always believe that this world is by no means a world of the jungle. Everyone has the right to live and every living creature has the right to live brilliantly."

"I don\'t allow you to do that."

After Shen Lang\'s words, the originally calm conversation began to smell a little gunpowder.

However, even Shen Lang didn\'t expect

As soon as he said this, Mo Ge almost didn\'t even think. He said, "if you don\'t want me to do this, I won\'t do it."

Shen Lang was a little surprised. He didn\'t expect Mo Ge to say such words next.

What\'s more, I didn\'t expect to say such words so quickly, as if I hadn\'t thought!

Mo Ge, the "stone face" recognized by xuandaozong, has never been a kind person.

Among the martial brothers, there are not many who can communicate with him.

There are no people who want to persuade him to change his ideas or practices... Even Su Rong can\'t do it.

Many times Su Rong went to him, and he turned around and left!

Such a person is murderous in front and says that he wants to kill all the people who want to deal with him. Then he naturally and casually says, "if you don\'t want me to do this, I won\'t do it"

If Chu Qingcheng sees it and hears it, he will say mysteriously, "there is foundation love!"

Shen Lang frowned and said, "even if you don\'t care about your identity as the prince of the demon family, you can listen to me and don\'t go to the opposite of the human family, but you are still the person of the demon ancestor. Whether you like it or not, you bear the mission of the demon family."

"Without 100% assurance, I can\'t help the people whom the devil ancestor likes to become strong."

"On the contrary, I should strangle this unstable factor in the cradle."

Mo Ge said lightly, "if you really want to kill, you would have done so."

"It\'s easy for you to kill me."

"You didn\'t kill me because you trusted me, just as I trusted you."

Ji Qing!

Full of love!

Shen Lang\'s calculation is amazing. He can\'t catch up with people for the first time.

What\'s more, it was mo Ge who couldn\'t catch up with him for a few months!

Mo Ge said expressionless, "I\'m a demon royal family. Yes, but you\'re wrong. I\'m not carrying any demon mission."

"I will neither help demon Zu destroy the seal door, nor do anything for demon Zu."

In front of Shen Lang, Mo Ge seems to be much more normal and speaks more than ever.

He continued, "I am willing to go through the seal door to the world because my maid is in their hands and threatened by them."

"That\'s all."

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I just said that many things are not what you want or not."

"On you, there is a wisp of God\'s thought of the devil ancestor, so he can see anything you can see after you come to the human world."

"You don\'t want this to happen, do you? But it happened."

"You didn\'t do anything, but you got all the information in the world through you."

"With this information, they can judge the situation of the whole world, know when the blood ancestor will be born, and then they will choose the best time to enter the world."

Mo GE\'s face changed: "I once doubted this. After waking up in the circle of life and death, I checked it more than once..."

He stopped himself before he finished.

Because he has come to realize that his current strength is very different from that of the devil.

The devil\'s mind is on him. He can\'t find it. It\'s no longer normal!

Mo Ge frowned slightly and said, "since you said the things about the thought of the devil ancestor in front of me, do you say... Have you solved it?"

Shen Lang grinned: "even if it\'s just a wisp of divine thought, it\'s the divine thought of the evil ancestor among the six ancestors. Where is it so easy to solve?"

"I just sealed this wisp of mind temporarily before healing you."

"Don\'t look at me like that. My strength is not strong enough."

"But I threatened him with your life, which made him afraid to move."

"I entangled the seal with your soul. If he moves, you will die, so the seal is very successful."

This kind of words came out, and Shen Lang drank water at will.

The strangest thing is that Shen Langdu said that he threatened the devil with his life. Mo Ge didn\'t feel at all!

The complexion has not changed at all!

"My life doesn\'t seem to be of great value. I don\'t even understand why they sent me to the human world. If you want to find out the news here, anyone can do it. Are you sure it\'s effective to threaten the devil with my life?" Mo Ge said faintly.

Shen Lang nodded and said, "it\'s effective. I\'ve been sure for a long time. The devil will never dare to move you."

"So now the seal is very successful."

"Why?" Mo Ge said with an unchanged look.

With the spirit of the demon ancestor who was treated as a God by the demon family, he monitored everything about him.

Then Shen Lang threatened the evil ancestor with his life. Finally, the God thought of the evil ancestor was sealed.

If it were someone else, they would have been scared out of their wits or shed tears.

Mo Ge, however, was very calm.

It seems that when he first saw Shen Lang in Tianfeng City, Mo Ge had an unspeakable trust in Shen Lang.

This is a very strange feeling.

No matter what Shen Lang does or says, Mo Ge doesn\'t believe Shen Lang will hurt him.

Therefore, Shen Langming has done such a thing that can be deeply hated by the parties.

Mo Ge is not only not angry, but also very "concerned" to ask... Is this sure to be effective? Is there any reason why the devil didn\'t dare to touch me?

Shen Lang smiled and said, "the reason is very simple..."

"First, you have an extraordinary origin. He may not be able to provoke you;"

"Second, the person who seals the power in your body and then speaks to you is not the demon ancestor, but many people who have cultivated more than the demon ancestor... No, not people, but the real demon God!"

"You are the one who is favored by this demon God. Because of his existence, the demon ancestor also doesn\'t dare to touch you."

Mo Ge shook his head very honestly and said, "I don\'t understand. I\'m the prince of the demon family. This identity is good in the demon family, but it\'s nothing in the eyes of the demon ancestor."

"Even the great emperor of the demon family is like a mole ant in front of the demon ancestor. What\'s my origin?"

"As for the person who seals my power, he is indeed in the temple of the devil ancestor. How can he not be the devil ancestor?"

"In the devil Kingdom, in the devil family, the devil ancestor is the supreme existence. I have killed the real devil God in the devil kingdom. I have never heard of the existence beyond the devil ancestor in the devil kingdom."

The things they said involved Mo GE\'s life and the terrible demon ancestor, but they seemed to talk about home, without causing a little tension.

This kind of thing is extremely strange.

Shen Lang said with a positive face, "whether it\'s your origin or the existence that seals your power, if you want to know the answer, you should start with the sealed power in your body."

"I don\'t know why the devil sent you to the world, but I vaguely feel that it must have something to do with your power."

"Do you know what the power in your body is and where it comes from?"

Mo Ge shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. This strange power already existed when I was born. This power almost destroyed the demon family palace."

"I once used this power to frighten a bunch of demons and royalty."

"Finally, the devil tried his best to seal this power. Only a small mouth was opened, so that I can practice with this power for the time being."

"Now that you have a clear mind, you must have guessed the power and know the origin?"

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "I really already know, so I can be sure that the person who seals this power is not the demon ancestor, but someone else."

"Because the power of the demon ancestor can\'t suppress this power in your body!"

"Not only the devil ancestor, but also any of the five emperors and six ancestors can\'t do it."

Shen Lang\'s words moved even Mo Ge.

In this world, there are such forces that even the five emperors and six ancestors can\'t seal?

Even the power of the top ten divine beasts is not so strong as this?

The legendary five emperors and six ancestors, especially the six ancestors, have always existed like gods and demons!

The gods and demons in the upper world who stayed in the human world called the sixth ancestor a "demigod", but many races or powerful people in the human world have long regarded the sixth ancestor as a true "God"!

In fact, the gods and demons in the upper world who stayed in the human world died in the hands of the six ancestors.

Many powerful demons were frightened when they heard the names of the six ancestors. They wanted to escape to the universe and stay away from the six monsters.

In particular, the blood ancestor once controlled many powerful demons for him to fight in the world!

Shen Lang smiled and said, "because this power on you is the most pure... Divine power!"

"Divine power from the upper world!"

Mo Ge didn\'t seem to think of the answer Shen Lang said. His eyes changed slightly: "divine power... Is it the power of gods and demons in the legend? The power of demons and gods from the upper world?"

"Yes," Shen Lang said.

"I don\'t understand." Mo Ge looked unchanged.

Shen Lang added, "there\'s nothing you don\'t understand. The power of gods and Demons naturally comes from gods or demons."

"Since you are born, or a fallen demon soul is attached to you."

"Either your previous life is a powerful God or devil."