Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 997

Hearing Shen Lang\'s question, Mo Ge slowly raised his head: "this question, Mo Zu once asked me."

Without reservation, Mo Ge said all the words he heard and said when he went to find Mozu.

In front of a dark passage in the magic ancestral temple.

This passage seems to have endless length and can\'t see five fingers.

Mo Ge walked in this channel. He felt as if he had walked for a long time, and it seemed that it was only a moment.

"Mo Ge, what makes you so sad? Why do you always make people feel so lonely and sad when you are only eight years old..."

A voice floated from afar to the bottom of Mo GE\'s heart.

This voice, as if someone outside was asking, as if it were a mother\'s whisper.

It seems that Mo Ge is asking himself

Mo Ge youyou replied, "the world I see has been bleeding and crying. The sky is blood red, and there is always blood falling down; the land is dark brown, barren and desolate, but it is always stained red by blood... Is it so difficult that people come to this world for suffering?"

"Since there is suffering and death everywhere, what is the meaning of living?"

"Is this the reason why you are sad? You must not know that the world you see is only a small magic field in the world. Even in the world, this area is just a chestnut in the sea."

"Outside the devil Kingdom, there is a colorful world. There are deer singing, wolf howling, tiger roaring and ape essence in the mountains, lizards on rocks and stones, lizards jumping, lizards hiding and snakes hiding. Life is so rich and the world is so wonderful. It is not just blood and black in the devil kingdom."

"Such a world, in the universe, is just a grain of dust."

"Hundreds of millions of small world, the world is more than hundreds of millions?"

Mo Ge was not moved. He never forgot when he was young. He had already read the books of the demon family, and had unimaginable knowledge in his head.

"So what?" Mo Ge said lightly: "the colorful world is also mixed with countless hypocrisies, countless wars and bloody."

"For interests, they can even kill their brothers; for interests, they trample on other weak creatures in the world at will."

"The demon family is sealed in this vicious place. Isn\'t it caused by the creatures in the colorful world? The demon family is shameless and ferocious. Those living races in the outside world are no better."

"All places are suffering and moving towards death step by step..."

"Mo Ge, don\'t you understand?" the voice sounded again in Mo GE\'s heart: "death is not the end of everything. Death is just a form of existence, a form of the reincarnation of the way of heaven."

"The flowers will bloom and then wither. The stars are bright, but the light will disappear."

"A person\'s life, compared with this world, is a moment of time."

"Therefore, countless creatures are asking for the road of eternal life and pursuing the road of heaven and earth. People do not remember all kinds of hardships and are not afraid of all kinds of dangers. They cut through thorns and thorns and embark on such a road of no return in order to escape life and death and jump out of samsara."

"On this road, life and death will be the norm, and war fireworks will continue. It depends on how you treat it."

"You may be lonely, you may laugh all the way; you will love someone, or hate someone, and you will be loved by someone."

"There are laughter, tears, joy and sorrow."

"You will fight, you will be hurt... And you will be taken care of by others."

Mo Ge shook his head: "I don\'t see these, and I can\'t feel them. I was born and grew up in the killing. What is laughter? What is love?"

"I am an ominous person. When I was born, my mother died... Anyone close to me is cursed and suffering..."

"You will feel it." the voice said faintly, "you have to believe in yourself, you can change all this, you have to believe in yourself, you can control your destiny, you can change the fate of the people around you."

"This bloody world and the people suffering around you need you to change. If you believe you can change, you will do all this in the end."

"Go to the other side of the seal. My mind will guide you. There, you will meet your partner. You will fight with him, laugh with him and cry with him. You will find the meaning of living."

"Partner... What is it?"

"It\'s someone who allows you to find yourself, find your emotions and understand the meaning of survival."

"Go, I\'ve sealed your power and wiped out all the breath of your demon emperor, and... Memory... The fate of the demon is in your hands, and the fate of the world is in your hands. Don\'t be surprised when you remember my words one day. This is your destiny..."

"If you want to get rid of your destiny, you have to make yourself strong and strong."

Mo Ge slowly recalled, as if he were talking about things that had nothing to do with himself.

And Shen Lang, just listened and didn\'t interrupt.

Just then, there was a noise outside the door.

Outside the door is Su Rong, the daughter of xuandao sect leader.

Su Rong wanted to break in, but was blocked by the wolf commander Yinghuo and Heisha.

Jun qiluo, the eldest disciple of the shy flower sect, was holding Su Rong\'s hand and constantly comforting her.

"Let them in." Shen Lang said faintly, waved his hand and removed the prohibition.

"Song!" Su Rong\'s crying pear blossom rushed in with rain: "they said you were seriously injured and unconscious. How are you? Why are you so stupid?"

She and Jun qiluo were forcibly taken away by the four evil ghost kings early in the morning. They didn\'t see Mo GE\'s full blow.

After hearing about Mo Ge, they rushed over in a hurry and couldn\'t stop them.

Behind them were Su Wenxuan, the leader of xuandao sect, and Mei Yingxue, the leader of shhua sect.

Jun qiluo\'s face was no less concerned than Su Rong, but she just stood at the door and looked at Mo Ge inside.

"I\'m fine." Mo GE\'s cold face melted a lot. He looked at Su Rong and looked up at Jun qiluo.

Until this time, Shen langcai said, "elder martial sister, Mo GE\'s injury is all right. You don\'t have to worry."

Su Rong looked at Mo GE\'s face and touched Mo GE\'s arm. She was relieved to find that all the terrorist scars that others had said were gone.

"Thank you, younger martial brother!" Su Rong finally calmed down and said gratefully to Shen Lang.

At this time, Jun qiluo came over and said, "Rongrong, Xiaolang and Mo Ge should have something to say. We\'d better go back first. I said that if Xiaolang is there, everything will be fine."

Su Rong wiped her tears and didn\'t speak any more. She just nodded slightly.

Although they all hung on their faces, Su Rong came out with Jun qiluo.

Shen Lang flexed his fingers and opened the prohibition again.

Mo Ge watched the two women leave. His eyes changed several times and whispered, "I... I don\'t know what my partner is, but I also have people I want to protect."

"Xuandaozong is her home and mine. I don\'t allow anyone to destroy here."

Shen Lang said softly, "everyone has different understanding of the meaning of partner. The powerful existence of the demon family said to you, \'partner is the person who allows you to find yourself, find your emotions and understand the meaning of survival\', which is not wrong."

"In my opinion, a partner is someone who can cry and laugh with you; someone who knows to take care of you and is worthy of your protection; someone who can leave your back at ease in a crisis;"

Mo Ge looked slightly and said firmly, "if I want to become strong, please help me practice and help me unlock the seal in my body!"

Speaking of the last few words, Mo GE\'s voice sank, like a dormant fierce beast.

Mo GE has a stronger desire to become stronger than anyone.

Shen Lang youyou said, "I know you want to be strong, and I have a way to make you strong."

"But before I agree to help you become stronger, I need to sort out your affairs."

"There are some words that need to be made clear to you."

"Since you have awakened your memory through the reincarnation array of life and death and remembered everything of the demon family, you should understand that even if I don\'t care about your identity of the demon family, your identity is still your biggest restriction."

Mo Ge said coldly, "is it important to be a human or a demon family? The mark of the demon family on me has been erased by the demon ancestor. When I grow up in the human family, I have nothing to do with the demon family."

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "it\'s not that simple."

"No matter what you think, no matter what I think, you always want to kill you. I\'m afraid as soon as you enter the world through the seal, you will secretly distribute your identity as a demon clan at the first time."

"At that time, you will be the target of all major races in the world."

"Terrans and other races think that they are the largest race in the world and are very exclusive... When Yu Lingfeng came to help suppress the Qi of Yin, he was forced to come to the door by some so-called strong people. Moreover, the demon clan slaughtered countless creatures in those years and has already become the mortal enemy of all races."

"You want to protect the people around you, but then you will only bring disaster to these people. This is not what you want or don\'t want."

Mo GE\'s eyes coagulated and said, "strength, so I need enough strength, I need the strength to control my destiny, and I need the strength to protect the people around me!"

"Hum, whether the human race or the demon race, they are all bullies who are soft and afraid of hard. In front of powerful forces, they bow down and become ministers, humble and cowardly!"

Shen Lang sighed and said, "so when your identity as the prince of the demon clan is revealed and thousands of races want to kill you, will you kill all the people of any race in the future?"

"Yes." Mo Ge said without hesitation, "anyone who threatens my home, the forces of the people I want to protect, or individuals, under the premise of my power, I will kill them without hesitation."

"I don\'t know what is good or what is evil. Define me as evil as a demon family, and then destroy me. I will go head-on and destroy them."

Shen Lang was silent. In fact, he knew that Mo Ge would have such an answer.

In a sense, Shen Lang and Mo Ge are the same kind of people.

Because Shen Lang knows that if his relatives encounter such a thing, he will kill all the people who commit it in the future, leaving none!