Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 996

At the moment, Shen Lang\'s fingers trembled constantly. While madly breaking into the rosefinch divine fire and chaotic divine power, he changed countless kinds of seal formulas and strengthened the seal.

As Shen Lang\'s endless printing formulas broke into two chains, the voice of the demon ancestor sounded again: "it\'s only thirty or forty seconds. There are more than 300 kinds of printing formulas in your hand, no repetition, accurate to a minute..."

"And each of these seal formulas is so mysterious. It is the top seal formula in the world. It can let the legendary sword emperor work for you. Are you the man of the God of war temple?"

In fact, in the eyes of many people, only a few old friends in the temple of the God of war can do this.

However, this is said by the demon ancestor, but the meaning is very different.

Demon Zu is a crafty man who deliberately asked this sentence.

This sentence is full of traps!

You know, since he is on Mo Ge, he can see anything Mo Ge sees.

Of course, I know everything about Mo Ge in the dragon scale temple.

At that time, Shen Lang appeared as the left envoy of the demon temple!

And Shen Lang never revealed anything related to the God of war hall in front of Mo Ge!

Knowing that Shen Lang is from the demon temple, he asked if you are from the God of war temple... If someone else changed, it might be revealed.

When Shen Lang heard this, he sneered and said, "young master, I\'m the left envoy of Zhuque mansion in the demon temple, but you want to connect me with the God of war temple... In your eyes, is the demon temple so unbearable? Are the people in the demon temple not as good as the God of war temple? How much do you know about the demon temple?"

"Your demon clan has been sealed in the demon kingdom. There has been no movement for so many thousands of years. Doesn\'t it mean to avoid the demon temple?"

Shen Lang retorted, and the demon ancestor ended his words.

The devil didn\'t seem very willing to mention the three words "demon God hall". After a long time, he said, "young generation, why do you think I dare not attack this seal?"

"Do you really think Mo Ge is so important in my eyes?"

Shen Lang grinned and said, "isn\'t it very simple?"

"The sealed power in Mo GE\'s body is the power of gods and demons, and the power that seals this power is also the power of gods and demons, and it is extremely powerful."

"Although master Mo Zu has achieved peerless cultivation, like other five emperors and six ancestors, he can\'t control the power of gods and Demons... Of course, blood ancestor is an exception."

"In other words, there is someone else who seals the power of mogo."

"And this man is much stronger than the demon ancestor. The demon family also needs to rely on his strength to break the seal of the demon domain."

"But this mysterious and powerful existence is very optimistic about Mo Ge, so..."

"I\'m sure that Lord Mozu doesn\'t dare to move Mo Ge."

"That\'s it."

The sound of Mozu with metal texture didn\'t sound for a long time.

No one else in the world can know the planning of the demon family and what he and the adult have done.

But Shen Lang deduced many things just by virtue of the seal of the power in Mo GE\'s body and the words he heard in Mo GE\'s dream.

It\'s really terrible to imagine!

It\'s been a long time since the demon ancestor felt like vomiting blood.

Although what is here is only a divine thought of the demon ancestor;

But Shen Lang standing here, his cultivation is not high.

Shen Lang fought with him with these accomplishments and suppressed him to death!

This is a miracle in itself!

I\'m afraid it would be incredible if other strong people saw this scene.

"You won."

The demon ancestor didn\'t really impact the seal, but honestly admitted Shen Lang\'s inference.

One of the few giants in the world, although he was a little unwilling to lose, he was also magnanimous and magnanimous.

"I\'m flattered."

Shen Lang didn\'t stop at this point. He still urged the rosefinch divine fire and chaos divine power to continue to strengthen the seal.

It didn\'t stop until two hours later.

At this time, the God thought of the demon ancestor has been completely sealed.

Basically, it is impossible to scan the world and obtain information through Mo GE\'s eyes as before.

The way that the demon clan relies on Mo Ge to obtain the information of the human world is cut off by Shen Lang.

It was also at this time that Shen langcai finally dared to instill the spiritual power of life into Mo GE\'s body to help him heal his wounds.

And Zuo Wentian also returned to fengtianding and disappeared.

Shen Lang\'s hands are against Mo GE\'s back. One hand transmits the power of life, and the other hand transmits the power of chaos.

Repair Mo GE\'s injury with life power, and suppress the riot power in Mo Ge with chaotic power.

More than an hour later, Mo Ge woke up and began to consciously guide the spiritual power of life and chaotic divine power.

More than two hours later, the terrible wounds on Mo Ge began to disappear, and only faint scars could be seen.

Shen Lang absorbs a drop of life spirit liquid a month. How abundant and surging is the life spirit in his body after such a long time?

When the blood emperor was hit hard, one arm was broken by the power of gods and demons. I\'m afraid it would be impossible to regenerate if it were other strong imperial martial mirrors for thousands of years.

But with the help of this life power and the chaotic God body against the sky, Shen Lang quickly grew an arm after his arm was broken.

It\'s like someone who hasn\'t been hurt much!

It shocked a group of strong people.

Life and soul power can kill and kill human flesh and bones. It is something that even gods and Demons covet in legend.

As for the chaotic Divine Body

With the growth of the chaotic divine body, Shen Lang felt the rebellion of the chaotic divine body more and more.

The legendary "Immortality" is only relative.

It\'s like several guys who don\'t know whether to die or not crazy shouting that they won\'t die, and finally they were killed by Shen Lang.

But the understanding of this chaotic divine body makes Shen Lang feel really immortal!

As long as one of the ten divine beast particles in the chaotic God body is preserved, Shen Lang is really immortal!

The power or means of this world, but where can it really destroy the awakened ten divine beast particles?

These ten sacred animal particles, although they have not yet obtained the blood essence of sacred animals and have really grown, are now powerful to the point of terror.

Evil energy can\'t corrode, rosefinch fire can\'t burn, and the gas of the yellow spring can\'t be polluted!

This is true, immortal!

It\'s really overqualified to treat Mo GE\'s injury with such divine power.

Seeing that Mo GE\'s injury was almost repaired, Shen Lang stopped, jumped down, sat in a chair and poured himself a glass of water.

"After absorbing these forces, your body is OK. But your physical body is too weak to break the seal by force... Don\'t mention the powerful force that rushed out after breaking the seal. Even the power of the seal is not what you can cope with now."

"Don\'t do such a thing next time. If you are careless, you will be shot dead by yourself."

Mo Ge slowly opened his eyes. The first sentence was: "I want to be strong."

He wants to be strong, and he wants Shen Lang to help him become strong.

So when he was in the dragon scale temple, he told the black phoenix that he would not go to the Phoenix House until three years later.

Shen Lang took a sip of water and asked lightly, "Mo Ge, have you been to xuandaozong for ten years? Where is your home?"

"Ten years." Mo Ge said coldly, "my home is in xuandaozong."

"What about the devil kingdom?" Shen Lang asked.

The devil kingdom is the territory of the devil family, a place isolated from the human world, and a legendary place of curse.

Mo Ge said, "I never took that place as my home."

"The world has been bleeding and crying. The sky is blood red, and there is always blood falling down; the land is dark brown, barren and barren, but it is always stained red by blood... People kill each other and never stop."

"I don\'t understand. Is it so difficult that the demon clan came to this world for suffering?"

"Since there is suffering and death everywhere and the killing is endless, what is the significance of their living?"

"I was born and grew up in killing. Among the demons, only one maid is my relative, and now she is still in the hands of my imperial brother."

"If she has a weakness, I will kill all demons and leave no chickens and dogs."

This is the most spoken time since Shen Lang met Mo Ge.

Although he talked a lot, Mo Ge didn\'t speak fast, nor was he a little excited. It was still frighteningly cold.

In the circle of life and death, Shen Lang entered moge\'s dream and knew the identity of moge demon family and other information.

Mo Ge also knows this.

Both know it.

So Mo Ge is not defending himself.

Shen Lang had already seen his heart.

However, it is a very strange thing for a demon family to sit with the former Lord of the God of war hall and talk like this.

For the creatures in this world, the horror of the demon clan is no worse than that of the blood clan.

Even before the chaos came, the blood clan had almost integrated into the human clan or demon clan, and the blood clan people also lived all over the world.

The demon clan is still sealed in the demon domain.

People talk about demons and regard them as real demons, which is a real taboo!

Whether it is the records of the God of war hall or the descriptions in any ancient books in the world, this demon family is the most evil race in the world and the natural enemy of all families.

Any time a demon invades the world, it will bring a bloodbath, endless tragedy and endless cruelty.

Now in front of Shen Lang, there is a demon family, or a prince of the demon family.

However, Shen Lang, the Lord of the war god hall, was not a little nervous, nor did he ask questions, but he was like a friend chatting

You know, if moge\'s demon family identity is leaked, I\'m afraid the whole world will shake, and countless supreme and powerful people will come. Kill him and then hurry!

"Do you know what a partner is?" Shen Lang\'s tone was as calm as ever.