Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 995

In the room, there are five pots of Ningshen grass in the corner, which is emitting a faint fragrance.

Mo Ge sat cross legged on the bed, his eyes closed, still in a coma.

His face was so beautiful and monstrous that it had shocking wounds, like a spider\'s web, which made people dare not look at it more.

However, when Shen Lang brought him, he had already urged the spiritual power to enter his body and help him stop the blood.

Otherwise, the blood of the whole body will continue to flow like this. Mo Ge is afraid that he can\'t support it for long.

Shen Lang sat on a chair two meters away. He seemed to be watching Mo GE\'s injury and thinking about how to help Mo Ge heal.

After a while, Shen langcai stood up and sat cross legged behind Mo Ge.

He took out a pill with refreshing aroma and threw it into Mo GE\'s mouth. Shen Lang sighed and said, "it seems that I still need to do it. I don\'t want to help you heal. I\'m afraid your injury won\'t be good for decades."

"How can anyone beat himself like a pig\'s head? Alas..."

Shen Lang shook his head and fingers while pinching some lingjue vaguely.

Then, he clapped his palms slowly on Mo GE\'s back, and the spiritual light shining on his palms seemed to be ready to instill spiritual healing into Mo Ge.


When Shen Lang\'s palm was about to close to Mo GE\'s back, the aura on his palm suddenly changed!

Shen Lang\'s hands changed from the original pure and surging spiritual power to rosefinch divine fire and chaotic divine power!

The rosefinch in the left hand is very angry, and the chaos power in the right hand. Shen Lang\'s face shows a ferocious color, and his palms are like electricity!

The power of the small room made a loud noise, and the previously arranged prohibition suddenly shook!

Immediately, the monstrous devil gas suddenly escaped from Mo GE\'s body, and instantly turned this small room into a terrible devil prison!

Supreme magic power, mighty!

It\'s more than ten times more terrible than when the ChiYan wind turned crazy!

Even those who are strong in the martial mirror of the quasi emperor, I\'m afraid they can\'t resist such magic power. They just want to turn around and run away!

"Shen Lang, how dare you!"

A hard to distinguish between men and women, with a metallic voice, was uploaded from Mo Ge.

The unspeakable evil breath and thousands of negative emotions rolled towards the Shen waves!

In an instant, Shen Lang seemed to be in Shura purgatory, and his eyes were full of blood!

In the realm of Shen Lang, in front of this magic power, I feel trapped in this Shura purgatory at any time and become a part of this purgatory!

It was at this time that a ray of knife light came out of thin air in the void and cut down in an instant, cutting the towering magic Qi in half!

The sabre light was terrible. After cutting off the evil gas, it fell on Mo GE\'s head and stopped less than three inches from Mo GE\'s head.

If you go a little further, I\'m afraid Mo GE has been split in half and died on the spot!

This is Zuo Wentian\'s knife!

Only the legendary sword emperor Zuo Wentian can hold it so accurately when he uses such a sword to dominate the world!

At the same time, Zuo Wentian\'s terrible mind was released from Shen Lang\'s forehead and formed a confrontation with the existence in Mo GE\'s body!

"Lord Mozu flattered me. I\'ve always had a lot of courage!"

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and his fierce and difficult war spirit was released to resist the supreme magic power.

With Zuo Wentian\'s help, he didn\'t have much trouble.

Mo GE\'s body is not the real body of the demon ancestor, but a divine thought.

Although Zuo Wentian hasn\'t recast his body, he has been practicing with Yuan Li fragments and life spirit liquid for a period of time. His strength is so strong that even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror dare not underestimate it!

The knife he sent out coagulated but did not disperse, so it hung on Mo GE\'s head!

And in this small room, the knife meaning of cutting through the ages gallops, cutting the prison magic power into countless fragments and vanishing!

If someone else enters the room at this time, I\'m afraid it will be cut into pieces by countless knives in an instant!

When left asking the sky to contain the demon ancestor, Shen Lang put his hands close to Mo GE\'s back, and the rosefinch divine fire and chaos divine power poured into Mo GE\'s body.

The rosefinch divine fire and chaos divine power have each turned into a huge chain to tightly bind the God idea of the demon ancestor in Mo GE\'s body!

At the same time, Shen Lang\'s four fingers are constantly shaking at an unimaginable speed, and countless mysterious and powerful spiritual formulas are entering quickly.

As soon as the magic formula entered Mo GE\'s body, it turned into runes that released powerful power one by one, and quickly escaped into the chains of rosefinch divine fire and chaotic divine power, which made the breath of these two chains soar wildly and locked the mysterious existence!

"What a Shen Lang, who knows that this is the demon ancestor?"

"I can\'t imagine that there are such talented people as you in the world. How intelligent they are like demons. But... Do you think you can lock me with such a little power and means?"

The metallic voice was extremely angry, but it was not very urgent.

Although the two forces instilled by Shen Lang are extremely powerful, Shen Lang\'s seal can be said to be the most powerful seal in the world.

But such a degree of power is not enough to put in the eyes of existence.

Even if it\'s just a divine idea, it\'s not something that a strong quasi emperor can cope with.

What the devil was afraid of was Zuo Wentian, who released all the sword intention!

In any case, the devil\'s ancestry here is just a divine thought, and Zuo Wentian is about to recast his flesh!

More importantly, he dared not take Mo GE\'s body as a battlefield and fight Zuo Wentian!

Under the contraception, he was immediately tied up by Shen Lang!

Shen Lang smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "such a little power really can\'t lock Lord magic\'s mind, but..."

"Lord Mozu\'s choice is correct. Yes, that\'s it. Don\'t move rashly... As long as you dare to attack the seal, the first one to die is definitely not me, but Mo Ge."

"Because the other end of this seal is locked on the soul of Mo Ge."

"If you try your best to impact this seal, I\'m afraid Mo Ge will destroy both form and spirit?"

Shen Lang\'s tone was plain, and he said with great assurance.

He was relaxed. Zuo Wentian, who helped him resist the evil ancestor, almost jumped up!

Now in the seal, it is the legendary supreme power of the demon family, the demon ancestor!

One of the five emperors and six ancestors!

Although Zuo Wentian was reminded by Shen Lang early in the morning, what inside Mo Ge is an earth shaking existence... A divine idea.

But pride is like asking the sky. Where do you really care about this so-called "earth shaking idea" at the bottom of your heart?

In any case, now Zuo Wentian\'s cultivation has soared, and he is about to use the soul to condense the real body. Can\'t he cope with a mere divine thought?


Zuo Wentian hurriedly raised his spirits and urged the sword to trap every space around Mo Ge.

About the idea of demon ancestor

When Shen Lang entered moge\'s dream in the circle of life and death, he already knew that the demon ancestor had a divine idea on moge.

But compared with now, the Shen waves at that time were really weak to the extreme.

The power in his hands can\'t deal with the supremacy of the devil kingdom.

Even if you add left asking the sky, you can\'t.

At that time, Zuo Wentian was also extremely weak.

So Shen Lang always regarded it as not knowing and entrusted it to the present.

A few days ago, when Shen Lang contacted the eight heavenly kings, he said to the eight heavenly kings that the demon ancestor put a divine thought on Mo Ge.

Therefore, the demon family should know everything that happens here in the human world.

This time, Shen Lang attacked the demon ancestor unprepared for a simple reason

Mo Ge gave himself a slap and broke the seal, so that after the power of the seal poured out violently, the angry demon ancestor had to use his power to deal with the aftermath for Mo Ge!

At this time, the demon ancestor had more than half of his power, which was used to curb the surge for Mo Ge!

This is the best time for Shen Lang!

What\'s more, the left asking the sky at this time is not what it used to be.

Shen Lang and Zuo Wentian joined hands to attack without fail!

"Young man, you have a deep calculation!"

The voice of demon Zu was full of reluctance and admiration: "who are you?"

"The sword intention released by this powerful Dao man has condensed into essence. The precision of control is unimaginable. Even his ideas are like a magic knife that destroys the sky and the earth. If the world can send such a knife, I\'m afraid there can\'t be anyone else except the sword emperor who disappeared in the world ten thousand years ago?"

At this time, the voice of Zuo Wentian rang: "yes, I am Zuo Wentian."

Zuo Wentian\'s answer was so straightforward that he stunned Mo Zu.

Both sides are stalling.

On one side, Shen waves are strengthening the seal quickly;

On the other side, the demon ancestor racked his brains to think about how to break the seal;

However, Libra tilted to Shen Lang after all.

For the sake of Mo Ge, the demon ancestor also sighed what to do!

The supreme devil of the noble demon family was coerced for the first time. There was nothing he could do. The demon ancestor couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

The boy in front of me, Mozu noticed it early in the morning.

I know it\'s extraordinary, but I never thought of putting him in the position of my opponent.

Because he\'s not qualified!

But this time, it changed the idea of Mozu.

Because there is no way to seal his mind. I\'m afraid there are few people in the world.

People who can do such things are definitely not just powerful.

You also need to calculate and grasp all steps!

First of all, Shen Lang had an insight into the existence of the evil ancestor, but he always pretended to be deaf and dumb;

Secondly, Shen Lang found out that the devil didn\'t dare to move Mo Ge, and then threatened him with it;

Thirdly, Shen Lang found the best opportunity. It happened that Mo GE\'s seal was loose, and Mo Zu was helpless to help Mo Ge curb the power of the seal;

Finally, Shen Lang must be strong enough to know the strong seal prohibition... His left hand is full of fire, his right hand releases a strange and powerful power, and his left asks the sky for help. All kinds of seal techniques are the pinnacle of the world. In the eyes of magic ancestor, this is a freak!

All of the above, the timing, geography and people are harmonious. It\'s like a demon. It\'s wishful thinking to seal the demon ancestor\'s mind!

But Shen Lang had it all, and simply sealed the God idea of the demon ancestor.

Even Mozu, now I admire Shen Lang a little.