Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 994

Shen Lang cut out a canyon at the edge of the wilderness with a knife.


Shen Lang roars up to the sky, roaring through the clouds!

Shen Lang can only vent his anger in this way.

His chest fluctuated sharply and his strong killing intention lingered.

Whether he wants to kill chiyanfeng or chizunxin, even Shen Lang doesn\'t understand.

Chizunxin calculated him;

The red wind threatened his family;

Betrayed by brothers, calculated, and finally let their relatives encounter the crisis of death

Shen Lang even wanted to drag Zhan Di out and beat him up, and then asked him what kind of shit brother he recognized!

Just floating in the air for a long time.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak, and chiyanfeng didn\'t dare to speak. The people of xuandaozong below looked at it like this, and their hearts were very uncomfortable.

At this moment, everyone felt the anger and sadness in Shen Lang\'s heart

When Shen Lang\'s anger is burning and his killing intention is surging.

A fire cloud in the distance suddenly lit up the night sky, and then swept in the direction of xuandaozong at an unimaginable speed!

Shen Lang had no reaction, but Zhuge Xianer and others below were slightly surprised.

The breath uploaded from the fire cloud is too strong and terrible.

Does it mean that there are enemies coming again?

Just then, the voice of DORO, one of the seven generals under the throne of the Yan devil, rumbled from the fire cloud, like thunder.

"Subordinate DORO, fortunately, he didn\'t insult his life and brought all the people in Yaowang Valley!"

DORO, Allen, Latin, Andre, four general of the devil, surrounded by flames, lined up in the air and knelt down on one knee towards Shen Lang.

In the fire cloud behind them, there are more than 75000 people in Yaowang Valley!

The people of Yaowang valley were eager to fly directly to xuandaozong with wings on their backs. Under the leadership of four Yanmo generals, they just arrived at xuandaozong four days later than Shen Lang.

At this time, the fire cloud spread around. The people of Yaowang Valley looked curiously at the Shen wave standing in the void and the red burning wind kneeling.

"It seems that xuandaozong has a good play again. Is someone coming to deal with xuandaozong and kneeling down by Lord Shen Lang?"

"It must be. You see, the people of xuandaozong gather in one place. It seems that they are maintaining the protectorate array?"

"How dare someone provoke xuandaozong? I really don\'t know how to live or die!"

"However, Lord Shen Lang\'s face is a little ugly."

"Yes, we were in Yaowang Valley at the beginning, but we were not as scared as now. The murderous spirit, so far away, made me heartbroken..."

People in Yaowang Valley talked a lot.

DORO and the other four Yanmo generals were furious. Before Shen Lang could speak, they flashed away and surrounded the red hot wind!

The endless sea of fire immediately shrouded the red wind and formed a terrible seal.

The breath of the four Yanmo generals soared. As long as there was a movement in the chiyanfeng, I\'m afraid the strong attack would immediately fall on the head of the chiyanfeng!

What kind of person is chiyanfeng?

How can you pay attention to these four Yan demons at the end of Huangwu territory?

He let the four people surround him, and the flames almost forced his eyebrows, but he still didn\'t move.

At this time, the people of xuandaozong below also pointed at the top.

Fortunately, I have seen the migration of Qiyuan sect and juzong, so the response of xuandao sect is not great.

Several people from the hidden mountain of Qiyuan sect, as well as Gu Yue and Zhuge Xianer, flew up.

Zhuge Xianer also took Shen Moran and ruby.

Shen Moran and Ruby looked at each other and flew to the left and right sides of Shen Lang.

"Although the previous events were a little frightening, fortunately, there were no casualties. My parents had already left xuandaozong through the portal, and he knew his mistake... Xiaolang, don\'t be angry." Shen Moran gently advised.

"And if you are angry, everyone\'s heart will be very heavy."

"Now the elders of Yaowang valley have led so many people to come, can\'t you treat others with such a cold face?"

Chiyanfeng, who has been hooking up his head, raised his head at this time and looked at Shen Moran.

Shen Moran almost hurt his hand before. Unexpectedly, the first person to persuade Shen Lang is this woman.

Chiyanfeng\'s eyes were full of shame and lowered his head again.

"HMM." Shen Lang\'s anger dissipated a lot in his eyes, nodded gently and put away the immortal sky knife.

At this time, Hongyu also said, "lang\'er, first open the clan protection array and let the people of Yaowang Valley enter the clan. Other things can be said slowly."

"I see." Shen Lang nodded.

With ruby and Shen Moran on the side, he couldn\'t express his anger even if he had anger.

The presence of these two people also dissipated his anger.

Shen Lang stepped on the protectorate array, pinched several Dharma formulas with both hands, and played many mysterious spiritual formulas against the array..

Then he saw the light shining on the protectorate array, the runes swimming and the patterns changing, and then opened a portal.

At this time, Shen Lang turned around, took a cold look at chiyanfeng and said, "get back to the seal!"

"When my anger is gone, you can come out again!"

"Yes, I know." chiyanfeng shivered and stood up.

He didn\'t even dare to look at Shen lang. chiyanfeng turned into a unicorn, then quickly passed through the portal of the protectorate array and immediately escaped into the towering giant column on the extreme thunder peak.

At this small meeting when he turned into a unicorn, the terrible magic power once again enveloped the whole xuandaozong.

Although it was unintentional, even the people in Yaowang valley behind knew his strength and terror!

"Unicorn? What a terrible smell!" the eyes of the people in Yaowang Valley almost burst out.

"It\'s strange. Kirin is a legendary holy beast and one of the top ten divine beasts. Why is the magic Qi so amazing, like a demon?"

"Shut up, this is not the time to talk about this!"

At this time, the four Yan demons are also constantly wiping the cold sweat.

Just now, the four people surrounded such a powerful Kirin and were ready to attack the Kirin!

Speaking of it, Shen Lang can deal with it by himself, and even the immortal Tiandao has been taken out. How can the four Yanmo generals deal with such enemies?

The wind rang.

Under the sign of Zhuge Xianer, Gu Yue came to say hello to Shen Lang with some old guys from Yaowang valley.

"You\'ve worked hard." Shen Lang nodded slightly.

Then Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on the unconscious Mo Ge below.

Shen Lang, who has a chaotic divine body, is much more sensitive to the power of gods and Demons than anyone in the world.

Including the real gods and Demons stranded in the world!

"Xian\'er, settle down the people in Yaowang Valley first, and meet me in songduofeng Hall tomorrow morning with several Huangwu elders from Yaowang Valley and Qiyuan sect."

After giving everything to Zhuge Xianer, Shen Lang quickly fell down and came to Mo Ge.

At the moment, Mo Ge is surrounded by Lengyue and Yin Qianbei, who are helping him heal.

"My lord..."

Leng Yue\'s face is not very good.

She and Yin Qianbei frantically urged Lingli to help Mo Ge heal, but for so long, Mo GE\'s injury did not ease.

Mo Ge not only released a thrilling smell of terror, but also remained unconscious. Terrible wounds were opened on the exposed skin, and the blood continued to overflow.

If Shen Lang had not been angry and dealing with Kirin, Lengyue would have called Shen Lang for help.

"Leave it to me."

With a wave of Shen Lang\'s arm, a circle of auspicious clouds surrounded Mo Ge and disappeared in front of the crowd.


A storm finally passed.

No danger.

Moreover, the powerful strength of Mo Ge and Chu Qingcheng has been exposed, which makes the people of xuandaozong very happy and enjoy talking about it.

Although people still don\'t understand how strong the unicorn is, kengkai is much more powerful than the night lonely city with five sky of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

Mo Ge and Chu Qingcheng are proud to hurt such a terrible existence.

Especially Chu Qingcheng, the wind was light and the cloud was light, and the Kirin was blown out of xuandaozong. Obviously, there was still some hidden strength!

This is the blessing of xuandaozong!

A group of old guys surrounded Chu Qingcheng, just like watching live treasures.

"Qingcheng, you\'re so secretive? You\'re so powerful! Say, what\'s your accomplishment?"

Nalan purple smoke squeezed in from the crowd and said obliquely.

Everyone around also nodded.

Chu Qingcheng\'s sword is really Qingcheng\'s sword.

It\'s amazing!

"Strong? What is strong? Am I strong with such a little cultivation?" Chu Qingcheng said without changing his face: "it is strong to have encountered misfortunes in life, but still look forward to happiness; to have been betrayed by others, but still brave to love; to have seen the ugliness of the world, but still pay kindness."

"Well, don\'t look at me like that. I\'m talking about Xiaolang."

"The most powerful is not to die fearlessly or destroy, but to believe in the upward direction of one\'s life from darkness and death and keep climbing for it."

Chu Qingcheng said, pulling Shen Moran\'s hand out of the encirclement.

Nalan Ziyan raised his fingers and thought, "no, the first and third are reasonable. You said you were talking about that bastard. The second... He was betrayed by others, but he was still brave to love? When was he betrayed by others?"

Chu Qingcheng pointed to his nose and said, "I, I did something sorry for him, which made him suffer for many, many years."

With that, Chu Qingcheng took Shen Moran and disappeared into the night.

Nalan Ziyan couldn\'t understand more: "it\'s wrong. When did you two have a conflict? When did you make him suffer for many years? How many years are they... Shit, people!"

At this time, the people present were also thinking about Chu Qingcheng\'s words. Nalan Ziyan woke up when he asked... Shit, he was fooled by this guy again!

Why are people around him?

Don\'t you just want to know how strong he is and why?

As a result, he was dazed by his two words and forgot his business!

"This bastard!" Nalan Ziyan laughed and scolded.

At this time, the xuandao sect transferred through the portal began to return again.

The whole xuandaozong became very lively in order to settle the people in Yaowang valley.

The front was scared by the red fire wind, and the soul flew away. However, the back made xuandaozong happy because of the arrival of Yaowang valley.

In a short time, the people of xuandaozong experienced several extremes.

Really... Sad and happy!

In xuandaozong, there was a great deal of noise and bright lights.