Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 993

Shen Lang never spoke.

But in God\'s mind.

His voice has been ringing in the heart of chiyanfeng.

"In those days, you were eroded by evil spirit. No wonder you didn\'t do anything you wanted at that time."

"Even because you are wearing killing armor, I came here without looking for you... Because with my current strength, I can\'t control you wearing killing armor."

"However, after thousands of years of purification, your mind has become clear and you can control your thoughts... And the killing armor has also been taken away by your father, but you are still a posture that people all over the world bear you. As soon as you come out, you want to kill all the people of xuandaozong!"

"You... Let me down!"

"I\'m sorry..." chiyanfeng bent his legs and knelt down directly in the void. His head hung down and his whole body was trembling.

The war emperor never scolded him like this, let alone beat him.

But this time, I scolded and beat, but my anger is still in its heyday

It\'s all because of his chiyanfeng. It\'s too wrong!

He not only avenged the hand that feeds him, but also nearly killed the close relatives of big brother!

In fact, there is no reason for his resentment!

If he has to complain, he should complain about his father\'s red respect and faith!

It was precisely because of his father and sister, Chi lianer, that her body collapsed and almost disappeared;

It was because of his father that he put on the killing armor and was kidnapped by the killing armor. It was difficult to get away!

Later, in order to save him, the emperor sealed him in Jilei peak.

Then chizunxin founded xuandaozong, let the disciples of xuandaozong practice the incomplete "thunder god formula", and use the towering giant column of Jilei peak to gather the noble righteousness of the whole xuandaozong, as well as the thunder power above the nine days to help chiyanfeng wash the magic Qi.

Chiyanfeng has just lost his killing armor and is still in a muddle. His evil Qi and resentment still tear him, making him unable to stop thinking.

But after being slapped down by Shen Lang, after Shen Lang told some secrets, the fuzzy memory fragments in chiyanfeng\'s mind have become clear!

Things that were originally unimaginable are now suddenly connected!

Although chiyanfeng is demonized by killing armor, it leads to mental loss.

But chiyanfeng is extremely talented and is by no means a fool.

How can a man who can be regarded as a brother by the war emperor be a fool?

Especially now the killing armor has been taken away by chizunxin. Chiyanfeng finally gets rid of the influence of killing armor. His head has been chaotic for thousands of years and finally sobers up.

Chizunxin and his brother and sister left the northern underworld extreme heaven sect. Because of the identity of Qilin, they were chased and killed by the strong men of Zhulong mansion;

Later, chizunxin didn\'t know where he heard about the killing armor. He knew that the killing armor is a rare and powerful magic weapon in the world. Once he obtained it and entered the devil\'s way through the killing armor, he can make rapid progress in cultivation and achieve the imperial martial mirror;

Chizunxin knew that one of the strong men chasing them in Zhulong mansion was wearing the legendary killing armor, and his cultivation was not high, so he risked to kill that man and seize the killing armor.

At that time, the war emperor knew chizunxin\'s idea, told the horror of killing war armor, and advised him not to go his own way and fall into the devil\'s way.

However, chizunxin promised on the surface, but secretly he took chiyanfeng\'s brother and sister and killed them back. They wanted to rob the killing armor in front of the candle dragon.

As a result, chizunxin was badly injured by Zhulong, and chilianer was almost scared.

Finally, Emperor Zhan arrived and killed all the strong men in Zhulong mansion, only escaping Zhulong\'s separation.

The horror of killing war armour is really extraordinary.

When chiyanfeng put on the killing armor, he was completely controlled by the murderous gas and magic gas in the killing armor and shot directly at the emperor.

How many people can fight the emperor in this world?

The emperor of the war sealed it.

However, the killing armor is no more than ordinary heavenly weapons, and its strangeness and terror are even more frightening than the top ten Heavenly weapons.

When the killing armor is worn on the body of chiyanfeng, barbs directly pierce into the body of chiyanfeng.

Kirin\'s indestructible body is like tofu in front of the barb of the killing armor.

When the thorns on the killing armor pierce into the red fire wind, the red fire wind is completely integrated with the killing armor!

Including the soul of chiyanfeng!

The main battle emperor of Lien Chan temple, don\'t do anything!

You want to unload the killing, unless you kill chiyanfeng!

At this time, the war emperor had noticed that chizunxin was calculating him, but he still didn\'t say it. After discussing with chizunxin, he left the South wasteland where Zhulong was in charge and came to the most violent place in the West wasteland Tianxuan mountains.

After that, they sealed the red flame wind on the extreme thunder peak and set up a startling array.

Chizunxin founded xuandaozong here to let all disciples practice the "thunder god formula".

You want to use this array to absorb the power of nine days of thunder and the noble righteousness in the xuandaozong area, wash the magic and killing Qi of chiyanfeng, and control the killing armor.

This is what chiyanfeng knows.

After he was controlled by killing armour, all this became fragments and hard to remember.

Until now

The causes and consequences of the whole incident have finally been integrated together to form a smooth route!

Chiyanfeng, finally understand the whole story, fully understand!


Chiyanfeng knelt in the void and kept talking about these three words.

And the evil spirit on him was also completely introverted.

The blood red eyes began to become pure, and the blood thirsty breath dissipated most of it, giving rise to uncontrollable regret.

Looking at all this, everyone below, including Zhuge Xianer, was completely petrified.

Everyone imagined how Shen Lang would fight against the unicorn when he came back, and how the war would be earth shaking. Finally, Shen Lang would kill or subdue the legendary beast.

However, no one thought of such a scene!

Unicorn, the divine beast, was slapped in the face.

Unicorn, the divine beast, dare not resist in front of Shen Lang.

Then he knelt directly in front of Shen Lang, just like a child who did something wrong, full of regret, waiting for the punishment of adults!

According to legend, those sealed at the bottom of Jilei peak are the closest relatives of chizunxin, the founder of the founding school.

In this case, the Qilin should be regarded as the highest generation of xuandaozong now.

Whether it\'s the identity of the divine beast Qilin or the identity of the oldest ancestor of xuandaozong, he looks like this in front of Shen Lang, which is completely incomprehensible?

Even Gu Yue and Yinshan Han kept swallowing subconsciously when they looked at this scene.

Like this, it can dissipate the shock at the bottom of their hearts a little.

Shen Lang in the void, carrying the immortal sky knife, never spoke.

The anger in his eyes had never burned so vigorously!

Counting heaven and earth, he thought that his current strength was enough to build xuandaozong into a paradise and pure land, but Shen Lang didn\'t count such a thing anyway!

The sect protection array of xuandaozong was arranged by the emperor of war. It is very important. Even with Shen Lang\'s current strength and all the forces in his hands, it can\'t be arranged.

Therefore, Shen Lang left xuandaozong after encountering the power of Yegu City, leaving only the four evil ghost kings.

Unexpectedly, the problem appeared in xuandaozong!

Just went out for a walk, and xuandaozong here encountered a crisis of destruction!

Even their parents are in xuandaozong!

Shen Lang is afraid to think about such a thing!

Because of fear, Shen Lang wanted to kill.

All those who threaten their relatives or forces should be eradicated!

But chiyanfeng is also his brother.

Whether Shen Lang admits it or not, the emperor of war treated him as his brother.

Now the soul of the war emperor has been integrated by Shen lang. Shen Lang is the war emperor, and the war emperor is Shen lang. how can you really kill chiyanfeng?

Shen Lang\'s hand holding immortal Tiandao trembled for the first time.

It\'s not hesitation, but anger.

Before seeing chiyanfeng rush out of the seal, Shen Lang knew that the war emperor and himself had been calculated by chizunxin.

With the power of chiyanfeng, even if it is advanced to the emperor\'s martial mirror, it is impossible to break the seal.

If chiyanfeng really wants to advance to the emperor\'s martial mirror, he should be able to resist the control of evil Qi in the killing armor and restore his mind.

It\'s not like to say that we\'re going to kill xuandaozong here.

The chiyanfeng has come out now, and the killing armor almost integrated with the body has been taken away

The only way to do all this is to get in and out of xuandaozong at will, control the ChiYan wind, and then know the seal array as well as chizunxin!

When she was in cangxia mountain, the imperial capital of the state of purple Chu, Chi lianer appeared, which made Shen Lang\'s memory seal of Chi Zunxin loose. Shen Lang was angry with Chi lianer.

Because after the memory became loose, he had found that the war emperor had been calculated by chizunxin many times.

Unexpectedly, now chizunxin has calculated on himself!

Shen Lang didn\'t dare to imagine what xuandaozong would be like if he didn\'t come back in time!

Shen Lang thought that his strength was too weak to do much. He could only stay in a corner and guard the xuandaozong first.

Never thought, even the xuandaozong, he couldn\'t keep it!

Endless killing intention swept out of Shen Lang.

The light of the immortal sky Sabre is exploding and the meaning of the sabre is rising!

He really moved to kill chiyanfeng!

The opposite chiyanfeng felt the killing intention and anger, trembled all over, but he didn\'t even dare to lift his head.


As soon as Shen Lang turned around, he took a knife in both hands and cut it in the wild direction!

The terrible knife light fell down like the Milky way and cut the mountain into a huge Canyon!