Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 992

Chiyanfeng knows clearly that the divine power of Chu Qingcheng\'s sword is not much worse than that of Mo Ge!

Relatively speaking, even more pure!

And the speed and angle of the sword are incredible!

Even if he saw the sword, he still couldn\'t dodge. It was very strange!

In the human world, theoretically, if you can use the power of gods and demons, it is equivalent to demons and gods!

Even a little magic power.

Although chiyanfeng\'s mind was eroded by evil Qi and confused by resentment, he also became a little cautious in the face of this situation.

"Shameless human beings use this means to delay their lives, but it is of little use!"

"The power of the gods and demons you can use is not much. The stronger power of the gods and demons is not what your current body can bear!"

The red hot wind roared up: "you sealed me under the ground and trampled me under your feet for thousands of years. Now, it\'s time for you to pay off your debts."

"I will kill all the people of your xuandaozong and crush the whole xuandaozong into ashes to eliminate my hatred!"

Endless killing intention enveloped xuandaozong.

Kirin clapped at the sect protector array below!


The protector array rippled, and the energy surged wildly!

Many people in xuandaozong felt dizzy, as if they had been hammered in their chest by a sledgehammer, and their Qi and blood churned all over their body!

When the chiyanfeng madly slapped the protectorate array, the people on Xuanqing peak were full of Qi and blood.

However, it\'s hard to feel, but the protectorate array is not damaged at all, or is about to collapse!

This makes people ecstatic!

It is said that the xuandaozong\'s clan protection array is jointly deployed by chizunxin, the founder of the founding sect, and a mysterious strong man. Its defense is stronger than the three spiritual copper sects of the purple Chu state!

Now, this array shows its terrible defensive power, and finally makes people believe such a legend.

Chiyanfeng slapped several palms fiercely. Although the people in xuandaozong almost vomited blood, the protector array didn\'t look broken. He was mad and kept shooting it like a ball!

The deafening noise kept ringing.

"I\'ll see how long you can last!"

Zhuge xian\'er below has a cold face and has already arranged troops to make all those who have not left stand in a specific position.

Then a batch of Tiancai Dibao and pills were distributed!

Even if the body\'s spiritual power is exhausted, chew it, chew the spiritual grass and fruit, and support it!

"Summon the spirit and instill it into the array flag!"

"If not, change people immediately!"

Together with the array, Zhuge Xianer, who has risen to an incredible level in a short time, clearly sees the current situation

As long as the people of xuandaozong continue to instill spiritual power into the big array, no matter how powerful the Kirin is, it can\'t break the big array in a short time!

At least, it won\'t be a problem to stick to it for three or four days!

"Ah, I\'m so angry! Where the hell is that little bastard? Why don\'t he come back?" Nalan was so angry that he stamped his feet.

She has advanced to the Xuanwu realm. She was happy for a few days.

Who ever thought that when she met this kind of thing now, she didn\'t even have the qualification to intervene in the Xuanwu realm

Even if you want to help, you can\'t help!

Hearing Nalan Ziyan\'s words, everyone felt a sense of tragedy.

Subconsciously all looked at the sky.

It seems that Shen Lang\'s figure will appear there soon.

Once upon a time, everyone has been so dependent on Shen Lang.

Even if I don\'t know if Shen Lang\'s accomplishments can deal with the Kirin.

But everyone firmly believes that Shen Lang will be fine!

We all try our best to maintain the clan protection array in order to delay time and wait for Shen Lang to come back

As soon as he looked up, everyone was stunned and thought he was dazed.

On the void, a peerless sword light with a familiar feeling crossed the sky and really fell towards the unicorn from a distance!

This knife has no sign, and its speed is unimaginable!

It\'s like cutting through the space and suddenly falling on Kirin!

Kirin, who has just soared in momentum and slapped wildly at the protectorate array, didn\'t even react. He was hit in the back by this knife!

The Qi rippled wildly. Qilin\'s back was full of sparks, and then his whole body lost its balance. With a bang, he hit the protectorate array!


The red hot wind roared wildly, running the spiritual power and stabilizing the body!

He could not imagine that a small xuandaozong would toss him so embarrassed!

First, a boy who was no more than Wang Wujing released the power of gods and demons;

Then a group of people used high-level magic soldiers to blow him up and down in the air, losing his face;

Then, a pretending Bi criminal who thought he was very natural and unrestrained came out, and once again used the power of gods and demons to blow him out of the protectorate array!

Now, without any induction, he was stabbed in the back!

This knife is not only violent, but also the power of gods and demons!

Isn\'t the retrograde channel between the upper and human worlds closed?

Why can so many Terrans use the power of gods and demons?

Chiyanfeng doesn\'t understand.

But at this time, he had no time to find these answers.

Although these attacks can\'t cause too much damage to him, the self-esteem of the divine beast Kirin has been completely destroyed!

A group of mole ants, a group of mole ants about to be killed, provoked the dignity of the divine beast Kirin again and again, which made him uncomfortable and embarrassed!

"Damn you all!"

The chiyanfeng slapped on the protectorate array and shook it violently.

At this time, chiyanfeng turned around and wanted to see clearly who was sacred who sent out this knife!

"It\'s not them, it\'s you."

Shen Lang walked slowly with a gloomy face and empty steps, carrying the immortal sky knife.

In the next sentence, Shen Lang used his mind to convey: "madman, you make me very angry, really angry."

In the sound, it directly rings through the heart of the red hot wind.

The anger contained in it seems to burn all things and make the ChiYan wind moved!

Chiyanfeng was stunned: "it\'s been... A long time. No one has called me these two words."

"These two words, only one person can call!"

"Why do you know?"

"Who the hell are you!"


Nicknamed chiyanfeng "Crazy", it is naturally the emperor of war.

No one knows about it except Chi lianer and Chi Zunxin.

And the word "madman" can only be called by the war emperor.

When these two words came out of Shen Lang\'s mouth, the red wind, which was confused by the devil\'s gas and resentment, was like being drenched from head to foot by a bucket of ice water!

There is only one person in this world.

That\'s the war emperor.

Chiyanfeng only listens to the words of emperor Zhan.

Most of the time, his father believed that he could not be called.

Otherwise, the war emperor would not nickname him "Crazy".

But these two words are now spoken from a strange boy

Chiyanfeng was stunned for a while.

Subconsciously, chiyanfeng\'s body changed into a human shape, looking at the coming Shen wave with an excited look!

At this moment, he thought of the man.

Some vague memory fragments before being sealed to xuandaozong also appeared in his mind.

He looked at Shen Lang walking step by step in the void. His eyes and steps... Slowly coincided with the war emperor of that year!

If there is any difference between the two, one is in white and the other is in black.

Without any posturing, their actions and the emperor\'s will make people feel a complete surrender!

Shen Lang\'s face was expressionless, but his voice sounded at the bottom of chiyanfeng\'s heart: "I named you crazy. I hope you don\'t go crazy again."

"And now you are so crazy that you want to kill my relatives!"


The evil Qi of chiyanfeng\'s whole body was converged into his body and became a little overwhelmed.

"I... I didn\'t, I just... Are you really... Brother?"

"Big brother? Do you remember I\'m your big brother?" Shen Lang approached slowly, raised his right hand and slapped it!


Chiyanfeng, who turned into a young man, was slapped on his face and rolled out to the left.

The speed of this slap was not fast, but chiyanfeng didn\'t dodge at all!

He stroked his cheek like a child who did something wrong. He looked at Shen Lang timidly, neither daring to defend nor move.

The people of xuandaozong below, their chins almost fell to the ground, opened their mouths and looked at all this. They didn\'t close for half a sound.

Everyone thought that after Shen Lang came back, everyone would be saved.

But no one can imagine such a scene!

At this time, the fan down chiyanfeng covered his face and slowly stood up, and his body couldn\'t help shaking.

As Shen Lang approached, he read aloud: "do you want to kill all the people of xuandaozong? Do you think the people of xuandaozong sealed you and trampled on you for thousands of years?"

"Now your killing armor is gone. Has your father been here? Since there is no killing armor, you should remember... It\'s your father and me who seal you!"

"If you haven\'t been completely eroded by the evil spirit, you should understand that the people of xuandaozong are not only your enemies, but also your saviors!"

"You owe everyone of xuandaozong an account!"

Shen Lang slapped his right backhand again and flew the ChiYan fan out!

"Is xuandaozong\'s clan protection array and the seal array on Jilei peak used to suppress you?" Shen Lang was angry, but his voice was colder: "open your eyes and see clearly!"

Shen Lang changed his fingers a few times and beat down several lingjue.

The protective array of xuandaozong and the array at the top of Jilei peak all ripple.

The hood becomes clearer and clearer, and then the array and lines on it appear one by one!

The sect protection array of xuandaozong is closely related to the seal array on Jilei peak!

As long as you know the array, you can probably see... This is not so much a seal array as a purification array!

The sect protection array gathers at the top of Jilei peak by absorbing the noble righteousness of the whole sect and the nine day thunder force.

Then it is led underground through the towering giant column on the polar thunder peak.

The operation of this noble righteousness and Jiutian thunder force is extremely mysterious, but everyone can see that these two forces are not used to suppress or destroy, but transformed into extremely gentle forces

Otherwise, the mighty righteous Qi and nine sky thunder force gathered on the nine sky will accumulate for thousands of years, and the Kirin of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror can be blasted into slag in an instant!

The chiyanfeng has not been hurt by that power for so many years, but his cultivation has been rising!

"I, I\'m wrong..." chiyanfeng looked at the seal array and couldn\'t speak.

The anger in Shen Lang\'s eyes did not dissipate because of two slaps.

When the ChiYan wind stood up again, Shen Lang slapped back and fell the ChiYan fan to the ground again!