Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 991

Between the mountains and the earth, the unicorn sealed by Jilei peak finally rushed out!

The whole xuandao sect was shrouded by the evil Qi released from its whole body, as if it were in a magic cave.

In the face of the legendary beast Qilin, even Yinshan Han and the three evil ghost kings were restrained by this threat and could not even escape.

This is the case in Huangwu territory, not to mention others.

However, nothing is absolute

Under this powerful Kirin chest, someone really supports it!

Mo Ge!

The silver haired Mo Ge slapped his left hand on his chest at the moment when he was pressed by the town!


Unimaginable towering power was released from Mo Ge!

Shen Lang once found that Mo GE\'s body was sealed with an extremely terrible force. Now Mo Ge urges this mysterious and powerful force regardless of his own life and death!

As soon as this power was aroused, Mo GE\'s divine Xi Wandao, an ancient flavor, diffused from him!

Mo GE\'s silver hair is windless and automatic. Where his feet stand, he rolls up hurricanes, flying sand and rocks, and thunder!

At this moment, whether Zhuge Xianer or a group of powerful people in the imperial martial arts realm, there was an illusion

Mo Ge at this moment is inviolable, as if the emperor of heaven had come to the world!

Under this unpredictable power, the whole world will surrender!

"Tianpeng star, open!"

"Tianren star, open!"

"Prison sword skill, the devil subdues!"

Mo Ge opened two doors in a row, gathered all the power leaked from the seal with a short knife in his hand, and cut off the huge unicorn in the air!

The fourth move of "prison sword skill" is used. The devil subdues!

Above the void, chiyanfeng\'s bloodthirsty eyes looked at Mo Ge below, felt the power of Mo Ge, and couldn\'t help but be stunned!

"This is... The power of gods and demons? Impossible!"

In this world, except for the gods and demons in the upper world, only these gods and beasts know what the power of gods and demons is best.

What is sealed on Mo Ge is the power of terrible gods and demons!

Although chiyanfeng\'s head is chaotic and has been demonized, the divine beast instinct tells him that the silver haired boy below is not easy to provoke.

But the dignity of the divine beast Kirin cannot be provoked!

These mole ants are going to die under his hands. None of them can stay!

Even afraid of the power of the gods and demons, the bloodthirsty and violent chiyanfeng is still not ready to dodge!


On the huge claws of chiyanfeng, the power of thunder and the power of devil entangled with each other, and grabbed the knife Qi split by Mo Ge!


An incredible scene appeared

Although Mo GE\'s knife is powerful, it can only be said that it is powerful compared with Wang Wujing.

In front of the strong in Huangwu territory, it is nothing.

Not to mention facing the unicorn, which is many times stronger than the night lonely city.

However, when Kirin\'s huge claw, with two opposite energies, grabbed the knife light, "Pooh", the knife light directly broke the thunder power and magic Qi in the outer layer!

With the sound of "boom", chiyanfeng felt a burst of heart splitting pain from his palm all over his body!

Such a knife breaks the defense of yin and Yang and penetrates the powerful flesh of the divine beast Kirin!

Between the flash of light, the Kirin, made of ChiYan weathering, screamed and was blown out by the knife!

It contains the power of gods and demons of rules. In this move, it shows the power of terror.

Just like the blood emperor ladaos who hit the great emperor\'s martial realm hard by Shen Lang urging the power of gods and demons on the immortal sky sword!

Two people who are not in the same level at all, because of the power of gods and demons, they have to reverse the win or lose!

Maybe even, reverse life and death!

At this time, Mo Ge, who used this move, had a beautiful and grotesque face, cracked terrible lines, and kept emitting blood, and fell to the sky.

Mo Ge doesn\'t use all kinds of secret methods to forge his body like Shen Lang.

Even the triple heaven of Wang Wujing was forced to be promoted by the black phoenix in the blessed land of yumudong.

His flesh can\'t bear the counterattack of the power of the gods and demons.

"Chi!" Leng Yue, with quick eyes and quick hands, flew over and held Mo Ge.

"Good chance, do it!" ZHUGE Xianer shouted.

As soon as Kirin\'s authority was lost, everyone immediately regained their freedom.

With a move of Zhuge Xianer\'s finger, the "day changing arrow" in the air flashed!

Without any hesitation and delay, as soon as the Japanese arrow arrived, Zhuge Xianer immediately pulled the bow!

"Subdue the devil bow, change the day arrow!"

The endless air flow surges, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth converges on the day changing arrow madly!

The light on the arrow changed into a streamer, and instantly burst into Kirin\'s abdomen at an unimaginable speed!

The whole xuandaozong is illuminated by this arrow!

Above the sky, circles of shining energetic ripples radiate outward with the Kirin as the center.

Kirin snorted and flew up faster!

Although Zhuge Xianer\'s cultivation is the king\'s martial mirror, after all, it is the superposition of two sacred objects. The power of this arrow is not small enough to destroy mountains!

The power of terror rippled wildly, and the earth fell apart!

The arrow broke out with unimaginable power. It pushed the huge Unicorn up so crazy!


It\'s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The five strong men in the imperial martial arts realm can\'t take care of others. They drink in unison. The imperial weapon in their hands gathered all their skills and gave a powerful blow to the Kirin!

Everyone understood what Mo Ge and Zhuge Xianer thought

They don\'t want to fight the terrible Kirin, but want to blow the Kirin out of the protectorate array!

Protector array, it\'s easy to go out, but difficult to come in!

As long as we blow the unicorn out, we will still have a glimmer of vitality!

The power of the five strong men in the imperial martial arts realm was inspired dozens of times by the urging of the imperial instrument, and all of them blew on Qilin!

Qilin was stabbed by Mo Ge, but before he could recover, he was attacked one after another.

Except that Zhuge Xianer\'s arrow caused a little damage to him, all these attacks were like scratching.

But all the attacks gathered together. Unprepared, Kirin\'s huge body was a little uncontrollable and rushed up!

Seeing this, I\'m about to fly out of the sect protection array of xuandaozong!

The people of xuandaozong held their breath and looked at all this!

"Damn it!"

Qilin opened his mouth and roared angrily.

And his figure, it is at this time, stabilized!

The crowd attacked with all their strength, but the Qilin stopped less than ten meters away from the protectorate array!

Zhuge Xianer and others wanted to split their eyes and canthus: "is the sky going to kill me!"

"Tianhu help me!"

A light drink sounded, and Shen Moran, who was almost forgotten, rose into the sky!

In the dark, a purple fox tail, which was completely formed by energy, suddenly came out and pumped towards the Kirin in the sky!

Although the Zisha heavenly fox armor is extremely defensive, it is a pity that it is a defensive armor, not an attack holy weapon.

This tail is pulled out. Although the sound of breaking the air is terrible, where will it be put in the eyes of Qilin chiyanfeng?


Kirin, who had stabilized in the air, became more and more violent, and his huge claws directly grabbed Shen Moran!

With this grasp, the earth was shocked!

Even space seems to vibrate!

"Sister Mo ran!"

"Mo ran!"

In xuandaozong, a call rang out, and people were crazy

"Get out!"

Chu Qingcheng\'s dull voice sounded, and a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out on the mountainside of Jilei peak!

The dazzling golden light turned into a long sword, instantly pierced the Giant Claw of Qilin, and then blew it out of the protectorate array!

Many people know that Chu Qingcheng has unique talent and strong cultivation.

But no one ever thought that he would be so strong!

Such a casual and unrestrained sword directly injured Qilin, and then blew him out of the xuandao sect protector array!

Time seems to have stopped.

People totally didn\'t expect things to change like this!

He saw the figure of Chu Qingcheng appear beside Shen Moran out of thin air.

And Nalan purple smoke also flew to Zhuge xian\'er from below.

Neither of them left!

Shen Moran turned around and quietly looked at Chu Qingcheng.

If Chu Qingcheng didn\'t do it, if Chu Qingcheng didn\'t do it, she might have died under the claw of Kirin.

The catch of Kirin was too terrible. Shen Moran was not sure whether he could resist it even with the holy weapon Zisha Tianhu armor.

Shen Moran didn\'t ask Chu Qingcheng why he stayed.

She didn\'t leave. Chu Qingcheng naturally couldn\'t leave. There was no need for any other explanation.

She didn\'t ask Chu Qingcheng why he was so strong.

"I know if I hold the sword, I\'m in trouble."

"But once I hold the sword, I won\'t be afraid of trouble... Mo ran, let\'s go down."

Chu Qingcheng held Shen Moran\'s slender waist and flew down.

The look was still calm, without any tension and fear.


In xuandao sect, everyone cheered in unison!

"Handsome, Chu Qingcheng!"

"Cool, Chu Qingcheng!"

The female disciples of each sect shouted wildly.

Then, a sound that didn\'t deserve beating sounded: "stay dead, Chu Qingcheng!"

That\'s Yan Qi\'s voice. Yan Qi thought it would be better to connect the handsome and cool together.

As a result, there was a violent beating

Zhuge xian\'er drank coldly, "three ghost kings, take everyone to Xuanqing peak!"

"Everyone join hands to set up the battle array and maintain the clan protection array!"

"As long as we protect the array before brother comes back, he can\'t help us!"

All the remaining people in xuandaozong immediately gathered towards Xuanqing peak, the main peak of xuandaozong!

With the protection of the protector array, Qilin wants to rush down again. It\'s not a temporary achievement!

The red wind in the air was stabbed by Chu Qingcheng, but calmed down.

"Damn xuandaozong, there are two people with the power of gods and demons. When did the power of gods and Demons rot in the street? A small xuandaozong would hide such a person?"