Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 990

The towering giant pillar is covered by multi-layer seal array, and the power of thunder on the nine days is fiercely instilled. Even those who are strong in the imperial martial arts dare not easily probe into the towering giant pillar with divine thoughts.

It\'s Mo ge of the triple heaven of the king\'s martial arts mirror that said he felt it!

Can it be said that this genius, who has been improving his accomplishments in the blessed land of yumudong, has come to this point in the "potential" of heaven and earth?

Can you perceive everything around you without relying on God?

"I see." without any doubt, Zhuge Xianer directly chose to believe Mo Ge.

A white light flashed on her wrist, and she took out an ancient and simple long bow with a terrible smell and an arrow made of white bone!

Second grade holy ware, demon subduing bow, day arrow!

Subdue the devil bow, change the day arrow, this is not a sacred instrument.

These are two sacred objects!

It\'s a sacred artifact specially selected by Shen Lang for Zhuge Xianer!

The power of an arrow is enough to destroy a city!

Not only is it powerful, but also the attack is very big. Killing thousands of miles leaves no trace!

The bone arrow was white and released the ancient flavor of vicissitudes.

There are endless light spots swimming on it. Many mysterious runes and precious words emit divine light. The hiss and roar of ancient giants are uploaded from the bone arrow, which makes people know that the bone arrow is extremely powerful at a glance!

Zhuge xian\'er bit his finger and wiped it at the bone arrow!

On the white and flawless bone arrow, a long blood mark flashed away!

Then, a terrible animal roar was uploaded from the bone arrow.

"Subdue the devil bow, change the day arrow, the life and death of xuandaozong depends on you!"

Zhuge xian\'er tried his best to pull the long bow full and shot an arrow at the thunder vortex over the towering giant column!

Above the sky, the bone arrow just flashed and disappeared.

Then, there was a terrible roar in the air. The bone arrow came out from the thunder vortex and fell down towards the towering giant column below!

Incredibly, there is a long tail attached to the bone arrow!

The lightning, as thick as a bucket, was carried by the bone arrow and came straight to the towering giant column. With a "Ding" sound, it was nailed to the top of the towering giant column!

Then, the terrible force of thunder on the nine days was carried by the bone arrow, like sea water, falling down from around the column, surrounding the whole column in the force of thunder!

"What a terrible power!"

Yin shanhan and others were surprised, while vigorously urging the spiritual power to increase the sealing strength!

As long as the things in the seal are not imperial martial mirrors and so many magic soldiers are urged at the same time, can\'t it be delayed for two or three days?

Even if it can\'t be delayed too long, at least let everyone in xuandaozong leave here first.

Otherwise, once this thing is born, the whole xuandaozong will be destroyed!

No one can run!

Sure enough, with the efforts of the people, the shaking range of the towering giant column obviously decreased a lot!

Zhuge Xianer grasped the long bow and stood side by side with Shen Moran.

Their eyes were unusually dignified, and they didn\'t feel that everything was all right after increasing the force of the seal.

Zhuge xian\'er pondered for a moment, and his mind spread towards the whole xuandaozong like a tide.

The speed of the four evil ghost Kings is very fast. Most of the people in xuandaozong have been transferred out.

"Sauron, leave the transfer to the other three ghost kings. You are the fastest. Go to the wild periphery in the northwest to find brother immediately! Remember, release your breath completely. Don\'t hide it a little. Maybe you can make brother feel your breath as soon as possible!"

"OK!" Sauron promised. The wind turned and flew straight to heaven, flying in the direction of Shen Lang\'s departure.

Although Shen Lang may not be found, doing so at the moment will give him a glimmer of hope.

Time passed bit by bit.

Five hours later, it was night.

Most of the people of xuandaozong have not been transferred.

Although several evil ghost kings are fast, the portal can\'t transmit too much at a time.

Among the current xuandao sects, in addition to the people of xuandao sect, there are also people from several sects, such as shy flower gate and evil wind valley.

In particular, there is the Lingtong level sect and the yuan sect!

The people of the Qiyuan sect are more than ten times that of the xuandao sect?

It is almost impossible to move so many people out in a short time.

At this time, everyone\'s face became very pale, and they were a little unable!

The shaking amplitude of the towering column began to become larger again.

Every time I shake, everyone outside looks ugly!

If everyone has been transferred, Zhuge Xianer has another choice besides strengthening the seal.

That is, take Yinshan Han and evacuate immediately!

If they all evacuate, even if the thing in the seal rushes out, it will destroy the empty xuandao sect at most.

Although the loss is very large, at least it won\'t die.

But now

"If you want to move everyone out, at least until noon tomorrow."

"If you don\'t use the portal, people who leave xuandaozong won\'t go far."

"Even if it\'s all transferred... This is brother\'s sect. He has made great efforts to develop now. He can\'t give up unless he has to!"

Zhuge xian\'er clenched his long bow, closed his lips and looked at the towering giant column shaking more and more fiercely.

The terrible smell from inside the towering pillar made Zhuge Xianer feel more and more clearly.

Until now, Zhuge xian\'er didn\'t know whether it was a man or a fierce beast sealed in the towering giant column!

But one thing, she is very clear

If this terrible thing rushed out, the current xuandaozong would be crushed into powder in an instant!

I\'m afraid Duanmu evil and the king of Yan devil may not be able to resist here!

Even if we can resist it, how many of these people who have not been transferred by xuandaozong can survive?

If this thing is outside the clan protection array and everyone works together to maintain the clan protection array, it may be able to resist it.

But inside the door

It\'s like burying a silent God thunder king in xuandaozong!

And this silent thunder king may break out at any time!

Rao is Zhuge xian\'er\'s wisdom is extremely high. In the face of such a desperate situation, his eyebrows are also locked, and beans\' big beads of sweat flow down.

Her wrist turned, and the walnut sized silent God thunder king was already in her hand.

At first, Shen Lang wanted to use this silent God thunder king to deal with Shengguang sect, and then he was obtained by Zhuge Xianer.

In the dark moon abyss, Zhuge Xianer walked together with Shen Lang, who left the silent God thunder king to her.

When everyone moves out, if Zhuge Xianer is willing to sacrifice the foundation of xuandaozong and put the silent God thunder king on the extreme thunder peak, then several people on the extreme thunder peak will leave immediately through the portal... Finally, it must be possible to destroy that thing.

After all, this is the "silent God killing thunder king" who even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror smell!

"But at that moment, can you really do it?"

I don\'t know when, Zhuge Xianer has regarded xuandaozong as his home.

Zhuge xian\'er pinched the silent God thunder king, gritted his teeth and put it away again.

Just then!

A deafening noise came from the top of the towering pillar!

The hidden mountain Han and Mo Ge around were all shocked more than 30 meters in an instant!

On the towering pillar, a shocking crack like a spider web spread!

From this crack, the smell of bloodthirsty and terrible beasts is released!

The monstrous evil spirit also rolls out!

At the same time, the "Sun exchange arrow" at the top of the towering giant column shook violently!

"No! Go!"

Zhuge xian\'er\'s complexion changed greatly and drank violently!

However, it\'s too late to leave at this time!

Before everyone had time to respond, they broke through the cage and reappeared in the world with their anger and murderous red wind!

As soon as he rushed out of the stone pillar, the body of chiyanfeng began to swell wildly, becoming like a mountain, covering the whole sky!

An extremely dangerous and terrible pressure, centered on the body of chiyanfeng, began to spread out and enveloped the whole xuandaozong!


The killing intention is majestic and the resentment is overwhelming!

The situation is changing over the xuandao sect!

A sea of tyrannical murders swept the audience!

The supreme ferocity makes all the people in xuandaozong tremble and their blood churn!

No one knows what happened.

No one has time to think about what this is!

People who haven\'t had time to leave feel a breath, a breath of destruction!

The destruction of xuandaozong is a matter of days and nights!

People who feel this breath can\'t resist at all!

It\'s terrible, it\'s incredible!

What kind of existence is needed to release such a frightening ferocity?

What kind of existence do you want? Just with a roar, people are completely desperate!

Including the three evil ghost kings, as well as several people, such as Yinshan Han on Jilei peak, all of them were prostrate on the ground and completely unable to move!

At this moment, everyone feels that they are so close to death!

"Want to escape? Dream!"

A voice like a demon king was uploaded from the nine days.

In the dark night sky, two huge and blood red eyes finally appeared in people\'s realization!

It\'s like the king of demons overlooking all living beings.

These eyes were dazzled by the evil spirit and stared at Zhuge Xianer who had just spoken!

Zhuge Xianer only felt that his body was tight and had been bound by an invisible force. Like Yinshan Han, he was imprisoned on the ground without any resistance!

"It\'s the unicorn! It\'s the unicorn that is suppressed under the towering pillar!"

At this moment, Zhuge Xianer felt the legendary smell of Kirin.

Because Zhuge Xianer is a half demon.

His father is a Terran, and his mother is a four winged green scale python.

She was the only one who felt the breath of Kirin before she could see the original Kirin clearly!

However, it doesn\'t matter whether you know it or not.

The Kirin came with killing and destruction. He won\'t stop until he kills all the people of xuandaozong