Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 989

The seal has indeed been broken.

In the past, each impact will start the seal of the, and then emerge one chain after another to completely bind the red wind.

Every time you are locked by this chain, the power of the red fire wind can\'t be lifted at all.

For thousands of years, every impact he made was futile.

However, this time, the seal was really broken and there was no movement at all!

The ChiYan wind was unimpeded and rushed to the top of the towering giant column!

As soon as I got to the top of the towering giant column, lightning broke out around the column, pounding madly towards the red hot wind!

However, chiyanfeng, who is a Kirin and has practiced the "thunder god formula" in Beiming Jitian sect for many years, how can you pay attention to the power of thunder?

He was suspended in the void, and his feet seemed to step on a huge cloud.

Let the thunder bombard him.

Such terrible power of nine days\' thunder not only could not hurt him, but was absorbed into his body and transformed into his power!

If people see the scene inside the towering giant column, I\'m afraid they will be scared to death!

All kinds of unimaginable encounters have made chiyanfeng become the only monster in the world... Zheng, demon and demon!

He is a unicorn, a demon emperor;

He also practiced the most authentic "Yu Lei Shen Jue" in Beiming polar heaven sect;

Finally, because he put on the killing armor, the magic Qi entered the body and infiltrated for more than 5000 years... Even if the killing armor is taken now, he can still control the magic Qi freely!

You can cultivate magic skills, have Demon power in your body, and cultivate the thunder series skills from Yang to gang. The three don\'t conflict. Except Shen Lang, I\'m afraid there is only chiyanfeng

At this time, chiyanfeng was extremely weak because his strength was extracted by chizunxin.

Therefore, even if the head is still a little confused, he knows to absorb strength and prepare madly before impacting the seal.

Until the afternoon, chiyanfeng\'s closed eyes finally opened!

At this moment, the red flame wind\'s eyes, which were originally entangled by magic gas, turned out to be thunder and lightning!

The breath is also enhanced a lot!


Chiyanfeng raised his head and roared, and a black breath came out of his blood.

Then, he was surrounded by thunder and lightning, so he took two different forces, magic gas and the power of thunder, and hit the top of the column!


Under this crazy impact, the whole towering giant column suddenly shook and made a startling explosion!

The whole polar thunder peak shook violently, and countless rocks rumbled down.

The earth is shaking!

Within xuandaozong, hundreds of figures soared into the air.

Inside the door, everyone looked at Jilei peak in horror!

Zhuge Xianer, Yin shanhan and several other powerful people in the imperial martial arts realm, as well as dozens of powerful Wang Wujing of Qiyuan sect,