Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 988

Shen Lang said calmly, "when I cracked the artistic conception of death in Tianfeng City, I first kept my mind with Xingyue Bodhi beads, and then practiced in the artistic conception of death to promote my sword intention to the state of Xiaocheng."

"Later, I broke the artistic conception of death with Xiaocheng Dao\'s intention, and bombarded it with the artistic conception of war and death. Finally, I suppressed the artistic conception of death with the will of the emperor and easily cracked the artistic conception of death."

The whole audience was in an uproar!

Even the Yan devil generals and the steady youyue people began to wipe sweat.

"Easily crack the artistic conception of death"

What he said was easy!

Shen Lang used Xiaocheng Dao\'s idea and the idea of war to crack the death artistic conception. Finally, he even used it. It is said that only the great emperor can touch the "imperial artistic conception"!

Each artistic conception is no worse than the artistic conception of death?

Each of these artistic conception is difficult for others to understand!

It\'s good for him. He only understood the Lingwu realm, and used it to deal with the artistic conception of death!

Especially "imperial artistic conception"

If others said they understood the artistic conception of the emperor, they would have beaten him and threw him out directly.

Are you kidding? This is the artistic conception that only the strong above the great emperor can have!

Even the five great emperors, not every great emperor has understood the artistic conception of the emperor!

How many shocking secrets does Shen Lang have?

Looking at the mysterious man floating in the air, even the eyes of youyue showed an instant of obsession.

Although she immediately realized it and quickly covered it up, the beating heart was telling the intoxicating and panic feeling just now

Shen Lang ignored everyone\'s expression and continued, "you should have heard of the horror of the artistic conception of death."

"There was once a powerful devil who shrouded a city with the artistic conception of death. In less than three hours, the whole city was completely crazy, killing each other, chaotic, and everyone lost consciousness."

"Among the bloody killings, hundreds of thousands of people have no life to return!"

"The whole city has simply become the land of death!"

"In fact, the real force of the powerful devil was not so powerful as to destroy this city."

"This shows the horror of the artistic conception of death!"

Shen Lang added: "compared with other ice artistic conception that has been understood by youyue, for example, the ice artistic conception is more real than the death artistic conception, and people can be frozen with cold force in an instant."

"The most direct and simple way to get rid of the cold mood is to break the skill with strength - that is, to bombard the cold force with powerful strength!"

"For example, use the sword idea with great destructive power or sword idea."

"But in the artistic conception of death, there is a combination of virtual and real, and there is only ethereal death. This illusion goes directly to the soul and erodes the mind. It is very difficult to resist."

"Even if you see through these illusions, want to break the entanglement of death, and leave this artistic conception space, it is as difficult as heaven!"

"When you are in it, if your mind is not as strong as a rock, you will constantly come up with illusions, just like a heart demon."

"Once the artistic conception of death is unfolded, those who are coerced by this artistic conception will immediately be shrouded in the overwhelming breath of death. Their spirit will be eroded by the breath of death and encounter an inextricable dreamland. They will soon die in the dreamland, and it is difficult for their souls to escape."

"The reality of the dreamland in the artistic conception of death is appalling. Once a person inside thinks he is dead, no one can save him. The gods and demons can\'t bring him back to life!"

At this time, youyue asked thoughtfully, "the artistic conception of death is more ethereal than the artistic conception of cold ice and sword. The artistic conception of cold ice or water can also be cultivated with the help of ice spirit, water jade and water spirit beads here, but how can we cultivate the artistic conception of death?"

"It is said that to cultivate the artistic conception of death, you need to experience life and death. You need a great opportunity. If you want to understand it out of thin air, I\'m afraid it\'s as difficult as heaven."

"Even if adults have understood the artistic conception of death, unless they use the means of inheritance to enter the space of consciousness, they can\'t let us also understand the mysterious and mysterious artistic conception."

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "we really need opportunities..."

"I am your chance!"

Everyone present was immediately excited.

Know that the critical moment has come.

Whether Shen Lang understood the way of heaven and earth from the memory of the emperor of war, or all kinds of mysteries in the book of heaven, it can not be said in words, and then people can understand it.

Unless, like some time ago, Shen Lang enters the soul of snow poetry and inherits it in the space of consciousness.

Otherwise, Shen Lang can only enlighten and remind others of all kinds of mysteries and natural ways that Shen Lang has realized, and can\'t let them learn mental skills and formulas like teaching Kung Fu.

Although they don\'t know about the war emperor or the book of heaven, they all understand this truth.

That\'s why youyue has this question.

But now Shen Lang wants to understand the artistic conception of death, but it is different.

Shen Lang himself has understood many kinds of artistic conception with the help of the memory of the war emperor.

For many artistic conception, Shen Lang only needs an opportunity to understand it, and then he can be promoted to a higher level as soon as possible.

Especially after Shen Lang had the book of heaven, there was a trace of "origin of death" in the book of heaven!

What Shen Lang wants to do is actually very simple.

When you use the "origin of death" in the heavenly book to understand the artistic conception of death, slow down and let everyone practice with him and maintain the same frequency!

In this way, Shen Lang\'s speed of understanding the artistic conception of death may be much slower.

But everyone has a chance to contact the artistic conception of death!

They will come into contact with the artistic conception of death from the beginning, and then stay in the artistic conception of death and witness all the processes of Shen Lang\'s understanding of the artistic conception of death!

When Shen Lang finally understood the artistic conception of death, everyone present, even if their talent is not high enough, finally did not understand the artistic conception of death, but the seed of the artistic conception of death has been sown.

Just spend more time and energy on it in the future. Sooner or later, you can understand the artistic conception of death!

If more than 1000 people fully understand the artistic conception of death, once the artistic conception of death is unfolded and overlapped with each other, its terror is beyond imagination!

At present, all people concentrate and calm down, and begin to follow the steps of Shen waves and understand the artistic conception of death.

Shen Lang closed his eyes, and a strong smell of death escaped from his body. His mouth was like a commentator, telling everything he "saw" and felt.

The evil song, youyue and others generally feel the breath of the artistic conception of death, while thinking about every word and word Shen Lang said

With Shen Lang\'s memory of the war emperor and the heavenly book, it is destined to overturn the traditional cultivation of the world.

Overturn the knowledge of any warrior!

In a short time, thousands of strong people have long understood the artistic conception of death, which is completely unimaginable and even absurd.

But this absurd thing, in Shen Lang\'s hands, is becoming a reality!

Even Shen Lang didn\'t calculate it himself. This time, when he fought with the blood clan later, it came in handy and played an unimaginable role!

I won\'t mention it later.

When Shen Lang took thousands of people to understand the artistic conception of death, a terrible crisis was approaching xuandaozong.

After Shen Lang returned from the blessed land of yumudong, xuandaozong had undergone earth shaking changes.

Today\'s xuandao sect can make almost all the sect members of the purple Chu state jealous and die.

Every month, the disciples of xuandaozong come to the holy stone and pill from the sect door, almost 20 times as much as before!

The reward for doing all kinds of tasks makes people wake up in a dream!

Many people who have reached the bottleneck of cultivation have obtained the pill or natural material and earth treasure that they dream of to hit the bottleneck.

Especially those who are more familiar with Shen Lang, such as a group of division brothers in songduofeng, have done nothing. They have all the magic soldiers and armor they dare not dream of before.

Zhan Wuji took a long sword with four mysterious weapons and sharpened his sword at the door every day. His eyes never left the sword, as if it were his lover;

Yan Qi carried a hammer in his hand and swaggered around. Everything looked like a nail and wanted to hit it;

Tian Hao got a thunder running boot. As soon as he was urged by his spiritual power, he rushed out for more than 30 meters. From then on, he peeped into the younger martial sister\'s bath and was never caught again. His life was the most natural and unrestrained;

Shen Jianfeng is the second. He has a more powerful magic weapon for him, but he gave it to his brother Shen Jianfeng, and he still holds the nine present dragon gun.

Fortunately, people from qiyuanzong know that this guy is cousin Shen Lang, and may be a strong imperial martial mirror in the future.

So please him, take out a number of best materials that can\'t be seen in the market, re forge the Jiuxian dragon gun, add a new spirit array, and forcibly raise the product level of the long gun by four levels;

Qianluo and off-duty came from the Holy Light sect. They were not popular before, but the hard work of off-duty cultivation moved people.

Soon the people of xuandaozong accepted them, and they also mixed with Shen Jianfeng and others.

In the early morning of this day, a group of people on Songduo peak got together again, which was very lively.

Shang Xiaoran walked to Chu Qingcheng and asked in a low voice, "what\'s wrong with the sword edge these days?"

"When a second goods doesn\'t make two again, it means he\'s unhappy." Chu Qingcheng shook the fan in his hand and said, "it\'s estimated that he thought of Shui Ningxin and the third prince again."

"Hum, I can\'t see that this guy is quite heroic, and he also attaches so much importance to love and righteousness." Shang smiled and said.

Chu Qingcheng smiled gracefully, but his words didn\'t match the word "elegance": "if you like him, go ahead and do it when it\'s time to do it. Don\'t take it easy, white girl\'s head, empty sadness... I\'ll practice."

Shang smiled angrily and slapped Chu Qingcheng on the back of his head.

"No!" Chu Qingcheng suddenly changed his face, raised his head and looked in the direction of Jilei peak.