Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 987

When chizunxin was caught

The endless magic Qi was dispersed, and the pure vitality on the Yuanli fragment converged towards the palm of chizunxin like a long whale absorbing water!

Chizunxin stood like this, absorbing the vitality of Yuan force fragments with the help of the power of killing armor.

As this pure and surging vitality is absorbed, the breath of chizunxin is rising!

Even the killing armor gave out a cry of excitement!

Chizunxin spent the whole day in such a state.

Just one day, his breath has changed greatly.

Closer and closer to the imperial mirror!

This killing armor also has the power to devour the vitality of heaven and earth!


Chizunxin took back his palm, then squatted down and gently touched chiyanfeng\'s hair.

"Feng\'er, forgive my irresponsible father. After your mother left, my father actually died. Now..."

"Just die again."

After putting chiyanfeng next to Yuanli fragments, chizunxin turned around and didn\'t look at Yuanli fragments and chiyanfeng any more.

No one knows whether you don\'t want to see it again or don\'t dare to see it.

Chizunxin knew that he had chosen this road of no return.

Now that you have chosen, you can\'t look back

"I don\'t go to hell, who goes to hell!"

The evil spirit filled the whole space, as if the soldiers saw the marshal and automatically crawled towards both sides of chizunxin.

Chizunxin slowly raised his head and rose into the sky, breaking the seal of the towering column.

Then, he glanced at the direction Shen Lang had left before, shook his body, left xuandaozong and disappeared into the night.

He came and left again. No one in xuandaozong knew or noticed.

And chiyanfeng, lying quietly on the edge of Yuanli fragments, was filled with enchantment on his forehead.

But I slept peacefully.

Without killing armor, the magic Qi in the sealed space has lost its source.

The nine sky thunder force guided by the towering giant column and the pure vitality of Yuan force fragments completely gained the upper hand.

Together, they began to melt the magic Qi with an irresistible trend.

The evil spirit that originally filled most of the space has become very thin with the passage of time bit by bit.

If chiyanfeng continues to sleep, the pure aura and the most Yang and just thunder force in this space will slowly purify the magic Qi in his body.

However, chizunxin did not want to let him continue to sleep.

At noon on the third day after Shen Lang left xuandaozong, chiyanfeng\'s eyelids on the ground moved slightly

Wake up!


Outside the wilderness.

In the sealed tripod, the smell of death spread and shrouded the area around Yuanli debris.

This is Shen Lang understanding the artistic conception of death.

But this enlightenment soon stopped

Shen Lang used to focus on three uses. While frantically absorbing the vitality in the yuan force fragments, he understood the artistic conception of death and forged his body with evil energy.

It\'s just to absorb vitality. Although it\'s scary, it doesn\'t greatly affect the warwolf members practicing here.

As for forging body with evil energy, evil energy is not separated from Shen Lang\'s body and has no effect on others.

However, when Shen Lang understood the artistic conception of death, with the terrible death spreading, the artistic conception of death disappeared from time to time. The cultivation of almost everyone near the yuan force fragment was interrupted except those who were strong in the imperial martial arts realm.

The artistic conception of death is different from the artistic conception of water or cold ice. The artistic conception of death kills the spirit and erodes the mind, which can not be resisted by ordinary people.

Even Shen Lang has just begun to understand the artistic conception of death.

However, as soon as the dead spirit enveloped the nearby area, except for the people with high cultivation, there were many illusions in the minds of others, so they couldn\'t practice any more.

The artistic conception of death is a special artistic conception, which is no small matter!

Shen Lang felt the changes around him and opened his eyes.

At this time, the black hole between his hands is still absorbing the pure vitality on the yuan force fragments.

"Did it disturb you?" Shen Lang asked with a slight frown.

Everyone looked at each other.

Only the careless evil song nodded and said, "my Lord is understanding the artistic conception of death? The legendary artistic conception of death is too terrible. As soon as this breath fills the air, our hearts are full of magic obstacles."

"Cultivation is a little stronger and has little impact, but for most war wolf members, let alone cultivation, even if they can\'t resist."

Evil song didn\'t mean to blame Shen Lang, but just said this fact.

Shen Lang was silent for a moment, and suddenly grinned and said, "the fragments of Yuanli are here and can be used at any time, but I can\'t get the artistic conception of death. It just happens that I\'m still in the process of enlightenment... Well, everyone will stop their cultivation and understand the artistic conception of death with me."

"Ah?" the evil song first widened his eyes and made a sound of surprise and doubt.

The powerful, such as youyue and general Yanmo, were too shocked to speak.

If Shen Lang asks one or two of them to practice with him, it will definitely make others jealous.

But now there are thousands of war wolf members sitting here!

Except for a few commanders, these war wolf members are basically in the middle and late stage of the Xuanwu realm!

In other words, there are all Huangwu realm, wangwujing and Xuanwu realm here!

Uneven residuals!

In such a chaotic situation, everyone can understand the artistic conception of death together. In the end, once there is a problem, it will be very obedient!

"What? Do you doubt my proposal?" Shen Lang laughed.

"No!" everyone answered in unison.

At this time, there was almost no doubt in the hearts of the people.

Apart from the Yan devil who had not been in contact with Shen Lang for a long time, the rest of the people basically had no doubt about what Shen Lang said.

"Since adults say so, we can certainly do so! This is our greatest opportunity to understand the artistic conception of death! Even if it is a great risk, it is worth trying!"

Including several commanders, there was only such an idea in everyone\'s mind.

Shen Lang nodded with satisfaction. While urging the "star sucking Dharma" to continue to absorb vitality, he began to say, "good, I\'ll explain the artistic conception of death first. You concentrate and calm down. Listen."

"When I understand the artistic conception of death, it is very rare to control this artistic conception and practice with you."

"Even if you can\'t understand the artistic conception of death this time, leave a mark of the artistic conception of death in your body. It\'s only a matter of time to practice this artistic conception in the future."

"I don\'t need you to treat me as a God, but cultivating the artistic conception of death is no small matter. You need to trust me unconditionally!"

"Everyone should be convinced that they can understand the artistic conception of death, and then follow my steps. Do you understand?"

Everyone was so excited that they shouted in unison: "I understand!"

Shen Lang said in a slow tone: "the artistic conception of death is very terrible. You can expand the crazy killing intention, fear and other negative emotions in the people\'s heart from inside to outside, and finally the consciousness is crazy and completely collapsed. What the artistic conception of death attacks and affects is the spiritual level of people."

"Once you fall into the artistic conception of death, there are many illusions and it is difficult to resist."

"Everything you see and feel here is close to reality."

"When the fire burns on the warrior, the warrior will fully feel the pain of being really burned by the fire;"

"When the blade cuts across the arm and blood gushes, the warrior can feel the pain, and the blood flows. Everything is no different from the outside world;"

"Even if you are determined and clearly know that this is a fantasy, you still can\'t get rid of it."

"Unless we can penetrate the flaw of this artistic conception, or have a more powerful artistic conception to fight it, we can only sink slowly and finally fall completely until... Death!"

Speaking of this, Shen Lang smiled and said, "more than two years ago, when I was in Lingwu state, I broke the artistic conception of death once in Tianfeng city."

Hearing this, the members of the war wolf and the people of the night soul didn\'t feel much.

But that group of Yan devil strong men, but their eyes were as big as copper bells, showing an incredible look.

After all, it hasn\'t been long for them to submit to Shen Lang, and they don\'t know many things about Shen Lang.

These strong Yan demons have cultivated for thousands of years and even thousands of years before they have today\'s cultivation.

Shen Lang is good. He was in Lingwu state two years ago. Now he has slaughtered several strong quasi emperor martial mirrors!

It\'s really that people have to die than people and goods have to be thrown away!

Shen Lang continued: "it was the people of the Dingdang family who used the artistic conception of death, called xuejingyuan. Cultivation is a heavy heaven in the Xuanwu realm."

"He is also a rare genius. He can understand the artistic conception of death in this cultivation."

The evil song couldn\'t help interrupting: "as far as my subordinates know, the artistic conception of death is different from the artistic conception of water or cold ice. It belongs to a very mysterious artistic conception."

"There are few people who can understand. There is no one in ten thousand."

"And its power is beyond imagination!"

"How can you break the artistic conception of death by cultivating in Lingwu realm?"

The evil song asked the questions in everyone\'s heart.

They pricked up their ears and looked at Shen Lang without blinking, wanting to know the answer.

Shen Lang said, "if you want to crack the artistic conception of death, you either have a firm mind and can not be affected by this artistic conception, or you have mastered other higher-level or more powerful artistic conception."

"Or, you have the best pupil technique and can see through the vanity and the flaws."

"The night before, the lonely city used the ocean artistic conception to deal with me, which was penetrated and cracked by the abyss artistic conception."

At this time, one of the female Yan demons finally couldn\'t help it. Her voice was a little trembling and asked, "is it really the abyss artistic conception that adults made at that time? But isn\'t the abyss artistic conception in the legend the gifted artistic conception of the superior abyss devil?"

"I\'ve never heard that the strong of the human race can use the abyss artistic conception? It\'s not just the abyss artistic conception. Even if it\'s evil energy, the strong of other races can\'t control it."

Shen Lang said faintly, "it\'s really the abyss artistic conception... At the blessed dragon scale temple in Yumu cave, the abyss Lord attached a wisp of soul to a strong demon. He wanted to deal with me, but I won the soul and the abyss artistic conception."

"However, these things have nothing to do with the artistic conception of death. I\'ll tell you later."

The crowd exclaimed.

Although Shen Lang spoke lightly, he was calculated by the Lord of the abyss to fight against the abyss demons. You don\'t have to think that there are many crises and soul stirring!

The person who can play against the abyss Lord finally gains the soul of the abyss Lord. What a powerful existence should this be?