Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 986

Compared with the owners of other heavenly books.

Shen Lang, who got the decision of "swallowing nature and burying demons", seems to be a little slow at first. Until now, he really began to understand the book of heaven.

However, he who owns the Fengtian tripod and Tai Chi chart has a much faster growth rate than the owners of other heavenly books.

What Shen Lang needs most now is time!

Sealed inside the heavenly tripod

While frantically absorbing the vitality on the yuan force fragments and forging the body, what Shen Lang is doing is to understand the artistic conception of death!

The artistic conception of death is the first step in cultivating the heavenly book "swallowing nature and burying demons"!


At the same time, xuandao sect was at the bottom of thunder peak.

Chizunxin stood quietly.

Less than a hundred meters in front of him is the red wind that manifests the body Kirin.

Chiyanfeng, whose eyes are red with blood, is angry. He constantly emits death and resentment, and stares at chizunxin... It seems that he can\'t recognize his father.

On the body of chiyanfeng, there is a terrible and ferocious armor full of spikes.

The whole body is full of evil Qi. It\'s terrible!

The Qingming that originally came because of chizunxin has completely disappeared.

At the moment, chiyanfeng has completely forgotten that the person in front of him is his father.

In the blood red eyes, only killing is released!

He wants to tear apart all the creatures in front of him, including the middle-aged man with a little familiar smell!

The low roar shook like thunder at the bottom of Jilei peak.

Wearing the killing armor taken from the demon temple and purifying the yuan force fragments for 5000 years, today\'s chiyanfeng can tear the other party into pieces in an instant even if he meets the strong eight heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

The chizunxin standing in front of him is exactly the cultivation of the quasi emperor Wujing bachongtian.

Compared with the two, the rage of chiyanfeng is much stronger than chizunxin!

But chizunxin didn\'t seem to be aware of the danger. He looked at the chiyanfeng in front of him with compassion and didn\'t make any action.


Kirin roared.

An extremely dangerous and terrible magic power, centered on his body, began to radiate.

Sweeping through the space in the towering giant column!

Soon, Kirin\'s huge body, carrying the evil spirit of terror, directly ran away from the air and rushed towards chizunxin!

Crazy evil spirit, crazy rage!

The seal space in the towering giant column is a shock, like water waves!

In the face of such power, chiyanfeng has lost consciousness and doesn\'t recognize himself at all, but chizunxin is not nervous at all.

When the Kirin, the body of chiyanfeng, swooped in, chizunxin bent his fingers and hooked

A faint aura pierced chiyanfeng\'s forehead and entered his head.

Immediately, a drop of blood completely solidified in the forehead of chiyanfeng, as if it were blood crystal!

As soon as the blood drop left the forehead of chiyanfeng, the originally violent chiyanfeng gave a dull hum, as if all his strength had been extracted in an instant

With a bang, he fell to the ground and passed out!

Then, Kirin\'s huge body twisted a few times and turned into a handsome young man in Dark Armor.

The blood drop slowly floated above chizunxin\'s palm and turned straight.

It releases the terror, pressure and supreme power that only the divine beast Kirin has!

Looking at this drop of blood, dusty memory, one scene after another in chizunxin\'s mind

Chizunxin, born in the northern underworld Jitian sect, originally lived at ease and enjoyed family happiness with his wife and children.

However, ten thousand years ago, great disaster came.

The strong candle dragon in the demon God hall led a group of demons to destroy the Beiming polar heaven sect.

In this war, the northern underworld polar sect was completely destroyed.

Chizunxin\'s wife died in the war, and chizunxin escaped with a son and a daughter

Their homes were destroyed and their beloved wife died.

From this moment on, chizunxin felt that he was dead.

He lives like a walking corpse, just to kill the candle dragon and avenge his wife.

However, even if the noumenon is a divine beast Kirin, his power is still too weak.

Weak enough to do nothing!

Don\'t talk about revenge. I don\'t even have the ability to protect my children. I\'ve been chased and killed by the strong men of Zhulong mansion countless times. There\'s no way to heaven or earth!

The hatred in Chizun\'s faith became stronger and more violent with the passage of time.

Until one day, the war god temple and the war emperor appeared in front of him.

Chizunxin saw hope.

The war Emperor didn\'t tell chizunxin his identity, and chizunxin didn\'t tell the war emperor that he was a member of the northern underworld jitianzong.

The two met at first sight.

But from the mouth of the war emperor, chizunxin knew many things about the demon God Temple and that the demon God Temple was the biggest enemy of the war god temple.

I also know that the candle dragon mansion is actually a subordinate force of the demon God hall.

The war emperor took chizunxin as his brother, but chizunxin deceived the war emperor many times for revenge.

He wanted to use the power of the war emperor to help himself revenge.

For this reason, chizunxin has been living in guilt.

But hatred drove him, making him a little hysterical and unscrupulous for revenge.

Until one day, an old man who claimed to be ancient appeared in front of him

Through the ancient wind, chizunxin knows the legendary killing armor.

According to legend, this killing armor is not something in the human world. It has unimaginable magic.

As long as you wear this killing armor, even a person without the power to bind chickens can immediately become a peerless strong man!

As long as you can keep your mind clear after wearing this killing armor, you can become a generation of killing Lord, control killing and take life and death

Chizunxin recognized the killing armor, didn\'t listen to the Warlord\'s warning, and made the idea of killing armor many times.

As a result, his daughter was beaten to death by the strong man in the demon temple.

If the emperor Zhan hadn\'t arrived and collected Chi lianer\'s soul with the divine sword, I\'m afraid her daughter would have been scared

Chizunxin sighed and his eyes fell on the armor worn by chiyanfeng.

The armor surrounded by the rolling magic gas is the killing armor taken from the strong man in the demon God hall!

The armor is covered with a layer of hollowed out silver grid, and two lifelike skeletons are engraved on the knee pad, constantly emitting the smell of magic and killing.

Even if chiyanfeng is unconscious, this armor is like a demon from the depths of the universe, guarding him and making people dare not approach him!

"Put my life essence on Feng ER, wash and refine it with this yuan force fragment, and absorb the power of Feng ER at the same time... This kind of cultivation method is really unimaginable. I\'m afraid only the ancient wind elder can have such a cultivation method."

"Feng\'er, I put this drop of life essence blood on you and made you suffer for thousands of years. I hope you don\'t blame your father... Now I take this essence blood and the killing armor on you..."

"Later, the pain will be handed over to my father."

"I know that you and lian\'er have blamed me in the bottom of their hearts. They blame me for not listening to the emperor and for not cheating him. They blame me for being indecisive, selfish and not grateful."

"But later you will understand that dad is not as cowardly as you think."

Chizunxin looked at the drop of blood and muttered to himself: "when the northern underworld polar sect disappeared, it was when your mother was scared... Since then, I have been dead, my heart is dead."

"What is alive is just a body."

"Just to help your mother revenge, kill the candle dragon and flatten the demon temple!"

"Unfortunately, dad is too weak... Don\'t say revenge. He can\'t even kill the separation of candle dragon. He can\'t protect your brother and sister."

"But that doesn\'t mean I can\'t do anything!"

As he spoke silently in his heart, chizunxin sucked in the drop of blood.

When that drop of blood entered chizunxin\'s body, chizunxin\'s body suddenly expanded and changed between human form and Kirin!

And his breath, crazy soaring!

Directly from the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing to the peak of the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing!

It seems that the emperor\'s martial mirror will be attacked at any time!

Chizunxin\'s hair is windless and automatic, where his feet stand, hurricane, flying sand and stones!

"Master Gu Feng\'s calculation is so accurate that it seems that I will advance the emperor\'s martial mirror in a short time!"

Staring at the armor on chiyanfeng\'s body on the ground, chizunxin nodded slightly: "the seal array absorbs the nine day thunder force, as well as the noble righteousness of the whole xuandaozong, plus this piece of Yuan force fragment, the three forces wash the killing armor for more than 5000 years at the same time."

"Now, it\'s time to wear it on me."

"If what elder Gu Feng said is right, wearing this armor, I can still keep my sanity... I will be the only one who retains my sanity among all the people selected by the killing armor!"

"Hum, ultimate fear? Devil derivation formula? Devil Lord, let me be one of you! I will open the breakthrough of devil derivation formula!"

"The rest can only rely on the war emperor and the emperor star..."

"From today on, there is no chizunxin in the world, but only... The Lord of killing!"

Chizunxin gently pointed the sleeping chiyanfeng forehead.

In the turbulent magic atmosphere, the killing armor that released the smell of terror immediately began to disintegrate and separated from the body of chiyanfeng!

Leg guards, breastplates, helmets... All flew up quickly, making a click sound, and put them on chizunxin.

As soon as the armor was worn on chizunxin\'s body, it immediately gave birth to terrible barbs, which directly penetrated chizunxin\'s body!

Even on the helmet, there are thorns in!

Blood gushed from chizunxin and circulated the whole killing armor like a baptism.

Finally, it was completely absorbed by this armor!

In the killing armor, there was a faint excited voice

Chizunxin\'s eyes became red, full of bloodthirsty meaning.

His right hand gently brushed his face, and a skull like mask immediately appeared on his helmet, covering his face.

Only a pair of eyes like fierce animals were exposed.

Wearing this pair of killing armor, chizunxin looks full of a strong visual oppression. Up and down, it reveals a strong bloodthirsty and ferocious spirit, just like a demon God, which people dare not face up to!

Chizunxin raised his eyes to the depths of the earth.

In the depths of the rolling magic Qi, there is something like the sun, and the vast and unpredictable aura is being released from it.

This is the Yuan Li fragment that the war emperor took out in order to save chiyanfeng.

Chizunxin deliberately uses his son as bait to calculate the war emperor step by step for his revenge plan.

Chizunxin doesn\'t know whether emperor Zhan knows his calculations.

Chizunxin only knows that his plan is very perfect.

If there is a little flaw, it is the red lotus who has lost her flesh

"Shen Lang, my brother, I know you have actually seen a lot of things, but you haven\'t said it. You believe what I do has my reason."

"This feeling, this trust, can only be returned in the afterlife."

"One day you will know that you, the emperor of war, have never mistaken people!"

"This is the last time I\'m talking about you in my mind. Killing Zhanjia and all the memories of the war emperor will be sealed in my memory... In the future, you won\'t know me again, but I only remember a disciple of xuandaozong called Shen lang."

"My brother, I believe you will not let me down."

After sealing all the memories of the war emperor, chizunxin grabbed the diamond yuan force fragment with one hand!