Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 985

The king of Shura Ziyou waved his hand again and again: "don\'t say, don\'t say, can\'t I shut up?"

With these words, King Ziyou of Shura was suddenly stunned: "yes, you have said it. Didn\'t you say it!"

The Nara King glanced coldly at the Shura King Ziyou and said, "you\'re dead. When LAN Shishi chases you, don\'t come to me. I can\'t beat her!"

Shura Wang Ziyou: "

After a pause, King Ziyou of Shura suddenly thought of something and said, "by the way, I just said about the snow jingle of the eldest lady of the demon God Temple... Can we find a way to catch the snow jingle? If we can catch the snow jingle, isn\'t the demon God Temple..."

The war emperor sneered and said, "you\'re dead. In the yumudong blessed land, ladaos, the blood emperor of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, was beaten half to death because of the snow... And most of the Tiangang earth evil spirit in the demon God hall also fell."

"If you want to be like them, you can give it a try."

"At that time, maybe there will be some demons in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, following behind you, King Shura, running all over the world... Well, if you can be chased by several demons together, you will be proud even if you die."

The king of Shura Ziyou turned his white eyes and said, "forget it. I\'ll walk around when I hear the name snow jingle."

Suddenly, the king of Shura Ziyou seemed to think of something again. With a strange smile, he asked, "by the way, emperor, where are you now? You are too dangerous alone. Let me send some strong men to protect you?"

As soon as he said this, the other seven heavenly kings immediately burst out to kill the king of Shura, enveloping Ziyou!

The whole hall of the God of war knows that this guy wants to kill the emperor of war.

Now the reincarnation of emperor Zhan is the best time for him.

In the temple of the God of war, there are so many old guys who are dissatisfied with the war emperor.

In the past, the war emperor was amazing. Even if someone was dissatisfied with him, he was subdued.

But now

Apart from these things in the war temple, once the blood clan and the demon Temple know that the war emperor is back, I\'m afraid they will send a large number of strong people to look for him at the first time.

If the reincarnation of the war emperor is known, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for the current war emperor to do anything!


The huge blade in King Nara\'s hand pointed to King Ziyou of Shura: "Ziyou, I won\'t talk nonsense to you. I will immediately make a heart demon blood oath and never tell others about the emperor!"

"Wow, are you really coming?" the king of Shura Ziyou was surprised.

"Qiang Qiang..."

The figure moved, and the seven heavenly kings surrounded the Shura King Ziyou.

"Not only is reincarnation true, but we are also true. Ziyou, do you know what to do?" said the dragon king Qi Tian.

It seems that if King Ziyou of Shura doesn\'t make a heart demon blood oath, they will have to kill or seal this guy in front of the war emperor.

Similar things have happened more than once.

The war emperor looked at this scene and was a little speechless.

He coughed and said, "of course he can\'t tell anyone about me. What he wants to do is kill me himself."

"Well, I\'ll give you this chance."

"But if Ziyou doesn\'t break through the last layer of the \'immortal seal method\', even if my cultivation is less than one thousandth of the peak period, you can\'t help me."

Ziyou sneered: "one thousandth? Cut!"

The emperor of war said indifferently, "if you want to kill me, first break through the last layer of the \'undead seal method\', otherwise, you are not qualified to come to me."

"Er, to the limit, this technique can\'t support..."

"The last thing, it is estimated that you are also most concerned about the war god temple... If I can send the war god temple to the space-time crack, I will naturally have a way to bring them back, so you don\'t have to worry."

"When the time comes, the war temple will naturally return, and then clean up the garbage of the star mainland, and return hundreds of millions of creatures to a peaceful and prosperous era."

"Don\'t let anyone else know about me, including the five color flag."

"If Ziyou really dares to say it, don\'t be polite to me. Kill him... Eh, alas? Shit, I still have something to say. Who... Poof!"

Before the emperor had finished speaking, the figure in the void burst into light.

Sure enough, has the character of emperor Zhan changed a lot?

Such funny things never happen to the emperor of war?

The seven heavenly kings laughed endlessly, and their sadness was dispelled a lot.

Then, the seven people immediately glared at the Shura King Ziyou... It was this guy who interrupted the emperor\'s speech, which led to the emperor\'s lack of time!

If it weren\'t for this bastard\'s nonsense, could he at least say a few more words to emperor?

It\'s good. I didn\'t say a thousand words. The image of the emperor has disappeared!

The king of Shura Ziyou swallowed his saliva and said, "Why are you looking at me like this? I didn\'t delay anything. He said the last thing and has finished... Besides, you not only know so many things, but also know that he didn\'t hang up. Shouldn\'t this be the most happy thing?"

They didn\'t speak, but stared at this guy coldly, which made him sweat like rain.

Ziyou had no choice but to swear in front of everyone.

The faces of the other seven heavenly kings became a little better.

Suddenly, the king of Shura Ziyou\'s eyes turned and shouted, "come on! Reincarnation, do you want to disobey!"

"The emperor said to start at once. Are you still in a daze? It\'s unreasonable!"

"..." the other seven heavenly kings were very angry.

It\'s annoying to mess around, but there are few strings in the head.

Which family is strong in strong arguments and arguments? I still see the Shura king today!

There\'s no reason to be with this guy!

It\'s a matter of great importance. People are too lazy to care about this guy at the moment.

Almost everyone had no time to discuss the emperor\'s "return". After nodding to each other and saying hello, they left several separate people to sit in the secret place. I immediately turned into a few escape lights, left the secret place and began to perform the task.

The eight heavenly kings, who have not been born for many years, were finally born because of the return of the war emperor!

And in the middle of the wilderness that left xuandaozong for more than 500 miles, the center of the nine holy stripe columns.

Shen Lang was lying on the ground, breathing heavily, and his whole body had been soaked with sweat.

"When practicing the death nail, I consumed all my thoughts. I didn\'t feel so tired. I was as tired as a dog."

This technique involves space rules. It\'s really hard to force this technique before Shen Lang really accepts the understanding of the emperor of war on space rules.

Moreover, the distance from xuandaozong to the secret place where the eight heavenly kings hide is too far, at least more than two million miles.

With Shen Lang\'s current cultivation, it is impossible to urge this technique to contact the eight heavenly kings again in a few months.

At this time, Shen Lang lies down on the ground, and the spiritual power and divine power in the Tai Chi diagram pour out at the same time and flow around Shen Lang\'s body.

With such things as Tai Chi diagram, Shen Lang seldom needs pills.

"Recover and return to xuandaozong three days later."

Shen langqiang sat up cross legged and put away nine holy stripe pillars.

Finally, a white light rose, and Shen Lang had entered the fengtianding.

In the fengtianding, Shen Lang kicked Labrador away over the Yuanli fragments, then opened a black hole with both hands, and immediately began to absorb the pure vitality released from the Yuanli fragments at a terrible speed!

The almost liquefied natural gas of heaven and earth, like a long whale absorbing water, converges madly towards the black hole, and then is absorbed!

Labrador is a soul. He feels the terrible smell in the black hole. He can\'t care about cultivation anymore. He screams and runs farther and farther.

Most of the strong people who are practicing around them see this scene for the first time. They all show their teeth and tremble.

Anyway, even Yuan Li fragments are used. Shen Lang doesn\'t need to reveal the secret of cultivation in front of these people.

After running the "star sucking Da Fa" and starting to absorb the vitality on the yuan force fragments, Shen Lang was filled with terrible evil energy and began to urge the evil energy to temper his body.

Not only that, after Shen Lang is so motionless like a sculpture, most of his mind has been used to understand the "book of heaven"!

In the absence of separation, one body, one mind and three functions are unique in the world!

"The law contained in this book of heaven is the law of death. If you follow the order, you should understand the artistic conception of death, and then go to the field of death, followed by the rules of death. You can\'t touch the threshold of the law of death until the rules of death are completed."

With the book of heaven in hand, it is not difficult to understand the artistic conception of death.

It\'s not so easy to achieve great success in the artistic conception of death.

Because theoretically, if the artistic conception can reach its peak, it has basically reached the martial realm of the great emperor.

In the whole world, the only one who can truly understand and apply the field is the great emperor.

Even the giant of the five color flag in the temple of the God of war, at present, is just wandering in front of the success of artistic conception, and has not really reached the point of large field.

As for rules, such as space rules, the strong in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror can tear up space.

But tearing space does not mean understanding the rules of space.

At best, I just see the fur on the rules of space.

Even if the four great emperors want to use the rules of space against the enemy, it is not so easy.

Only the war emperor who has surpassed the martial realm of the great emperor can have the strength to control the space rules, and then send the whole war god hall into the space crack.

The artistic conception of death, then the field of death, then the rules of death, and finally the law of death.

This is not only the instruction in the book of heaven, but also the direction of the whole heaven and earth Avenue. It is a common sense that most strong people know.

In the human world, the artistic conception has almost reached its peak.

Breaking through the artistic conception to the field, even the five emperors and six ancestors can do less than half.

Not to mention proficient in the field.

Even the gods and demons in the upper world are rarely proficient in the field.

The rules in this field, the strong in the human world, can be seen and can\'t be touched. At most, they just touch a little edge.

But these are just the past.

When the nine stars are linked and the world is in chaos, many people with heavenly books have appeared at the same time in this place called the star continent.

With the heavenly book in hand, they are all moving towards the highest level of law