Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 984

The war emperor continued: "in the battle of yumudong blessed land, the ghost of qianhun hall, the night ghost and the king of golden winged Dapeng of Wanyao mansion are involved. The great four emperors should know soon."

"The existence of the great emperor level can only be curbed by letting the strong ones at the great emperor level. However, according to my calculation, the blood clan should have no other great emperor\'s martial realm except the blood emperor ladaos... But this is only a calculation, and there is no evidence to prove it."

"So you must be careful!"

Ziyou, king of Shura, jumped up again and said, "you avenge public and private affairs! Why do they all have work to do, but they just leave me and King Maharaja Lingtian?"

Emperor Zhan said calmly, "Ling Tian is my disciple. Although he has the shallowest seniority among the eight heavenly kings, he is much more reliable than you. Would I not arrange it?"

"Ling Tian, you have my Keepsake on you. Take my keepsake to the nine palaces of God."

"Bring them a word for me: the biggest crisis in the star mainland has come. It is impossible for the nine palaces of Shendu to stay out. If they still refuse to do it, the day I come back will be the time when the nine palaces of Shendu will perish!"

Dare to threaten the nine palaces of Shendu, which is not weaker than the ten thousand demon mansion. How many people can there be in the world except the war emperor?

Only when the war emperor returns can the glory of the war god temple reappear in the world!

The eight heavenly kings are all excited and difficult to control!

Lingtian, king of maharaja, respectfully replied, "don\'t worry, sir. Lingtian will bring the words to the nine palaces of God!"

The war emperor turned to Shura Wang Ziyou and said coldly, "as for you, hum, speak and shut up and say that you are a rare genius in the world, but after so many years of practice, the last two layers of the \'immortal seal method\' have not broken through. Fortunately, you want to ask me for a task?"

Xiuluo Wang Ziyou blushed and said, "you... How do you know I didn\'t break through the last two layers? Do you think the last two layers of the \'immortal seal method\' are so easy to break through? Don\'t stand and talk without backache!"

The war emperor asked coldly, "even if the last two layers broke through one layer, why did she escape calmly when you attacked the rosefinch blue dream spirit separately?"

"...." Ziyou opened her mouth and didn\'t close it for a long time.

Until now, he didn\'t understand how to break the "immortal seal" with the separated strength of LAN Mengling.

He was even more surprised that the one who cracked the "immortal seal method" was to question his "war emperor" about it now!

The war emperor snorted coldly and said, "if you can\'t stay idle, go to the Murong aristocratic family in the Dream Star region."

Shura King Ziyou immediately came to the spirit: "what are you going to do? Kill the Murong aristocratic family?"

"If you want to destroy Murong aristocratic family, it depends on whether you have this ability." emperor Zhan sneered, "Murong aristocratic family is a dark gold force on the surface, but it is actually the stronghold of Tianyuan demon king of demon God hall in Xingchen mainland."

"Its real strength is not much worse than the black dragon demon king."

"Even if most of the power has been used to fight other planes, today\'s Murong aristocratic family will not be much weaker than the four magic generals."

"What, is there such a thing?" the eight heavenly kings shrugged.

People in the war Temple think they know a lot about the demon temple, but in fact, I\'m afraid they only know the surface.

Otherwise, the Murong aristocratic family of the dark gold forces would not have known about the eight heavenly kings for so many years.

Emperor Zhan continued: "you may have heard about the snow tinkling of the eldest lady of the demon God hall. Because of her appearance, the Tianyuan demon king may soon rush back to the star continent from other planes."

"The Tianyuan demon king and the black dragon demon king guarding the star continent are strong enemies. Let them fight for a while, and they can have a chance to fight the temple and the ten thousand demon house."

Shura King Ziyou listened to the clouds and fog: "what am I going to do? How? I ran directly to the Tianyuan demon king and said... You go and kill the black dragon demon king?"

Emperor Zhan youyou said, "I want you to go to Murong aristocratic family in order to pass the news of a demon family to Murong aristocratic family."

Shura King Ziyou couldn\'t understand more: "Why are you involved in the demon family again? The demon family has been sealed in the demon domain for tens of thousands of years... Do you think they want to come out to trouble the world?"

The emperor nodded and said, "it\'s really coming out, because the seal door on the Tongtian Canyon in the foreign battlefield has become loose."

"How could it be?" the eight heavenly kings were shocked, and their faces showed incredible color.

But this kind of information, from the mouth of the emperor, almost no doubt, everyone knows that it must be true.

A demon temple is enough to make the people of the war god temple headache. Now there is a blood ancestor.

Blood Zu, who is old and immortal, hasn\'t come yet. He of the demon clan has come out to join the fun!

Isn\'t the world chaotic enough?

The war emperor in the void continued, "on the side of the demon clan, the demon Zu sent a boy through the seal door... Although I haven\'t figured out what he wants to send the boy here? But the boy appeared here. Now the trend of the whole world must be well known on the side of the demon clan."

"When the blood clan is born and fights with the demon God hall, I\'m afraid it\'s time for the demon clan to break the seal and take advantage of the benefits."

The eight heavenly kings were shocked one by one. King Nara couldn\'t help asking, "the seal door was just a thousand years ago. I personally checked it and consolidated the seal with the five-color flag and blue flag. How can it be loose?"

"Half of the five emperors and six groups have participated in the seal of the devil kingdom. What a huge force to complete the seal... How can it be broken with the strength of the devil ancestor?"

The war emperor shook his head and said, "I don\'t know the specific situation. But the blood ancestor was born and fought with the demon God hall. This is really the best time for the demon family to be born."

"The devil is ready to do this. Obviously, he has a mysterious help and is fully confident."

"At that time, demons will wreak havoc in the world, and blood clan, demon God hall and demon clan will emerge one by one... The whole world will be ruined!"

"From ancient times to the present, the biggest disaster in the star continent appeared in this era!"

The faces of the eight heavenly kings became extremely ugly.

I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to deal with this situation even if the temple of the God of war doesn\'t escape into the crack of time and space.

Now the God of war hall is still there, and those who can hold their hands are the five color flag and the eight heavenly kings.

Unless the five color flag leader and the eight heavenly kings are advanced to become the great emperor\'s martial realm, otherwise

The war emperor looked at everyone\'s look in his eyes and said coldly, "since I\'m still there, where is it so easy for the demon family to catch cicadas and yellow finches?"

Babu heavenly king was shocked and his eyes immediately became bright.

Emperor Zhan said again, "don\'t reveal the matter of the demon family youth, but the seal door is loose and the demon family is ready to move. Ziyou, find a way to tell the Murong family... After the Murong family knows this news and takes measures, you can spread the news to the candle Dragon House of the demon God hall."

"At that time, on the side of the Tianyuan devil and the black dragon devil, measures will be taken to send the strong to the Tongtian Canyon in the foreign battlefield."

"Hum, there is not an iron bucket in the demon God hall. Don\'t mention the major demon kings. Even those demon generals are intriguing. I wish other demon generals would die."

"For example, Taotie mansion has almost eradicated most of the forces of Zhulong mansion."

"In addition to using them to snipe the demon clan, let them bite the dog by the way. The effect is much better than all of you."

"Now, do you see what I mean?"

The king of Shura Ziyou nodded and said, "I see. Your move is really unique and Yin enough."

"But I\'m really surprised... The emperor of war acts openly and aboveboard. It\'s rare for him to use these dark means to deal with people, let alone use this kind of separation. Are you really the emperor of war?"

"Ziyou, what are you talking about? How brave!" the king of naluo and others were angry.

This guy provoked the emperor again and again. Now he even questioned the truth of the emperor. It\'s unbearable.

King Ziyou of Shura said imperceptibly, "don\'t be impatient. To be fair, tell me, what I said is wrong?"

"You bastards have lived for so many years and are all crafty. I don\'t believe you haven\'t found out. This guy is much more insidious than the war emperor!"

"Did the war emperor in your impression ever calculate this and that?"

"When did the war emperor look forward and backward and calculate the East and West?"

"Ziyou bastard!" they were stunned and didn\'t speak.

Although Ziyou spoke freely, he observed the situation very carefully.

But the war emperor can only use the magic, which is absolutely not wrong.

The emperor\'s will is not that anyone can impersonate casually.

Moreover, even the Nara king may not know so clearly where Ziyou\'s immortal seal method has been cultivated.

If it were not for the war emperor, it would be impossible to believe that the heavenly kings were killed.

Shura Wang Ziyou also knows that it\'s nothing more than satirizing and disgusting the war emperor with this kind of thing.

At this time, Emperor youyou said, "you\'re right. The former Emperor was straightforward and wouldn\'t do such things."

"But that is based on the premise that strength can crush everything."

"Moreover, after a person dies once, there will always be some changes in his behavior style or personality."

"Emperor!" the other heavenly kings knelt down again, except Ziyou, king of Shura.

The last sentence directly admitted that the war emperor "fell"

Fools understand, the fact is... The war emperor is "back", not without "falling"!

When everyone felt uncomfortable, Ziyou opened her mouth and wanted to talk.

At this time, the emperor of war suddenly scolded: "Ziyou, if you mess with him again, I\'ll tell you about your peeking at the bath of blue flag leader LAN Shishi! Give you some sunshine and you\'ll be brilliant, give you some flood and you\'ll be flooded. It\'s endless!"

"..." your heavenly kings are almost on the ground.

Today\'s war emperor has changed a lot.

The war emperor never said such words before?