Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 983

In the wild periphery, Shen Lang is using the secret method of the war emperor to contact the war god hall.

Shen Lang didn\'t want to contact the God of war hall so early.

But now, due to the situation, when chaos comes, Shen Lang\'s own strength is far from enough to deal with it. He can only contact the God of war hall in advance and start to use the power of the God of war hall.

This technique is naturally easy to use by the emperor of war without any difficulty.

But when Shen Lang is used, it is more difficult and uncomfortable than completely urging evil energy to forge the body!

Not only does it consume a lot of mind, but also the speed of consuming spiritual power is terrible!

The fatal thing is, if you don\'t control it well, if you are careless, the word "war" on your forehead will disappear and all your previous efforts will be wasted!

Shen Lang kept his mind and recited the mental method while pinching the Yin formula.

Another hour later, when Shen Lang almost couldn\'t support it, the word "war" on his forehead finally fully manifested, left Shen Lang\'s forehead and slowly floated to Shen Lang.

"It\'s not easy..."

Shen Lang felt that it was more painful and difficult than forging with rosefinch fire.

At this time, those golden characters enveloping his whole body seemed to be attracted by an invisible force and began to gather towards the word "war" in front of Shen Lang!

Endless characters were absorbed by the word "war" like a long whale absorbing water.

The dark golden word "war" glowed more, more than doubled, and began to send out light waves visible to the naked eye.

Shen Lang rubbed his left finger and dropped a drop of blood on the word "war".

After absorbing this drop of blood and integrating the sense of war and the artistic conception of the emperor, the already strange word "war" suddenly seemed to live!

Like a heart, it began to make a "Tong Tong" sound!

And it\'s really like a heart. With the sound, it gets bigger and smaller!

Every time the word "war" rings, it will shake out a slightly virtual word "war", as if it were copied.

As soon as the word "war" appeared, it slipped around in the air, directly broke the space and disappeared!

One by one, the fictitious word "war" was released and then disappeared.

Until more than 200 words of "war" disappeared, the word of "war" in front of Shen Lang suddenly swam and floated to the southwest!

Among the light waves released by the word "war", circles of dark blue appeared impressively!

"Found it!"

Shen Lang showed a happy look in his eyes and immediately closed his eyes. A wisp of mind directly entered the word "war"!

When Shen Lang\'s mind entered the word "war"

In the remote West wasteland, an underground secret place called thousand needle stone forest, eight powerful figures sitting on eight huge stone pillars opened their eyes at the same time!

In their hearts, a dark golden word "war" slowly emerged, beating like a heart.

Among these eight people, there is the reincarnation of the king Nara who pursued and killed the blue dream spirit, and the king of Shura Ziyou!

"This... This is... Is the emperor!"

The eight people who sat cross legged, brushed, and all stood up!

Everyone is very excited and difficult to control!

Immediately, the word "war" at the heart of the eight people, like the word "war" in front of Shen Lang, shook out one word after another, and then quickly gathered together in the air to form a huge word "war"!

The huge word "war" was distorted for a while and turned into a figure whose face could not be seen clearly.

The figure stood with a negative hand and released a supreme imperial will, sweeping the audience!

"Yasha king, the moon is full..."

"Mo Qingtong, king of jaluro..."

"King Nara reincarnated as a marquis..."

"King Maharaja Lingtian..."

"Simon Xiruo, king of Dabo..."

"Don\'t dance lightly..."

"Dragon king Qi Tian..."

"See the emperor!"

The sound of surprise sounded in this closed space, shaking the world!

Seven of the eight heavenly kings knelt down directly.

Several of them choked and seemed unable to speak.

Not long ago, King Ziyou of Shura and King Nara brought back information that the war temple had escaped into the crack of time and space.

And the war emperor fell

Everyone doesn\'t believe the rumor.

I don\'t believe that the strongest generation of war emperor in the legend and the amazing generation of war emperor will fall like this!

But the news, from the mouth of the Eastern Emperor, is certain.

Although the Eastern Emperor was rebellious, there was no need to deceive the people in the God of war hall with such a thing.

The eight heavenly kings gathered all kinds of information through other information channels. The final results show that the war emperor has really fallen!

Otherwise, how could the prestigious Temple of the God of war be reduced to such a state?

The eight heavenly kings and five colored flags are like loaches. They are hidden deep underground and bend incomparably!

Unexpectedly, now I see the art of the war emperor summoning the strong in the war temple in this secret place

Except for Ziyou, king of Shura, everyone wept with joy!

This is a skill that only the war emperor can use!

Since this technique appears, it means that the war emperor has not fallen... Or that the war emperor has returned!

Just as the seven heavenly kings burst into tears, a gloomy voice sounded in this mysterious space: "hum, don\'t you mean you\'re dead? Why did you appear again? Didn\'t you die?"

"Ziyou, don\'t be presumptuous in front of the emperor!" naluo Wang and others on the other side glared angrily!

King Ziyou of Shura looked at the empty shadow in the air, turned his eyes and said, "what? Am I wrong? The Eastern Emperor personally told me and reincarnation that he had died... You cried and now suddenly appeared again. What\'s the matter? Monkey?"

"Bastard!" the other seven were furious.

The seven powerful and unparalleled breath instantly locked the purple you, the king of Shura.

"You are a brother who lives and dies. You can joke about anything, but you can\'t joke about the emperor! Ziyou, if you still don\'t repent, don\'t blame us for not recognizing your brother!" the king of Luo gave a violent drink: "the emperor is here, don\'t kneel down!"

Among the eight heavenly kings, the one who has the best relationship with Shura King Ziyou is Nara king.

King Nara has been so angry that you can imagine how angry others will be.

If it weren\'t for the appearance of the war emperor, it would be difficult for everyone to attack. I\'m afraid others would have shot Ziyou long ago!

The king of Shura Ziyou shrunk his head, knelt down reluctantly, and said in a strange manner, "see the emperor, king of Shura Ziyou."

Shen Lang\'s condensed figure floated in the air and quietly looked at the eight people kneeling in front of him.

Then, he said calmly: "the eight heavenly kings listen to the order, the night fork King moon is full, the Nara king is reincarnated as a marquis, the kaluro King Mo Qingtong, the heavenly king Mo Qingwu, the dragon king Qi Tian and the Dapo King Ximen Xiruo, you six will leave for the wild moonlight forest land in a moment!"

"The eternal tree and feather wood clan in the moonlight forest land may be threatened by the power of blood ancestors. The four of you go to the moonlight forest land to help the eternal tree."

The six heavenly kings responded in unison: "promise!"

The king of Shura Ziyou was stunned: "just the six of them? What about the two of us? You don\'t have to be so eccentric?"

The figure in the void said, "this spell consumes a lot. It\'s difficult to support it for too long with my current strength. Therefore, listen to me. Don\'t ask nonsense that shouldn\'t be asked."

"You cow..." King Shura Ziyou was so angry.

However, the other seven heavenly kings are eyeing each other. They don\'t look like joking with each other before, so that King Ziyou of Shura doesn\'t dare to mess around.

It\'s just a joke at ordinary times. Even if you satirize the war emperor in front of these people, it doesn\'t necessarily mean that someone is really embarrassed with him.

But now it is said that the fallen war emperor really appears here. The king of Shura Ziyou dare not really commit public anger.

It\'s really annoying. The emperor of war may not treat him well, but I\'m afraid the swords of these seven people will be cut off at the first time.

At this time, the war emperor continued: "first, King Nara, the six of you should go to the moonlight forest land as soon as possible, and the people from the rosefinch house of the demon God hall will also go. You should try not to conflict with them. The matter of the eternal tree is important;"

"The matter of the eternal tree is related to sealing the Yin Qi in the cracks of the earth. It\'s no small matter... Any gratitude and resentment, including the hatred with the demon temple, should be put aside first."

"Now your enemy is not the demon temple, but the blood clan!"

"Fight this life and protect the eternal tree!"

The six heavenly kings shouted in unison: "don\'t worry, Emperor. Your subordinates will never disgrace their mission!"

"Second, Bai Luobing, the leader of the white flag of the five color flag, lost a silent God killing thunder king outside yumudong not long ago, killed more than a dozen powerful warriors of the demon God hall, and hit dozens of strong Tiangang and Desha. The Revenge of the demon God hall will come soon. During this period of time, you all pay attention to hiding your body and wait for the opportunity."

"Let them play with the blood clan. We\'ll sit aside and reap the benefits."

Ziyou, king of Shura, almost jumped up: "Wow, Kaka, such a fork? Bai Luobing is really powerful! I admire him like a surging river... Well, you say."

The emperor of war said again: "the matter of yumudong blessed land will not be long. Bai Luobing should pass the details to you. I won\'t talk nonsense anymore."

"The blood ancestral mausoleum will be born soon, and the hidden power of the blood ancestral mausoleum will also appear in front of the living people. At present, it is known that the blood emperor ladaos, who was severely damaged and sealed by me, has broken the seal, and has a strange advanced emperor\'s military territory."

The seven heavenly kings were surprised: "how could this happen?"

The king of Shura Ziyou said with a sneer, "are you stupid? Ladaos himself was badly hurt and sealed by him. It\'s hard to recover in thousands of years, let alone advanced... It\'s obviously the blood ancestor!"

The war emperor was noncommittal and said lightly, "the blood emperor ladaos fought with the demon God hall in the blessed land of Yumu cave, and was badly hurt. Finally, he ate a silent God killing thunder king, and couldn\'t turn over any big waves in a short time."

"I just want to tell you that the power of the blood clan is definitely not as weak as you used to think."

"If you underestimate them, you may not know how to die!"

The faces of the eight heavenly kings were frozen.