Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 982

This roar was so frightening that it came out before the door was closed and rang through xuandaozong.

There is no need to inform here. The whole people of xuandaozong have heard it.

The ten elders of xuandaozong have rushed to Jilei peak in a hurry.

Those who are faster than them are five strong imperial martial arts, such as Yin shanhan and Gu Yue, and Zhuge Xianer.

Not long after that roar, Yin shanhan and others appeared at the top of Jilei peak with Zhuge Xianer.

At this time, the portal above the huge column had already been closed.

Almost no one saw the door, and everything had returned to normal.

"What\'s the matter? Why is there such a terrible roar here at Jilei peak?" ZHUGE xian\'er floated in the air and asked with a surprised voice.

Out of the crowd below came a palace woman, lenghui, the leader of Zixi peak.

Lenghui couldn\'t hide her shock and said, "we had been practicing in the stone forest before. Suddenly, such a roaring voice came out, like an ancient fierce beast, which almost made me lose my mind!"

"Then, someone saw the column tremble, and the whole polar thunder peak shook violently."

"But all this came and went quickly. When we set God to observe, everything returned to calm."

Zhuge xian\'er didn\'t know about Ji Lei Feng. Previously, he only learned a little through the comments of some people in xuandaozong.

At this time, she turned around the huge column and looked at the air and around the stone forest.

"This huge pillar is a powerful magic weapon, and the array arranged around it is a seal and spirit gathering array, which absorbs the power of thunder in the nine days and the noble righteousness of the whole xuandao sect. Through this pillar, it is led into the ground... What is sealed at the bottom of Jilei peak?"

Shen Lang gave Zhuge xian\'er many peerless arrays and asked her to specialize in prohibition.

Leaving aside Shen Lang, Zhuge Xianer at this time was almost the first person in the whole purple Chu state to ban the array.

So she just observed it casually and found the clue.

However, when she asked, lenghui and others below looked at each other, and no one answered her.

Because lenghui, as the leader of Zixi peak, has only heard a few words about everything here and doesn\'t know much about it.

And those rumors, after all, are just rumors and can not be told as facts.

The hidden mountain in the air frowned and suddenly grabbed the void in the direction of his right hand!

The strong wind swept through, and the two xuandao elders who were coming were wrapped by a powerful force. They were directly pulled to Jilei peak by Yinshan Han at an extremely fast speed.

Zhuge xian\'er looked at the two frightened elders and asked softly, "two elders, do you know the towering pillar of Jilei peak?"

One of the two elders immediately respectfully said, "Miss Hui Xianer, I\'m afraid even the four ancestors don\'t know much about the towering pillar of Jilei peak."

"We only know that there is a rumor that the bottom of Jilei peak is sealed with a close relative of the founder of xuandao sect..."

"But we don\'t know whether it\'s true or false."

"There are no relevant records in all the classics of xuandaozong."

"About this towering giant pillar, it is a taboo in xuandaozong, and it is always forbidden to talk about it."

At this time, another elder said, "by the way, before Xiaolang went to the imperial capital, he had been here and observed the towering giant column accompanied by several ancestors."

"Oh?" ZHUGE Xianer and others showed an interested look.

The elder said with a look of fear: "Xiaolang seems to have used some secret method to check the towering giant column. Then his mind was badly hurt and his mouth was sprayed with blood..."

"What!" Yin shanhan and Gu Yue were surprised.

After just checking, Shen Lang vomited blood. What kind of existence is sealed below?

You know, Shen Lang is a character who can instantly kill even the strong man of the five Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

The things sealed below, even the strong of the fifth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, were easily shaken and vomited blood... That\'s too terrible!

Seeing the trembling of people\'s hearts, Zhuge Xianer comforted and said, "you don\'t have to panic. Before you went to the imperial capital, your brother\'s cultivation was not as terrible as it is now. It was almost in the early state of Wang Wujing, and it was far from being the quasi imperial Wujing."

"...." Gu Yue\'s chin was falling off.

He has only known Shen Lang for a short time. He is no better than Yinshan Han and others.

If what Zhuge Xianer said is true, doesn\'t it mean that it took only a few months, or a year and a half, for Shen Lang to change from a king\'s martial mirror to a quasi emperor\'s martial mirror?

Is there such a monster in this world?

Zhuge Xianer\'s face was dignified and said, "brother didn\'t say what to do before. This seal array is not accessible to ordinary strong people. For today\'s plan, we can only wait for him to come back."

"Two elders, have this situation happened before?"

Zhuge xian\'er was so careful that he got the point as soon as he asked.

Hearing Zhuge xian\'er\'s question, the two elders shook their heads: "it never happened... That\'s why we said it was just a rumor and can\'t be sure."

Zhuge Xianer immediately said, "did it never happen? And after the eldest brother left xuandaozong... Two elders, be careful, Xianer suggested that everyone of Jilei peak be transferred immediately and temporarily to other peaks."

"What do you think of making a decision when brother comes back?"

Under the authorization of Shen Lang and the coaxing of the four ancestors, Zhuge Xianer has already become the one and only person of xuandaozong.

The two elders didn\'t dare to refute at all. They immediately nodded and said, "don\'t worry, miss xian\'er, we\'ll arrange it right away."

Five hours later, such a big thunder peak became empty.

While Zhuge Xianer and others were busy, a dark shadow was sinking in the towering column.

Within the giant pillar, the energy from Yang to gang is continuously transmitted into the underground, which is like an abyss.

At the bottom of Jilei peak, the endless surging and vast magic Qi billowed out, as if to escape from heaven through this towering giant column!

The energy from Yang to gang poured in from top to bottom, and the evil Qi from Yin to evil poured out from the ground. In this way, the two energies regarded this towering giant column as a battlefield and kept fighting.

The silent battle has lasted for more than 5000 years.

However, although the evil Qi of yin and evil was frightening, it was restrained by the energy of Yang and hardness.

And relatively speaking, the evil Qi, whether in quantity or strength, is far weaker than the thunder power and heaven and earth vitality of Zhiyang and Zhigang.

On the nine days, the endless thunder force keeps running all the time, breaking up the rising magic Qi.

Then it is transformed into the vitality of heaven and earth, emitted and dissipated in the air.

This strange array suppresses this terrible evil spirit with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

How can you compete with heaven if you let your magic power be like prison?

Inside the towering giant column, the lower it goes, the more dark it is.

It\'s cloudy, magical and mysterious.

The middle-aged man who suddenly appeared in this towering pillar seemed to break this balance.

Let the sealed existence below wake up

At the bottom of Jilei peak, the devil Qi rolled and suddenly gathered, forming a huge terrorist monster!

This monster integrates dragon head, antler, lion\'s eye, tiger\'s back, bear\'s waist, snake scale, horse\'s hoof and pig\'s tail. It is very strange.

It\'s the Kirin Shen Lang once saw!

The son of chizunxin, the founder of xuandao sect, chiyanfeng!

He is also the eldest brother of Chi lianer, the spirit of divine sword Tianqi!

When the middle-aged man fell, the unicorn roared, like a volcanic eruption, and rushed up with towering bitterness and anger!

All this earth shaking was shrouded by the towering giant column and the large array inside, and there was no movement outside.

The reason why there was noise before was that the middle-aged man broke the seal, resulting in the leakage of magic Qi and power.

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at the Kirin rushing up below and showed compassion in his eyes

"Feng ER, you have suffered."

In a simple sentence, the resentment of the Kirin below dissipated a lot. The bloodthirsty and chaotic eyes appeared a moment of clarity.

"Father... Father?"

The violent momentum disappeared in an instant.

The evil Unicorn has become much more docile.

Called "father" by chiyanfeng

Is the person who came here the founder of xuandaozong, chizunxin?!


Shen Lang fled into the wilderness and didn\'t stop until he left xuandaozong for more than 300 miles.

After quickly arranging a hidden array, nine holy stripe pillars emerged from the ground and formed a "array in the array".

At the center of the array formed by the nine holy grain columns, Shen Lang sat cross legged, as if he were sitting in the starry sky.

His index fingers were constantly changing, and he was changing a series of Yin Jue at a very fast speed.

With the issuance of this formula, mysterious golden characters began to form around Shen Lang.

These golden characters, like little tadpoles, rotate around him at full speed and are wonderful.

Time passed minute by minute.

Two hours later, the number of golden characters around Shen Lang has reached a terrible situation.

In addition to his cheeks, his whole body was wrapped by countless golden characters. From a distance, it seemed that he was completely shrouded by countless seals.

And this time

On Shen Lang\'s forehead, a dark golden word "war" also began to emerge slowly.

With the appearance of the word "war", the towering war intention and imperial will were released from Shen Lang\'s forehead, which was amazing!

However, the word "war" loomed. For a while, it seemed very clear, but for a while, it seemed that it might disappear at any time.

Shen Lang, who already has the strength of the quasi emperor martial mirror, seems to have been very, very hard at this time!

On his forehead, beady beads of sweat rolled down one by one!

Shen Lang\'s speed of pinching the printing formula with both hands and fingers was also significantly slower.

"It\'s still too hard for the cultivation of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror to use this secret method... But there\'s no way. We must find the eight heavenly kings as soon as possible. We can only rely on this move."

This is the secret method used by the war emperor to contact the strong in the God of war hall.