Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 981

Zhuge xian\'er nodded and said, "OK, I\'ll do it later."

"In addition." Shen Lang said coldly, "send someone to keep an eye on Shengguang sect. At the beginning, the people of Shengguang sect and beast palace have been looking for Yuanli fragments around xuandao sect. That thing is very important to them. If they don\'t find it, they won\'t give up easily."

Yinshan said coldly, "there is only one Shengguang sect. Now there is only one Wang Wujing left. Just wipe them out."

"As for the beast palace, we\'ll kill as many as they come. If we\'re in a hurry, let Duan muzheng go out and kill them all."

Several martial brothers in Yinshan are sweating like rain.

Since the arrival of xuandaozong, Yin shanhan, the master of weapon refining, has also become fierce and deep. He opens his mouth and closes his mouth to destroy people.

This kind of thing never happened before.

Zhuge Xianer waved his hand and said, "otherwise, it is not Shengguang sect and beast palace that really look for Yuanli fragments near xuandao sect. Even if these two sects are leveled now, that force will send other forces."

To be cautious, she still didn\'t say the candle dragon.

Shen Lang said: "yes, so the best way is to hang them first... As long as they start to move again, let duanmuzheng help make hands and feet, drive away a batch of demons, swallow them directly and scare them."

"I\'ll cook them later when I free my hands."

"OK!" everyone laughed.

In Zichu, xuandaozong is in charge. It\'s a miracle that Shengguang Zong wants to toss some waves.

Shen Lang looked positive and said, "I\'m afraid I can\'t leave in three months. Let\'s advance the time to one month later... The plan doesn\'t change as quickly as possible. Xian\'er, you should arrange it immediately. I\'ll go out right away."

"Yin Lao has three predecessors. Please give it to you about annihilating shenlei."

The four men of Yinshan Han stood up at the same time: "don\'t worry, Lang Shao. We will live up to our trust and our mission!"

"HMM." Shen Lang nodded gently and disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared again, he was already above xuandaozong and outside the protectorate array.

There was a soft noise in the air, and the Shen waves cleared the air and flew away in a wild direction.

However, even Shen Lang didn\'t expect

He left xuandaozong with his front foot, and a dark shadow entered xuandaozong with his back foot!

Half an hour after Shen Lang left xuandaozong, a figure wrapped in black fog rose slowly from the water surface in the canyon to the northwest of xuandaozong.

He raised his head, looked at the direction where the Shen wave disappeared, and then stepped on the wave.

In front of the canyon is a cliff like a knife.

The whole cliff is shrouded by the sect protection array of xuandaozong, and birds can\'t cross.

However, when the figure came slowly, the light and shadow flickered. The xuandaozong\'s Protectorate array didn\'t even fluctuate, so it opened a door of how tall a person is!

And above the cliff, there is also a dark hole!

This person doesn\'t stop at all. Step in!

When his figure disappeared into the darkness, the door displayed on the light mask immediately disappeared, and the hole on the cliff immediately closed and returned to normal.

After a while, the figure that just disappeared has appeared at the top of xuandao Zongji Leifeng peak and over the Leichi!

The thunder pond at the top of Jilei peak is a stone forest.

Inside stands countless stalagmite columns, surrounded by smoke.

It is the most desirable place for xuandaozong disciples.

This is the highest place on the top of Jilei peak. It seems that you can touch the sky. On the nine days, whether day or night, there is thunder, which makes people feel cold at the sight.

When the disciples of xuandaozong reach more than five days in the Lingwu realm, and their physical strength reaches a certain standard, they will be qualified to practice here after the "thunder god formula" reaches a certain level.

At this time, there are thousands of xuandaozong disciples in the stone forest, who are trying to practice.

But when the shadow appeared over the stone forest, no one noticed it.

The five strong imperial martial arts in xuandaozong were also unconscious.

Above the sky, thunderbolt and thunder continued, making people fear and hesitate.

The situation is changeable, and the crazy surging black clouds gather together to form a huge vortex, like an upside down funnel.

In the whirlpool, endless thunder and lightning filled it, bringing people an infinite sense of oppression.

But under such a scene, the dark shadow in the air seems to be unaware.

Countless thunder and lightning passed through his body. It seemed that his body was completely empty, and it seemed that he had been integrated with the thunder and lightning

A towering giant column stands in the middle of the stone forest, reaching the sky above and the earth below.

Endless thunder force poured into this huge column through the mobilization of the large array and instilled into the bottom of the mountain.

The vitality between heaven and earth is also attracted by this huge column, which makes the Lei Chi stone forest full of vitality to the extreme.

The ball lightning around the column burst continuously, and the painted black thunder ball expanded and exploded like water droplets.

This towering giant pillar is a taboo of xuandaozong. No one can touch it or dare not touch it.

The secret handed down by xuandaozong from generation to generation only shows one thing. This towering giant column runs through Jilei peak and directly to the ground.

It is said that a close relative of chizunxin, the founder of the founding school, was suppressed.

The shadow floated in the air next to the huge column and gently stroked the column, as if stroking a friend I hadn\'t seen for many years.

The huge pillar bathed in the power of thunder was so dangerous that almost no one dared to approach and touch it, but his hand really fell on the pillar.

The thunder and lightning on the pillar immediately wrapped the man\'s palm and spread to his whole body.

It made the man seem to blend with the pillar.

The result of being blown into coke by the force of thunder did not happen.

He was wrapped by the power of such terrible thunder, but he was not hurt at all.

Not even the slightest reaction.

It\'s like these thunder and lightning don\'t exist at all.

"Feng\'er, it\'s been 5000 years. You\'ve suffered for more than 5000 years because of your father. My father has been guilty all these years."

"Today, Dad came to see you to help you free..."

Such a whisper clearly sounded in the sound of thunder explosion.

However, none of the disciples of xuandaozong who were practicing below heard it and found it unusual.

That whisper, like a dream, floating in the air

At this time, the dark shadow in the air revealed his real body, but he looked like a dignified middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is tall, thin and slender, but he doesn\'t give people the slightest feeling of weakness. The whole person seems to be framed with steel bars, which hides amazing power.

And in that pair of eyes, there is terror and ferocity, just like the divine beast from ancient times!

The middle-aged man was so close to the towering pillar, his lips trembling, as if he were reciting a spell.

After a while, he burst out the light of terrible thunder in his eyes and drank: "open!"

At the same time, the palm of the middle-aged man\'s hand on the post was slightly shocked!

On the towering pillar, a huge portal appeared out of thin air!

It\'s like the door of space!

The powerful seal was so simple that he broke a crack!

The rolling evil spirit surged out of the door and immediately fought with the power of thunder in the air!

Let the clouds and clouds over xuandaozong change color, as if the devil had come!

When the evil spirit rolled out, the middle-aged man leaned forward slightly, quickly stepped into the towering giant column and disappeared in an instant.


It seemed that he sensed the movement above, sealed the existence in the dark and deep underground space, and suddenly burst out an earth shaking roar!

That voice was mixed with a rage and resentment that seemed to destroy mountains and rivers.

This is violent, domineering and ferocious. It breaks people\'s heart and heart.

That is, in this roar, the huge towering column trembled slightly, and then... The whole Jilei peak shook suddenly as if it were an earthquake!

The disciples of xuandao sect who had been practicing in the stone forest opened their eyes in horror!

"What\'s the matter? The terrible voice from where makes my soul tremble!"

"The huge pillar shook! No, tell the elder quickly!"

"Everybody evacuate the stone forest! Everybody evacuate the stone forest!"