Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 980

Today, with the continuous emergence of cracks in the earth, it is not the so-called seals of major doors that really completely solve the Qi of Yin

But the eternal tree!

The seals arranged by the strong men of each large door only delay the outbreak of Yin Qi.

It can not really block or even solve the Qi of Zhiyin.

The eternal tree planted on the edge of the earth crack can absorb the Qi of yin and transform it into the purest aura of life!

If what Yu Lingfeng said is true, once the blood clan destroys the eternal tree, it is sure that the eternal tree on the edge of the earth crack will lose its function.

How can the terrible Yin Qi, the creatures in the world, resist it?

The whole world will fall into darkness in a short time

The empty feather Lingfeng continued: "little crystal told me that the blood ancestral mausoleum will be born soon. The power threatening the eternal tree comes from the blood ancestral mausoleum..."

"The spirit wind is really hard to imagine why the eternal tree is hidden in the amber dream and guarded by a powerful green dragon. Why would it still be threatened by such destruction."

"But I don\'t have much time to analyze. My dream and what little crystal said have coincided. Something may have happened to the eternal tree."

"If you can, Lingfeng asks you to start earlier to save the mother tree and the plume family..."

The two figures turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

The people in the room were speechless for a long time.

Everyone\'s heart has become extremely heavy

Zhuge Xianer, Yin shanhan and others already know about the eternal tree.

They also knew about the birth of blood Zuling before the endless demons appeared.

But no one expected that even the eternal tree was threatened by the blood ancestor just when the chaos was coming!

Xuezu, even stared at the eternal tree!

The eternal tree is the power source of the eternal tree on the edge of the earth crack. Even they just know it from the feather spirit wind outlet.

How could the blood ancestors know so clearly before they were born, and then directly want to destroy the eternal tree?

Although Shen Lang is now very strong, he is strong enough to sit in the purple Chu state, and the people of the purple Chu state can rest easy.

But with his current strength, how can he cope with the threat from the blood ancestor?

Time, what we need most now is time!

Shen Lang\'s cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds. It just takes time!

These strong men under his command have just come into contact with Yuan Li fragments, and it also takes time!

That\'s why he pushed the time to go to the wilderness to three months later!

But now feather Lingfeng says something has happened to the eternal tree

Isn\'t this forcing the waves to advance the time to go to the wilderness?

The question is, even if it\'s ahead of time, even if Shen Lang goes, how to deal with the powerful and evil blood clan?

The quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is enough to frighten one party.

But the blood clan rebellion in those years, even if the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, it will fall at any time!

Zhuge Xianer said solemnly, "now the earth cracks in the Terran and demon territories are suppressed by the Yumu people."

"In every crack in the earth, eternal trees are planted."

"According to Yu Lingfeng, if something happens to the eternal tree in the moonlight woodland, it is likely that all the eternal trees on the earth cracks will wither... Xuezu knew this, so he wanted to directly destroy the eternal tree."

"If something happens to the eternal tree, the Yin Qi in the cracks of the earth will eventually burst out no matter how sealed... Once it breaks out, it will be unstoppable!"

"We, what should we do?"

Wisdom and wisdom, like Zhuge Xianer, also showed a confused color at the moment.

To deal with such scenes is to rely on the power that is strong enough to affect the whole world. Without power, any strategy has lost its effectiveness.

What she faces is the terrible evil god, blood ancestor, which has spread in the world for countless years!

Han Na Na of Yinshan said, "ordinary seals the earth cracks. The symptoms are not the root cause. Only through the purification of the eternal tree can we really melt the Qi of yin and prevent the world from being shrouded and eroded by the Qi of Yin."

"Unexpectedly, before the evil god Xuezu was born, he had grasped the whole situation so accurately and began to make such arrangements for the cracks in the earth, and all kinds of powerful forces in the world have not even found the trace of Xuezu mausoleum!"

"How powerful is the legendary evil god?"

A man on the cold side of Yinshan looked pale and youyou said, "this time they came fiercely... I\'m afraid it\'s more terrible than the blood clan rebellion in those years!"

"They don\'t even have to attack directly. They just need to destroy the eternal tree and the seal on the crack of the earth. The world will go down the route everyone expected until it is completely in darkness!"

The four people of Qiyuan sect all showed panic in their eyes.

The cold moon, who has always been calm, also frowned slightly and turned her eyes to Shen Lang.

In the face of such things, they feel that they are not even qualified to speak.

Normally, such a thing should be said in front of a group of legendary forces.

These things may be unknown to the legendary forces, but they have known in advance.

Although I know in advance, there is nothing I can do

The only hope is that there is only one person now.

This man has created countless miracles in a short time and predicted the trend of the whole world situation. Although he has been in the purple Chu state, he seems to hold the lifeline of the whole world

If even he can\'t solve the problem, Yin shanhan and others can only accept their fate.

However, Shen Lang did not speak at this time.

He clasped his fingers and didn\'t move.

Only in the eyes, there is a palpitating star light.

After a while, Shen langcai said coldly, "worry is useless. Things are not as bad as we thought."

"This......" Yin shanhan and Zhuge Xianer were stunned, and their faces eased a lot.

Shen Lang youyou said, "the eternal tree is hidden in the amber dream. Even if it was the chaos of the blood clan, the blood ancestor didn\'t find her real body."

"Now the amber dream is guarded by the dragon family. As long as the blood ancestor doesn\'t come in person, it\'s not so easy to get the eternal tree."

The crowd rejoiced: "I see!"

Shen Lang added: "the blood emperor ladaos of the blood clan appeared in the yumudong blessed place some time ago. Although he has advanced to the martial arts of the great emperor, he has been badly hurt by my knife outside the yumudong blessed place, and then he was seriously injured by a group of strong people such as the demon God hall and the God of war Hall... I\'m afraid he can\'t deal with the eternal tree."

"..." Yin shanhan stared round, thinking they had heard wrong.

It\'s scary enough for the blood emperor to achieve the martial realm of the great emperor.

The blood emperor of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm was hit hard by Shen Lang\'s knife?

Yinshan Han several people kept wiping sweat, and their breathing became very heavy.

Fortunately, this is what Shen Lang said. If others said it, they would certainly think that this person has been possessed by evil.

I\'m kidding. If you want to hit the strong in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, how can it be possible without the cultivation of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm?

At this level, even if a large group of powerful imperial martial mirror bombed wildly, you may not get the great imperial martial realm!

There are ants in the great emperor\'s martial arts. It\'s not just a matter of saying!

"Big brother... Big brother has hit the blood emperor of the great emperor\'s martial arts! This is the first victory!" the stars twinkled in Zhuge Xianer\'s eyes.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "this is not something to be happy about, at least not for me."

"If the news of hurting the blood emperor gets out, I will immediately become the biggest target of the blood clan."

"According to the blood clan\'s style of vengeance... Hey, I have only one way to go, that is to run away with my tail!"

"..." Yinshan cold several people began to wipe sweat again.

The news one after another can frighten people to death.

Shen Lang looked normal and continued, "don\'t worry too much. Except for the blood emperor, no other strong blood clan knows my existence."

"The blood emperor was badly hurt. It\'s not so easy to recover. It\'s impossible to focus on me for the time being."

"Next, all the good and evil demons and Buddhas in the whole world are involved, and countless living races can\'t stay out of it... Let these sects and races react as soon as possible and deal with the blood clan together. In addition, the powerful demon God Temple can\'t deal with the blood clan. Where else can they manage?

Shen Lang looked positive and said, "it\'s a little far away. Let\'s talk about the eternal tree.

"The blood emperor has been badly hurt. He should not jump out in a short time, and my guess is... It is impossible for the blood clan to have other strong emperors in the martial realm except the blood ancestor for the time being.

"Hum, Emperor Wu\'s territory is not Chinese cabbage after all. It can be seen everywhere."

"As long as it is not the strong hand of the great emperor\'s martial realm, the eternal tree is not so easy to be destroyed."

Hearing this, Zhuge Xianer and Yinshan Han were relieved.

After stabilizing the "military spirit", Shen Lang finally began to arrange: "xian\'er, you sent the night soul people to bring the blood clan\'s want to deal with the eternal tree to all the legendary sects in Xihuang. It\'s time for these legendary sects to contribute."

"The major gates on the west side of the wasteland know that the news will soon spread all over the world."

"At the time of life and death, they can\'t wait and see... As long as some strong men of the legendary sect make a move, things in the moonlight forest land won\'t be so bad."

"Yes!" ZHUGE Xianer nodded solemnly.

Shen Lang added: "in addition, in my name, send someone to find Ling Xue and ask her to send this information back to Xihuang Zhuque house. It\'s no secret that the plume family helps guard the cracks in the earth. The demon Temple must have known it early."

"Although the demon temple is not a good bird, its strength is probably still above the blood clan. We must rely on them to deal with the blood clan. Let them bite the dog with the blood clan dog."

Everyone wiped sweat together.

Such a powerful force, and Shen Lang is one of the left envoys. When he opened his mouth, he was "not a good bird" and said "dog bites dog". It is estimated that no one else dares to speak like that except him.

But the last sentence startled the cold people of Yinshan again!

"The strength of the demon temple is still above the blood clan?"

The information from Shen Lang\'s mouth can really scare people to death, live and die!

If the heart is bad, I\'m afraid I\'ll be scared to get sick