Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 979

Yin shanhan said helplessly, "although the four of us are the most powerful weapon refining masters in the Qi Yuan sect, we have never practiced the thunder skill."

"In xuandaozong, only Jiang Haitian and Dongfang Jun can really meet the standards and are qualified to assist us."

"However, the cultivation of the four of them is only the first level of Wang Wujing. The \'thunder god formula\' of cultivation is still at a very low level. It\'s very hard to help us refine the first-level silence God thunder."

Speaking of this, Yin shanhan glanced at Zhuge Xianer and said, "I discussed with Xianer before to see if the four of us can also practice the \'thunder god formula\', but even now, the far water can\'t save the near thirst."

"Xian\'er told the four of us that this skill came from the northern underworld polar heaven sect. It is the most powerful thunder skill in the world. It can\'t be practiced successfully overnight."

"So xian\'er weighed it over and over again, let\'s put a lot of human and material resources on the semi-finished products for refining silencing God thunder."

"Up to now, we have 345 semi-finished products of annihilation thunder in our hands. The shell of each has been successfully cast, and the spirit array in it has been completely depicted. As long as strong people who are proficient in thunder skills help instill thunder power, they can be cast in the shortest time."

Shen Lang smiled and nodded with satisfaction: "xian\'er\'s practice is very correct."

"We lack a strong person who is proficient in thunder skills. It\'s only temporary. The more semi-finished silencing thunder, the better."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang pinched a annihilation thunder with his two fingers and said, "one more thing, you are in the wrong direction."

Hidden mountain cold several people a Leng: "direction?"

Shen Lang nodded, "in short, it\'s the size of the annihilation thunder... There\'s no need to make it so small. The smaller the magic weapon, the harder it is, the more fine it is, the more difficult it is to form."

"It\'s the same annihilation thunder. If it\'s the size of my fist, it\'s probably several times faster."

"Ah..." Yinshan Han was stunned.

No one really thought about this!

Moreover, when refining the annihilation thunder before, these most powerful weapon refining masters of the yuan sect had very high requirements for everyone, including themselves!

Therefore, every step is perfect when refining silence thunder!

But according to Shen Lang

At this time, Shen Lang continued: "the annihilation thunder of Beiming Jitian sect, that is, the annihilation thunder in the traditional sense, is powerful and has no breath exposed. It is regarded by many people as a magic weapon of Yin people."

"But we don\'t just make this thing for Yin people."

"For example, a city like tianque city is completely surrounded and blocked by thousands of demons, and the strong in it have reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lights are dry... At this time, it only needs such a few silent thunder, throw it out and blow him up, and basically get out of trouble."

"In this case, what matters is the power of the silencing thunder, not the volume."

"In front of me, annihilation thunder is a powerful weapon, not a beautiful instrument."

"What we want is great lethality, strong explosive power and fast refining speed. That\'s it."

Shen Lang doesn\'t need to speak more clearly. Yin shanhan and Zhuge Xianer have understood.

Now Shen Lang wants to make a large number of annihilation thunder in order to deal with the troubled times, the blood clan and the endless demons and demons.

I\'m afraid that in the future, everyone will face the battle of the Legion, rather than the small fight of ten or eight strong men.

"I see! We\'ll adjust the plan immediately!" Yin Shan Han nodded fiercely.

In this way, the difficulty of refining silencing thunder is greatly reduced.

And the speed is several times faster!

Hidden mountain cold can almost see the overwhelming appearance of silent God thunder

Shen Lang nodded and laughed.

What he wants is not a perfect annihilation thunder.

What he wants is grenades, mines, and even... Missiles!

Whether it is to deal with the blood clan, or to deal with the infinite demons from the wilderness, or to deal with the impending demon clan, or to deal with the demon God hall.

The overwhelming silence thunder will make them lose their souls!

It is not so easy to create a strong person, even if it is a fragment of Yuan force.

However, refining a silent God thunder is relatively simple to the extreme and can be produced in less than three or two days.

Shen Lang said again, "I will solve the problem of manpower. You continue to collect a large number of materials at any cost. If the spirit stone is not enough, xian\'er will hand out a batch of spirit array diagrams or skills, or spirit grass and spirit fruit."

"With the fastest speed, batch production of semi-finished products, the more the better."

"If there are blind people or forces aware of it, then come and spy on it and destroy them."

"There are no individuals or forces that can threaten us in the snow covered 18 countries."

"Understand!" Yin Shan Han nodded excitedly.

The development of xuandaozong is too fast, and Shen Lang\'s cultivation is also growing too fast.

Yinshan Han still clearly remembers what he looked like when he first met Shen Lang in the capital of Zichu state a few months ago.

At that time, Shen Lang showed a little deterrent force, that is, the rigid emperor Duanmu evil in the Huangwu realm.

But in the past few months, Huangwu territory is here, a bit like Chinese cabbage.

It\'s not only Duanmu evil\'s advanced quasi emperor martial mirror, but also a king of Yan devil who seems to be much more powerful than Duanmu evil!

As for Shen Lang\'s own strength, not to mention, he just beat the night lonely city of the fifth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

It\'s very polite to say that none of the 18 countries in the snow can threaten them.

Shen Lang was really annoyed. It didn\'t take much effort to let Ling Xue and Ling Yue, two strong imperial martial mirrors guarding the cracks in the earth, out and sweep the whole snow area!

At that time, batch after batch of annihilation thunder will be refined... How terrible should the strength of xuandaozong be?

In the hands of thousands of martial artists in Qiwu territory, they all carry several annihilation thunder, and then wave their hands to send out a powerful attack only by Wang Wujing

What a terrible scene this is?

Annihilation thunder is something that even the northern underworld extreme heaven sect did not dare to refine so unrestricted, right?

Yinshan Han thought of this and felt his throat dry. He couldn\'t help swallowing his saliva.

At this time, Shen Lang turned to look at Zhuge Xianer and asked, "when I was in the imperial capital of Zichu state, I once arranged the people of \'night soul\' to take a thing to look for the people of Beiming Jitian sect in the West wasteland."

"Any news recently?"

Zhuge xian\'er nodded slightly and said, "yes, there have been at least more than ten disciples of the northern underworld extreme heaven sect in the ethereal domain, and their accomplishments are above the sixth heaven of Wang Wujing."

"And the news came back from the black sky region. An elder from the triple heaven of Huangwu territory will lead more than ten disciples. He should have arrived in the snow region by now."

"Then, Yin Qianbei and Mo Ge came back from yumudong three days ago... Qianbei\'s cultivation is now the fourth heaven of Wang Wujing. His achievements in the \'thunder god formula\' far exceed those of the four ancestors of xuandaozong. He is the most suitable person to help refine silence and kill God thunder except his eldest brother."

"Have you found the people of the northern underworld polar heaven sect?" several people in Yinshan were overjoyed.

This annihilation thunder was originally from the northern underworld Jitian sect.

All the people of the northern underworld Jitian sect are proficient in the "thunder god formula" and have practiced the thunder skill to the extreme.

If they help to refine the silencing thunder, why is it so troublesome?

Shen Lang frowned slightly and said, "these guys of the northern underworld jitianzong are really hiding. After so many months, with the strength of the night soul and the smell of thunder sword, they unexpectedly found such a few people."

"Later, I will refine a batch and distribute it, so that the night soul can be taken out and spread all over the Western wasteland!"

"I don\'t believe it. I can\'t find a few people from the northern underworld polar sect in such a large western wasteland!"

"The situation is in such a mess. It\'s not a way for these guys to hide..."

"OK." ZHUGE xian\'er nodded.

Shen Lang said again, "let\'s do it. The more silence killing thunder, the better. Before I leave in three months, I will take time to refine a batch of silence killing thunder into a complete state."

"After I left, I believe that the people of the northern underworld polar sect will arrive more or less."

"If a strong quasi emperor martial mirror can come, all problems will be solved... At least the annihilation thunder that can threaten the quasi emperor martial mirror can be refined."

Hidden mountain cold several people all excited: "good!"

At this time, Shen Lang was slightly stunned and heard the voice of the cold moon in Feng Tianding.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved, the white light flashed, and the cold moon had come out of the fengtianding.

"Pardon me, sir. I forgot to report something to you." Leng Yue said with a reddish face.

"Three days ago, the feather spirit wind of the feather wood family secretly left the xuandaozong with the small crystal of the witch family, leaving only this jade amulet."

Shen Lang was stunned: "feather Lingfeng and Xiaojing are gone? Before, she said she wanted to go to the wilderness with me."

After receiving the jade talisman, Shen Lang didn\'t want to. When his finger moved, the jade talisman was crushed immediately.

The light and shadow flickered, and the translucent feather spirit wind appeared in the middle of the room holding the small crystal.

"Childe, when you saw this message, I had left xuandaozong... I\'m really sorry that I didn\'t wait until you came back."

"During this time, I have been having a dream that my home moonlight forest land has been destroyed, and the mother tree has also encountered a mysterious and powerful threat. In the Western wasteland, my colleagues are constantly sending me distress messages..."

"There may be a problem with the eternal tree. Lingfeng has no choice but to go back first."

"If there is something wrong with the mother tree, the eternal tree planted on the edge of the earth crack will lose the pure power from the mother tree and eventually turn into an ordinary tree, or even... Wither..."

"What!" the faces of everyone in the room changed.

Everyone knows what this means and what it means!

This means that the Qi of Yin will completely burst out!

It means that the whole world will be really shrouded in the Yin Qi, and hundreds of millions of creatures will be corroded and transformed year after year by the Yin Qi, and finally become dark creatures.

The whole world has completely become the legendary... Hell prison!