Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 978

It doesn\'t matter. Night Gucheng found that he had impacted the bottleneck that remained motionless more than ten times, and had been shocked and cracked by the knife just Shen Lang!

Only a layer of film with cracks is left!

As long as you prepare yourself and run your spiritual power, don\'t you want to break through the sixth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror immediately?

"Yes, what kind of monster is this?" Yegu City wanted to cry and laugh.

"When I fight with people, I can do so many things... And it seems that he knows all the conditions in my body? I am a quasi emperor martial mirror five strong man, who is seen thoroughly in his eyes?"

Xueshiyin flew down, took out a pill and gave it to yegucheng. She stared at the latter angrily and said, "cousin, when can you change this bad temper?"

"If someone else had changed, don\'t say a breakthrough. Now they are all scared!"

At night, the lonely city wanted to cry without tears. He looked up to the sky and sighed: "since the city is born, what waves are born!"

"I just said once, \'heaven will lower the great responsibility, so people must first work hard, work their muscles and bones, and starve their skin\'. God threw me such a freak as a competitor. The way of heaven is unfair!"

"You!" Xue Shiyin stood up. "What are you talking about? You\'re talking nonsense again?"

Anyway, now the whole people of xuandaozong are looking here.

In this xuandao sect, in addition to the people of xuandao sect, there are several sect doors such as the shy flower gate.

In addition to these, there are many more people than the five sects combined... Qiyuan sect!

Xue Shiyin sighed lightly. As soon as she tossed her sleeve robe, she flew to Shen Lang and opened her mouth. Finally, she said, "Xiaolang, there\'s something wrong with the family. I\'m afraid I\'ll go back for some time."

Shen Lang nodded and said, "well, I know."

"You go to Heishui mountain through the portal of xuandaozong, and let the king of Yanmo go with you. With his help, you still cry with the divine sword. On the way, Yegu city should be able to break through the six double heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, which is enough to deal with the affairs of the night family."

"About the divine sword Tianqi... If you encounter a crisis, don\'t hide anything like the emperor capital of purple Chu. Let Chi lianer urge the strongest power of divine sword Tianqi and kill all the enemies in front of you."

Xue Shiyin looked at Shen Lang deeply and nodded: "I know..."

It seems that she hesitated for a while. Xue Shiyin bowed her head and said in a weak voice of mosquitoes and flies: "then... You... You wait for me to come back."

Shen langqiang resisted the impulse to hold her in his arms, shook Xue Shiyin\'s hand, gently nodded and said, "well, go."

"Let go of the poetry, let me come!" night lonely city shouted below: "if you have the ability, don\'t spread the sound, say it!"

Shen Lang stared and took a big hand print!

With a loud bang, a mountain Gang\'s handprint in the air directly shot the night lonely city out.

Xue Shiyin looked at Shen Lang and suddenly flew down to Nalan Ziyan.

She took out a small jade bottle from her arms and said, "Ziyan, this is a strange potion given to me by Guyue of Yaowang Valley, which is refined from four thousand years of neon grass and double leaf tianyunxia."

"Spraying on the face can not only release a refreshing fragrance for a long time, but also make the skin never old and become like the skin of a baby. It can be broken by blowing."

"I don\'t have any other gifts for you. I\'ll lend flowers to Buddha and leave this bottle of potion to you."

"Ah? Neon grass and double leaf sky clouds? Are they the legendary things that can make ugly women become invincible? Well... How interesting?" Nalan was full of purple smoke and red light. He was embarrassed and took the potion and played with it.

Xue Shiyin smiled and said, "it\'s not necessary to make the ugly woman become a great country and a great city, but this thing does have unimaginable wonderful functions. You can know the true and false when you use it... There\'s only one bottle in Yaowang valley. I hope you like it."

"Only this bottle? That\'s too precious..." speaking of this, Nalan Ziyan suddenly blushed in his eyes: "you... Are you leaving?"

Close to the root of the wall, I heard what Shen Lang said. Nalan Ziyan had no prejudice against snow poetry.

On the contrary, my heart is a little pathetic. Xue Shiyin\'s previous life.

Love but can\'t be together. Is there anything more cruel than this?

However, although I don\'t know what kind of relationship she had with Shen Lang in her previous life, this kind of thing really made Nalan Ziyan jealous.

But now parting was imminent, and jealousy immediately turned into sadness.

Xue Shiyin nodded, looked at the Shen waves in the air and said softly, "I\'m gone. Don\'t blame Xiao Lang. He hides everything in his heart and carries everything. In fact, he... Is really lonely."

"He needs a lot of company."

The tears in Nalan Ziyan\'s eyes came out: "you go early and return early. I... I\'ll take good care of him."

"Thank you." xueshiyin moved and flew to the portal of xuandaozong with the night lonely city.

When she left, she didn\'t look back.

It\'s not that I don\'t want to, but I don\'t dare

"Shen Lang, you wait, I\'ll come back!" until I flew to the distance, Yegu city turned around and drank violently.

This guy has the same "two" strength as Shen Jianfeng. This "two" strength really diluted the sad atmosphere.

"Cousin, go slowly!" Chu Qingcheng\'s voice was very loud and clear, resounding through the whole xuandaozong.

The whole people of xuandaozong were also stunned.

Immediately, everyone in xuandaozong shouted in unison: "cousin, go slowly!"

Night lonely city cried

Nima came to xuandaozong, and tens of thousands of cousins came out before the door came in. What\'s this called?

He raised his middle finger towards xuandaozong, but Xue Shiyin grabbed him, grabbed his collar and dragged him away.

Xuandaozong finally recovered his peace.

Yinshan Han and others greeted everyone and went back.

In the void, only Shen Lang looked at the direction of snow poetry leaving.

Love to the depths, every parting is always so heartbreaking

The snow jingle is gone, and the snow poem is gone.

Be carefree with the people you love... Just such an idea is so difficult to achieve.

There is nothing more helpless in the world.

"Blue clouds, yellow flowers, tight winds in the west, wild geese flying in the north and south, who is drunk in the frost forest in the morning? I always cry... Jianfeng, I just read a poem. You don\'t have to cooperate with me so much. Do you cry? Even if you want to cry, it should be Xiaolang who wants to cry?"

Chu Qingcheng frowned at Shen Jianfeng on the side and said with a puzzled face.

Shen Jianfeng wiped a tear and said, "I didn\'t cooperate with you. I was beaten. The injury broke out... I want to see how strong my cultivation is and how resistant I am to fight, so let Yan Qi and Tian Hao attack me together. His group of Kings - baduzi are very aggressive. It\'s not the fierce tiger who takes his heart, but the Yin foot!"

"Do you know what egg pain is? I\'m now... Ah, I haven\'t finished talking. Where are you going? It\'s impolite!"

The heavy waves in the sky stood for a moment, took a step forward and fell under Songduo peak.

But his voice sounded in the ears of Yinshan Han and others.

"Yin Lao has three predecessors. Please come to my room for a chat. I want to know the progress of refining \'silence God thunder\'."


When Yin shanhan and other four ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty came to Shen Lang\'s house, Zhuge Xianer had been waiting with Shen Lang for a moment.

The house without a door has been banned by Shen Lang and isolated from the outside world.

Yinshan Han repressed his inner excitement. With a gentle flick of his palm in the air, more than 20 simple annihilation thunder lined up in two rows in the air.

The annihilation thunder is no more than broad bean in size, and its shape is dark. There is no suspicious smell under the mind.

Even if you put it in front of your eyes and don\'t know it\'s a silent thunder, I\'m afraid you\'ll think it\'s just a small black stone.

"We\'ve had some trouble during this time, so we only refined more than 20 annihilation thunders, and... The grade is not high enough, and only one of the highest is grade 2." Yin shanhan said a little uninteresting.

He\'s really embarrassed.

Shen Lang gave him the secret method of refining silence thunder, and the key last step was given to Zhuge Xianer.

Then xuandaozong provided all the materials and consumed spirit stones, which should be available.

As a result, more than four months later, this big weapon yuan sect, a group of strong people worked hard, and finally refined more than 20 annihilation thunder, and the grade is not high.

Yinshan Han feels ashamed.

You know, Shen Lang\'s original intention is to refine high-grade annihilation thunder, and also want mass production!

Shen Lang caught a silent thunder between his two fingers. While observing, he said, "Yin Lao doesn\'t have to blame himself. No wonder you. It\'s actually my negligence."

"The annihilation God thunder is divided into five levels. The fifth level is the strongest in the ordinary sense, and beyond this fifth level is the legendary annihilation God thunder king."

"It\'s not that with materials and refining skills, you can have as many as you want."

"If you want to refine the powerful annihilation thunder, you need the help of a strong person who is proficient in the thunder skill."

"Even the fourth and fifth order annihilation thunder needs not only many strong people who are proficient in thunder skills, but also many thunder magic soldiers."

"The biggest trouble you\'re facing now must be the lack of people who are proficient in thunder skills?"

Shen Lang didn\'t blame, and the faces of Yinshan Han became much better.

Yin Shan nodded and said, "Lang Shao expected it well. It\'s really lack of strong people who are proficient in thunder skills."

"There are plenty of materials. During this time, we contacted the headquarters of jubaoge in the snow area and are asking them to help collect a large number of materials for refining the silent thunder."

"But in terms of manpower, we are a little stuck."