Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 977

Shen Lang fell into this ocean artistic conception

It\'s like a boat in the rough waves. It rises and falls from time to time. It\'s difficult to control its shape. It may be destroyed at any time!

The strength of ocean artistic conception is not comparable to that of ordinary water.

Shrouded in this ocean artistic conception, we should not only bear the unparalleled power of the sea, but also bear the impact of endless storms.

Even the strong in the middle and late period of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror really understand the ocean artistic conception, and there is no one who reaches this level!

"Hahaha, fool! Do you think I only have a card like \'Shura soul binding technique\'? Do you think I\'m so easily defeated in a lonely city at night? Do you think I can\'t help you after I\'m traumatized in my soul?"

Night lonely city laughed wildly: "poetry, you helped this bastard boy from beginning to end. I\'ll crush him into minced meat in front of you now!"

"Let you see clearly, this boy is nothing at all! He is not qualified to be with you!"

At this time, Shen Lang\'s voice suddenly came from behind the night lonely city: "when you fight with me, are you still distracted when I don\'t exist?"

Shen Lang, who had been trapped by the ocean artistic conception used by the night lonely city, appeared behind the night lonely city inexplicably!

Night lonely city knows it\'s going to be bad when you hear this sound!


Night alone city only had time to urge the spirit to release a shield. The immortal sky knife had cut the sea water and fell on his back!


In the ocean artistic conception, there were huge waves in the sky, and the night lonely city was directly blown out by this knife!

"Who do you think you are fighting with!"

In Shen Lang\'s cold hum, the night lonely city that was blasted out has not had time to respond, and his head has been kicked by Shen Lang who came later!

The night lonely city screamed and rolled out in the air!


It was not easy to control the body shape. The night lonely city turned over and shouted, "why can you get rid of the shackles of the ocean artistic conception? When did you get behind me?"

Shen Lang, whose original speed was less than one tenth of the original speed, unexpectedly appeared behind him!

Night alone city can\'t believe that such a thing will happen!

At this time, he was suddenly stunned again... The sea water formed by the ocean artistic conception turned into a frightening dark green without knowing when it began!

From sea blue to dark green, when did such a huge change begin?

I\'m so complacent that I haven\'t noticed it all the time?

And what does this mean?

It represents that the ocean artistic conception has been penetrated by each other!

But under this day, how many artistic conception can penetrate the ocean artistic conception without being noticed?

As soon as the night lonely city was stunned, it felt that the surrounding sea water had not listened to its own command, as if it had completely become the other party\'s artistic conception, squeezing itself in all directions!

Not only that, there is clearly an evil energy in the sea, which is constantly infiltrating into his body!

"What is this... Such an evil smell?" Yegu city was a little frightened and felt like being in the abyss.

He struggled desperately and urged his spiritual power to resist the evil power, but found little effect.

The whole body began to numb, and then began to be corroded!

"Corrosion? This... This is evil energy? Impossible! How can a human family release evil energy... Yes, this is the abyss mood! How can this be possible? I should have encountered such a thing!"

No matter how knowledgeable the night lonely city is, I didn\'t expect to encounter such a thing!

He is not facing the legendary abyss Lord.

But what he encountered was really the legendary "abyss artistic conception"!

When evil can spread in this "ocean"

This comes from the abyss artistic conception of the superior abyss devil. In an instant, it has penetrated the ocean artistic conception, and then controlled this world!

The powerful ocean artistic conception has become an abyss Artistic Conception!

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes are cold and shining!

"Tianpeng star, open!"

"Tianren star, open!"

"The sky rushes to the stars, open!"

The first star, the second star and the third star of nine star upanishadism are opened one after another!

Above the void, the waves in the abyss artistic conception soared, like a flame burning!

Then, Shen Lang\'s figure suddenly split into four!

The Dragon Emperor\'s unique skill, "four Dragon phantom", one of the three emperors of the God of war hall, is displayed again!

The "four Dragon phantom" of the Dragon Emperor, one of the three emperors in the God of war hall, is a unique skill. It is neither a remnant nor a real phantom.

And it\'s not a separation.

It can be used, but it can send out the power of joint attack

At the beginning, Shen Lang encountered the demonized Mufeng in the blessed land of yumudong, so he trapped Mufeng with nine holy grain columns, and then used this move to beat Mufeng without fighting back!

At the moment, Shen Lang\'s figure is divided into four.

In the case of opening the third star of the "Nine Star Mystery", the "four Dragon phantom" is used again!

The speed of the four figures under the bonus of the abyss artistic conception is almost ten times higher than that at the beginning!

Above the sky, a series of residual shadows appeared in four directions. The four startling Sabre Qi were superimposed together in a mysterious way and fell on the chest of Yegu city with a bang!


The armor of the night lonely city suddenly broke apart, screamed and fell directly down.

If the night lonely city doesn\'t use the ocean artistic conception, Shen Lang needs a lot of hands and feet to defeat him.

Even if he wants to lose, he can\'t lose too fast.

But if you want to compete with Shen Lang, you\'ll lose everything!

This guy wants to use the ocean artistic conception to defeat the enemy, but instead of defeating the enemy, he is defeated by Shen Lang!

In the understanding of artistic conception, where is the night lonely city qualified to compare with Shen Lang?

In terms of artistic conception, the artistic conception of the abyss from the abyss Lord is more than twice as strong as that of the half hanging ocean of the night lonely city?

Artistic conception is not invincible, and it is complementary.

The same artistic conception is also divided into primary, intermediate, advanced and Dacheng.

The abyss artistic conception infiltrates into the ocean artistic conception. It seems that Shen Lang happened to meet it. In fact, it shows Shen Lang\'s strong understanding of the way of heaven and earth.

It was just like Dugu\'s war song used the artistic conception of water to deal with Shen Lang, but Shen Lang took away all the artistic conception of water.

Even if the artistic conception of the night lonely city is not the ocean artistic conception, but other artistic conception. Finally, Shen Lang sees the flaw. In fact, it only collapses in an instant.

Whether the artistic conception of Dugu war song is captured or the artistic conception of night lonely city is penetrated, it is in line with the way of heaven and earth.

In the eyes of many people, it is very incredible.

But in the eyes of many supreme powers, it is taken for granted.

In fact, in addition to the lack of strength, Shen Lang\'s performance in this regard is completely a supreme power!

Night alone city and Shen Lang fight for artistic conception, which is actually equal to night alone city and war emperor fight for Artistic Conception!

Although Yegu city doesn\'t know about the war emperor, it can see the strength of the other party in this aspect from Shen Lang\'s means.

Therefore, all the anger of the night lonely city below dissipated, and I didn\'t dare to continue to be arrogant and domineering anymore.

At his level, if you can\'t see the horror of Shen waves, you\'ll really live in vain for thousands of years.

The strong men in the imperial martial arts realm below stared at all this and had a deeper understanding of Shen Lang\'s strength in the martial arts.

The closer the road of martial arts is to the ultimate, the more important it is to understand the road of nature and the road of heaven and earth.

The battle of the strong at that level is no longer simply to compare whose strength is strong or whose skill and combat skills are strong.

For example, a strong person who is weak but understands the spatial rules can use the spatial rules to instantly kill a strong person ten times stronger than his own strength!

This kind of thing displayed by Shen Lang now, this understanding and application of heaven and earth Avenue, has completely made these powerful people in the imperial martial arts "bow down and become ministers" in the bottom of their hearts.

At the moment, Yin shanhan and Gu Yue looked up at Shen Lang, and their eyes were full of uncontrollable respect.

Only people like Shen Lang can lead them to go further on the road of martial arts and even contact the ultimate!

Shen Lang stood in the void with the immortal sky knife and put away the artistic conception of the abyss.

Then, he threw a piece of crystal stone towards Yinshan Han, and said faintly, "the battle of the five strong heavenly warriors of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is a precious teaching material. I just recorded it with the memory crystal. Yinlao helped to copy several copies and then distribute them."

"It\'s good for everyone to think more about this war."

"Everyone should thank Yegu city a lot. Without his cooperation, there would be no war."

"Wow!" the crowd shouted with ecstasy.

Just now, many people were still thinking about it, and then sighed that the war was fought too fast and ended too quickly!

Shen Lang started recording early in the morning!

With this precious memory crystal record, you can look at it again and again, and ponder it carefully from beginning to end!

It\'s not that you can see the battle of the five strong heavenly powers in the martial mirror of the quasi emperor!

And the night lonely city, which has lost its combat power below, almost vomited blood with anger

Originally, yegucheng thought Shen Lang was really powerful, but it must have taken almost all his strength to defeat him.

Unexpectedly, he was distracted and recorded the battle with memory crystal!

This means that this bastard hasn\'t done his best at all!

Night lonely city is suffering to death.

But Yegu city didn\'t continue to shout. I\'m afraid I\'ll have to be beaten again. He who knows current affairs is a hero.

Shen Lang really has no cards left... In fact, even if he doesn\'t use the "four Dragon phantom", the life and death of Yegu city is in his hands when Yegu city is infiltrated and controlled by the artistic conception of the abyss.

Unless the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, even if it has reached the night lonely city of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror five days, it is difficult to resist the penetration of evil energy of this degree.

At this time, Shen Lang turned his eyes to the lonely city at night and said calmly, "I beat you because you talk nonsense."

"I helped you break through because for the sake of poetry... You won\'t be so lucky if you talk nonsense next time."

"What? Help me break through?" night Gu Cheng was stunned. He didn\'t even have time to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, and immediately began to look inside.