Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 976

Soon, the night lonely city laughed wildly: "ha ha ha, what an ignorant and shameless boy! After being trapped by my \'Shura soul binding technique\', he dared to speak wildly!"

"Even if you want to find a good step, you don\'t have to say that..."

"Shiyin, you see, what is this boy? You see clearly!"

"Death is coming, still pretending and worrying about face, ha ha ha!"

"Well, I did see it clearly, very clearly." Xue Shiyin shook his head and laughed instead.

Since Shen Lang said so, he must have the means to easily crack the "Shura soul binding technique".

The reason why Shen Lang didn\'t use it, I\'m afraid I\'m still afraid to hurt the soul of night lonely city

Because this "Shura soul binding technique" uses its own soul power. If the other party really has a way to break the bondage of the soul power, I\'m afraid that when this move breaks down, it will be the time when the soul of the lonely city of night will be seriously damaged!

"Cousin, remove the \'Shura soul binding technique\'. If Xiaolang does it, you will be seriously injured!" Xue Shiyin couldn\'t help reminding and said: "if this move is broken, it will hurt your soul very much, and you can\'t recover in a day or two!"

"Bastard!" night Gu city said angrily, "if you want to crack my move, unless his soul is ten times stronger than me! Do you think it\'s possible?"

"At this time, if you don\'t speak well for him, you threaten me and scare me?"

"Your cousin, I\'m scared!"

"If you really don\'t want him to die, you should beg me, not stimulate me to do it!"

Shen Lang is also a little helpless. If he continues like this, Yegu City obviously won\'t let him go.

You have to be forced to shatter the soul silk. Even if you hold it accurately, it will hurt the soul of the lonely city at night.

"Well... Cousin, why don\'t you untie this thing first and let\'s talk again?"

Shen Lang is not very willing to hurt Xue Shiyin\'s relatives, let alone he has no hatred.

Night Gu Cheng was furious: "shut up! Who is your cousin? Did you call your cousin!"

"Let you taste my cousin... Er, taste my power!"

Yegu city was really angered by Shen Lang and Xue\'s poetry.

His five fingers moved, and an invisible force passed through the silk thread condensed by the soul force in an instant!

He wants to make Shen Lang cry and beg for mercy!

"This bastard, call me cousin? I\'ll let you call!" night Gu Cheng was angry.

Just when this force rushed in with a flash of thunder, Shen Lang sighed and shook his head slightly.

Immediately, the power of the chaotic divine body burst out!


There was a concussion in the void, and the silk threads wrapped around Shen Lang\'s body and body were shattered in an instant!


The night lonely city held its head with both hands and howled miserably!

"Shura soul binding" is powerful, but the risk is also great.

Since you use the power of your own soul, when you are hit hard, the injured nature is the soul.

Shen Lang shattered the silk threads that wound him. Time seemed to tear the soul of the lonely city at night!

Yegu City, who originally wanted to give Shen Lang some pain, immediately suffered unimaginable pain!


Under people\'s attention, the originally completely controlled Shen wave suddenly rushed out!

A vague shadow dashed out of the void into a long vacuum zone. Shen Lang, with a speed beyond the imagination of the night lonely city, held the immortal sky knife and cut off the head towards the night lonely city!

The atmosphere is whistling! The void is shaking!

The unimaginable huge knife light seems to cut the space and fall on the head of the night lonely city that has not yet responded!

Let\'s say that Shen wave stirred the chaotic divine power and broke the soul silk in an instant.

When the night lonely city screamed in pain, Shen Lang had rushed and cut off with a knife!


Night alone City instantly rebounded an aperture, and the power released from the armor blocked this fierce and domineering knife!

However, his body was directly smashed down by this terrible force.

Then it hit the xuandaozong protectorate array heavily, making a banging sound and flying like a bead.

"When I say I will beat you all over the place looking for teeth, you will really look all over the place looking for teeth. Why do not many people believe me when I tell the truth?"

In the void, Shen Lang\'s helpless voice sounded, and the knife light rose again. The waist of the lonely city at night was cut by a knife. People flew out like meteorites again!


The people of xuandaozong shouted in unison, and the noise shook the sky!

"Too powerful, too domineering!"

"Shit, the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror has five Heaven. I can\'t move under langshao!"

"Lang Shao\'s strength is really terrible. The \'Shura soul binding technique\' of the night family is strange and terrible, but it\'s useless for him to frighten one party!"

"That night, the lonely city also wanted to die. He didn\'t believe what Lang Shao said. Now his soul has been badly hurt. Look how arrogant he is!"

In the midst of people\'s discussion, Shen Lang has waved dozens of knives, one knife after another, making the lonely city fly around like a ball that night.

Although it is protected by armor, the sword idea penetrates into the body. There is blood spilling from the corners of the mouth of the night lonely city!

Xue Shiyin showed her eyebrows and frowned slightly. Although she was a little worried about the lonely city at night, she still didn\'t stop it.

She knows Shen Lang\'s temperament and knows that Shen Lang can\'t really kill Yegu city.

Shen Lang\'s action now is nothing more than to give some pain to the lonely city at night and cheer up the xuandao clan at the same time.


A deafening sound of gold and iron came out.

Then he saw that the night lonely city looked ferocious and held a huge sword to block Shen Lang\'s immortal sky sword.

"Have you recovered? If you recover, I really need to make some effort." Shen Lang said coldly.

At night, the lonely city shouted, "arrogance!"

The light burst, and the giant sword in the night lonely city released its sharp and unparalleled sword meaning, pushing Shen Lang out in an instant!

"Ignorant boy, die for me!"

In the roar of the lonely city at night, Shen Lang and the shadow of the lonely city at night crossed over the void.

The dazzling light burst out, followed by a loud noise that everyone couldn\'t help covering their ears.

Then, he saw a knife light and a sword spirit, which respectively opened a nearly vacuum Milky way across the sky and lit up the night sky!

Under the wrath of the five heavenly powers of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, they do their best. It\'s really terrible.

I saw long hair dancing in the lonely city at night, and my breath soared up and down, setting off huge waves like the sea.

It was not just the terrible sword in his hand that cut through the sky.

The night lonely city pinches the Jue with its left hand, constantly waving shock, rolling, lightning, fire, freezing, different energies, roaring towards the Shen waves!

This is the first strong person Shen Lang has met since his debut who can use one heart and two functions and release different skills at the same time.

To be fair, in addition to being annoyed by the sound of snow poetry and speaking a little ugly, this man is definitely a brilliant genius.

If he met not Shen Lang, but other people, he would have been in trouble and lost under this different energy surge.

At this time, the speed of the Shen wave is the same as that of the night lonely city. The immortal sky knife in your hand cuts through the ages. The intention of the knife is vertical and horizontal, and cuts the crazy magic and sword Qi one by one.

Not only that, Shen Lang\'s hands, feet, elbows, knees, shoulders and all positions above and below the whole body seem to have become deadly sharp weapons.

If you move at will, you will release the power of terror and defeat the gorgeous magic of night alone city.

Yegu city is the top power of the Wuzhong heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing.

However, his soul was hurt and he was attacked by Shen Lang before. He was seriously injured. At this time, his strength is not small from his peak;

Shen Lang, because he was constantly absorbing the power of gods and demons from yumudong blessed land, and then on his way back to xuandaozong, he was forging his body with the evil energy of the abyss devil all the time

The power of the chaotic Divine Body soared again than when it was in Yunluo city.

It has reached the peak of the double heaven of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor.

Speaking of, even though Shen Lang\'s understanding of martial arts is far better than that of the lonely city at night, his strength is still far less than that of the lonely city at night.

But the power Shen Lang uses is a chaotic power that transcends the power of gods and demons!

When he was in Yunluo City, Shen Lang was able to lift weights easily and easily to create the triple heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Now the strength of the two people changes one after another, and they are even fighting!

Of course, Shen Lang knows why he can fight with the strong five heavenly powers of the quasi emperor Wujing, but Yegu city doesn\'t understand.

Night Gu Cheng doesn\'t understand why this boy can break his "Shura soul binding skill", and doesn\'t understand that the other party\'s strength is under him, but he doesn\'t lose the wind at all!

Over xuandaozong, the hurricane swept wildly for a time, and the terrible energy ripples rippled continuously, making the whole space seem to be shaking.

The bigger the night lonely city, the more frightened it is. It seems that it has been trapped in the mire. You can\'t get away with any effort!

It drives him crazy!

If the other party is also the quasi emperor Wujing wuchongtian, or even stronger, all this is normal.


"Cousin, you forced me!" Yegu City shouted wildly.

The endless ocean appeared in the sky of xuandaozong, enveloping the night lonely city and Shen Lang!

"Ocean Artistic Conception!"

There was a cry below.

Then I saw the Shen wave falling into the ocean artistic conception, and the action slowed down completely, almost less than one tenth of the previous one!

The speed of the lonely city in the night rises instead of falling, just like the swordfish in the sea, riding the wind and waves, roaring to the Shen waves from all directions!

According to legend, this ocean artistic conception is a high-level artistic conception above the artistic conception of water.

Water system skill or artistic conception is very weak in the early stage.

In terms of defense, it can\'t resist a stronger attack;

Attack, but it is difficult to cause too much damage.

But in the later stage, it was so powerful that it was impressive.

This ocean artistic conception is almost an upgraded version of the artistic conception of water in the later stage!

It not only has all the prestige of the artistic conception of water, but also integrates the artistic conception of wind!