Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 975

Xue Shiyin pointed the long sword to the lonely city at night and said with a cold drink: "cousin, please stop immediately! Otherwise, don\'t blame the little sister for her ruthlessness!"

Night Gu Cheng shook his head with bitterness and said, "stop? Can\'t stop..."

"The things guarded by the night family have been known by the demon Tao. The demon Tao in the ethereal domain is ready to move... The snow family and the night family may not be able to cope with it together."

"I took a lot of trouble to find here and want to take you back. You pointed a sword at me and wanted to be \'Polite\'?"

Xue Shiyin was surprised: "how could it be so?"

Night Gu Cheng didn\'t answer her, but stared at Shen Lang coldly and said, "I\'ll take her away. If you dare to stop, I\'ll drive you out of your wits!"

"By the way, crush this shit xuandaozong into ash!"

Before Shen Lang answered, Yegu City waved his fingers and said, "I\'m not talking to you about terms."

"I\'m ordering you."

"My strength is not something you can experience!"

"The survival of your xuandaozong is just between my thoughts!"

Shen Lang said coldly, "command me? Why?"

"Why? Because I\'m better than you! In front of me, you\'re just a mole ant!" night Gucheng stretched out his hands, squeezed them slowly and said, "I can crush the mole ant as much as I want!"

"Be careful!" Xue Shiyin screamed for the first time.

However, it is still too slow

Night lonely city hands so a pinch, snow poetry and Shen Lang have completely lost their ability to move!

Like this, they seemed to be completely bound by an invisible force, unable to move, and then separated from each other.

The night lonely city moved the snow poem away and smiled grimly at Shen Lang\'s finger!

Shen Lang, who was completely bound, was manipulated by him. He was like a puppet!

But there was nothing between him and Shen Lang, and even his mind could not feel anything!

The people of xuandaozong below were surprised. They didn\'t expect that the visitor was so powerful and strange.

This technique is silent and invisible. It\'s so random that it controls Shen Lang!

"Let go of the waves!"

The five powerful soldiers of the imperial martial arts came out and rushed straight up. They wanted to cross the protectorate array and attack the night lonely city.

However, the difference between the five people in the early stage of Huangwu territory and the strong ones in the five Heaven of quasi emperor martial mirror is more than 18000 miles?

They came up like moths to the fire.

Seeing that the five people were about to splash blood on the spot, everyone\'s heart sank in the whole xuandao sect!

Never had despair, at this moment, bred from the bottom of people\'s hearts

"Step back."

Shen Lang, who was completely controlled by Yegu city and then manipulated at will, suddenly said.

His voice is still as plain as water.

Mingming is controlled by the lonely city at night, but it seems that everything is still in his hands.

Hidden mountain Han and Gu Yue below were stunned. Sheng Sheng stopped his body and stopped in the air with a little consternation.

"Hehe hehe." yegucheng smiled: "I have to say that you are a little capable. You can be so calm under the control of my \'Shura soul binding technique\'."

"Unfortunately, it doesn\'t matter whether you are calm or not. Your life and death are in my hands."

"As long as I have one thought, you will be broken to pieces and be scared!"

"What!" the faces of the people changed greatly, and their faces panicked.

The two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors have been controlled in an instant. Where can anyone fight with xuandaozong here?

No one is the enemy of such a strong man except the king of Yan devil who Gu Yue knows a little!

But the king of Yan devil has gone to the wilderness with Duanmu evil

Among the xuandaoists now, the strongest is the five strong imperial martial arts in the air!

People can\'t imagine that Shen Lang would be bound so easily.

But what I see in front of me is not an illusion

If you can\'t even deal with Shen waves, who can resist it?

Is it true that, as this man said, he would kill Shen Lang first and then crush xuandaozong?

Xue Shiyin couldn\'t get rid of it and shouted angrily, "lonely city at night! If you dare to touch him, I will make you regret it!"

This time, Xue Shiyin called the name of Yegu City, and even his cousin stopped calling.

However, the more cruel she said, the more ugly and ferocious the face of the night lonely city here!

Yegu City shouted hysterically: "poetry, you and I were childhood sweethearts. You have understood my mind thousands of years ago... But why, why have you never looked at me..."

"Now you still abandon the family for such a boy!"

"Also for this boy, he fought against me and wanted to \'make me regret\'?"

"When the family was in crisis, you didn\'t think about the family, but you were still worried about the boy\'s safety... You let me down!"

Just as the night lonely city roared hysterically, a flat voice that made him crazy interrupted him: "have you said enough? Don\'t you just want to kill me and find a high sounding reason? Why don\'t you do it?"

Night alone city a Leng, just crazy state suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He also became gentle and elegant.

"You\'ve seen through it." Yegu city said with a natural and unrestrained smile, "I really want to find a reason to kill you, and then I want to see your ugliness before you die."

"In fact, I don\'t need to find any reason at all. I like poetry, but she likes you... For this reason, you can die a hundred times."

The whole people of xuandaozong were stunned

Does Xue Shiyin like Shen Lang?

No, this sentence should be regarded as not heard!

Everyone kept silent and took the initiative to hide the matter deep in their hearts.

Night lonely city completely changed its appearance and said, "I just didn\'t expect that you found it under this situation... It seems that my acting skills need to be improved."

"But your composure really surprised me."

"I really can\'t figure out how to extricate the people controlled by my night family\'s\' Shura soul binding technique \', and what means can they use against the enemy? Where does your self-confidence come from?"

The whole people of xuandaozong were stunned with snow poetry!

Dare you feel this guy\'s hysterical roar, a crazy look, all pretending?

Actually, this guy is very calm now?

Just deliberately put on an appearance and want to find a reason to kill Shen Lang?

Shen Lang smiled

He had just checked his body and carefully observed it with his broken silver eyes.

What night lonely city shows is indeed the "Shura soul binding skill" of the night family in the ethereal domain.

This so-called "Shura soul binding technique" is a unique skill of the ethereal domain night family.

It is the use of soul power to bind the soul and body of the warrior.

Under Shen Lang\'s observation of breaking his arrogant silver eyes, Shen Lang\'s limbs and body are entangled by silk threads like spider silk, which is difficult to move.

Not only the outside is completely bound, but also the meridians in the body, as well as Yuan houses, are completely wrapped and even blocked by this white silk thread!

However, the "Shura soul binding technique" of Yegu city is obviously far from reaching the level of Dacheng.

According to the data recorded in the God of war hall, if the "Shura soul binding technique" reaches the state of great success, it will finally be the Dan baby of the warrior... That is, the soul will be completely bound and wrapped into a zongzi.

Danying and Yuanfu are the source of the power of the warrior. Once bound, the source of the power of the warrior is completely sealed.

Even a little strength can\'t be released at all.

Although the night lonely city is far from reaching this level, now this level is beyond the ability of ordinary quasi emperor martial mirror strongmen.

Because meridians are the channels, or channels, for the operation of spiritual power.

All meridians are entangled and blocked, and the energy in your pill baby can only sigh.

However, these powerful and strange skills are not a great deterrent to Shen Lang.

This silk thread is the soul power of the night lonely city. Shen Lang\'s memory has at least 18 ways to urge the soul power in Danying to break his move.

Even without relying on the memory of the war emperor, Shen Lang now has three simple and direct ways to crack this "Shura soul binding technique"!

First, Tai Chi diagram;

No matter what soul power or spiritual power or even divine power you have, the Tai Chi picture is correct!

Although these soul forces of night lonely city entangle all meridians, the Tai Chi diagram will collapse in an instant as soon as it is urged.

The second kind, rosefinch fire;

The rosefinch fire has nothing to burn. The spirit can burn off, and the soul can\'t resist the rosefinch fire.

Third, chaotic power!

In the star continent, almost all martial artists use spiritual power to urge through meridians and transform it into various forces.

Therefore, after the meridians are bound, most martial artists lose their power.

But Shen Lang is an exception!

The power of chaotic divine body does not need to be urged through meridians!

Chaotic power is stored in every cell of the body, muscle, bone marrow, even hair and nails!

The power of the chaotic divine body can be triggered by a dynamic thought. It doesn\'t need to be released from the pill baby like spiritual power, and then pass through various meridians!

Shen Lang smiled calmly and said, "very politely, I have at least 18 ways to break your \'Shura soul binding skill\'."

"Fart!" Yegu city was really angry this time.

A guy whose life is in his own hands, even talks wildly, saying that there are at least 18 ways to break the "Shura soul binding technique"?

This is outrageous!

The "Shura soul binding technique" of the night family, even if there is a method that can be broken, it is very wonderful.

You mean to say 18?

Why don\'t you say 180 kinds!

Shen Lang didn\'t seem to see the anger of Yegu City, and said, "for the sake of your cousin Shiyin, I won\'t be embarrassed with you, so I\'ll forgive those bastards you said before."

"Remove the Shura soul binding technique. My patience is also limited."

As soon as this remark came out, the lonely city suddenly stayed for a while.

"It\'s too good to pretend, too bad to pretend! I can pretend to be like this when I\'m dying... This boy has my style in those days!"