Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 974

Shen Lang looked at Chu Qingcheng\'s back and shook his head.

In this xuandaozong, if there are people who can\'t see through Shen Lang, it\'s Chu Qingcheng.

But Shen Lang didn\'t have any interest in exploring Chu Qingcheng.

For Chu Qingcheng, Shen Lang is like Shen Moran, with complete trust.

If Chu Qingcheng\'s accomplishments really reached such a terrible situation

For Shen Lang and the people around him, there are only advantages but no disadvantages.

And a person to work hard, a person to bear all this, sometimes, it\'s really lonely.

Shen Lang smiled and carried a chair around to Nalan Ziyan\'s window.

"What are you doing!"

Inside the window, Nalan Ziyan stared at Shen Lang, with a red face and unspeakable shame.

Her room and Shen Lang\'s room are only separated by a wall, and Shen Lang has not laid any boundary. It is obvious that all the words Shen Moran and Shen Lang said before have been heard by her.

At this time, Nalan Ziyan\'s heart is not only expectation, but also joy, but also very nervous.

I don\'t know what Shen Lang will say or do.

Listening to the wall root was exposed by Chu Qingcheng, which also made her ashamed and annoyed. She wanted to catch up with Chu Qingcheng directly.

Nalan Ziyan stared at Shen Lang, and his big eyes didn\'t blink.

It was late at night. Shen Lang ran to a girl\'s window with a chair. It was a little strange.

Do you still need a chair to climb a window?

At the thought of "climbing the window", Nalan Ziyan\'s heart immediately jumped up.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. He sat down less than three meters from the window and brushed his palm gently in front of him.

An ancient Qin appeared in front of Shen Lang.

"..." Nalan Ziyan was puzzled.

A big man, in the middle of the night, came here to play the piano?

Nalan Ziyan felt his cheeks hot and wanted to close the window, but his hands couldn\'t lift up at all.

In this silent night, the melodious piano sounded.

"When the star appeared in the sky, you know I began to miss again. How many love can only be seen from a distance, just like the moonlight on the sea."

"When we were young, we thought that people in love could last forever. When we believe that we are together in the depths of love, we can\'t hear the sigh in the wind..."

"Who knows what love is? When we meet for a short time, we never forget. We spend our whole life learning not to forget."


The melody of the song is beautiful, and there is always a trace of sadness in the song, as if there are too many vicissitudes and helplessness.

The moment the melody sounded, it was like the Purple Street breeze. In an instant, time and air condensed here.

The people inside and outside the yard stopped what they were doing at the same time, pricked up their ears and began to listen.

A sad and beautiful love poem, hazy but exquisite.

The singing is clear, warm, elegant, sad without complaint. The meaning and vision of love regret have been sublimated in his tenderness.

Nalan Ziyan seemed stunned

In addition to Chu Qingcheng and other close friends of Shen Lang, Nalan Ziyan is undoubtedly the person who hears Shen Lang sing the most.

Whether it is a soft song or a strong song, it is very different from the music of this world.

But it was the first time that Shen Lang sat in front of her window and sang such a sad and beautiful love song.

The four eyes are opposite, as if they saw each other\'s soul, they all have a kind of infatuation feeling.

"Don\'t flirt, one more song."

On the wall of the courtyard, Chu Qingcheng lay obliquely, shaking his fan and saying leisurely.

"Get out!"

Shen Lang and Nalan Ziyan turned their heads at the same time and scolded angrily.

Chu Qingcheng stepped empty and fell out of the yard with a bang.

All the guys climbing on the courtyard wall shrank back and dared not bubble again.

Outside the yard, a group of songduofeng disciples suppressed laughter.

Shen Lang is depressed to death

The atmosphere created well can\'t resist Chu Qingcheng\'s words... It\'s all destroyed by him!

Fortunately, the original purpose was to make Nalan Ziyan happy. Now she has laughed like this and seems to have achieved the effect.

Shen Lang sighed and wanted to put the piano away.

Suddenly, he looked cold and looked up at the dark night sky!

"What\'s the matter?" Nalan Ziyan poked his head out when he found the change of Shen Lang\'s breath.

In the dark night sky, suddenly it was as bright as day!

Countless fire clouds are generated in the sky, with hundreds of huge fire meteors falling from the sky!

Each meteor is the size of the house where Shen Lang and others live. It is also burning a terrible flame and dragging a long flame tail.

Just like the last judgment, it fell straight towards xuandaozong!

Before the people of xuandaozong could react, the huge fire meteors had fallen on the protective array of xuandaozong, and there was a deafening sound!

The whole xuandaozong is boiling!

In the afternoon, when Shen Lang came back, all the doors of Tianxuan mountain came to seek xuandaozong.

I want to ask Shen Lang to help cope with this severe situation.

What kind of prestige and domineering?

In the purple Chu state, xuandaozong, which has many quasi emperor Wujing in charge, has become a well deserved leader.

There\'s no difference in the limelight!

Now someone dares to attack xuandaozong?

On the peaks of xuandaozong, human shadows rise in the air!

"What\'s the matter? Someone dares to come to xuandaozong to die? Are you impatient?"

"It\'s unreasonable to attack the protector array directly!"

"That meteor fire shower is extremely powerful. I\'m afraid someone has the cultivation of quasi emperor martial mirror!"

"Don\'t mess up, everyone. Younger martial brother Shen Lang is here. No matter who comes, let him come and go!"

All the people ran out of the house and looked up at the sky.

Everyone is a little nervous and looking forward to it.

Above the sky, there are many shadows.

In addition to Shen Lang and Xue\'s poetry, the fastest ones are the four ancestors of Qiyuan sect, including Yin shanhan, and Gu Yue, the ancestor of Yaowang Valley who has just come to xuandao sect.

Behind them are a group of strong Wang Wujing of Qiyuan sect.

As for the xuandaozong side, it\'s a little embarrassed. It\'s all in the Xuanwu realm.

The four ancestors have gone out with duanmuxie and the king of Yanmo. All the strong men above Wang Wujing under Shen Lang have been accepted into the fengtianding by Shen Lang and are practicing!

As soon as Shen Langgang came out of the xuandaozong protection array, his sleeve robe was thrown away, and the strong wind started, he directly swept away the falling fire meteors and threw them out of xuandaozong.

"Cousin? What are you doing? Stop it!"

Without those fire meteors, everyone could hear the soft drink of snow poetry after they madly hit the huzong array.

Everyone in the air and on the ground can see clearly at the moment. Thousands of meters above the air, a man in white standing with his hands is looking coldly at the Shen waves ahead.

The terrible wind blew on the man in white, but he was like a hard rock, motionless and unresponsive.

Is this man xueshiyin\'s cousin?

Is it really a quasi emperor martial mirror?

But fortunately, since she is xueshiyin\'s cousin, she is not the enemy at last.

Seeing Xue Shiyin and Shen Lang coming out together, the man in white stood side by side, and the color of jealousy in his eyes became more prosperous.

His eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he said coldly, "you\'ve left the family for so long and don\'t go back. Is it true that you\'re hanging out with this boy named Shen Lang?"

"For such a boy, you abandoned the snow house and the night house?"

"You ask me what I\'m doing... I want to ask you what you\'re doing!"

Shen Lang looked cold, raised his eyebrows and eyes and said, "well, you\'d better be polite. Don\'t think you can be arrogant everywhere if you have some ability. If you provoke me, you\'ll still find your teeth everywhere."

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha.

"Do you want to beat me? Looking for teeth everywhere? Ha ha!" the man in white seemed to hear the biggest joke in the world, and laughed and couldn\'t stand up.

"How dare you say such a thing to me? Should I praise you for being arrogant or stupid?"

"Although I heard that you have a kind of magic weapon, which is extremely sharp and powerful, but with such a little ability, you dare to say the word \'beat people\' in front of me. It\'s the first time I met in the lonely city at night!"

As soon as he said this, there was a strong wind high above the sky, which made the lonely city dance like a newly born devil!

It was at this time that the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror swept out in all directions!

The faces of all the people in the protectorate array suddenly became extremely ugly. Except for the top hidden mountain Han and other strong people in the imperial martial arts, the people below couldn\'t support and fell down!

All the people on the 9981 peak of xuandaozong were suppressed so that they couldn\'t even make a sound!

Xue Shiyin said with a panic: "be careful, Xiaolang. My cousin is a strong man in the five Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!"

Among the people around Shen Lang, except Zuo Wentian, Xue Shiyin knows Shen Lang\'s cultivation best.

Although in the imperial capital of Zichu state, Shen Lang killed eight strong prospective emperors with one knife.

But after all, the strong emperor Wujing shot. It was the strong emperor Wujing shot to imprison those people. Shen Lang could kill them one by one.

Although she knows that Shen Lang\'s accomplishments are growing crazily all the time, it will still be very difficult to deal with the strong ones of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror five days with Shen Lang\'s current strength and real knife and gun!

Especially she knows her cousin Yegu city very well.

This is a character who has reached the peak of the quasi emperor Wujing wuchongtian!

What\'s more, the unique "Shura soul binding technique" of the night family is extremely difficult to prevent, and can almost kill the same level!

The long sword moved with the sound of snow poetry. The divine sword cried and the sword awned violently. It has protected Shen Lang.

If she really gets to that point, she can only urge the divine sword to cry and want to hurt the night lonely city.

Seeing this posture, Yegu city was very angry and smiled back: "they all said that girls are outgoing. I showed up here. You didn\'t ask good, but you reminded the boy! You told him about my accomplishments?"

"Why, do you want to join hands with him against me?"

Endless pressure continues to roll like waves, enveloping the poetry of Shen waves and snow in an instant!

In the void, it seems that there are several invisible hills, which are frantically squeezing Shen Lang and them