Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 973

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "the dream is so clear that it once made me despair... The pain from the depths of my soul made me understand that it must be true."

"If I guess right, this is not a dream at all, but a fragment of my previous life memory."

"When I was in the imperial capital of Zichu state, I once asked a man named Gufeng about jingle."

Shen Moran said with a cold look: "is that the old man who looks like a charlatan but is actually very powerful? He gave the sword edge an amulet, so he saved the sword edge several times? Finally, he gave the sword edge a great fortune?"

"That\'s him," Shen Lang said. "From his mouth, I know a message."

"Jingle and poetry may... Be a person."

Shen Moran was surprised: "how is this possible? Although they are a little similar, they are completely two people? Their eyes and temperament are completely different... How?"

Shen Lang turned and said, "I don\'t know how to explain to you..."

"After all kinds of fragments and feelings are connected together, there is a somewhat vague story in my mind... In my previous life, jingle died in my arms, and my soul is divided into two, becoming jingle and poetry now."

"Now, no one can prove this. It\'s just my guess."

"But the feeling from the depths of the soul can\'t be wrong."

"It\'s like... Dingdang\'s memory has been tampered with by others. He can\'t remember me at all, but he is still very close to me."

"I know what I said is too ethereal and the explanation is too far fetched, but sister... I don\'t want to say even a deceptive word to you."

Shen Moran stood for a moment, suddenly relieved, touched Shen Lang\'s head and said, "it\'s so. Although it\'s a little strange... But what happened to you is not strange? My sister believes your guess."

"Well, my sister will go to talk to sister Ziyan tomorrow. You can rest early."

"Don\'t disturb your plan because of what your sister said before."

"Sister, wait a minute." Shen Lang stopped Shen Moran.

"Hmm? Is there anything else?" Shen Moran smiled leisurely, just like a lonely orchid in an empty valley.

Shen Lang raised his hands and took out a pair of armor.

This pair of armor was used when duanmuxie advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror. It was obtained from the thin waist Xumi ring, the strong emperor martial mirror under the candle dragon.

The armor is lavender and carved with fine hollow patterns, which looks extremely exquisite.

Mysterious runes flow on the armor, emitting a faint blue light, which makes people know that they are by no means mortal

As soon as the armor was taken out, the whole room was covered with purple fog and bright.

Then, the inner meaning of the brilliance, the edge converged, and became dull and simple. A stream of purple gas naturally flows around the armor, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"What a beautiful armor! What a powerful breath!"

As soon as Shen Moran saw the armor, he was immediately attracted by it.

Even a quiet and indifferent woman like her could hardly move her eyes when she saw the armor.

"This pair of armor, according to the rank, is the fourth holy weapon. I specially picked it out for your sister. Do you like it?" Shen Lang motioned Shen Moran to take over the armor.

Shen Moran was surprised: "holy ware? Is it the strongest holy ware under the heavenly ware?"

Fortunately, although surprised, it has not reached the point of shock.

After all, when he was in the imperial capital, Shen Lang not only killed eight strong quasi imperial martial mirrors, but also took a legendary strong imperial martial mirror!

So now whatever Shen Lang does, Shen Moran can basically accept it.

"I\'m afraid my sister can\'t control such a powerful armor?"

"And haven\'t you forged Xingtian war armor for me? It\'s enough to have Xingtian war armor. I think this armor is more suitable for that one..."

With that, Shen Moran glanced at the yard outside.

The "that one" in her mouth is naturally snow poetry.

No matter how powerful the armor or magic weapon is, it can play a greater role only in the hands of strong people.

Shen Moran\'s cultivation is now the eighth heaven in the Lingwu realm. He suddenly got such a "holy weapon" that he couldn\'t even think of before. The calm sea of his heart rippled.

"There is still a difference between armor and divine soldiers. The weapon spirit in this armor has been accepted by me. As long as there is this weapon spirit, even if you don\'t have any cultivation skills, your sister\'s defense is strong, you can resist the attack of strong people below the third heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror."

"When you improve your cultivation in the future, instill your spiritual power into this armor, and its defense can be increased many times."

"In the yumudong blessed land, I got a Xumi ring from a strong female emperor\'s martial mirror. There are four pairs of armor of this level, and I have prepared one for each of them, Shiyin and Ziyan."

Seeing that Shen Moran still refused to accept it, Shen Lang smiled bitterly and said, "up to now, my sister must know, I know many powerful skills, but I gave these skills to others, but only gave you and your parents some health preservation skills..."

"Because martial arts is a hard road, and I never wanted you to fight... Because with me, no one will hurt you, and I can\'t allow anyone to hurt you."

Shen Moran\'s eyes became a little complicated: "Xiaolang..."

Shen Lang said to himself, "but in fact, I already know. My sister went to several ancestors of xuandaozong to ask for skills, and then she has been secretly practicing, working harder than anyone else."

Shen Moran sighed and said, "sister\'s idea, like sister Ziyan\'s, is to fight side by side with you, not always behind you."

"Even if the qualification is a little poor, I also believe that diligence can make up for weakness and heaven rewards diligence... Xiaolang, don\'t you blame your sister?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "how can I blame my sister? My practice is too direct and overbearing. I haven\'t asked you what you mean."

"So, as long as you are willing, I will arrange your cultivation in the future."

"And you must take this armor."

While talking, Shen Lang\'s fingers gently wiped on the armor.

A purple light flashed, and a translucent illusory figure appeared in the room.

This is a woman who looks the same age as Shen Moran.

The woman has a delicate face like a bright moon. She is about 1.7 meters tall. She is rich and beautiful. Her waist is thin and her posture is exquisite. The armor she is wearing is the one held by Shen Lang\'s hands!

Wearing this pair of armor makes this woman heroic and powerful, which makes people dare not underestimate.

"Zirou has seen Miss!"

As soon as the woman who claimed to be purple and soft appeared, she immediately knelt down on one knee towards Shen Moran.

Shen Moran quickly helped her up.

"Just like that, take care of my sister for me and set you free in two hundred years." Shen Lang said faintly, "you are a purple evil heavenly fox. If you do well, I will help you get rid of the shackles of this armor and restore your real freedom."

Zirou has seen Shen Lang\'s means for a long time. Hearing this, she immediately bows to Shen Lang: "thank you, childe. Zirou promises that no one can hurt miss."

"HMM." Shen Lang nodded slightly and then said to Shen Moran, "sister, drop a drop of blood on this armor, and then open your five fingers and stick them on this chest."

Shen Moran no longer pushed off, but did it according to his words. He pierced his fingertips and dropped a drop of blood on the armor.

Then he saw the purple fog armor, and immediately a blood mist lingered.

Then the blood fog suddenly completely penetrated into the armor.

The purple soft body standing next to her became filled with blood mist at this time.

Zirou bowed slightly towards Shen Moran and turned into a hiding light into the armor.

At the next moment, the armor in Shen Lang\'s hand suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless fine pieces of armor.

These armour pieces fly quickly around Shen Moran, just like petals.

A clear and pleasant sound of gold and iron sounded, and all the countless armor pieces converged towards Shen Moran and adhered to her.

The lavender armor, once again formed, has been worn on Shen Moran.

"The pattern, color and overall momentum of the armor are almost tailor-made for my sister. Old Chu is really lucky." Shen Lang joked.

Shen Mo ran stared at Shen Lang and stroked his armor. He couldn\'t put it down.

Who knows, on the edge of the door without the door, Chu Qingcheng\'s head suddenly stretched out and said with a intoxicated face: "Mo ran can always wear this armor in the future. It\'s so beautiful that it\'s suffocating..."

Shen Lang\'s heart jumped. With his current cultivation and understanding of the "potential of heaven and earth", he didn\'t know that Chu Qingcheng was hiding at the door!

"Why are you hiding here?" Shen Moran said angrily.

Chu Qingcheng waved his hand and said, "I\'m being chased and killed. I can\'t be careless... The snow family doesn\'t want to let me go. Hey, lonely!"

"Ah, you..." Shen Langgang raised his hand and said.

Chu Qingcheng took Shen Moran and walked away. As he walked, he said, "you can have an adventure. Can\'t I get some adventure and improve my cultivation?"

"Don\'t stare. It\'s no use staring. Hurry to solve the one next door. Her ears have been listening to the wall for a long time."

Shen Lang: "

Before Shen Lang could react, the voice of Nalan purple smoke was heard in the house next door: "Chu Qingcheng, you bastard, stop! Make it clear to me, who has been listening to the wall for a long time?"

That\'s an interesting question. If you didn\'t listen to Chu Qingcheng for a long time, how could you hear Chu Qingcheng\'s words?