Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 972

In the silent night, Shen Moran tells a story in a soft voice

Shen Lang\'s eyes had already changed, but he was still silent.

The story is not finished.


In the imperial Jialan college, she never stopped thinking about the boy.

If you can\'t see him, you miss him more and go crazy.

No matter when and where, his figure is in my mind.

Sometimes she even thinks she\'s going crazy.

Later, she thought that he might feel better because she didn\'t continue to chase him, so she wanted to laugh.

Then he began to cry again and couldn\'t stop crying.

She felt that she was getting farther and farther away from the boy.

Two people are like two parallel lines. They can see each other, but they can never come together.

It made her despair.

She finally returned to her hometown.

She was afraid that she would really go crazy if she stayed in the imperial capital again.

After coming back, even when an outsider, it\'s better to look at all this and him silently than to want to see but can\'t see.

As long as you can look at him, her world is complete.

Later, the boy went deep into the Phoenix Mountains for his father and wanted to pick a seven star Begonia to help his father heal.

Without any hesitation, she quietly followed him and set foot on the road to Phoenix Mountain.

She didn\'t show up even in the animal tide.

But then the boy was chased and killed, and she finally couldn\'t hold back her hand.

He could have handled it, but she couldn\'t help it. At the critical moment, she rushed out and slapped him.

This slap disrupted his plan.

They fell off the cliff

When she fell off the cliff, she was suddenly not afraid.

Summoned up all his courage and hugged him.

It\'s a good thing to die with him.

At that moment, she even felt very satisfied.

However, they did not die and were in danger.

Some of his secrets were also revealed.

But she is not interested in these secrets. She is only interested in his people.

It was at this time that she finally had the opportunity to get close to him and be alone with him.

Perhaps it was God\'s will that the boy\'s strength climbed to a terrible situation, and he had many adventures.

After this, their relationship was finally not as stiff as before.

Sometimes she even felt that going on like this was actually a very good result.

I don\'t know when she has regarded him as the most important person in her life.

Important enough to die for him.

Later, she did.

When he was in crisis and was about to be caught up by Yu wenhuaji, she stood up

She didn\'t expect to do anything with her little accomplishments. She just wanted to hold off the pursuers for a while and let him escape. She was satisfied.

When doing this, I don\'t have so much time to think.

Death is sometimes not as terrible as imagined.

She thought that in this way, the boy would keep her in mind forever.

As a result, she did not die, but survived again.

Up to now, she doesn\'t understand whether this is lucky or unfortunate?

"In fact, you already know the following story." Shen Moran whispered, "the hero of this story is you."

"The whole story is not what she told me. What she told me is just some fragments. It\'s everything I will do and know. It\'s connected with lines... Even if there are some deviations, it shouldn\'t be too big."

"When she chased you in Tianfeng City, I went to find her."

"At that time, I saw something unusual in her eyes... When talking about you, she didn\'t have the anger or hatred I imagined, but was only shy."

"Only when you love someone deeply can you have such eyes and glow when talking about another name."

"What she shows is always a little careless, but in fact, a careless woman will not hide such a secret in her heart for so long."

"It\'s very painful to hide such a secret in your heart."

"I tell this story to let you know something you don\'t know, and let you know her better."

"It\'s unfair to her not to say these things."

Having said this, Shen Mo looked at Shen Lang with determination.

And Shen Lang was still silent.

Shen Moran sighed and said, "it\'s not easy for others to intervene in this kind of emotional thing. Only you can handle it well. My sister doesn\'t want to control your thoughts."

"But since it\'s your sister, I always think it\'s better to say something. I hope you don\'t blame your sister."

Shen Lang slowly raised his head and said, "my sister said anything to me for my good. How can I blame you."

Shen Moran said, "Dingdang and you are childhood sweethearts. No one will say anything. Even parents have treated her as a daughter-in-law many years ago."

"But sister Ziyan is also deeply attached to you, and she died for you once... Alas, I don\'t know how to say it. My sister just hopes that you won\'t live up to such a girl."

"In your life, you should know how to cherish someone who loves you wholeheartedly."

"About Xue... Elder Xue, I don\'t know what happened between you, but you still need to take some time to sort out your relationship."

Finally speaking of snow poetry.

In fact, as soon as Shen Moran entered the house, Shen Lang already knew that she would say it.

Xue Shiyin is the ancestor of Xue family, and Xue Dingdang is the youngest generation of Xue family.

Both women are related to Shen Lang.

In the eyes of many people, this kind of thing is really unimaginable and shocking.

Now in xuandaozong, even in Zichu state, no one dares to gossip openly, mainly because of Shen Lang\'s strength and overbearing style.

Moreover, when the world changes and chaos is coming, the only thing purple Chu can rely on is Shen Lang.

But people must have done this kind of thing.

Shen Lang can\'t hear this and doesn\'t care about it.

But Shen Lang\'s family said they didn\'t care at all. It must be impossible.

Now Shen Moran said this, which means she has been under a lot of pressure, otherwise she wouldn\'t come here when Shen Lang came back.

Shen Lang knew this, so he was silent for a long time.

He wanted to tell his sister that Xue Shiyin and Xue Dingdang were probably the same person in the last life.

However, although many people know and believe this kind of thing in previous life and this life, it is too ethereal after all.

And Xue Shiyin and Xue Dingdang are one soul and two souls. Until now, Shen Lang only guessed according to the words of the ancient wind and his intuition, as well as the dreams he had in Tianfeng city before.

After all, it\'s just speculation.

No matter how strongly Shen Lang believes in this judgment, it is only a guess after all, and it is a guess without any evidence.

But without this reason to explain, how will Xue Shiyin face her family in the future?

And how does Shen Lang\'s family face the world?

Shen Lang has integrated the memory of the war emperor, has the consciousness of the incomparable strong, lives naturally and freely, and can not care about the eyes of the world.

However, his family may not be able to bear the secular vision and evaluation.

The question now is, how to explain it?

At this moment when Shen Lang was stunned, Shen Moran suddenly smiled and said, "did your sister embarrass you?"

"There\'s no need to be embarrassed. Just choose the direction that makes you happy. In fact, my sister doesn\'t have too many ideas and doesn\'t want to change your ideas."

"I just haven\'t talked to you for a long time, so by the way, don\'t care too much."

"I don\'t have any prejudice against her, neither do my parents... In fact, my parents already know her identity, but when we eat together at night, my parents don\'t show a bad or embarrassing look on their faces, right?"

"Elder sister......" Shen Lang raised his head with gratitude.

Shen Moran smiled and said, "my brother has grown up. He has not only grown up, but also become a strong deterrent."

"I believe that you can handle it well and perfectly even in emotion."

"If you have time back, you\'d better persuade sister Ziyan. Sometimes women don\'t need much. It may be just one or two nice words."

With that, Shen Moran slowly stood up and walked to the door.

Just then, Shen Lang was stunned.

Because at this time, the snow poetry in the yard also stood up and went out.

She can quietly listen to other people\'s stories, but she doesn\'t seem very willing to listen to others talk about her own affairs.

She is also afraid that Shen Lang\'s sister and brother will affect their feelings because of her.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "sister, do you believe in the past and this life?"

Shen Moran was stunned, turned around and said softly, "people have souls. After Wang Wujing, they can cast Danying and cultivate their souls. When souls enter reincarnation, they naturally have previous lives and present lives... Why do you suddenly ask?"

Shen Lang opened his mouth and said after a while, "when I was in Tianfeng City, I dreamed of the same scene more than once. I dreamed that Dingdang died in my arms."

"This......" Shen Moran was surprised: "is there such a thing?"

"After all, dreams are dreams. They can\'t be true."

Shen Lang said in a low voice, "I was afraid at the beginning. I\'ve been worried. I\'m worried that what I dream of is the future."

"If you see the future and destiny, how can you change it?"

"But after continuous analysis and analysis of every detail, I realized that it was not the future, but the past."

Shen Moran\'s eyes showed surprise: "what do you mean, your previous life?"

"But although we know this kind of thing in the past life and this life, how many people can really know everything in the past life except some unparalleled strong... Maybe it\'s just a dream?"