Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 971

Shen Lang certainly knows that Nalan Ziyan is jealous.

But Nalan Ziyan is really speechless and endlessly scared to death as soon as he opens his mouth!

"I\'ve brought my ancestors back..."

Such words are as calm as Shen waves, and they are completely overwhelmed!

Shen Lang spit out a mouthful of water directly, coughing constantly, and was in a mess.

"You... Cough, what a mess you are!" Shen Lang coughed and wanted to explain: "I\'ll tell you..."

"Say a fart!" Nalan Ziyan sneered, turned around gracefully and walked to the door.

At the door, she turned around and said, "don\'t make a mistake. It\'s not me, it\'s you... Cut, you\'re really messy."

"Listen to me." Shen Lang finally said what many men like to say.

"I\'m not interested. Aunt, I\'m going to bed. Go find your ancestral beauty." Nalan Ziyan clenched his teeth. After saying this, he slapped on the porch and directly knocked down the wooden door.

When Shen Lang came back, he was still lamenting that the house was clean and spotless. In the blink of an eye, the door was demolished.

Shen Lang stared at all this and saw her hands spread out. She was very "innocent" and said, "Oh, I accidentally knocked your door off without paying attention. I\'m sorry."

"But that\'s good. It\'s convenient for that beautiful woman to enter your room..."

As soon as this was finished, Nalan Ziyan was stunned. The beauty Xue Shiyin in her mouth was standing in the yard looking at her!

Nalan Ziyan flattened his mouth and turned angrily into his room. Then he slammed the door and closed it.

Xue Shiyin looked at all this quietly. She didn\'t feel angry in her eyes. She just sat down in the pavilion and looked up at the full moon in the air.

"This kind of trouble is more troublesome than the cracks in the earth."

With a sigh, Shen Lang helplessly picked up the door on the ground, put it on the side and wanted to go out.

In a white dress, Shen Moran, a fairy, came in at this time with his mouth covered.

"Is it a headache? Isn\'t it all caused by yourself?" Shen Moran said with a smile as he looked at Shen Lang\'s helpless appearance.

Shen Lang smiled bitterly and said, "sister, help me persuade her. I know she still listens to you."

Shen Moran shook his head and said, "this kind of thing still needs to be solved by yourself. My sister came here and just wanted to tell you a story."

"Tell a story? What story?" Shen Lang was stunned.

Shen Moran sat down and said softly, "the story of a girl and a boy."

A story that sounded simple but made Shen Lang listen to it was so thrilling that it unfolded.

Many questions in Shen Lang\'s mind were finally solved one by one in Shen Moran\'s story

Many years ago, there was a girl in a small city.

She is very talented. She shines at a young age and has become a recognized genius.

She is so beautiful that people feel a little "disaster to the country and the people".

But such a beauty, such a gifted woman, has an unknown side.

Many people don\'t know that this girl, under the age of 12, began to wander through the Phoenix Mountains alone, hunt countless monsters and temper herself in blood and fire.

She sometimes thinks about it and admires herself.

It is admirable that any girl of this age can venture into the Phoenix Mountains alone.

She thought she was the only one in Tianfeng city to do such a thing.

However, when she was 15 years old, she found herself wrong, which was outrageous.

Because she found a boy several years younger than her in the Phoenix Mountains.

She met the boy several times and knew that he was an outsider, an adopted foreigner, a man called waste.

The little boy has no martial spirit and can\'t practice.

In this martial world, people who can\'t practice are people from another world.

And almost doomed to live at the bottom of society.

In the information she learned, the little boy was not only unable to practice, but also called waste, and seemed to abandon himself

In the eyes of everyone, he is a man who eats, sleeps, eats, eats and dies.

Basically, it has been completely abandoned by the family and the college.

She wondered why a person who could not practice, a person who abandoned himself in everyone\'s eyes, appeared in the Phoenix Mountains?

In that place, although it is not deep in Phoenix Mountain, it is no longer a place that ordinary people can enter.

Such an age, such a cultivation, holding a rusty knife, appearing in such a place is not, is this looking for death?

Is it said that he was murdered and thrown into the Phoenix Mountains?

In that place, any low-level monster can kill him!

However, she soon found out that it was wrong. The little boy fought with monsters in the Phoenix Mountains, as if... He volunteered.

He is deliberately looking for some powerful monsters!

He is also experiencing, honing himself in blood and fire!

She was really shocked that she, who was praised as a genius, would meet this person who was regarded as waste in such a place.

She never thought that the other side of the boy would be like this... It turned out that what ate, slept and ate was all pretended.

In private, he is practicing harder than anyone!

Walking on the edge of life and death

The boy has no martial spirit. Without it, it is difficult to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

In the star continent, the power of martial arts is to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth for their own use.

Psychic power is power.

Unable to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and unable to store spiritual power in the body, everything is in vain.

But she found that the boy\'s martial arts talent seemed so good that she was jealous.

His fighting talent seems to be innate.

He was obviously weak in mind, but the poisonous snakes running out of the grass behind him could hardly hurt him.

He moves very slowly, but at such a slow speed, he can kill many fast monsters on the spot!

She couldn\'t understand for a moment whether it was an inborn fighting talent or honed in blood and killing.

All she knows is that this boy is not ordinary at all!

She was so shocked that she followed the boy.

She was curious and began to want to know everything about the boy.

She was also worried that the boy was in crisis.

No matter how amazing his fighting talent is, a person who can\'t absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and cultivate, a person of this age, is a very worrying thing in the dangerous place of Phoenix Mountain.

She followed behind, watching the boy and protecting him.

She will never forget the boy\'s unyielding eyes.

What kind of look is that

Sometimes Gu jingbubo is patient and tenacious;

Sometimes they are bloodthirsty and tyrannical, as if they were fierce beasts from ancient times!

In the face of powerful monsters, he is fearless;

Even under serious injury, never give up!

There was never fear or panic in his eyes, only tenacity and bloodthirsty

He lingered on the edge of death countless times, killing powerful monsters again and again, leaving shocking scars on his body again and again.

Later, she followed the boy secretly and watched him grow stronger and stronger.

It lasted more than four months until the boy returned to the family with scars.

Every year after that, she secretly followed the boy to the Phoenix Mountains, secretly protected him and watched him grow up.

As mentioned earlier, this girl is very beautiful. She is so beautiful that she will bring disaster to the country and the people.

But from then on, she was firmly attracted by this boy, and there was no room for other men in her eyes.

After leaving the Phoenix Mountains, she began to contact the boy in real life.

But the boy didn\'t think she existed.

Not only did the little boy ignore her, he didn\'t even look at her.

This made her feel a great failure and felt very uncomfortable.

When a woman is angry, she will be stupid.

She can do anything when she is stupid.

In order to get close to the boy, the stupid woman came up with a bad idea.

She knew that the boy often went to a remote lake to take a bath, and she couldn\'t help peeping several times.

So one day, she saw the time and jumped into the lake before the boy went.

The next thing happened as she expected.

I\'ll make you look like a ghost, and you\'ll be fooled around by my mother!

As soon as the boy ran to the lake, she rushed out and began to make a big noise, saying that he had peeked at her bath.

Then he chased him day and night with a sword.

In her memory, it was the happiest and most painful day for her.

Happy is the first half, uncomfortable is the second half.

Happily, the little boy couldn\'t beat her and was chased all over the mountain.

Unfortunately, when he reached the edge of the cliff near the Phoenix Mountain in the evening, the little boy lost his sight.

Frightened, she wandered around the cliff looking for him and calling him.

The stupid woman, when she finally understood that the little boy didn\'t want to show up because he was afraid of her, it was already dawn.

In any case, she finally had something to do with the boy, and finally let the boy notice her.

Later she knew that this guy was hiding in a groove on the cliff.

He could have come out soon, but because she was worried, she had been looking around, so he hid there and didn\'t dare to come out. The cold wind blew all night.

Anyway, they finally got a little relationship... The relationship between the enemy.

However, just when she thought she could get close to the boy, a legendary young lady of a great family appeared in Tianfeng city.

As soon as the girl appeared, she played with the boy and was inseparable!

If there is really love at first sight in this world, this kind must be love at first sight.

Although the two sides have never said the word "love", there are no further actions.

But she could see that the eyes of both sides were wrong!

And since the little girl appeared, his smile has become more and more happy

She\'s stupid. She doesn\'t know why.

Do you really look so ugly and unattractive?

In every way, the other party didn\'t look at her.

A little girl suddenly appeared, which made him completely changed!

She couldn\'t figure it out, so she cried all day and all night, which frightened her family.

Later, the girl left her family and went to Jialan college in the imperial capital.

In fact, she didn\'t want to see that close pair of figures again.

She was afraid that she would do something stupid if she couldn\'t control it one day.

Women are jealous and can do everything.

There will be another chapter soon. Today is Chapter 3.