Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 970

Many people know that the yuan sect of refining weapons has been brought to xuandao sect by Shen Lang.

Medicine refining King\'s Valley... Are you coming too?

It\'s frightening to death!

I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for some legendary sects to take Yaowang Valley directly in?

What exactly is Shen Lang\'s means? He went out for a few days and brought back Yaowang Valley?

After just knowing that duanmuxie and duanmuxie are quasi emperor martial mirrors, many people are still thinking that the comprehensive strength of xuandaozong is still a little poor, otherwise it is a dark gold level force... With Qiyuan Zong and Yaowang Valley, is the comprehensive strength still poor?

With such two sects, which one can compare with xuandao sect?

The four ancestors and leaders of xuandaozong reacted much faster. They immediately surrounded Gu Yue and booed him.

"You\'re welcome, you\'re welcome. I hope you can take care of me... Lang Shao, let them busy with their own affairs first. I\'ll go to qiyuanzong and see old man Yin and them later."

Gu Yue didn\'t have any discomfort and didn\'t mind that these people in front of him were the descendants of Wang Wujing. He spoke very politely.

It\'s so polite that people around wonder. Is this really Gu Yue, the legendary ancestor of the medicine refining and bulk medicine King Valley?

It is said that the people of Wanggu and qiyuanzong of traditional Chinese medicine all walk with their heads up, looking only at the sky and not at people?

How can you be so easygoing and easy to talk?

The ancestors of each sect have begun to think about changing the gift originally given to Shen Lang.

Originally, I wanted to take out three 3500 year old spirit fruits to Shen lang. now I start to think about whether to take out the only 5000 year old spirit storing grass in my family?

There are not so many opportunities to please Shen Lang.

Now on this day, Xuanshan mountain... No, in the purple state of Chu, if you want to live well, just rely on him!

Of course, if you want to die quickly, it\'s just his word.

A group of old and crafty guys, do it when they think of it, and start doing it immediately!

It was because duanmuzheng dug their graveyard that they came to "collect debts" and "seek justice"

Now it has become a gift to Shen Lang!

Obviously, it\'s not Shen Lang\'s birthday or other festival days. They can still find all kinds of high sounding reasons!

What "congratulations on duanmuxie\'s advanced quasi emperor martial mirror";

What "xuandaozong worked hard and made great achievements for Tianxuan mountain";

What "it\'s hard to go out for a short trip. Soaking wine with this lingguo can relieve fatigue";

Anyway, I took out all the good things I had hidden before.

If there are advantages, don\'t take it as a gentleman. Shen Lang doesn\'t refuse anyone at all.

Although it swept the dragon scale temple, Shen Lang is now an upstart out and out, but who would be too rich?

Shen Lang gave Lengyue a look. Lengyue and xuandaozong began to happily collect gifts from large doors.

When all this is done

Shen Lang waved and said, "that\'s it. It\'s not too late. Duanmuxie and dinaros, you two go to Heishui mountain with the first ancestor... Patriarch, take the ancient Qiyuan sect."

They praised and courteous again, and followed Jiang Haitian and duanmuxie out of the xuanqingfeng hall.

The crowded hall finally became empty and there were few people.

As soon as Shen Langgang stood up, lengbuding\'s figures rushed over, hugging his legs and hands, and hugged him firmly!

It\'s the bone demons, bone one and bone two.

"What are you doing? Get up!" Shen Lang frowned.

But they refused to let go.

"Boss, you can\'t give up like this. We have to practice with you. You can\'t leave us alone!" bone shouted.

Bone two, bone three and bone four nodded together: "yes!"

Nalan Ziyan squinted, glanced at the sound of snow poetry, and then said in a strange way: "it\'s a good word to use!"

Xue Shiyin smiled and didn\'t speak.

Nalan Ziyan felt that he had hit the cotton with a punch. He was not stressed at all. He was so uncomfortable that his teeth itched.

If it\'s snow jingle, it\'s OK, but snow Shiyin is so "intimate" with Shen Lang, Nalan Ziyan can\'t stand it.

My heart is sour and uncomfortable.

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "I didn\'t say I wouldn\'t let you practice with me? I\'ve just come back. Isn\'t it too late to arrange?"

"Then you have to promise us that you can\'t abandon us!" Gu Yibu said: "we\'ve been trying to cultivate these days. Now it\'s the end of the Xuanwu realm!"

Bone two, bone three and bone four nodded together: "yes!"

Shen Lang\'s black line on his face: "do you want to hold on and talk nonsense again? Believe it or not, I\'ll shake you into bone powder?"

The four bone demons were startled and quickly released.

"Leng Yue, it\'s been a hard time for you. You can practice with them. Other things can be done by your subordinates. The most important thing is to improve your strength as soon as possible." Shen Lang looked at Leng Yue and said.

"Yes, my subordinates understand." Lengyue said respectfully.

Shen Lang threw his sleeved robe, a white light covered the four bone demons and Lengyue, and collected them into the fengtianding.

With the help of Yuan force fragments, it is estimated that these four bone demons will be able to advance the king\'s martial arts mirror in a few days.

However, Shen Lang doesn\'t really understand the advanced level of Bone Demon.

The records of bone demons in the God of war hall are much less than those of zombies.

Shen Lang doesn\'t even know what these four bone demons will become after they advance to Wang Wujing.

"You haven\'t had much rest all the way. Go back and have a rest first." Xue Shiyin suddenly said.

There are only a few people in the whole hall.

"Go and see my parents first." Shen Lang smiled and said.

"Oh, I\'m going to see my parents so soon. It\'s really fast. I can\'t imagine!" Nalan\'s sour voice came over, and his tone was a little sour.

"What are you talking about?" Shen Lang coughed and didn\'t change his breath.

Nalan Ziyan snorted coldly and turned away from xuanqingfeng hall. He didn\'t give Shen Lang a chance to speak at all.

Su Wenxuan, the leader of xuandao sect in the hall, and Gu Yue hurriedly ran out of the hall.

It\'s better not to get involved in the affairs of young people.

Xue Shiyin\'s face was red. She looked at Shen Lang, carried her hands and said softly, "Why are you still stunned? Catch up and explain..."

There are only two people left in the empty xuanqingfeng hall.

Shen Lang looked at the gate, sighed and said, "go back to the place where I live in songduofeng first. My parents also live there."

"Oh!" the voice of Xue Shi, who was just very calm, suddenly became inexplicably nervous.

At this time, Shen Lang suddenly turned around and said, "poetry... Poetry, have you ever thought about, maybe, I, not me..."

This is very strange and inexplicable.

I\'m not me. Who is that?

Xue Shiyin was slightly stunned, and immediately smiled and said, "you are you, I know it is you. I can recognize you at a glance, no matter what, I just recognized you."

With this, Xue Shiyin seemed to have run out of courage, giggled at Shen Lang and quickly stepped out of the xuanqingfeng hall.

Shen Lang was stunned, then smiled and followed.


The excitement on Songduo peak is no worse than that on Xuanqing peak.

The patriarch Su Wenxuan sent a message to songduofeng the first time he found Shen Lang coming back.

When Shen Lang returned to songduofeng, outside the yard, Wang Dashu, the leader of songduofeng, accompanied Shen Lang\'s parents with several elders. He had been waiting for it for a while.

Behind these people, there are all disciples of xuandaozong, including those from all peaks.

"Dad, mom..."

Shen Lang quickly fell down and knelt in front of Mr. and Mrs. Shen Haotian.

Thousands of words, finally just converged into these two words.

But it was such a simple word that moved all the people present.

The snow poem followed by the voice, in the face of this situation, is a little at a loss.

Her identity was a little troublesome, and she didn\'t expect Shen Lang to be like this as soon as she came up. For a time, she became very flustered.

"Silly boy, get up quickly. Your parents are waiting for you to eat." Shen Haotian picked up Shen Lang, looked at Xue Shiyin and asked softly, "this girl looks familiar. I don\'t know..."

Shen Lang\'s head suddenly went blank.

Many people know about Xue Shiyin\'s identity.

But his parents just picked him up some time ago. I\'m afraid no one dares to talk in front of them.

How to introduce it is a difficult problem.

Xue Shiyin turned her eyes and said, "Shiyin has seen uncle. I\'m Dingdang\'s sister."

"...." Shen Lang was relieved, but he always felt something was wrong.

But no matter what\'s wrong, it\'s better than jingle\'s ancestors!

"Hum!" a cold hum of Nalan purple smoke came from the yard.

The sweat on Shen Lang\'s forehead immediately came out.

Shen Haotian was wise and saw something wrong, but smiled and said, "it\'s Dingdang\'s sister. I said, why do you look like Dingdang? Come on, let\'s talk first."

Shen Lang\'s mother Luo dieqi immediately came to hold Xue Shiyin, and the party went into the yard with a smile.


The noise dissipated.

When Shen Lang returned to his house, it was already the willow head on the moon.

I haven\'t lived in a house for many months. It\'s clean and spotless.

The only difference is that under the soft light released by the moonlight stone, a slim figure stands in front of the window.

Nalan purple smoke.

"Why didn\'t you go to dinner just now?" Shen Lang naturally sat at the table and poured himself a glass of water.

Nalan Ziyan didn\'t speak, just sneered.

"What\'s the matter? Such a big smell of vinegar?" Shen Lang had a headache about this kind of thing.

Nalan Ziyan almost jumped up: "am I jealous? Am I jealous? Hey, I laugh, just because I admire your means!"

"Hey, that\'s great, good means!"

Shen Lang smiled bitterly, shook his head and drank.

Nalan said again like a purple smoke laser gun: "it\'s OK to go out and find tinkle. Tinkle didn\'t find it. It\'s a good way to pick up girls. It tastes very strong?"

"Poof!" Shen Langgang\'s saliva gushed out directly.