Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 969

As Leng Yue said, the four wilderness and Zhongzhou where the Terrans live are very big, but compared with the wilderness, they are just like several islands in the vast sea!

Assuming that there may be ten or eight earth cracks on this island, there may be hundreds or thousands in the sea!

It\'s no wonder that the number of monsters and demons is so huge.

When the Qi of Yin surges out, low-level monsters and ghosts will be demonized, become more powerful, become more irritable and bloodthirsty.

At first, in the desolate land near the imperial capital of Zichu state, Lord evil eye once controlled thousands of demonized demons and wanted to kill a mercenary regiment.

In fact, even without the control of evil eyes, those demonized monsters will attack humans madly.

Just a few days ago, Shen Lang passed Yunluo city. The demons and Demons covered the earth for hundreds of miles!

Once the city is broken, it will completely submerge the huge city like Yunluo city in an instant!

If it were not for Shen Lang\'s presence, it would be hard to predict how many people Yunluo city would survive.

The blood ancestor hasn\'t come out yet. Several major races, such as Terrans and demons, are already facing the biggest dilemma

The Terrans, known as the largest race in the star continent, are still a little weak in the face of such endless demons and ghosts.

Although Shen Lang guessed, many dark gold level forces and legend level forces will take action to control the situation.

However, these top forces still feel like a drop in the bucket compared to the vast star continent.

"It seems that we should go to the wilderness as soon as possible, get the green dragon blood essence, and then go to the demon Temple immediately... Anyway, I\'m afraid the only one who has the strength to deal with all this is the demon temple now."

"We must find a way to use the power of the demon temple!"

"Use the power of the demon temple to suppress the blood clan, and use the power of the demon temple to control the situation."

"Hum, don\'t you people in the demon Temple say that the star continent is your pasture? Since all the living creatures here are cattle and sheep in your eyes, you have to take care of your cattle and sheep when they are eaten by wolves!"

Thinking of this, Shen Lang breathed out a sigh of discomfort and adjusted his thinking to the matter of Tianxuan mountain.

Shen langcai just brought back the fragments of Yuanli. At this time, he was trying to greatly improve the strength of the seven general of Yanmo.

It\'s impossible to let them out at this time.

Duanmuxie can advance into the quasi emperor martial mirror during this period of time. Shen Lang is also sure to advance the seven general of Yan devil into the quasi emperor martial mirror within three months.

With the help of Yuanli fragments and various natural materials and earth treasures, it is urgent to help these guys who have reached the bottleneck stage as soon as possible.

During this period of time, the members of the war wolf must advance to become Wang Wujing.

To solve the problem of Tianxuan mountain, we need thunder!

With a slight sigh, Shen Langyou said, "well, I\'ll send two people to help you."

"Just two?" all ancestors who had been waiting for a long time were stunned. No one showed a happy look.

They really want duanmuxie and duanmuzheng to fight, but fools all know that Shen Lang must have more power than that.

So a group of people begged to come to the door to ask Shen Lang to send more strong people, and even to do it himself.

The story of the state of Zichu has been widely spread. Everyone already knows that xuandaozong not only has Shen Lang, a strong martial mirror of the quasi emperor, but also the snow poetry of the snow family of the dark gold force!

Just let duanmuxie and duanmuzheng fight. Is Shen Lang too stingy?

Anyway, xuandaozong is also in the Tianxuan mountains, and duanmuzheng has dug the ancestral tombs of major gates!

Just when everyone was depressed, Shen Lang released duanmuxie and the king of Yan devil.

As soon as these two guys came out, their faces changed again... Aren\'t they duanmuxie and duanmuzheng? How is duanmuxie and a guy you don\'t know?

That\'s good. Even duanmuzheng has been buttoned down!

Anyway, Duan muzheng also has the cultivation of four heaven in the imperial martial arts realm. It\'s too

A hundred people in all major departments were unhappy.

They have all seen the horror of Duan muzheng\'s cultivation. They all want to tell Shen Lang directly to let Duan muzheng go instead of this stranger.

This stranger, the breath released is slightly undetectable. How can he feel much worse without being upright?

But no one dares to say these words, but everyone\'s eyes show such a meaning.

At this time, Duan muzheng suddenly ran over and shouted, "lying trough, brother, you are already a quasi emperor\'s martial mirror?"

"Oh, my Lord, you\'re so unfair. You left me at home and let my brother\'s accomplishments rise... I know, sir, you must be hating what I did to you in the hidden moon cemetery! It must be..."

Before duanmuzheng finished, the king of Yan devil took his collar and threw it out directly outside the hall.

Just listen to the "whoosh".

Duan muzheng, who had just been highly expected by the public, didn\'t even have the power to resist, so he was thrown out and half dead!

The people were suddenly dumbfounded

This strange man is much better than Duanmu?

But you can\'t feel the smell at all?

In addition, Duanmu evil has advanced to the quasi emperor martial mirror?

The people who just felt that Shen Lang was stingy immediately changed their faces.

Everyone was ecstatic!

This is much better than expected!

Although people don\'t know about the cultivation of this great man.

But duanmuxie is already the martial mirror cultivation of the quasi emperor, which has exceeded expectations!

As long as duanmuxie does it alone, Tianxuan mountain will have no worries!

At this time, Shen Lang said faintly, "we have a mineral vein in the wild Heishui mountain. You two go."

"I\'ll give you ten days to eradicate all the demons in a ten thousand mile area centered on Heishui mountain."

Duanmu evil and dinaros, king of the Yan devil, shouted in unison, "yes!"

Shen Lang turned and looked at Jiang Haitian, the ancestor of xuandaoism, and said, "go, too, and follow duanmuxie and dinaros together with the strong king\'s martial mirror of all major sects... Monsters have demon crystals and ghosts have ghost fragments. Even abyssal demons are full of treasure, so don\'t waste it."

It\'s easy to say this. Xuandaozong and other sects followed duanmuxie and the king of Yanmo and went to pick up treasure!

You know, there are thousands of these demons... No, there are countless!

Such a good thing is beyond my dreams!

Jiang Haitian rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "OK, no problem!"

Shen Lang looked at Xia Houjin and others and said, "the two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors can solve these crises in a few days, but it doesn\'t mean you don\'t have to do anything."

"What? The two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors?" the people were stunned: "Wow, this big man like an iron tower is also a quasi emperor martial mirror? Two quasi emperor martial mirrors!"

Happiness comes so fast that people are always at a loss.

People from all the major schools who come here already know that Shen Lang is very powerful. Even those who are strong in emperor\'s martial mirror have to bow down and become ministers.

But after all, the strong emperor Wujing is a mysterious force called "demon God hall", and Shen Lang sent him to guard the cracks in the earth.

Now duanmuxie and dinaros are cultivated by Shen Lang himself. Now they can use their powerful power!

Who can imagine that there are so many strong quasi emperor martial mirrors in this xuandao sect now?

The current xuandaozong, aside from its comprehensive strength, is no weaker than the dark gold power in terms of top power!

There is such a force to take charge of the Tianxuan mountains. Originally, the Tianxuan mountains with the highest risk may be the safest in Zichu!

Shen Lang didn\'t bother to explain and continued: "sweeping the area thousands of miles away can only delay the deterioration of the situation in a short time. It still needs the efforts of people from all major departments to do it together."

"Everyone continued to operate according to the previous plan and sent their sect disciples out of the mountain to kill demons and demons."

"You can\'t solve it. Leave it to me."

"When you encounter powerful demons or demons, send notes to xuandaozong at the first time, and I will solve it."

"What do you think?"

The people who were still stunned finally reacted and cheered in unison!

Shen Lang immediately drank again: "Duanmu Zheng, get in here!"

Chi slipped, Duan muzheng, who had just been thrown out, rushed in again and brought a dark wind, which blew a group of old guys of Wang Wujing upside down and into a mess.

Fortunately, many people are immersed in ecstasy, and at the same time, they frighten and correct the pornographic power of the zombie, so no one scolds their mother.

"Don\'t you want to practice with me? Lead a group of zombies to go out and clean up all the demons blocking their Mountain Gate with these people." Shen Lang said faintly, "if you do this well, I will give you good advice on your practice."

"Ow!" Duanmu roared with joy.

"Oh, your sister, take your zombies and leave immediately. The whole hall is stinked by you. Can your zombies don\'t have to take a bath? Next time this stink smokes me, I\'ll take a bath for you with fire... Well, all major departments also send some people to follow him. Don\'t lose them."

At the moment, the people of each large door separated the eldest group and stood with the group of zombies.

Duanmuzheng\'s sleeve robe was thrown and turned into a black fog to envelop these people. In a moment, xuandaozong came out and killed the demons and demons.

The crowded xuanqingfeng hall is much more spacious.

At this time, Shen Lang pointed to the ancient Yue of Yaowang Valley and said to Jiang Haitian, "Lao Zu, this is the elder Gu Yue of Yaowang valley. Yaowang valley will move to xuandaozong in a few days. You can arrange and select several peaks for them."

"If the place is not enough, anyway, xuandaozong will be close to the wilderness and extend beyond the wilderness. Later, I will modify the protectorate array according to the actual situation."

All the people who were still cheering were stunned again.