Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 968

Lengyue\'s voice is not big, and her tone has always been very stable.

But the people in the xuanqingfeng hall were very heavy.

Lengyue raised her head slightly, took a quick look at Shen Lang, and said, "I have talked with the ancestors of five sects, such as xuandao sect and shhua sect, and taken measures to let the people of night soul help the five sects to hang these demons and Demons together."

"Just, just now our strength is too weak."

In fact, it is more than weak?

In addition to duanmuzheng, almost all the stronger people were taken to fengtianding by Shen Lang, and then taken away directly.

Shen Lang\'s calculation is amazing, but after all, he is not an ancient wind who can calculate everything, nor is he a God.

As long as it is human, there are always omissions.

Shen Lang thought that Ling Xue and Ling Yue, the two great emperors of the purple Chu state, were strong in martial mirrors, and he only went out for more than half a month, so there could be no big problem.

I didn\'t expect to ignore the wild layer.

Fortunately, the time is very short, and the demons that come out of the wilderness have not become the climate.

If Shen Lang takes all his powerful men away, a group of soldiers equivalent to Huangwu territory will come out and attack tianque city and xuandaozong

Isn\'t there going to be big trouble?

"Duanmu was digging six days ago... When destroying Zixiao sect, a group of demons attacked Zixiao sect crazily and killed many Zixiao sect disciples outside Zixiao sect. Moreover, the leader was an abyss demon of Wang Wujing\'s seven heaven."

Lengyue continued: "the power of Zixiao sect can\'t deal with the abyss demons of this degree. We can only deal with those demons with the help of the sect protection array."

"After that, Duanmu Zheng killed a group of zombies from Zixiao sect, killed the abyss demon and wiped out all demons."

"Other cases have more or less happened during this period."

"That\'s what happened."

Lengyue finished what had happened during this period and stopped talking.

Different from Xia Houjin, who wants to say one sentence, every sentence of Lengyue points directly to the core.

After Lengyue finished, Xia Houjin finally had a chance to speak.

He said with a heavy look, "this girl has said everything the old man wants to say."

"Lang Shao should have guessed our intention. Although duanmuzheng\'s work is a little hateful, his starting point is actually good."

"He not only saved Zixiao sect, but also helped several other large gates to destroy a large number of demons."

"If he can really set up a zombie corps, it will be a great good thing for these sectarian forces in Tianxuan mountain... Oh, no, for all the creatures living here!"

"Tianxuan mountain range is not as worried as it is now!"

"We\'re not here for compensation..."

"But I hope langshao can send Duanmu Zheng and Duanmu Xie to help the sects of Tianxuan mountain."

As he spoke, the old man wondered: apart from the corpse Yin sect, what strong people in the world can accept the tyrannical and evil things like zombies? Shen Lang can make Duanmu evil and Duanmu Zheng obey. He\'s really good at it!

In the imperial capital of Zichu state, Shen Lang, in addition to his strong power, often let outsiders see only duanmuxie and duanmuzheng, two powerful zombies.

Ordinary people don\'t know that Shen Lang still has the power of Yan devil Legion.

I don\'t know that Shen Lang once subdued four evil ghost kings in the hungry ghost road of the dragon scale temple.

After talking for a long time, in fact, these sects came for help.

Moreover, the helpers you want to find are duanmuxie and duanmuzheng.

After all, it\'s not so easy to find Shen Lang to fight.

Tianxuan mountain range lies in the wild periphery, which is already the most dangerous area in the whole purple Chu country!

Countless demons and monsters come out of the wilderness.

If you are careless, these dark iron sect doors will completely disappear from the world!

These zongmen, located in the Tianxuan mountains, are now almost the troops guarding the border of the purple Chu state. They can\'t defend them if they don\'t want to.

The pressure is much greater than other sectarian forces in the purple Chu state.

Moreover, I don\'t know what year and month is the beginning.

If the xuandao sect had not suffered a heavy storm, I\'m afraid these sects would have planned to move to the mainland in the face of this situation.

Now a group of people came to xuandaozong crying and humiliating, but they were all excuses. In fact, they came to Shen Lang for help.

While Shen Lang was still thinking silently, the ancestor of xianmeng Valley stood up.

The old man trembled and said, "our fairy dream Valley, there is a place more than 300 miles outside the valley called Qiulong ridge. Qiulong ridge now has a number of demons, tens of thousands... Demonized demons, ghosts and abyss demons."

"The Qiulong ridge is the only way to the outside of xianmeng valley. It is blocked by such a group of demons, and our people almost dare not go out of the valley!"

"We sent a group of strong men to wipe them out, but the leading ghost came and went without a trace. At least it was Wang Wujing\'s four heavy days. It not only killed a large number of our disciples, but also hurt my two senior brothers..."

"Alas, xuantie level forces can\'t last long in front of demons and monsters of this level! This... It\'s even crueler than the barbarian era. Even in the barbarian era, the Terran has never been so difficult."

"There are xuantie level forces. We don\'t even dare to go out, let alone those green wood level forces or small towns."

"This is the rhythm of waiting for death..."

"Lang Shao, if you don\'t do it again, the consequences of the whole Tianxuan mountain will be unimaginable, unimaginable!"

Other ancestors began to talk about their situation.

Outside every sect door, there are a group of demons more or less!

At the beginning, each sect sent disciples down the mountain to subdue demons and eliminate demons. It was only a few days ago that they were driven back to the sect by demons and demons. They were afraid to go out of the mountain!

What\'s this called?

It\'s hard to live!

If it develops like this, the demons and demonized demons in the wilderness will rush out, and the whole Terran territory will be occupied by them!

Even if there is no blood clan to make trouble behind, races such as Terrans will soon decline.

From ancient times to now, the whole world has never been so terrible!

Nine stars and beads, heaven and earth turned upside down, and the world was in chaos. Now people finally believe this rumor.

However, no one thought that the legendary chaos or the end would come so soon!

It\'s so fast that people haven\'t reacted yet!

Of course, it is mainly Tianxuan mountain, which is close to the wilderness, that really realizes all this now.

The people in the center of the purple Chu state have never suffered such a big loss.

It\'s not like being blocked in the mountains by demons and afraid to go out.

But if it continues to develop, who can stay out of the vortex?

Heaven and earth, even if these people in Tianxuan mountain want to move out of here, where can they go?

Aware of this unimaginable crisis, even Shengguang sect and Jintai sect, who had a little holiday with Shen Lang, had the cheek to beg to come to the door.

Jin Xizong stopped talking. Shengguang sect was killed by Shen Lang in the dark moon abyss, and then its comprehensive strength plummeted!

Although no one saw Shen Lang\'s move at the beginning, Shen Lang really appeared there, and the cultivation displayed by Shen Lang behind is so powerful that as long as he is not a fool, he knows it must be Shen Lang\'s work.

However, Shengguang sect did not dare to mention the past at all, nor did it dare to ask questions. It could only knock off its teeth and swallow blood. It had the cheek to ask xuandao sect to come.

At this time, Jiang Haitian, the first ancestor of xuandaozong, came and said, "Xiaolang, what these old guys said is true. Just now Lengyue girl said, the current situation is really too severe. All kinds of demons and Demons emerge in endlessly and can\'t be killed!"

"Even the veins occupied by our five sects have been attacked many times recently. Fortunately, the large array you laid is extremely strong, so it has not caused any damage. However, the progress of mining the veins has been greatly delayed."

"We are waiting for you and xian\'er to come back and preside over the overall situation."

Shen Lang just listened quietly and didn\'t speak.

His fingers were on the table on the right, beating slowly and rhythmically.

About these things, what Shen Lang cares about is only the cracks in the wild earth.

He didn\'t care about the trouble faced by Tianxuan mountain now.

The whole Tianxuan mountain range is more than 6000 miles, with more than a dozen strong people in the imperial martial arts realm on it, which is enough to deal with those monsters and Demons drilled out of the wilderness.

Shen Lang now has many powerful people in the imperial martial arts realm.

The four evil ghost kings are the first stage of Huangwu territory;

The four ancestors of Qiyuan sect are also the second and third heaven of Huangwu territory;

The four ancestors of Yaowang Valley, who are about to migrate, are also cultivation accomplishments in Huangwu realm;

The seven generals of Yanmo are already the peak state of jiuchongtian in Huangwu territory;

And there are at least ten strong people in Huangwu junior high school in the Yanmo Legion.

As for Duanmu evil, they are all quasi emperor martial mirrors now.

This kind of power can scare people to death in the purple Chu state.

It won\'t take an hour to level a copper level faction.

It\'s easy to protect Tianxuan mountain.

However, this approach will address the symptoms rather than the root causes.

If the cracks in the wild land are not sealed, those monsters and demons will emerge one after another and kill them endlessly!

Even the demons in the abyss will climb out!

If we don\'t solve the problem of land cracks in the wilderness, we will have to fight and fight endlessly!

But let alone the whole wilderness, even a small corner of the western wilderness is not qualified to cope with the strength in Shen Lang\'s hand!

Several quasi emperor martial mirrors, a group of Huangwu territory, hundreds of Wang martial mirrors, such a force, at most, can hold one or two cracks in the earth.

If you have more, you won\'t be able to do what you want.

Facing such a situation, Shen Lang\'s current strength is still too weak and too small.

"We must rely on the power of those legendary sects and the demon God hall!"