Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 967

Shen Lang has always been polite to such smiling old people.

Shen Lang had already seen that the people of xuandaozong wanted to play with authority, so they deliberately blocked these people and didn\'t even let them enter the xuanqingfeng hall.

But now they\'ve been playing too. These people have cried for a few days. Xuandaozong\'s popularity has been enough. It\'s not a way to continue.

In Shen Lang\'s opinion, these guys just want to get some compensation or benefits.

Give them something and send them away.

What\'s it like to make such a fuss again?

Shen Lang made a gesture, and the zombies in front immediately gave way to both sides and let out a big passage.

"Please forgive me for the poor reception. Please come with me into the xuanqingfeng hall."

With that, Shen Lang went in first and sat down casually.

However, even if Shen Lang is sitting on the ground, everyone still revolves around him.

In the main hall, Xia Houjin sat next to Shen Lang and looked at Shen Lang up and down, as if watching her grandson\'s return from school, nodding as she watched.

But in fact, his Zixiao ancestral tomb was dug by duanmuzheng for a few days.

Shen Lang is the "boss" of Duanmu Zhenghe, a group of zombies!

Shen Lang didn\'t speak, so he sat casually and let Xia Houjin and a group of old guys look at him like this.

It\'s right to compensate these guys. After all, duanmuzheng has done so well that he has done such things as digging people\'s ancestral graves.

In the past, or Shen Lang didn\'t show his strong strength, I\'m afraid the two sides are immortal enemies.

Although there is a mistake first, it is impossible for these guys to open a big mouth in front of Shen waves.

Shen Lang has always opened a big mouth to other lions. No one dares to open a big mouth to lions in front of him.

At this time, Xia Houjin seemed to have seen enough and said with a smile: "in fact, we also know that Duanmu is following us without injustice and hatred. It can\'t be done on purpose."

"So it\'s understandable."

"..." Shen Lang was a little speechless.

When their ancestral graves were planed, they stood up and said good words for the people who planed their ancestral graves, saying "extenuating"?

Old man, are you sure there\'s nothing wrong with your head?

But this idea was immediately overturned by Shen Lang.

Because Shen Lang saw that those guys who were crying before were nodding after hearing Xia Houjin\'s words!

In other words, all the people of these sects whose graves were planed by Duan muzheng think Duan muzheng is excusable?

No, I don\'t understand. The world is a little fucking.

Shen Lang was once called "more intelligent than a demon" by many people. Now I don\'t understand what\'s in these guys\' heads.

It\'s better to have a good sleep when you have time. Shen Lang doesn\'t want to waste his time guessing riddles?

"If you have anything, just tell me. Don\'t beat around the bush. Duanmu is my man. I should be responsible for what he did wrong. I must be fair to you."

Shen Lang said directly.

After all, these guys came here just to seek justice or let xuandaozong compensate them.

Do you want to return a tooth for a tooth and dig the ancestral grave of xuandaozong?

I\'m afraid they don\'t have the courage.

Shen Lang is ready for Xia Houjin and others to open their mouths.

The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. I\'ll pay you a price.

Tossing around is nothing more than that.

After he came back, he was so busy that he hadn\'t spent much time with his parents. He was entangled by this group of people. Shen Lang was a little impatient.

Xia Houjin said with a positive look: "I\'ve heard about langshao for a long time. As soon as I see it today, it really deserves its reputation... If I hide it or beat around the Bush, I\'ll be disrespectful to langshao."

"About Duan muzheng, seriously... Duan muzheng is so cruel that he says he wants to form a zombie regiment. He planed all our cemeteries in the mountain behind the gate. This guy is not human!"

Duan muzheng is certainly not a person. He is a zombie.

Something beyond the six ways is much higher than the level of the abyss devil.

Shen Lang rolled his eyes and said, "if you need any compensation, just say it directly. If my people do something wrong, I won\'t cover it up."

"But my ugly words are ahead of me. It\'s impossible to overcharge; it\'s impossible to kill duanmuzheng or take him away."

As soon as he said this, a group of zombies in the hall immediately screamed and made a threatening sound.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to them at this time.

Xia Houjin waved her hand and said, "it\'s not like this. Lang Shao misunderstood."

"In this troubled world, duanmuzheng is such a powerful and just zombie, but the Savior of many people. How can we want to kill him?"

Just zombies? Just zombies won\'t dig your ancestral grave.

Shen Lang is really one head and two big ones.

It hurts to talk to these old guys.

What can be said clearly in a word, they have to pretend, then turn left and right, and finally say it half covered with a lute!

Xia Houjin was old and cunning. Seeing that Shen Lang looked wrong, she immediately looked straight and said, "well, in this half month, we Zixiao sect and many sect doors present were impacted by demons at least three times!"

"These demons and demons can sense that the foundation of each large door is the place with the most abundant aura. They don\'t need any blood clan command. They know to gather together to attack our sect doors."

"Xuantie level sect is better. Some green wood level forces can\'t even see a living person overnight. I saw it once. Alas, it\'s terrible, it\'s really terrible..."

"Hmm?" Shen Lang, who was lying obliquely, immediately sat straight: "is it just half a month after I went out?"

For more than half a month, Shen Lang went to Yaowang valley.

And took away most of the power.

Unexpectedly, so many things have happened!

"Wait a minute." Shen Lang stopped Xia Houjin from going on, and suddenly looked at the void above her head: "Lengyue, come on."

The strong people present were surprised. Why are there other experts hidden in this hall?

Some old guys who can make Wang Wujing\'s triple heaven feel nothing. I\'m afraid his cultivation is not weaker than Wang Wujing\'s triple heaven.

Then he saw the void shaking slowly, and the cold moon wearing a tight armor appeared.

Lengyue, one of the four heavenly kings of "night soul", is one of the few people left by Shen Lang to sit in xuandaozong.

She fell to the ground and said respectfully, "when my lord returned to the purple Chu state from yumudong blessed land, we all know that all kinds of demons attacked human cities. It\'s all the blood clan\'s doing mischief."

Everyone nodded.

The blood clan pushes those demons and goblins to attack human cities or sects, but it is just a way of beating around in order to destroy the seal of the cracks in the earth.

All major departments know about these things.

Leng Yue continued: "after Ling Xue and Ling Yue guarded the cracks in the earth, this form of attack has disappeared in Zichu."

"But during the half month when adults went to Yaowang Valley, countless demons and demons came out of the wilderness. Without the secret promotion of any blood clan, they spontaneously gathered together and impacted many sect forces!"

"Many mountain villages and small towns in big cities have no time to move. They become dead overnight, and their grievances soar to the sky. It is very sad."

"Fortunately, none of the demons were too powerful, so the major forces and some big cities did not suffer too much."

Then Lengyue brushed her right hand in the air.

In the void, a dragon like mountain appeared.

"Xuandaozong, as well as the major forces present, are in the Xuanshan mountain on this day." Lengyue said softly, "Tianxuan mountain borders the wilderness, which is equivalent to the largest defense line of Zichu state in the wilderness."

"It is also the most dangerous place in the whole purple Chu country!"

"After Ling Xue and Ling Yue pressed down the cracks in the land of Zichu before, many people thought that the situation was stable and that Zichu would be the safest place among the 18 snow covered countries."

"But everyone made a mistake..."

Speaking of this, Leng Yue\'s face became very ugly: "the world of the star continent is boundless. The outermost part is the legendary endless sea. Inward, it is the vast wilderness. Beyond this wilderness, it is the place where several major races such as the human race and the demon race can survive."

"These places are very small compared with the wilderness."

"If the wilderness is regarded as the sea, then the places where races such as human and demon survive are just a few islands in the sea."

"Now many sectarian forces have taken action. Even the legendary forces have sent strong people to help guard the earth cracks everywhere, but... We have ignored one point..."

"This crack in the earth is caused by the change of heaven and earth, not just in these places where the human race or the demon race live!"

"In the wilderness that many Terrans and even demons can\'t reach, I\'m afraid there are countless cracks in the earth!"

"And these earth cracks, from their appearance to the present, I\'m afraid they have been releasing the Qi of Yin!"

This time, not only the strong men of each sect looked ugly, but even Shen Lang\'s face became gloomy.

For the reason of thinking pattern and busy cultivation recently, even Shen Lang didn\'t think of this layer!

According to Leng Yue, even if all the cracks in the earth of various human countries are suppressed and sealed, the Yin of the whole world is still difficult to stop!

Because the human world, even where demons or barbarians live, is far less than the wilderness!

Lengyue continued: "as we all know, there are countless monsters in the wilderness, which is extremely dangerous. Many strong people dare not go deep easily."

"After the Yin Qi continuously released from the cracks in the earth, countless powerful monsters in the wilderness have begun to be demonized, and the demons in the abyss are constantly climbing out, and the endless demons and ghosts have become incomparably powerful."

"During this period of time, countless demons and demons came out of the wilderness, spontaneously organized together, and entered the purple Chu state through the Tianxuan mountains."

"On this day, zongmen forces in Xuanshan mountain bear the brunt!"