Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 964

When Xue Shiyin gave a soft drink and said the identity of Shen Lang\'s left envoy

The powerful man of Baize Prefecture. All of a sudden, their faces changed!

The more than ten strong quasi emperor martial mirrors surrounding Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin were like stone carvings, and their murderous Qi disappeared without a trace;

The eyes in the dark clouds above the sky were motionless and straight;

The people of Yunluo city also saw a little doorway and were secretly relieved.

Although they are different devil generals\' houses, since they are all from the devil temple, they will not really fight here, will they?

However, the situation at the scene... Is a little too strange.

It\'s strange that even many strong people in Yunluo city below feel... The eyes in the black cloud are afraid, afraid!

And the more than ten strong men who surrounded Shen Lang seemed to turn around in unison, ready to escape at any time?

And they are all trembling, uncontrollably trembling!

What\'s the situation?

Is this Zuo envoy very powerful?

Or is it a big official title?

How can a group of people who were just arrogant and domineering feel like seeing ancient wild animals?

"Giggle, giggle, let\'s calm down, Ambassador Zuo. In fact, we adults already knew that Ambassador Zuo had arrived. We just joked with Ambassador Zuo, so I haven\'t done anything. I\'m afraid I\'ll be hurt by Ambassador Zuo!"

"Don\'t worry, Ambassador Zuo!"

There was a sound of charming laughter in the air. The woman who had been blocked by the king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha!"

A burst of hearty laughter came from the dark clouds, and the endless pressure and murderous spirit disappeared invisible.

A strong man in orange armor appeared out of thin air on the ground in front of the Shen wave.

The black clouds in the air have disappeared in an instant.

From that eye, this man is the man on the black cloud!

The man smiled very happily, with a little flattery and a little ugly.

He arched his hand at Shen Lang and said, "I\'ve long heard that Ambassador Zuo is humorous, so I deliberately joked with adults. I hope adults don\'t mind."

"I\'m Ye Xin from Baize Prefecture. I\'ve seen your excellency!"

Baize mansion and Zhuque mansion are two magic generals with equal status. Zhuque mansion has a higher status, but it can\'t control Baize mansion.

Therefore, Ye Xin calls himself "subordinate", not "subordinate".

This guy is also an old man and reacts very quickly.

Originally, the embarrassing scene made him want to vomit blood, and he didn\'t know how to deal with it.

But Xin leisurely giggled under his hand, which finally eased the atmosphere and made him find a step down, so that he wouldn\'t be unable to stop.

Not only did Ye Xin run down, but the more than ten strong quasi emperor martial mirrors who were murderous in the air also flew down and dared not stand above the Shen waves.

And every face is full of flattering smiles.

It is quite different from the previous murderous appearance!

Shen Lang said with a smile: "Oh? Is it all a joke, Ye Xin of Baize mansion? It\'s okay, it\'s okay. I\'m just kidding with this friend."

Then Shen Lang lifted the soles of his feet and stepped down heavily!

Zhou Yang, who just wanted to get up, screamed, and his whole body was embedded in the soil.

With this step, all the eyes of the White House jumped wildly!

It has long been said that a new left envoy from Zhuque mansion is cruel, arrogant and domineering. When I see him today... He is even more powerful than rumors!

It\'s all down the steps here, which gives him enough face. In front of so many people, he even gives Zhou Yang a heavy hand!

But ye Xin didn\'t dare to say anything.

Even though the Zhuque mansion has no right to control the Baize mansion, the left and right envoys are the most powerful people under the leader of the mansion and govern dozens of powerful imperial martial mirrors. Ye Xin can\'t afford to provoke, can\'t afford it!

Otherwise, how can you immediately become like a grandson when you just come here murderously?

Ye Xin doesn\'t even dare to ask about Shen Lang\'s divine fire order... He doesn\'t dare to let Shen Lang prove his identity as a Zuo envoy with the divine fire order.

According to what I\'ve learned before, people in the demon temple can be so arrogant. I\'m afraid I can\'t find anyone else except the new left envoy of the rosefinch house.

Ask the divine fire order at this time. Maybe it will make the other party more angry

Ye Xin looked positive, pointed to Zhou Yang on the ground and said, "although it\'s a joke, Zhou Yang\'s waste is too presumptuous! It\'s too much!"

"How dare you offend the left envoy? You should kill him!"

Zhou Yang on the ground was afraid and angry, but his mouth was full of blood, and he was beaten by Shen waves. He had only breath out but no breath in. It was difficult to purr!

Hearing this, Ye Xin seems ready to take him as a scapegoat.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "it turns out that Lord Ye Xin also thinks this guy should be killed?"

Ye Xin wiped a cold sweat and said, "well... Er, adults just call me Xiaoye. It\'s really bad to call adults."

"Well... I just don\'t know why Zhou Yang is angry with adults? Adults give him to me. I\'ll make it clear. I have to beat him to death!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang felt better.

At this time, Xin Youran, the woman who smiled before, fell next to Ye Xin. She said in detail what had happened before

The cold sweat on Ye Xin\'s forehead came down.

Among the rumors heard before, Ji Wuming, the imperial capital of Zichu state, and Ji Wuming of Zhulong mansion were burned, killed and looted. Finally, Shen Lang cut them all with a knife!

It\'s so popular that the candle dragon mansion hasn\'t farted up to now!

In the blessed land of yumudong, Shen Lang once pointed to the nose of a group of strong people in Tiangang and earth, so that no one dared to answer!

Where can these people afford such a role?

Zhou Yang went so far as to call others "Xiao Wang eight eggs" and kill the whole family. Isn\'t it a big death?

You don\'t have to do that if you want to die?

It doesn\'t matter if he dies. The key is to implicate me!

Ye Xin really wants to go up and kick Zhou Yang to death. Forget it, it\'s all over

He didn\'t think about it. In fact, even if Zhou Yang was replaced by him, it was almost the same scene.

Of course, with Shen Lang\'s current cultivation, it\'s really not so easy to cut him.

In Ye Xin\'s opinion, Zhou Yang\'s fool did something wrong.

The people in the demon temple are arrogant and used to it. They don\'t pay attention to human life at all.

There are more than six million people in Yunluo City, who are just cattle and sheep in their eyes... The key is that cattle and sheep are their own cattle and sheep after all. It\'s not a matter to watch the excitement, and then hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep died?

If it\'s all gone, a group of people from Baize Prefecture come here and want to eat hot and spicy. Where can they go?

In the future, who will give themselves a confession and propose a toast?

Of course, Ye Xin can only think about these words in his heart and dare not say them in front of Shen Lang.

From the previous rumors and what Shen Lang is doing now, Ye Xin has regarded Shen Lang as a guy who claims to be a "Xia".

In front of such people, it must be much better to say more "just" words than to seek death like Zhou Yang.

Ye Xin looked upright and said with awe inspiring righteousness: "forgive me, sir. We really don\'t know that the blood clan dared to come to death after attacking several times and returning without success... It\'s our negligence, but I promise that Yunluo city will be like an iron bucket in the future!"

"Whether the blood clan invades on a large scale, or they push those demons behind them, we must let them go!"

"People in Yunluo city will never be frightened or hurt again!"

When these words were said, the strong men in Baize prefecture were stunned... Boss, is this possessed by a ghost? Why is it like a completely different person?

Those guys are still in a daze. Xin Youran has agreed with Ye Xin and said, "yes! Don\'t worry, envoy Zuo. This will never happen again where we are in charge of Baize mansion!"

"If your excellency is not enough to relieve his anger, why don\'t you... Let the bastard Zhou Yang guard here and make atonement?"

"I can supervise him here. If Zhou Yang still dares to make such a fuss about human life, I will be impolite to him!"

The woman was very deep in the city. While stabilizing Shen Lang with words, she began to "rescue" Zhou Yang without leaving any trace.

She also has a share in the matter of putting people\'s lives at risk. She came with Zhou Yang, but as soon as she said this, it became all Zhou Yang\'s business.

But she is still saying good things for Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang can\'t even find the opportunity and reason to refute!

"Oh? Let this man guard Yunluo city?"

Shen Lang\'s feet moved away from Zhou Yang\'s chest.

Although he has a mirror in his heart, Ye Xin and others have said this for their own sake. It\'s not good for him to continue.

If there is no one, and the people in Baize mansion are as arrogant as Zhou Yang, Shen Langda can remove them all with the help of Zuo Wentian\'s hand.

However, when everyone in Yunluo city was watching and the people in Baize mansion were flattering and admitting their mistakes, Shen Lang was not easy to start.

In any case, Yunluo city has taken a big advantage. It is a good thing to get such a strong quasi emperor martial mirror out of thin air. In the future, you can have peace of mind.

"What do you say?"

Shen Lang looked down at Zhou Yang on the ground. His eyes were full of threats.

Zhou Yang almost cried. He tried his best to get up and said with a sad face, "I\'m willing to help Yunluo city. As long as I\'m in a small breath, Yunluo city will be fine! No monster or demon can enter Yunluo city!"

Although many ribs have been broken, the body has been badly hurt, and the face is lost, but you can finally not die. You should be happy.

But in the end should be happy, or should be sad, the taste, only Zhou Yang himself knows.

However, he was beaten by Shen Lang, and then he knew the identity of the left envoy of Shen Lang Zhuque mansion. Zhou Yang was beaten willingly and convinced.

It\'s definitely a blessing to be cut by him like those guys in Zhulong mansion!

If it\'s really split, who can get this guy?

Who can avenge himself?

Those people in Zhulong mansion were killed. Now Zhulong mansion doesn\'t dare to fart!

Standing in front of Shen Lang, Zhou Yang completely lost his previous arrogance. Instead, he was obscene and funny.