Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 963

The big snake is huge, but it is as fast as the wind.

This time, the air side was broken by him like sea water, forming a terrible wave visible to the naked eye on both sides!

During the strong wind, an air wave blew directly to Yunluo city.

Then he was resisted by the light mask released by the divine sword Tianqi, and rolled back like the wave hitting the reef.


Shen Lang drank coldly, and his figure disappeared out of thin air!

The big snake in the air was stunned when he suddenly found that he had lost the trace of Shen wave.

The eyes with cold light immediately appeared anthropomorphic doubts.

But the doubt didn\'t last long, but in a flash, the doubt in the snake\'s eyes was replaced by fear!

Because it rushed forward, suddenly stopped, and its tail had been pulled!

Shen Lang suddenly appeared behind the snake when the snake was so fast that he grabbed the snake\'s arm and threw it!

The terrible force pulled the snake\'s tail straight, then dragged the snake\'s huge body and hit the ground hard.

The big snake is like a whip being whipped. It expels the surrounding air at an amazing speed and smashes a huge pit on the ground with a loud bang!

Centered on the place where the snake came into contact with the ground, a circle of violent waves and smoke rose on the ground.

The earth shook again like a wave, radiating hundreds of feet around.

The big snake, who was just fierce and domineering, was smashed directly. He was dizzy and couldn\'t distinguish between southeast and northwest!

Shen Lang grabbed the snake\'s tail and threw it out again!

In the sound of breaking the air, a hysterical scream came, but Zhou Yang, who had fled to the air, was whipped on his back by this huge "whip"!

Zhou Yang was already broken and fractured by Shen lang. he tried to escape. After this, he couldn\'t move any more. He was directly hit deep underground.

When Shen Lang threw it away, the snake immediately whimpered and flew into the air due to the south, becoming smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely.

This is not over. Shen Lang moved and fell like lightning to the big pit hit by Zhou Yang, stepping on Zhou Yang\'s back.

He stepped on Zhou Yang\'s eyes and screamed!

Zhou Yang was also unlucky when he met this evil star.

He runs, Shen waves hit;

If he doesn\'t run, Shen Lang will fight!

Zhou Yang was so regretful that his intestines were green.

If you knew now, why pretend to be Bi?

Just pretended to be so small and was beaten so miserably!

And it\'s still going on. I can\'t see the end!

This is the rhythm of being killed alive!

Just when Zhou Yang screamed and despaired

Suddenly, a terrible threat swept towards Yunluo city in the distance!

"Those who dare to hurt our Baize devil general\'s house, boy, you don\'t have enough lives!"

A majestic and angry voice sounded like thunder over Yunluo city.

In the Far East, endless black clouds rolled up, as if crushed by a world-wide storm!

Even in the mask of divine sword Tianqi, people in Yunluo city feel uncomfortable in their chest and want to spit blood!

Shen Lang stepped on Zhou Yang\'s chest, looked up and looked coldly to the East

The strength of the visitor is very strong.

Very strong!

Strong enough that Li Qiuyun, whose cultivation was superior to the king of the Yan devil, was like a mole ant in front of him!

Still dozens of miles away, the terrible God\'s power has made the king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin look crazy!

Only by virtue of such a power, powerful as the king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin, they are sweating and trembling!

This is at least the strong one who has already become the emperor\'s martial mirror for more than eight days!

And it\'s not good!

"Earth magic knife, burn the sky, cook the sea and twist the universe!"

A light drink came from the field, and the knife light flashed. Shen Lang has sent out the second knife of "magic knife formula" of Tianqing sect!

"Earth magic knife" is different from the "water magic knife" of the first knife.

"Magic knife formula" the first knife "water magic knife" has only one knife, an earth shaking knife.

But the "earth magic knife" is thousands of knives!

"Earth magic knife" is a continuous stream of life by using the power of the earth and the power of the earth system!

When this knife was sent out, the powerful earth around Shen Lang immediately burst out knife Qi and cut straight into the air!

The violent and cold knife gas has been breeding out of the earth!

Each knife carries the power of terror and the meaning of cutting through the ages!

Once the "earth magic knife" is used, countless Dao Qi Criss Cross. There is Dao Qi in heaven and earth. Dao Qi seems to cut the void into countless pieces!

In the terrible sound, countless knife Qi instantly cut the mind released by the strong!

This is the first time Shen Lang has used such a powerful Sabre skill to deal with each other\'s thoughts.

You can see how terrible it is to come to people\'s mind!


The visitor seemed to recognize the magic knife formula and said softly, "are you from Tianqing sect?"

Although the Tianqing sect founded by Zuo Wentian has fallen, its reputation still exists.

The general strong are still very afraid.

Moreover, the strong of Tianqing sect are united and domineering. If you provoke them, you will provoke the hornet\'s nest. You will not stop until you kill them.

The visitor was slightly surprised and gave up the idea of suppressing the whole audience with a strong mind.

The lower Shen Lang still stepped on Zhou Yang\'s chest and didn\'t want to let go.

Nor answer the man\'s questions.

In such a short meeting, dark clouds came from the eastern sky and enveloped the whole Yunluo city in an instant!

More than ten powerful smells scattered around, and immediately surrounded Shen Lang and others!

A series of terrible murderous intentions locked Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin.

"I want to see who dares to touch my people and who dares to touch my people in Baize mansion!"

From the dark clouds in the sky came the sound of soul taking.

In the dark clouds, a pair of huge blood red eyes appeared

This pair of eyes, each as big as a hill, bloodthirsty and violent, like gods and Demons overlooking all living beings, look down with killing intention!

People who see these eyes have a feeling

As long as there is a movement, Yunluo City, which can survive six million people, may be crushed into powder in an instant!

Under the gaze of these eyes

Not to mention the people in Yunluo City, even Duanmu evil felt it difficult to walk. When he wanted to run, he wanted to run!

As for the people of Yunluo city

It\'s amazing that Shen Lang and others appeared before.

Now there are more than ten strong quasi emperor martial mirrors at one time!

And a ready fight!

This makes people in Yunluo city who can\'t see a quasi emperor martial mirror for hundreds of years and thousands of years look silly

I was just happy. Before long, something like this happened... A group of quasi emperor martial mirror strongmen fought, which was more terrible than the previous demon Siege!

If we fight, ten Yunluo cities will turn into powder in an instant!

Is Yunluo city so unlucky?

The young strongman who just saved the whole Yunluo city has fallen into a siege.

The people of Yunluo city are helpless and can\'t help if they want to help!

Endless despair rises in the hearts of people in Yunluo city again

At this time, the snow poem in the air suddenly stepped out and drank softly: "Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, is here. Who dares to be presumptuous!"

Xue Shiyin knew the identity of Shen langzuo envoy when she was the capital of Zichu state.

At the moment, the fox pretends to be a tiger and takes out such a use. It really works!

The whole audience was silent