Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 965

After Zhou Yang begged for mercy, Ye Xin said a few good words.

Let the atmosphere more relaxed, and Shen Lang\'s face was much better.

"It\'s good that you want to protect Yunluo city." Shen Lang grinned and patted Zhou Yang on the shoulder, which made Zhou Yang tremble.

Shen Lang said again, "I hope what you said is true, I am..."

"I hate people cheating on me."

The front speech was normal, but the last half sentence was murderous. Zhou Yang and Ye Xin were excited.

Zhou Yang immediately swore to heaven, put on a wind rustling and easy water cold posture and said, "unless transferred from Tianfeng country, Yunluo city will be my home in the future. I will never let the blood clan slag destroy every plant here!"

Not long ago, this guy was still saying that it was great to watch the people in Yunluo city being slaughtered.

Now it has become such "justice", and people in Yunluo city feel a little dizzy.

"Yes, we will supervise him!" Ye Xin echoed.

Shen Lang smiled, nodded and said, "that\'s the best. If I meet Baize Magic general one day, I\'ll say some good words for you."

"Thank you, sir!" Ye Xin was overjoyed when they heard this!

Although the left and right envoys of the Suzaku mansion are not so arrogant and can speak well in front of the leader of the Baize mansion, the new left envoys are an exception!

It is said that this guy has a good relationship with black phoenix, Taotie and other demon generals, and seems to have saved the strong man of Tiangang and Disha.

Most importantly, this may be the devil\'s son-in-law!

If he can really say a few good words for these people in front of Baize Magic general, he will definitely benefit these people for a lifetime!

Apart from others, if we can make the house Lord look up, why should they be sent to the poor mountains and rivers in the snow area to guard the cracks in the earth?

It sounds like exile.

Shen Lang glanced at Ye Xin and said faintly, "well, that\'s it. Let\'s go."

"Ah? Well... Why don\'t you stay a few more days and let me play the host\'s friendship?" Ye Xin pressed down her excitement and wanted to retain Shen Lang.

This is the best chance to please the left envoy.

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "I\'m in a bad mood. Don\'t have to. Next time."

"If you really want to do good things to the end and help the people of Yunluo city rebuild Yunluo City, they will appreciate you."

Of course, Ye Xin can\'t take the gratitude of the people in Yunluo city to heart.

But Shen Lang\'s care is different.

Ye Xingang patted his chest and wanted to say a few words of guarantee

With a roar in the air, the king of Yan devil has turned into a huge flame crane and flew away with Shen Lang.

Ye Xin was stunned, glared fiercely, and Zhou Yang said, "you son of a bitch, I was almost killed by you!"

"Do you know who he is?"

"Do you know what you did to him?"

When ye Xin became angry, not only Zhou Yang and Xin Youran, but also more than a dozen strong quasi emperor martial mirrors around him were silent.

Zhou Yang was so frightened that he trembled and dared not say a word.

Xin Youran opened her mouth, and it took a while to summon up the courage to say, "my Lord, Zhou Yang did a little too much, but we really didn\'t know it would be such a coincidence to meet him..."

"Fortunately, it\'s dangerous now. It\'s even a blessing in disguise. Later, adults can climb this relationship by the way!"

"It\'s said that although he is young, he is decent and will practice his words. As long as he can really help you say a word or two in front of the house master, that\'s enough..."

Ye Xin\'s face turned a little better and said coldly, "since he has said so, Zhou Yang, I\'ll give you a chance to help the people of Yunluo city rebuild the city. You can guard here in the future!"

"In addition, I\'ll transfer all your men... The hopes of this seat and you are all on you! If you can\'t do things well, hum!"

This cold hum almost crushed the rest of Zhou Yang\'s life to ashes.

Zhou Yang couldn\'t control it any more. His legs softened and he knelt down directly.

"You fool!" Xin Youran said angrily, "what are you afraid of doing like this? This is the opportunity given to you by adults!"

"After you have done the job, the left envoy may really say something nice for us at the mansion leader... Do you think he likes nonsense as much as you? People of that position spit a nail and say one is one and two is two!"

"About Yunluo City, no one else has a chance to do it? What an idiot!"

Xin Youran\'s words reminded Zhou Yang that this guy had just turned white with fear. In the twinkling of an eye, his face became ruddy and giggled.

Ye Xin reluctantly shook his head, threw his sleeve robe, released endless black clouds, and disappeared with a group of strong men.

In the bustling market, suddenly there was only a half dead and kneeling Zhou Yang.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Zhou Yang coughed violently until everyone left.

This time, I was hit by Shen waves.

Shen Lang\'s current physical strength is definitely not weaker than that of the five imperial weapons. This punch after punch broke Zhou Yang\'s bones one by one, and his internal organs were misplaced.

"It\'s a bad time for his mother to meet this little evil star!"

"I knew it was the little evil star. How far should it be..."

Zhou Yang covered his swollen face and forced himself to get up while muttering with lingering palpitations.

But after a while, the man\'s eyes became brighter and brighter: "yes, Xin Youran, that woman was right! I was blessed with misfortune!"

"As long as I do well, I\'ll find a way to tell the Xiaosha about the situation here... The adult can be promoted three levels in a row!"

When Zhou Yang was talking to himself in ragged clothes, six strong men in the imperial martial arts flew out of Yunluo city and carefully flew towards Zhou Yang.

"My lord... You, you..."

First, an old man with a long beard looked at Zhou Yang. His scalp was numb and he didn\'t know what to say.

Who would like to see a strong man in distress?

The dignity of the strong is often the reason for killing!

It\'s easy for him to destroy the whole Yunluo city!

But if you don\'t talk, it doesn\'t seem to work

The strong men in Yunluo city have a heart of seven and eight. Their faces are obviously ugly. They have to squeeze out a smiling face.

Zhou Yang stared at the old man coldly and shouted, "what\'s your name? Do you want to see Lao Tzu\'s jokes?"

As soon as they took off, the six people were startled and a cold sweat came out directly.

Sure enough, Zhou Yang is absolutely unwilling to let others see him so embarrassed and so cowardly!

Speaking of Zhou Yang\'s words, they have actually met twice.

As the leader of Yunluo City, several people naturally know the horror of his cultivation and the tyranny of his temper.

If this guy gets upset and slaps him, they\'ll have to turn into ashes

At this time, Zhou Yang glared again: "return him? What are you looking at? Immediately organize everyone to rebuild Yunluo city! Does he think that if I\'m here, you don\'t have to do anything?"

"Do you want me to finish everything?"

The six strong men in Yunluo city were stunned and immediately nodded: "yes, yes, adults are right. Some adults take charge of our Yunluo City, which is the obedience of our people in Yunluo city!"

"We\'ll go back and send troops to rebuild Yunluo city!"

Zhou Yang hurriedly stopped the six people: "wait a minute!"

The six people were startled and turned timidly: "Sir, do you have anything else to say?"

Zhou Yang turned his eyes and said, "who is wearing black clothes... What are you looking at? You arrange a place in Yunluo city for me to heal."

"In addition, arrange several good places for my people to live."

The man was stunned: "your man?"

Zhou Yang glanced at him obliquely and said, "there are a group of my men in the earth crack. They will come to Yunluo city soon."

"Hum, with you scum, what year and month will you get to rebuild Yunluo city?"

"My people will come and help you rebuild as soon as possible, including the relocation of the moat."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yang shook his sleeve robe impatiently and staggered towards the center of Yunluo city.

The six strong men in Yunluo city were overjoyed and immediately followed.

After the disaster, the storm is calm.

In Yunluo City, I don\'t know who inspired and led. Everyone shouted in unison: "thank you, Lord Zhou Yang!"

How amazing is the roar of millions of people?

Zhou Yang, who was shaking in the air, was startled. He was excited all over and turned his white eyes: "yes, come on!"

"But... It seems that the feeling of a savior respected by thousands of people is also very good?" Zhou Yang touched his nose and murmured.

"It feels better than watching these people being slaughtered outside? Well, that\'s good... Is it him? Many bones have been broken, and all internal organs have shifted. It hurts badly."

"No matter what, first find a place to heal and then come back to be the mountain king of Yunluo city."


Shen Lang several people sometimes flew and sometimes transmitted through the portal in some big cities. It took another six days to rush back to xuandaozong.

However, the lively scene at the gate of the main peak xuanqingfeng hall still stunned Shen Lang standing on the flaming crane.

At the gate of xuanqingfeng hall, there is really a sea of people.

Almost gathered the ancestors and elders of all sects, large and small, on the Tianxuan mountain!

There are a large number of clan forces at the green wood level and a large number of xuantie level. It\'s very lively!

For example, some people were present at Aoying mountain villa, Zixuan Pavilion, HuLong mountain villa and xianmeng Valley, which Shen Lang had only occasionally contacted before;

Shengguang sect and Jintai sect, which have a little hatred against Shen Lang, are also prominent!

At the moment, these ancestors and elders didn\'t have the master style at all. One by one, they tore their throats and kept shouting: "cross Duanmu! Hand Duanmu Zheng over to those zombies!"

This slogan has been shouted very neatly. Either it has been rehearsed for a long time or it has been shouted here for a long time.