Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 962

On the other side, the woman who appeared with Zhou Yang just took out something like a stick. The king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin have blocked her one by one!

"Oh? What a big and thick stick. So you like sticks? Hey, hey..."

The king of Yan devil looked at the long stick in the woman\'s hand and laughed.

Such a coquettish woman, carrying a stick, this picture is really... Even the king of the devil, who is not familiar with the world, is happy.

"Shut up!"

The snow poem voice on the other side turned red, glared at the king of Yan devil and scolded.

The king of Yan devil knew that this was the "landlady". As soon as he saw Xue Shiyin\'s eyes, he immediately timidly hooked up with his head.

Just then, the body of the woman carrying the stick suddenly became empty and turned into a wisp of smoke!

"Hmm? There are some ways!" the king of Yanmo was stunned.

Under the attack of the two quasi emperor martial mirrors and the four heavenly strong, this woman can still use such means!

The king of Yan devil, who originally despised the enemy, immediately straightened his attitude!

Almost at the same time, the king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin are moving towards the south!

As soon as they moved out, a wisp of smoke came out between them. It was the woman who had just lost her trace!

When the woman saw that the two people reacted so quickly, her complexion became more ugly, her body shook and disappeared again!

"Yes, I can get rid of my mind! The Terran skills are really strange..."

The king of Yan devil was very angry. Together with Xue Shiyin, it was like playing hide and seek. He caught up again!

On the other side, Duanmu evil, the slowest, caught up with him. As soon as he ran to the place where the king of Yanmo was originally standing, the three people had appeared in the distance out of thin air.

Duanmuxie carried a frightening hammer and followed up in anger.

As a result, the three people ran to the other side before they arrived.

Duanmuxie, who only advanced the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror not long ago, couldn\'t keep up with the rhythm and was so angry that he scolded his mother.

"Yes, it\'s not a way to catch up."

Think about yourself, even if you catch up, you can\'t participate in the battle of this level. Duanmuxie resolutely gave up following.

The man stood in the air and weighed the giant hammer in his hand. With more white and less black eyes, he smiled and put the giant hammer away.

Then, with his hands drooping, he made an unobtrusive slight move, holding a death nail in one hand.

Then, the guy narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at the battlefield on both sides, ready to take action at any time and eat a death nail for the two people.

This thing is unusual. There are few people who can hide in the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

At this time, the divine sword Tianqi still released light to protect Yunluo city.

Xue Shiyin has taken out another heavenly weapon and completely suppressed the woman holding a stick.

Under the joint efforts of Xue Shiyin and the king of Yan devil, the woman couldn\'t run or fight. She was so deadlocked.

But she was right not to do it.

If you do it, the king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin will do it together. She can only suffer.

Here, Shen Lang roared Zhou Yang with a knife.

Zhou Yang was powerless to resist with a huge blade. His armor had broken and was about to leave at any time!

How embarrassed this is, how embarrassed it is!

A quasi imperial martial mirror has one heaven and a quasi imperial martial mirror has three Heaven. This kind of thing should never have happened.

But it really appeared in people\'s sight.

Only Shen Lang himself knows that he has the strength to kill Zhou Yang, who is the third heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

At this time, Shen Lang, the chaotic God body has reached the peak of the first heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing, and may advance to the second heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing at any time.

Originally, such forces aimed at Zhou Yang, the triple heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, were actually far from enough.

But in Shen Lang\'s hand, it\'s immortal sky knife!

The power in Shen Lang\'s body is the power of chaos!

This immortal sky sword not only integrates the power of many divine beasts, but also can stimulate the chaotic divine power dozens of times!

Not only that, compared with Shen Lang, Zhou Yang is just like a pupil compared with a doctor in terms of fighting talent and power accuracy!

In front of Shen Lang, Zhou Yang\'s whole body is full of flaws!

Zhou Yang\'s weakness was completely and thoroughly revealed in front of Shen Lang!

Shen Lang doesn\'t even need to use the "Nine Star profound meaning" to urge cultivation, so he makes Zhou Yang, who likes to install Bi, cry!

Shen Lang\'s current speed has completely suppressed Zhou Yang, so that he has no resistance and can\'t even run


When the last knife fell, the huge blade in Zhou Yang\'s hand came out, the tiger\'s mouth cracked and blood flowed!

The armor on his body finally broke down with a whimper!

After losing the armor, Shen Lang\'s immortal Tiandao took it back, kicked it out and kicked it on Zhou Yang\'s chest.

In an instant, the latter broke several ribs and fell on the scorched earth outside Yunluo city like a meteor!

In the roar, outside Yunluo City, dust was flying, forming a huge mushroom cloud!

When the mushroom clouds dispersed, a few strong people in Yunluo city "saw" that Shen Lang had put his knife into the scabbard and stepped on Zhou Yang\'s face, trampling half of Zhou Yang\'s head into the soil!

"Don\'t you want to be cool?" Shen Lang said darkly, "I\'ll make you cool!"

"I\'m not happy, so I\'ll beat people... Until I\'m happy, until you take it."

"Xiao Wang - eight eggs..." Zhou Yang was mad and mad!

No one has ever dared to do this to him. No one has ever beaten him so badly!

And he is a man whose cultivation is worse than him!

"Damn it, little beast, let me go! Do you know what you\'re doing!"

Zhou Yang was bleeding at the corner of his mouth and roared hard: "I\'m from Baize demon general\'s house in the demon God hall. If you dare to touch me, I\'ll kill your whole family, and I\'ll let you... Poof!"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Lang made an effort to step on the soles of his feet, which made Zhou Yang spray blood in his mouth, and his head fell into the ground again!

Shen Lang youyou said, "as long as you are not a stupid person, you won\'t say such stupid words after holding your life in someone else\'s hands."

"Saying such words will only lead to destruction."

"It seems that your head is not smart enough."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang bent down and punched down, directly blasting Zhou Yang\'s whole body into the ground!

Countless stone chips, together with the fierce strength, sprayed out on both sides.

"Stop!" the woman over there who was clamped by the king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin finally spoke.

"There\'s something to say. I\'m Bai Qili from Baize Magic general\'s house in the demon God hall. I\'ve sent a message. My adults will arrive soon! If you really kill Zhou Yang, Baize Magic general\'s house will not let you go!"

"Haven\'t you heard of the demon temple?"

Bai Qili was also stunned by Shen Lang who didn\'t play cards according to the routine. She could only move Bai ZEMO out of the house, hoping to delay a little time.

If we continue to fight like this, Zhou Yang will definitely be beaten flat by the human Tyrannosaurus Rex!

"Oh, Baize devil general\'s house?" Shen Lang walked over.

Bai Qili in the air looked up proudly: "good!"

Shen Lang\'s mouth tilted slightly: "I haven\'t heard of it."

Then he bent down and punched again, which made Zhou Yang scream bitterly!

Bai Qili: "

"Didn\'t you say you liked to see people killed and slaughtered? Didn\'t you say you looked delicious? Would it be better if you didn\'t fight back and were beaten by me?" Shen Lang said, lifting Zhou Yang\'s right hand and suddenly pinching it on his wrist!


Zhou Yang cried as if he were killing a pig.

The other hand wanted to wave towards Shen Lang, but Shen Lang stepped directly into the soil!

In front of Shen Lang, the powerful body of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is at best a little stronger than a piece of tofu.

Zhou Yang, who has lost his armor defense, can pinch Shen Lang as he wants!

Shen Lang has long known that the people of the Magic general\'s house have been sent everywhere to help guard the cracks in the earth.

In a word, these people should be responsible for Yunluo city.

Yunluo city and the nearby forces must be delicious and drinkable. They serve them as their ancestors.

But Zhou Yang was outside Yunluo City, but he was indifferent to seeing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people killed in Yunluo city

No, not indifferent, but... Watching with interest!

This directly aroused Shen Lang\'s anger.

Shen Lang was already in a very bad mood, so he used cruel means to deal with the blood clan.

This guy is so full that he can show off. He\'s trying to die!

When Shen Lang was in the blessed land of yumudong, he became the left envoy of Zhuque mansion and was ready to carry his arrogance to the end.

Zhou Yang, this kind of goods, also deliberately came up as a stepping stone

Don\'t step on it!

Step on it for nothing!

Shen Lang punched again, which made Zhou Yang\'s blood gush wildly.

At the moment when the armor was destroyed, Shen Lang had blasted into several thunder forces to block the meridians. At the moment, he was completely slaughtered.

However, to the strong at this level, how can there be no other powerful means?

Although Zhou Yang completely lost his ability to fight back, he could still move.

With a pinch of blood on his lips, he gave a sharp scream!


There was a sharp and ugly animal roar from the ground outside Yunluo city.

Then, the whole ground surged up like waves, one after another!

Layers of gray and black smoke clouds burst out from the ground, countless sands and stones shot high into the sky, and a huge dark red snake head with a radius of five feet came out from the ground!

For a time, outside Yunluo City, the evil spirit soared to the sky!

The sound of rumbling continued.

He saw that the snake\'s head was higher and higher, and the monster\'s eyes were filled with ferocity and cruelty. He opened his mouth towards Shen Lang and made a hissing sound.

The snake\'s mouth was covered with sharp teeth, white like countless sharp knives, and there was terrible lightning around its teeth.

"Chi Liu" once, the huge snake head has swallowed and bitten Shen Lang, as if to swallow Shen Lang directly into his stomach!