Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 961

The middle-aged man looked at Shen Lang and said in a loud voice, "we will set up a monument here and write all the things that happened today, so that our children and grandchildren can remember this day and remember that there is a blood clan suppressed here!"

Then the man turned around, looked at the crowd and said, "at the same time, let\'s remember that this adult saved us and Yunluo city!"

People who had forgotten everything before were finally brought back to reality, and many people burst into tears.

Everyone has his own family, relatives and children.

In this war, many people saw their families swallowed by demons and torn to pieces by demons

That kind of pain was diluted in despair and killing... At that time, people didn\'t care about sadness.

But once this time has passed, when the danger has been lifted, everyone is distressed to think of these.

All this happened not long ago

"Sir, please... Please tell us your name!"

The middle-aged man who spoke before said sincerely with his head up.

He didn\'t say much about gratitude. Sometimes, gratitude would look very pale.

People looked up at the waves in the air like worshiping gods.

Although I didn\'t say anything, I was grateful.

I don\'t know how many people in Yunluo city. The dark crowd looked at the Shen waves in the air.

This seemingly very young strong man, this strange strong man who is extremely cruel to deal with the blood clan, is extremely kind in people\'s eyes.

Such a big city, at this moment, was extremely quiet.

Many people who were still crying tried to hold back their tears.

Shen Lang looked at the people below quietly.

In the memory of emperor Zhan, there have been many such scenes.

But that kind of memory is still very different from your own personal feelings.

Shen Lang remembered a story

When the tide receded, many fish were left on the beach. These fish could not return to the sea.

All that awaits them is death.

A little boy came over. He walked very slowly. He kept bending down in front of each puddle, picked up the small fish inside and threw them back to the sea.

Someone couldn\'t help walking over and said to the little boy, "there are hundreds of small fish in the puddle. You can\'t finish it."

"I know," the little boy replied without looking up.

"Then why are you still picking it up? Who cares?" the man asked again.

"This little fish cares!" the boy answered, picking up a fish and throwing it into the sea.

He kept picking up fish and throwing fish, and kept saying, "this one cares, this one cares! And this one, this one, this one..."

What can Shen Lang do when the blood clan attacks and the Qi of Zhiyin sweeps the world with countless demons?

Shen Lang has the memory of the war emperor, but he does not have the consciousness of the war emperor. He wants to command the human race, sweep away the four directions and wipe out evil demons.

Sometimes, he felt that he was the little boy.

He can\'t do too many things, but the fish cares, he won\'t stop

Relatively speaking, many of the things the emperor did were major events;

And many things Shen Lang does are small things.

No one is right or wrong, but there is only a little difference in personality.

However, Shen Lang can realize that with the deep integration with the emperor\'s soul, in fact, he has begun to be influenced by the emperor in many aspects.

He is also more and more like a war emperor.


"My name is Shen lang."

Shen Lang didn\'t want to take another look at the desolate city and turned around.

No matter how powerful people are, they all have their weak side.

In this regard, Shen Lang is far from being compared with the emperor of war.


Just as the people below were chanting the name "Shen Lang", a clapping voice came from the air: "Pa, PA, PA!"

A disgusting young man\'s voice rang out: "Oh, what a moving scene. I didn\'t expect that Zhou Yang could see such a moving scene just after drinking a glass of wine outside!"

"It\'s a pity that the scene of monsters destroying the city was destroyed by you. You can\'t see it if you want to see it. It\'s a pity!"

With this sound, two figures appeared out of thin air.

A man and a woman.

A man\'s face is like a crown of jade, elegant and handsome;

Women are enchanting and gorgeous.

Shen Lang glanced at the two people faintly, without a look of surprise.

Seems to have known the existence of these two people for a long time.

The king of Yan devil and Xue Shiyin were the same. They looked at them coldly without any expression.

When the young man saw Shen Lang, he just looked at him casually. There was no movement, and his face suddenly couldn\'t hang up.

Any criminal who pretends to be Bi wants everyone to pay attention to him when he pretends to be Bi, and everyone\'s face changes because of his appearance.

What they can\'t stand most is the object of pretending to be bi... Indifferent!

After Zhou Yang appeared, he sneered at him. The person who was sneered at seemed to look at him like an ant, with no expression

This is intolerable!

Zhou Yang\'s eyes flashed and he wanted to open his mouth again.

But before he spoke, Shen Lang was ahead: "are you two who used to look at us outside?"

"Countless demons and goblins have broken down the city. I don\'t know how many people are separated from each other, but you see it so delicious?"

The young man named Zhou Yang smiled and said, "what a rare play... When the blood is sprayed, it is like flowers blooming; when the lives are harvested, watching them go to death with despair makes the pores of my body extremely excited!"

"It\'s more than delicious? It\'s comfortable at the soul level!"

"But you interrupted such a rare scene!"

"Boy, do you know the price of destroying this good thing?"

"This is the demon temple..."

Zhou Yang didn\'t finish his last sentence. Shen Lang had already shot.

When Shen Lang stepped on the soles of his feet in the void and the air under his feet burst, others rushed out for more than 500 meters and appeared in front of Zhou Yang!

The immortal Tiandao cuts Zhou Yang\'s chest with the terrible chaotic power and the spirit of the yellow spring!

A loud bang!

Zhou Yang was directly blasted out by the immortal Tiandao, like a meteorite!

"You... How dare you shoot me? How dare you shoot me!"

Looking down at the cracked armor, Zhou Yang\'s eyes were full of anger and disbelief.

Zhou Yang is confident in his accomplishments.

He is especially confident in the demon temple.

As early as a few months ago, they had come here and suppressed the forces of several neighboring countries by means of thunder, which made the name of Baize Magic general\'s house known.

Who in Tianfeng Kingdom and nearby forces doesn\'t know the demon temple?

Who doesn\'t know Baize Magic general\'s house?

In the face of the strong man of Baize Magic general\'s house, which man who doesn\'t know his life and death dares to do it?

On the other hand, although Zhou Yang is talking to Shen Lang, his attention has always been on the king of Yanmo and Xue Shiyin.

Because there are only these two people who can really threaten him a little here.

The boy who claimed to be Shen Lang didn\'t pay attention to him at all.

He absolutely doesn\'t believe the boy dares to shoot him!

Although Shen Lang\'s sword to kill monsters was very good, it was nothing in front of Zhou Yang, a quasi emperor martial mirror and four powerful heaven.

But Shen Lang really did it

And there\'s no nonsense. Just fight!

This made Zhou Yang furious!

Zhou Yang held back his Qi and blood, took out a huge blade and stared at Shen Lang fiercely, just like a fierce beast staring at its prey!

The breath released by Shen Lang is always easy to deceive people. People can\'t see his real strength clearly.

Even if I had a hand before, what was revealed was just the degree of the ordinary quasi emperor martial mirror.

Therefore, Zhou Yang did not expect the speed of Shen waves to be so fast!

He was hit by a knife before he could even react!

The speed of Shen waves is like thunder and lightning!

"You\'re dead, you\'re dead!"

Zhou Yang stood in the void, his huge blade crossed his chest and shouted wildly.


Shen Lang moved again

When Zhou Yang heard the explosion of air under Shen Lang\'s feet, Shen Lang\'s knife had been cut on his back!

There was no time to react. Zhou Yang was directly blasted back!

You know, when Shen Lang found the trace of the blood emperor in yumudong blessed place, he rushed to the entrance of yumudong blessed place desperately. At that time, Shen Lang\'s speed was more than 30 times the speed of sound!

At that time, the speed was comparable to that of the king of Yanmo in the fourth heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing!

After nearly a month, Shen Lang absorbed the huge power of gods and Demons stored in the Tai Chi diagram day by day, and the chaotic God body grew crazy!

Now the speed of Shen wave is beyond the reach of even the king of Yan devil!


Zhou Yang can only see the flash of the knife!

Even Shen Lang didn\'t see clearly the immortal sky knife in his hand!

A huge force has bombarded his armor, breaking out unimaginable energy ripples!

Zhou Yang\'s armor immediately made a harsh sound and cracked like a spider\'s web!

Zhou Yang snorted miserably. In people\'s eyes, like a meteorite, he was directly blasted to the starting position by this knife!


Shen Lang heard a cold hum from the air. Everyone found that Shen Lang came first and appeared in front of Zhou Yang. It was cut out again!


In the flash of light, this knife blasted this week\'s sun to the other side!

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yang, who was arrogant, didn\'t even have the power to resist. He was hit and kicked by Shen Lang like a ball!

The huge blade in Zhou Yang\'s hand is like a straw in a child\'s hand.

Let alone resist. I don\'t even have a chance to wave.

The blood falling down is like rain

People were all stunned.