Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 960

The Lord of Yunluo City, of course, is not a blood clan.

If it were a blood clan, Yunluo city would not be broken until now.

Many people were just a little stunned and knew that the blood clan must have killed the city Lord and attached itself to the city Lord!

But the people of Yunluo city didn\'t expect that the blood clan was so powerful. The blood bats turned out were not only very fast, but also thousands of!

Even a few strong men in the imperial martial arts realm in Yunluo city didn\'t find out which blood bat the real body of the blood clan was on!

At the moment when people were stunned, many blood bats had rushed up into the air and crashed towards the light mask released by the long sword!

The blood clan knew the power of the mask, but they had to fight for their lives.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Countless blood bats hit the hood.

However, the light shield not only did not shake a little, but released sharp sword Qi at the place where it was hit, strangling the blood bat in an instant!

The mask formed by the divine sword Tianqi sword Qi can\'t be touched by blood families of this level?

This blood bat seemed like a moth to put out a fire, but in a short time, it all came out with blood and ashes!

This is tantamount to self destruction, which makes many people a little confused.

The people in Yunluo city looked at all this nervously and wanted to find the real body of the blood clan.

But when thousands of blood bats were hanged by sword Qi, the real body of the blood clan still didn\'t appear!

"Is the blood clan also among them and has been hanged by sword Qi?"

"Obviously impossible, he must be hiding nearby!"

"Be careful, don\'t be mixed in by him again!"

In Yunluo City, people who have just stabilized are in chaos again.

In addition to mixing with the crowd again, the people of Yunluo city really can\'t think of the purpose of the blood clan to do so.

As soon as people think so, they immediately find that it is wrong

But it turned out that all the blood bats turned into blood fog after being strangled by sword gas, and the blood fog... Unexpectedly knows that they are still floating in the air!

So that the whole Yunluo city was filled with blood mist, and the sight was blocked!

"What a treacherous blood clan! This blood mist can also block the investigation of God\'s thoughts!" someone exclaimed.

This move of blood clan is really powerful.

Under the condition of blood fog, most people\'s mind was hindered.

Only in this case can he have a chance to break through.

However, these moves, like small tricks, can\'t be on the table in front of the strong military mirror of the quasi emperor.

Not to mention in front of Shen waves!

The Shen wave in the air stepped out with an expressionless face, and with one punch, it blasted out towards the void in the northwest!

In addition to the fast speed, this fist is just a plain bombardment, a simple straight fist, without any gorgeous moves.

But with one blow, there was a sharp scream over Yunluo city!

The air was pulled out by this punch, and a fleeting crack blew forward with the high-pressure fist wind of destroying mountains and mountains!


The muffled hum came from the void, and a canopy of blood sprayed down!

The space seemed to vibrate and be silent again.

Shen Lang\'s fist blew out. He didn\'t look at the result at all. He turned around very casually, and another fist blew out from the edge of long Feiyu, heading due south!


The shrill scream came out, and a blood red figure was directly smashed out of the void by Shen Lang!

As soon as the blood clan was blown out, he was in a panic and immediately wanted to rush to the place with the most people below!

However, he is fast and sinks faster!

As soon as the blood red voice flew ten meters, Shen Lang caught up with him and rushed down with his neck!

The blood red figure was pinched by Shen Lang\'s neck and couldn\'t move at all. It smashed down like a meteorite.

The crowd below screamed with fear and fled in all directions!


Shen Lang pinched the blood clan\'s neck and forcibly stuffed his head into the stone crack!


The blood clan was really capable. It turned into a blood mist and wanted to escape again!

He saw Shen Lang\'s right hand grasping in the void, and the blood fog all over the sky immediately converged in front of a terrible force and condensed into a blood cell with a diameter of only half a foot, which was pinched in his hand by Shen Lang!

Among the blood cells, a hoarse and ugly voice came out: "human, you can\'t kill me, I can\'t die! Don\'t waste your energy!"

"Is it immortal?" Shen Lang\'s voice was extremely cold: "it is undeniable that your blood clan\'s survival ability is really strong. As long as there is blood, you can survive."

"But it\'s just a joke that a blood clan in the four heaven of Huangwu territory dares to claim \'immortality and immortality\' in front of me!"

Shen Lang moved his left palm, and the yellow spring of yin and evil spewed out, wrapping the blood cells in an instant.

The gas of the yellow spring not only wrapped the blood cell, but also eroded it in an instant, as if it were fused with the blood cell!

The blood cells immediately sent out inhuman screams, just as the soul was torn inch by inch!

Shen Lang hated the blood clan very much. Instead of using rosefinch fire this time, he used the spirit of the yellow spring.

The gas of the yellow spring is not as straightforward as the fire of the rosefinch, and the speed is much slower.

Shen Lang just wants to torture the blood clan slowly!

Let him understand, what is not to survive, not to die!

In everyone\'s shocked and inexplicable eyes, the blood cells were wrapped by an evil force and floated into the air, constantly making terrible cries

Shen Lang looked coldly at the blood cells in the air and gently pointed them out.

The shrill scream on the blood cells was immediately shielded.

The blood clan turned into blood cells can no longer make a sound.

I can only vaguely see two blood red eyes, turning constantly with fear and despair.

"This is the gas of the yellow spring. You can\'t die or run away in the seal of the gas of the yellow spring. The gas of the yellow spring will slowly erode your soul and erode your soul inch by inch. Your feeling will be worse than soul pumping and soul refining."

Shen Lang, like a devil, said something that made people feel cold: "don\'t you say you don\'t die or die? Then you don\'t die or die."

"From now on, you will begin to regret that you will never die..."

"At this rate, it will take 500 years for the gas of the yellow spring to completely erode your soul and completely make you unconscious."

"But as long as you continue to provide blood during this period of time, you will live well and moisten very much..."

Shen Lang heard the devil\'s words. Everyone in Yunluo city was cold.

But the feeling of cold everywhere is fleeting, and many people\'s hearts immediately have a happy feeling!

Who doesn\'t want to do this to the blood family that killed their relatives and friends?

This is the way to deal with this demon!

Control evil with evil!

Cruel to cruel!

Shen Lang continued, "they will continue to provide you with blood. Blood is something that will never be rejected by your orthodox blood clan, right?"

"Well, you will be at the bottom of Yunluo city in the future, accompanying the wronged souls killed by you, and the people of Yunluo city who were almost destroyed by you... When they are happy, when they sing and dance, you are better than dead."

"Don\'t expect the strong of your blood clan to save you. I sealed your breath. Even the blood clan of quasi emperor Wujing can\'t feel your breath... Are you very uncomfortable? Are you very desperate?"

"This feeling is what you brought to the people of Yunluo city before."

"Believe me, you will live longer than most blood families. Blood families are not as good as animals. I will bury them completely!"

"And at that time, you were still alive."

"Well, maybe there are many blood families like you. That\'s it. It\'s good to be with you..."

Shen Lang said, pointing his left hand like a sword and weeping at the divine sword sky above the sky!

The divine sword immediately released a thin and narrow sword light on the sky cry, and instantly hit a deep hole in the open space below!

Shen Lang gently waved his hand, and the blood cells wrapped and held by the gas of the yellow spring hissed like a streamer into the depths of the hole.

"In the future, every three years, we will pour animal blood into it, not too much, half a barrel is enough." Shen Lang said faintly.

The blood clan originally attacked the major cities in order to lure the tiger away from the mountain and seize the cracks in the earth.

So these previous situations, although the world is in chaos, haven\'t made Shen Lang feel much uncomfortable.

But when he stood in the air and looked at the corpses everywhere and the blood flowing into a river in Yunluo City, Shen Lang was really angry.

Hundreds of thousands of people died in such a big Yunluo city.

Under the gaze of broken false silver eyes, the whole sky over Yunluo city is full of wronged souls!

These wronged souls, with unspeakable resentment and attachment to their loved ones, are reluctant to leave... What kind of scene is this!

Shen Lang hates that his strength is too weak and that he is powerless.

If the power is strong enough, the blood clan should be completely eradicated!

Let this animal race disappear into the long river of history!

Feeling Shen Lang\'s monstrous evil spirit, Xue Shiyin flew over and silently held Shen Lang\'s palm.

Shen Lang was slightly stunned and turned his head. He just saw the pair of talking eyes of Xue Shiyin.

A thousand words, all in silence.

When the anger and resentment in my heart are hard to vent, when my heart is as hard as a rock, it\'s nice to have such a person around me

Shen Lang showed his face with a smile, the evil spirit around him immediately dissipated a lot, and his eyes calmed a lot.

At this time, a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing ran out of the crowd below. He pushed the surrounding sand and gravel into the bottomless hole and blocked the hole.

Then the middle-aged man turned and looked at the Shen waves in the ai