Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 959

Long Feiyu reacted very quickly. When his feet hurt, a strong force burst out on his feet and rushed in all directions!


The palms on the ground and the demon corpses and Demons around them were instantly blown into fly ash.

However, long Feiyu\'s face suddenly changed!

Originally extremely flexible, he suddenly felt that his feet became numb and staggered!


Long Feiyu turned his long gun upside down and hit the ground with the barrel, so he finally stood firm!

Looking down, long Feiyu saw several terrible holes in his feet, which were overflowing black-green juice.

"Corpse poison!"

Long Feiyu smiled miserably: "my brothers, their accomplishments are not much weaker than me. It seems that they all die like this? Among these demon corpses, there are guys with clear mind and high grade!"

"Why... The time of the onset of autopsy... So fast?"

Long Feiyu swept through the air with a long gun in his hand and killed groups of demons.

"Be careful of the ground!"

A pair of wings appeared behind long Feiyu. One wing soared into the sky and drank violently at the same time!

Everything in front of him became a little blurred, and long Feiyu\'s body became very dull.

Long Feiyu also knows something about corpse poison, but he has never heard that it will attack immediately as soon as it enters the body!

Anyway, at least he is also a strong man in the six heaven of the Xuanwu realm?

"These monsters that catch my feet are definitely not ordinary demon corpses!"

This thought flashed through long Feiyu\'s mind. He wanted to escape from here when his whole body was not completely numb and find a place to heal as soon as possible.


A scream came from the sky. A huge pterosaur found the flying dragon Feiyu and immediately rushed towards him!

In the sky, the clouds surged and formed a terrible vortex.

The suffocating smell rushed at the door.

Long Feiyu was shaking and saw a huge pterosaur swooping towards him in the air. He tried hard to dodge, but his body didn\'t listen to him. His speed was not even one-third of that before

"Are you going to die? Alas, I knew so. I should have confessed to Xiaocui this morning... I\'m a man in longfeiyu. I didn\'t even say such a word to the person I like, but now I don\'t have a chance."

"Xiaocui... Where is Xiaocui now? Ah... I can\'t even protect a woman. All my comrades in arms are dead. Is my long Feiyu so cowardly!"

"Forget it, I\'m afraid Xiaocui can\'t escape the disaster. There\'s a companion on huangquan road..."

At the moment of death, long Feiyu calmed down.

Suddenly, the wind blew long Feiyu\'s hair fluttering!

Vaguely, a figure flashed like electricity, and a powerful palm held long Feiyu\'s collar.

With a flash of knife light, the huge pterosaur suddenly split into two, and the blood fluttered like rain!

At this time, long Feiyu heard a cold voice in his ear: "kill them all."

The next moment, a roar seemed to come from the ancient wasteland sounded over Yunluo city!


The sound directly made long Feiyu deaf, and there seemed to be countless angry thunder rumbling in his head!

Then, long Feiyu felt that the man who had just spoken slapped him in the back of his heart.

A sharp pain came, and long Feiyu vomited a mouthful of blood.

At this time, long Feiyu, who had been calm before, was stunned to find that there were countless small insects swimming in his blood!

That disgusting and frightening scene made long Feiyu miserable to death.

But this mouthful of blood spewed out, and long Feiyu\'s blurred vision became clear again.

When he saw everything clearly in front of him, he was stunned

Yunluo City, originally like hell on earth, suddenly stood still!

Long Feiyu in the air is like looking at a still picture. Seeing everything, it stops

Flying monsters in the air are so motionless, suspended in the air, and their eyes are still turning;

On the ground, people who are frantically chopping and killing maintain the posture of waving a knife;

The endless demon corpses and demons were equally motionless;

The strong in Huangwu state who madly shot were also at a standstill;

Even the blood floating in the air stayed in the air

Long Feiyu turned his head and saw everything in his field of vision!

"Yunluo city is imprisoned by the strong man who just roared!"

Long Feiyu just thought, the man holding his collar loosened his hand, let him go, and then walked a little in the air to the front.

"Is this... So young? No spirit power to turn wings? Is it Wang Wujing?"

When long Feiyu saw Shen Lang, one question after another popped up in his mind.

But I don\'t know why. When Shen Lang turned to look at him, long Feiyu suddenly felt relieved.

It seems that with this person, the nightmare in front of you will disappear!

Long Feiyu was immediately attracted by another scene before he could even call.

Above the sky, several figures flashed and stood in the southeast and northwest direction above the center of Yunluo city.

Facing the East was a woman wearing a green Luo gauze skirt. She threw her hand, and the long sword in her hand immediately took off and hung upside down over Yunluo city.

The breath that made people scared to the extreme was released from the long sword, and a huge light mask immediately shrouded such a large Yunluo city!

The light mask released by the long sword blocks the demons and demons in all directions!

When touching the demon of the mask, they immediately screamed bitterly and were hanged into fly ash by sword Qi!

Then, as soon as the woman turned around, thousands of petals suddenly fell from the sky and fell towards the sea like monster in the East.

These beautiful petals make people feel relaxed and happy, like entering a fairyland.

However, the next moment, these petals turn like an irresistible Throwing Knife, cutting monsters like tofu!

The monsters that originally covered the earth fell down like the tide, and there was no resistance at all!

In the west, what long Feiyu saw was a tall and terrible zombie!

The zombie was wrapped in a circle of terrible black gas. When he opened his mouth, the black cloud like corpse gas rolled out and immediately shrouded the area hundreds of miles in the West and swept away!

The corpse\'s spirit passed by, and there was no grass!

All demon corpses and Demons disappeared as if they had never appeared!

Directly, a huge black channel was plowed out, which let people know that just now, it was not an illusion, but a reality

At the same time, a tall figure like a demon standing in the north, holding his hands, burst into flames.

Then, his mouth sent out a voice that made people split: "ah ah..."

Long Feiyu exclaimed in his heart, "it\'s the strong man who just roared!"

As soon as the idea came up, long Feiyu saw... When the strong man held his hands, all the demons and demons in Yunluo city began to separate from people!

The strong in the air immediately fell down, and the demons and demons on the ground couldn\'t help flying up!

Even those ghosts and demon corpses hidden in the ground were "dug" out by an unimaginable force!

When all the demons were taken out of the air


A word came out of the mouth of the king of Yan devil.

The demons, demons and ghosts that almost covered the sky suddenly burst out of their bodies and burned!

The whole sky is completely shrouded in flames!

At the same time, the people in Yunluo city were restored to freedom.

Many people wept with joy.

More people, cheer!

For a time, fire and rain kept falling on the sky;

Above the ground, joy is like thunder!

Then, the king of Yan devil suddenly turned around and clapped outside the city!

A huge palm like lava, burning endless flames, carrying terrible lava, photographed the countless demon corpses and Demons outside the north city!

Between the mountains and the earth, the sound of rumbling came

To the north of Yunluo City, a huge palm shaped canyon has been formed!

The demons and demons that spread for hundreds of miles were directly blown into fly ash by this palm, and swept away to the North like a sandstorm.

The power of a palm is so terrible!

Long Feiyu was so overjoyed that he saw the young people around him slowly turn around and turn to the south.

I don\'t know when, he had a black knife in his hand, holding it in both hands and cutting it obliquely towards the south!

A sword Qi across the sky crossed Yunluo city and fell outside Yunluo city.

The last batch of demons and Demons dissipated in an instant under the Qi of this knife... It was like an illusion was broken!

"Too strong, really too strong... What kind of cultivation is this? It\'s like a god!"

Long Feiyu only felt that everything was like a dream, which was so unreal.

But the evil smell in the air, the bloody smell, and the bodies of Yunluo people below told him that everything... Was true!

The existence of these people standing beside him also told him... He and Yunluo city were saved!


In front of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, the number of demons and demons is meaningless.

In fact, the crisis of Yunluo city can be solved by any prospective emperor with a strong martial mirror.

Shen Lang asked the king of Yanmo to fight together, but he didn\'t want to die another person.

After all this, Shen Lang turned slowly, looked at the crowd below, and said coldly, "Lord, you are so powerful?"

People in Yunluo city are stunned.

I didn\'t understand the meaning of Shen Lang\'s sentence.

The city Lord was imprisoned by the big man before he even had time to say a word.

Why did the adult in the air suddenly say such an inexplicable sentence with hostility?

The next second, the people of Yunluo city will understand why Yunluo city with strong defense is so easily broken, and why does the adult in the air target the city Lord

Shen Lang just said that sentence

The city Lord below moved and suddenly turned into countless blood bats, flying in all directions, as fast as lightning!

"It\'s a blood clan! The city Lord is a blood clan!"

Many people exclaimed.