Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 958

Li Qiufeng wiped a sweat and said with a sad face, "subordinates dare not!"

"Don\'t worry, my Lord. Even if a leaf is obtained from these three forces, my subordinates don\'t dare to act rashly. They will certainly hand it over to my Lord!"

Shen Lang said noncommittally, "Sima Yufeng and the three have just heard what I said. If they are separated, they may have started to escape now. Do you know what to do?"

Li Qiufeng looked up and said, "don\'t worry, adults, we won\'t let go of any of these scum!"

"Even if they escape, we will hunt them all over the world and kill them!"

"This world is the world of our demon temple. None of them can run away!"

"Familiarity will make them taste the pain of tearing their souls, and then disappear!"

Shen Lang nodded and said, "go away. After you go back, send these words back to Zhuque mansion... Well, if anyone in Zhuque mansion has any different opinions, you can tell me secretly that I will never treat my own people badly."

Li Qiufeng was overjoyed: "I\'m willing to work for adults! I\'m willing to break my bones!"

They said and stood up under Shen Lang\'s sign.

"Hmm? Do you have anything else to say?" Shen Lang asked with a frown when he saw that Li Qiufeng wanted to stop talking.

Li Qiufeng said carefully, "my lord... Did you put the divine fire order in xumijie? My subordinates didn\'t notice the smell of the divine fire order before, so they misunderstood."

"If the adult puts this divine fire order in Danying\'s hand, people in Zhuque mansion can feel the breath of divine fire order hundreds of miles away..."

Shen Lang\'s face sank: "I need you to teach me how to do things?"

"Yes, yes! Dare not dare!" Li Qiufeng and his wife dared not stay any longer. They moved and disappeared on the spot.

Shen Lang deliberately put the divine fire order in Xumi ring.

The reason is very simple. I just don\'t want to be a big light bulb and let all the people in Zhuque mansion know their existence.

In fact, what Li Qiufeng said is a little conservative. If you carry the divine fire order with you, you can feel it for hundreds of miles?

A stronger person can know the existence of Shen Lang even thousands of miles away!

At the beginning, Ling Xue and Ling Yue could feel the divine fire order in the space crack, not to mention in the same space?

After saving Ling Xue and Ling Yue, Shen Lang knew that this thing had such a function, so he deliberately put it in xumijie.

Shen Lang doesn\'t like the feeling of being in the spotlight all the time.

"My Lord, i... I..."

The king of the devil in the iron tower finally had a chance to speak, but he "me" for a long time, and there was no other word for me.

Bad start