Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 957

Gu Yue was slightly stunned and immediately understood Shen Lang\'s words.

He respectfully said, "the people of the netherworld Pavilion brazenly capture the living people, draw their souls and refine their souls, which are used to cultivate bone, spirit and cold fire, and are notorious in the snow;"

"The people of the flower burning sect, like locusts, constantly attack and occupy some cities or small sects. Once they are captured, they will kill the city and leave no survivors... Some orthodox sects once joined hands to destroy them, but because their flower burning Valley is surrounded by miasma, they are on the verge of success."

"The people of the red blood mansion, it is said that the ancestors of the founding sect had something to do with the blood clan. They didn\'t know what evil skills they practiced to absorb human blood and enhance their strength. They also sacrificed a large number of living people to the \'blood god\' they believed in. Everywhere they passed, there was often a river of blood, which was terrible."

"These three major sects are the cancer of the snow area. All the disciples included are ferocious people. Every hand is covered with blood!"

"Because they do things without morality, rules, killing, and have no bottom line, even other demon sects are ashamed to be with them."

The more Li Qiuyun and his brothers listened, the whiter their faces became.

At last, with a slap, he knelt down again.

Li Qiufeng trembled and said, "my Lord, my brothers were ordered to arrive in the snow a few months ago. They have been helping the sect forces in the snow guard the earth cracks. They have just contacted these forces. What they did before has nothing to do with my brothers!"

"If there are empty words, my subordinates are willing to be struck by heaven and thunder!"

"If you don\'t believe it, you can go back to the rosefinch house and ask... We really arrived in the snow area some time ago. In the past, we were stationed in the ethereal area with Lord Ling Xue. We absolutely dare not deceive you!"

Shen Lang didn\'t seem to hear Li Qiufeng\'s wailing, but quietly looked at Sima Yufeng\'s souls.

Under the gaze of the eyes with the breath of death, Sima Yufeng three people have been completely desperate.

Shen Lang grinned, but said without any smile in his eyes, "sometimes I\'m a little softhearted."

"You animals don\'t even have the qualification to be a man, but I let you go before."

"I am not an incarnation of justice or an angel of judgment, but I can\'t see these things in my eyes."

Shen Lang said, turning to brother Li Qiuyun. They said faintly, "you two, do something for me."

Li Qiuyun and Li Qiufeng were overjoyed and said in unison, "my subordinates are willing to devote themselves to adults and go through fire and water!"

Shen langsenran said, "after you go back, level these three forces for me. Don\'t let go of any of them!"

"Including the separation of these three people... I want them to be scared and never be reborn!"

Shen Lang said such cruel words for the first time.

The first time I said it, it made everyone tremble and cold all over!

Gu Yue, who had always felt that Shen Lang was calm and unrestrained, now also understood the horror of Shen Lang.

When you don\'t provoke him, you don\'t even feel any pressure;

Once his anger burns, it\'s time for blood to flow into rivers and bones to grow into mountains

It\'s like the abyss and the sea. It\'s very calm when it\'s okay.

Once this calm is broken, it will be earth shaking!

Li Qiuyun nodded again and again: "don\'t worry, my Lord. My subordinates will never let one of them go!"

"This disgusting door, we have long been unhappy with them!"

These two guys don\'t care about evil and justice at all, but when they see Shen Lang talking and doing so, they are very shameless to follow Shen Lang\'s words.

And when they said such words, they raised their heads and looked full of justice.

People who don\'t know them thought they must often help grandma cross the road.

Shen Lang was too lazy to pay attention to them. As soon as he stretched his left hand, a black hole like vortex appeared in the palm, and immediately sucked in the Danying of Sima Yufeng and others!

After he said everything on purpose, he swallowed up the Danying of the three people in order to make them fear... Panic all day!

Separation is related to the Buddha. When the Buddha of these people hears these words here, separation naturally knows clearly.

Shen Lang here killed their master, and their separation over there will immediately start to escape!

Flee with fear and despair!

As for the Li Qiuyun brothers who may have escaped the five or six heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, it depends on their nature.

They like to create despair for people. Now shenlang will create despair for them!

Even if they can live, they should live with fear and pain!

It\'s too cheap to kill these animals directly

"Zhuque mansion, what\'s going on?" Shen Lang asked faintly.

Li Qiufeng raised his head and said, "if you return to your excellency, six months ago, the Zhuque mansion had sent many strong men, and mobilized the strong men of other magic generals to go to the West wasteland to help each large gate guard the cracks in the earth."

"Other devil generals? Is it because of jingle?" Shen Lang couldn\'t help asking.

About the overview of the demon temple, there are many things about the demon general\'s house in a wilderness. Shen Lang has long known from the memories of Zuo Feng and Zuo Yun.

In this western wasteland, there are at least 15 demon generals\' houses.

It\'s just that they are all led by Zhuque mansion.

However, those magic generals are not under the jurisdiction of the rosefinch house. They are basically equal.

Just like Phoenix House, Phoenix House is not among the five magic generals house, but its power is no weaker than that of Zhuque house and Zhulong house.

Li Qiufeng said that the Zhuque mansion mobilized other people from the Magic general mansion. The greatest possibility should be to give orders in the jingle of the Zhuque mansion.

Sure enough

Li Qiufeng immediately replied, "yes, there are a total of 15 magic generals\' houses in the West wasteland. Originally, our rosefinch house could not mobilize them, but they didn\'t dare not obey miss Dingdang\'s order."

"Our demon Temple used to be hidden in the dark. This time, we finally went to the front desk... The whole west wasteland is\' moving \'!"

"Some time ago, your Highness has received the message that you asked Lord Ling Xue to send back, and sent more strong people out."

"Now the whole west wasteland is full of people in our rosefinch mansion. If you need it, just give an order. Let\'s go to the fire in the water..."

Shen Lang waved and interrupted Li Qiufeng\'s words: "enough."

Li Qiufeng rattled and shut up immediately.

Shen Lang suddenly laughed, which made the two brothers Li Qiuyun creepy.

"The imperial capital of the purple Chu state, you must have known that I killed the strong man of the candle dragon mansion, and I have just dealt with the three forces of the netherworld Pavilion. You should know my personality and behavior style very well?" Shen langyouyou said.

Li Qiufeng and Li Qiufeng wiped cold sweat and nodded like pounding rice: "yes, yes, know, know..."

Shen Lang smiled again: "I\'m still that sentence. I\'m not a good man, an incarnation of justice or an angel of judgment, but once I see some disgusting things, as long as I have enough strength, I will destroy them at any cost."

"Whether it\'s the strong ones in Zhulong mansion or Zhuque mansion, if I see them committing the same crimes as the three forces in Mingyu Pavilion, I will kill them on the premise that I have enough strength."


Speaking of this, Shen Lang sat on the chair, leaning back to lean forward, and his head almost touched Li Qiufeng\'s head.

Then he spoke slowly and said gloomily, "unless you can pull me down from the position of the left envoy."

Such a sentence frightened Li Qiufeng and them into sweat.

This is really arrogant to the extreme, arrogant to the extreme!

Li Qiufeng and Li Qiufeng know a lot about Shen Lang\'s rumors.

Through various channels, I knew early in the morning that the new left envoy was arrogant and domineering.

I know that he can point at the nose of the strong in Tiangang and earth, run so that Lord Zhulong can\'t speak, and make the people in the God of war disheartened

But they didn\'t expect that they really saw Shen Lang\'s madness so soon!

Speaking of it, who dares to consider himself a good man, the strong man in the demon temple?

Who hasn\'t killed several sects, and who hasn\'t killed a mountain of bones?

They are arrogant and domineering. They treat all kinds of creatures in the star continent as lambs to be slaughtered. How can they talk about reason and justice with the lambs?

If you have to say, the demon Temple represents justice!

Who dares to say no?

Shen Lang\'s words were like challenging all the strong men in the demon temple!

According to him, I\'m afraid I can\'t do those things that the strong people in the demon Temple used to like to do... Or let him know if they do!


And his words are very clear... On the premise that he has enough strength!

The left envoy of Zhuque mansion, although his power has not been allocated, ten or eight strong imperial martial mirrors can be easily mobilized.

Who dares to fight him?

Goods like Li Qiufeng and Li Qiuyun can crush them to death with one word. They don\'t have to worry about Ling Xue, their immediate boss!

If other people had said this, Shen Lang would have been cut into eight pieces.

But when he said this from his mouth, the meaning was completely different.

In the Zhuque mansion, in addition to the leader LAN Mengling and the right envoy, who is qualified to deal with him?

Does anyone dare to fight him?

Li Qiufeng and Li Qiufeng have also heard that the new envoy of Zhuque mansion is a couple with the eldest lady who has just returned to Zhuque mansion!

The Demon Lord is the God of the demon God Temple and the son-in-law of the demon lord... Isn\'t this name famous enough?

The demon Temple controls thousands of worlds similar to the star continent. Even if Shen Lang becomes the master of the star continent at that time, it is easy!

Who dares to fight him?

Li Qiufeng and Li Qiufeng kept wiping sweat. They were sad and didn\'t know what to say.

Shen Lang sat upright, glanced at the two men, and said faintly, "after killing the three sects such as the Mingyu Pavilion, send their resources to the xuandao sect of the purple Chu state. If you let me know that you dare to embezzle my things, I will make it difficult for you to die."