Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 956

This immortal sky Sabre is dark all over. Its body is thin and narrow. It is different from many long sabres. It is very noticeable.

However, it is certainly impossible for Li Qiufeng to be attracted by such a small reason.

The reason why Li Qiufeng noticed the immortal Tiandao was not only the terrible smell released from the immortal Tiandao, but also because many people in the Zhuque mansion talked about the left envoy Shen Lang who was born in the sky not long ago!

The magic weapon in the left envoy\'s hand is the black knife!

The name is called immortal sky knife!

Seeing the immortal Tiandao, Li Qiufeng\'s unruly and murderous spirit instantly converged.

He stared at the immortal sky knife in Shen Lang\'s hand and began to feel the breath on the immortal sky knife.

For a time, I forgot to speak and to shoot.

At this time, Sima Yufeng behind Li Qiufeng was very proud and laughed.

"Shen Lang! Do you think you will have today? Do you think your death is coming!"

Sima Yufeng didn\'t speak. As soon as he said the word "Shen Lang", Li Qiufeng in front of him softened his legs and almost knelt down directly!

Before that, Sima Yufeng always said "that man", and never said the name Shen Lang at all!

Just now, when Li Qiuyun saw the immortal sky knife, he cautiously wanted to check the breath of the immortal sky knife and wondered if he was really so unlucky... Sima Yufeng said the taboo name!

You know, this name is a legend!

Because of him, the rosefinch mansion is shining brightly and its momentum has climbed to its peak!

Now, not only in the rosefinch mansion, but also in the whole demon temple, this is a name that people dare not say easily!

Although the story about him and a group of strong people in Tiangang and Disha did not spread in detail.

But people like Li Qiufeng and his brothers know more or less... When many strong imperial martial mirror say this name, their eyes are full of embarrassment, admiration and fear!

The two brothers Li Qiufeng originally wanted to come to guard the snow area. They were fat. They could see the legendary New Left envoy

But unexpectedly, this was the case when the two sides met for the first time!

Li Qiufeng\'s mind suddenly became blank, sweating and trembling!

But the Sima Yufeng behind him didn\'t notice these at all.

Sima Yufeng laughed wildly and said, "Shen Lang, Shen Lang, you did this to us and wanted to kill us all. Now it\'s your turn!"

"I\'m going to peel your skin and strain you. Finally, I\'ll frustrate your bones and ashes and refine your soul!"

"This is what happens when you offend us!"

The ancestor of the black soul club, Baili Hongtao, said with a sneer, "you don\'t know how to live or die, and don\'t ask. Who are we?"

"Open your eyes and see clearly. The one in front of me is Lord Li Qiufeng of Zhuque house in the demon God hall!"

"Now that you are in our hands, what else can we say?"

Baili Hongtao has just finished saying this sentence. The old Zu quanwuji in the netherworld cabinet over there is preparing to speak

Shen Lang looked at Li Qiufeng with a smile and said, "Oh, people from Zhuque mansion? People from Zhuque mansion want to extract my soul and refine my soul, don\'t they?"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Qiufeng bent his legs and fell on his knees with a bang!

"Lord Zuo, forgive me, Lord Zuo, spare my life! These three kings, eight calves, are not with me. I was cheated by them... Spare my life!"

Li Qiufeng\'s shrill howl completely stunned Sima Yufeng.

Let Gu Yue here open his mouth. His chin is about to fall off

The painting style changes too fast and weird.

Gu Yue and Sima Yufeng felt that their heads were not enough.

I feel like I\'ve lived for 2000 years. I really live on dogs

Li Qiuyun, who was fighting with the king of Yanmo in the distance, also noticed the situation here. After one punch forced the king of Yanmo away, he rushed over in the void!

"Second brother, what are you doing? A man has gold under his knee. How can you kneel down to such a little rabbit! Do you want to lose the face of our Li family!"

Li Qiuyun\'s anger really changed the color of the wind and cloud.

Sima Yufeng and others couldn\'t figure it out, and he couldn\'t figure it out even more.

Among the brothers, Li Qiufeng is the most intelligent, sophisticated and knows everything. Many times he listens to his brother.

But now Li Qiufeng staged such a show for no reason, which really annoyed Li Qiuyun.

Before the man arrived, Li Qiuyun grabbed Shen Lang with a big hand.

Seems to want to crush Shen Lang directly!

"Don\'t hurt my Lord!"

The king of the Yan devil roared back and forth. He couldn\'t care about anything else. He threw a punch at Li Qiuyun!

The whole world seemed to be occupied by fire, and the pressure of collapse shrouded around!

It was at this moment that Li Qiufeng, kneeling on both legs, got up and took a huge axe with dazzling light in his hand and chopped it down at the palm of his brother\'s hand!

Li Qiuyun was attacked from behind. He was stunned. He was immediately bombarded by the king of the devil behind. Like a shell, he was directly bombarded to the ground. The ground was dusty and the trees collapsed!

"Roar!" Li Qiuyun roared from the ground, "asshole, I\'ll kill you! I want you to die!"

Like a meteor, the figure madly smashed at the king of Yanmo.

However, the king of the Yan devil hasn\'t started yet. Li Qiufeng over there is another axe, which directly cuts down on Li Qiuyun\'s back!

The violent power instantly smashed Li Qiuyun to the ground again!

Li Qiuyun never expected such a day.

He was split twice by his closest brother!

If he didn\'t wear body armor, I\'m afraid he would be divided into two!

The axe in Li Qiufeng\'s hand is still on the long sword in his hand!

An atmosphere of tyranny came from the huge pit below.

Li Qiuyun has fallen into the edge of violent walking

This time, no matter what the reason is, he is not going to spare the brother who shot at him!

Until this time, Li Qiufeng burst out: "brother, stop! This is the left envoy!"

Just one sentence

Li Qiuyun\'s breath, like the last moment of the explosion of robbery thunder, suddenly dissipated.

Instead, even Sima Yufeng and others in the air can feel... Panic, fear and hysteria!

"Hua la la..."

A sound of ripping rocks came from below. Li Qiuyun knelt on the ground and climbed out of the pit.

"Pardon me, sir. I didn\'t mean it. I didn\'t mean it!"

Li Qiuyun didn\'t dare to look at the Shen waves in the air. He just kowtowed madly.

His head smashed the green stones in front of him

Li Qiufeng in the air flew down and knelt down again under the Shen wave, shaking like a pendulum all over his body.

The king of the burning devil who rushed over was also stunned and scratched his head. He couldn\'t understand what was going on.

The three Sima Yufeng in the air have been completely petrified

"Get up and talk... I\'m not dead yet. Why do you kowtow to me?" Shen Lang said coldly.

Kneeling down and hanging their heads, the two quickly got up as if they were pardoned.

They stood side by side under Shen Lang a little, trembling. They used to look at Shen Lang timidly and dare not speak.

It was at this time that Sima Yufeng, the three men above, finally calmed down!

The three of them howled in despair and ran out in three different directions as agreed!

However, it would be a joke if only three guys at the beginning of Huangwu territory could escape under the strong warrior of the quasi emperor!

Li Qiufeng\'s mind moved. When he put his mind outside, the space within a radius of 300 Li became like a swamp!

Sima Yufeng\'s three people, like falling into a mire, struggled desperately, but still couldn\'t move a penny!

Li Qiufeng was so angry with the three people that he was moved. With a great force, he directly arrested the three people and slapped them in the face!

"He dares to frame me! He dares to entice me to deal with the left envoy and kill you king - bastard!"

Li Qiuyun was more direct and kicked Bai Lihong Tao, the ancestor of the black soul club, into mud!

Baili Hongtao\'s Danying broke out and knelt in front of Shen Lang, pleading for mercy, but he just didn\'t dare to escape... In fact, it\'s impossible to escape.

"What do you do with them? Slap yourself until I\'m satisfied."

Shen Lang\'s immortal Tiandao had already been included in Feng Tianding. After a faint word, he took out a chair and sat down leisurely.

As soon as the two brothers Li Qiuyun heard it, they immediately began to slap themselves in the face like a game!

These two people really used a lot of strength. After only a short meeting, they were drawn into a pig\'s head by themselves.

In this way, they seem not satisfied and want to continue to work hard in the direction of ox head and horse face.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes had fallen on Sima Yufeng.

The quiet eyes made those people fall into the ice cellar and despair completely.

There are really people in this world who can\'t be provoked.

They should have understood when they were crippled by Shen Lang.

The Yanyu building\'s flirtatious behavior and the chilianzi of the red blood mansion are different. They have been frightened by Shen Lang for a long time, and they don\'t know the two brothers Li Qiuyun.

So they escaped.

But Sima Yufeng really pushed himself to a dead end!

"Why do you have to force me?"

In Shen Lang\'s sigh, the two swords fell from the sky. Before Sima Yufeng and Quan Wuji could speak, they split them in half!

The flesh at the beginning of Huangwu territory is like mud under the light of Shen Lang Dao. Cut it if you say!

Sima Yufeng, who lost their flesh, showed despair in their eyes, but they couldn\'t move at all!

Under the suppression of Li Qiufeng\'s mind, these three Dan babies can\'t even explode!

Has been completely imprisoned!

Li Qiuyun and his brothers slapped each other faster.

And the force used has become greater

Shen Lang turned around to have a look. Gu Yue asked, "what are the three demon sect doors, the Ming domain Pavilion, the flower burning sect and the red blood mansion?"