Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 955


A cold hum from dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, came from the air. Gu Yue felt the power that bound him, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Then, a burning force wrapped Gu Yue and Shen Lang and sent them out directly to the back!

"Trouble, since the king of Yanmo sent us out like this, it means that the strength of the comer is not weaker than him, or even stronger, and he can\'t protect me and langshao!"

Ancient Yue people are old and refined. The king of Yan devil is just such a small action. He has seen the situation clearly.

Just because he saw the situation clearly, Gu Yue\'s face became extremely ugly.

Because he already knew that the cultivation of the king of the Yan devil had reached the level of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror four heaven!

With the strength and strong body of the king of the Yan devil, even if the strong man of the quasi emperor Wujing wuchongtian comes, he may not be able to win him.

If even he can\'t resist it, doesn\'t it mean that the cultivation of the incoming enemy may be more than the sixth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror?

Gu Yue fixed his eyes and saw that the king of the Yan devil had turned into a human shape, showing the huge devil body, surging up and down with towering flames and jumping!

The king of the devil stood proudly between heaven and earth, waved his right fist and punched out the huge palm in the air!

The blow was so fierce that it took people\'s heart and soul!

The originally darkened area was immediately fully illuminated, and the whole nearby space seemed to collapse, which can be seen from its unparalleled ferocity!

In the twinkling of an eye, the fist of the king of Yan devil exploded with the giant palm in the air!


The loud noise like the collapse of the mountain and the earth made Gu Yue\'s eardrums ache. There was a buzzing sound in his whole brain, and he couldn\'t hear anything else!

At this time, the bombardment of the king of the Yan devil and the mysterious strong man has caused unimaginable shock waves, pouring in like a tide in all directions!

Even if the king of Yanmo deliberately shot to help Shen Lang and Gu Yue resist the aftershock, there were still shock waves that frightened Gu Yue!

"So it is!" Gu Yue exclaimed in his heart: "the strength of the other party is still above the king of Yanmo..."

At this moment, Gu Yue had confirmed his previous doubts, and his heart was like being pressed by a boulder.

In front of Duanmu evil at the beginning of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, he was like a mole ant in the triple heaven of the imperial martial realm.

And this kind of quasi emperor martial mirror is more than six times stronger than Duanmu evil?

"Don\'t mention the Tianfeng kingdom. There can\'t be the strong six heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing in the whole 18 snow countries! Among the only dark gold aristocratic family in the snow, the most powerful is the three Heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing... Where is this strong enemy?"

Gu Yue complained repeatedly. He couldn\'t imagine that he would encounter such a strong man in Tianfeng\'s country.

And the other party didn\'t even say a word. They started fighting as soon as they came up!

The second thing about these is that the aftermath of the first fight between the king of Yanmo and the other party has poured in like a tide!

The speed of that afterwave is fast to the extreme, and you can\'t escape.

Gu Yue gritted his teeth and took out a square tripod, ready to help Shen Lang resist the terrible aftershock.

At this time, Shen Lang, who had no words, finally started!

Shen Lang snorted and bent down to clap it!

The sound of earth shaking and mountains shaking sounded, and two strange gates up to ten feet appeared in front of Shen Lang and Gu Yue!

The gate is red in color, and its shape is exactly the face of a demon.

The devil opened his mouth, which was swarthy with the smell of evil and killing, as if it were leading to hell!

The gate is full of strange and indistinguishable characters, swimming around like tadpoles. As long as people\'s eyes stay on the tadpoles, it will be difficult to move away. The evil power contained in it is extremely strange and difficult to name!

A breath of cruelty, tyranny and evil was released from the gate and rolled around.

It makes people feel like they have been in an endless abyss!

Gu Yue opened his mouth and looked at the devil\'s gate. The square tripod in his hand was held high above his head. He forgot to put it down.

Although he didn\'t want to understand what it was, the evil smell released from the two gates made him creepy and frightened. He just wanted to stay away from the gate!

Gu Yue couldn\'t understand that Shen Lang was so... A just man, how could he use such Yin and evil "magic skill"?

This is much more frightening and frightening than the supreme magic skills of those demon Taoism sects in the snow!

The magic skills used by those demons in the snow area, if compared with Shen Lang, are nothing at all, not at the same level!

If those people are demons, Shen Lang is definitely the king of demons!

Otherwise, how can the breath in these two portals be so evil, so terrible, so... Unbelievable?

Before Gu Yue thought more

The towering energy swept forward like a huge wave has arrived and hit the first demon gate!

Gu Yue was panicked and wanted to sacrifice Fang Ding, but seeing Shen Lang standing leisurely in front of him, he had to look at it with a wisp of beard.

But he was scared to death and his legs trembled

If it weren\'t for the fact that the spirit of the herbalist was far stronger than that of the ordinary martial artist, Gu Yue was really not sure to control himself... He didn\'t pee his pants.


Just a gentle sound.

There was no roar that Gu Yue expected.

Then I saw the terrible shock wave, most of which suddenly disappeared without a trace!

Then the demon gate burst into nothingness.

The momentum of the frightening shock wave instantly dropped by more than half and continued to move forward.

When this powerful force quickly encountered the second demon gate, Gu Yue finally saw clearly... The violent vitality was not blocked by the demon gate

But through the demon gate, it was transmitted to another space!

That almost made Gu Yue pee. After destroying the second devil\'s gate, it has become calm and light, and there is no previous terror at all!

"Unexpectedly... There is such a thing? What the hell is this? Space door? Isn\'t it possible to go above the legendary imperial martial mirror when it comes to space?"

Gu Yue didn\'t understand at all and didn\'t think about the "demon gate".

After all, the devil\'s gate is the natural power of the abyss Lord. How can Gu Yue contact him with the abyss Lord if Shen Lang is evil?

"Bang bang!"

Shen Lang waved his hand and scattered the rest of his strength in an instant!

The powerful ripples that destroy mountains and mountains come ferociously and disappear at will

Even the jungle below was not damaged, so it disappeared completely!

Gu Yue almost dropped his chin.

Shen Lang\'s accomplishments are also roughly judged. It is absolutely impossible to reach the level of the king of Yanmo... Although the king of Yanmo is under his command.

With Shen Lang\'s cultivation, it\'s easy to block most of the aftershocks of such two strong men. It\'s unimaginable!

At this time, Shen Lang\'s face sank.

All this is slow to say, but it\'s just a matter of the blink of an eye.

When Gu Yue just swallowed a mouthful of saliva and didn\'t come and talk, Shen Lang turned his wrist and held the immortal sword in his hand!

The sense of cutting through the ages fills the surrounding space.

Shen Lang\'s eyes did not fall on the man who fought with the king of the Yan devil, but on the empty void on the right!


There was a soft sound in the void.

Immediately, a figure with lofty and huge breath and a circle of leaping black fog appeared.

Behind this man, Sima Yufeng, the ancestor of the flower burning sect, Wuquan, the ancestor of the netherworld cabinet, and Baili Hongtao, the ancestor of the black soul club, stood respectfully side by side!

As soon as the three appeared, Gu Yue naturally understood the causes and consequences.

There is no doubt that these two strong men are helpers sought by Sima Yufeng and others!

"Unexpectedly, you really have two skills?" the man said with a mean sneer.

Shen Lang\'s face was like water. He said faintly, "more than two sons?"

The man was stunned, but he didn\'t expect Shen Lang to be so arrogant.

With a strange smile, he said again, "boy, what are those two doors... What skills? Can you block the energy ripples of this degree?"

"Do you want to know? Do you really want to know... But I won\'t say."

Shen Langxie smiled and read in his heart. Duanmuxie, who had advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror, and the snow poetry of the quasi emperor martial mirror, appeared on his left and right sides out of thin air.

Two people, a zombie, are happy and unafraid in the face of the strong one who is not weaker than the king of the Yan devil!

"You can\'t afford to provoke me... Hehe, no wonder you are so calm, but you still have such an expert? Unfortunately, you can only delay the time of death in front of this seat."

The man in the air lost his smile and his eyes fell on Xue Shiyin.

What can make him a little afraid is the snow poetry at the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror four days.

As for the zombie who just advanced to the quasi emperor martial mirror, he didn\'t pay attention to it at all.

On the other side, the king of Yanmo has been completely entangled by Li Qiuyun. He has no skills and is constantly roaring!

However, in a short time, Li Qiuyun, who has achieved more than the king of Yanmo, is also the king of Yanmo. He has no choice

The body of the king of the Yan devil is too hard. For the strong man of the Terran, a very powerful attack fell on him, just like Rao itching, which gives Li Qiuyun a headache.

Here, when the war was imminent, Li Qiuyun\'s brother Li Qiufeng\'s eyes had turned back from Xue Shiyin and fell on Shen Lang.

No matter how insignificant Shen Lang\'s accomplishments are, he deserves Li Qiufeng\'s attention if he can bring many "subordinates" who are stronger than him and the treasures "obtained" from emperor Wujing.

"Black knife?"

When Li Qiufeng\'s eyes in the air fell on Shen Lang\'s immortal Tiandao, he couldn\'t help but be stunned.