Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 954

When they heard the word "heavenly artifact", the two strong men were quite moved.

After hearing that they got it from the strong emperor Wujing, they almost had no doubt!

If it\'s not a heavenly artifact, it\'s at least a holy artifact level!

They were completely attracted by Sima Yufeng\'s words. They had the intention to kill Shen Lang immediately and take things!

Sima Yufeng\'s eyes flashed a trace of imperceptible pride, nodded and said, "that\'s right."

"Tell me what happened at that time. Don\'t miss all the details... Especially what you said!" the older middle-aged man in brocade said coldly.


At present, Sima Yufeng took out Shen Lang\'s armor and threw a batch of imperial weapons and imperial weapons to duanmuxie.

However, Shen Lang clearly said "from a strong imperial mirror", but Sima Yufeng deliberately said "from a strong imperial mirror".

"Take" and "get" are one word away, but the meaning is really different.

Sima Yufeng worried that the two above would be frightened when they heard the word "snatch", and then hesitated, so God changed a word unconsciously.

Anyway, as long as these two adults make a move, Shen Lang must be dead and there will be no trouble behind him.

As for Shen Lang\'s language and some attitudes, Sima Yufeng added fuel and vinegar. It was like Shen Lang was scolding the devil temple and the two above.

The two people above were excited, but they were angry!

"For a zombie, you can throw out many imperial weapons, and the grade of the armor is obviously above the imperial weapons. If it\'s not a heavenly weapon, it\'s at least a holy weapon. Hey hey, when did such people come out of the eighteen countries in the snow? Brother, if such people pass by our door, let\'s have a walk?"

"If we sit idly by and pass it on, I\'m afraid we\'ll be bullied by people who say that I\'m in the West wasteland Zhuque mansion!"

The man called "big brother" nodded and said overbearing, "I\'ve always been the only one who robbed other people\'s things, so no one dares to rob things from me!"

"I really want to see if a boy at the beginning of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror has eaten the courage of a bear heart leopard or something. Dare to come to me and die!"

Li Qiuyun said, looking coldly at Sima Yufeng and said, "where are they now?"

Sima Yufeng was overjoyed and said, "if you return, I immediately sent someone to monitor Yaowang Valley and Yaowang city. From the returned information, my subordinates learned that the boy didn\'t stop after the zombie advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror, and left Yaowang valley with Gu Yue."

"Their destination is the state of Zichu, which is 150000 miles away from here. The fastest way is to jump through the portal in the large city. According to the time, they should have reached the state of Honglang by now."

"My subordinates suggest that we go directly to their only way... Tianfeng Kingdom, stop them in Tianfeng kingdom!"

"At that time, two adults will take action to discipline him in the dilemma of life and death!"

It seems that he has seen Shen Lang\'s head. The city hall is as deep as Sima Yufeng. At the moment, he also becomes excited.

Sima Yufeng and the two of them who haven\'t talked much... The old ancestor Quan Wuji of the netherworld attic and the old ancestor Bai lihongtao of the black soul club are also sneering with resentment at the moment!

Although Shen Lang was accompanied by a strong man who was almost the third heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, it was easy to crush them as long as the two adults took action!

These three people seem to have seen Shen Lang kneel in front of them and beg for mercy, and finally lose their souls

Li Qiuyun and the other man looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Then, you three will go with me. This trip will help you kill this person. It\'s a shame before you fall!" Li Qiuyun said and stood up: "as long as this thing is done, it\'s also a very simple thing to take you into the demon temple."

Sima Yufeng replied with ecstasy: "thank you, sir! We will never forget the kindness of the two adults!"

Li Qiuyun gave a strange smile and shook his sleeve robe. The black cloud like a dragon suddenly rolled Sima Yufeng\'s three people.

Between the wind and the clouds, the five people disappeared on the spot.

"How do you guard this place until I come back!"

After leaving such a sentence, Li Qiuyun and Sima Yufeng went straight to Tianfeng country.

Li Qiuyun can\'t wait for the "heavenly weapon" that even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror may not get.


The towering mountains lead to the zenith in darkness.

A huge flaming crane flashed through the air.

Many monsters in the wild jungle subconsciously raised their heads, but they saw a string of beautiful fire left in the air, extending to infinity like a ribbon.

On the back of the Flamingo, Shen Lang lay obliquely on the chair with his eyes closed.

The ancient Yue on the edge is eagerly referring to the jade slips given by Shen Lang before.

Among these jade slips, there are pills that make countless herbalists crazy.

Any one can make Gu Yue, a master of medicine refining, learn for decades and enjoy for hundreds of years.

At this time, Gu Yue\'s face was red, just like a poor man who found a treasure on the road. It was difficult to restrain his ecstasy.

He wants to talk to someone and share it.

I dare not tell anyone for fear that this good thing will be coveted by others.

In this contradictory psychology, Gu Yue studied and remembered crazily and hard.

Every time Shen Lang opens his eyes, Gu Yue asks the accumulated questions at one time.

Every time he asks Shen Lang about refining medicine, Gu Yue will have more respect.

Gu Yue, a master of medicine refining, seems to have never read a book in front of Shen lang. he is completely retarded in medicine refining.

Now if there are still people who doubt that Shen Lang is not a master of medicine refining at the master level, Gu Yue will rush up first and fight with him!

On the back of the flaming crane, Gu Yue has almost changed a lot in just a few days.

To put it bluntly, this change is equivalent to his hundreds of years of efforts, or even longer.

Gu Yue raised his head, just like the apprentice of Gu Gang, the king of medicine, looked at Shen Lang, buried his head and continued to understand the things in the jade slips.

At this time, Shen Lang concentrated his body and mind in the book of heaven.

"Swallowing heaven, making fortune and burying demons", one of the heavenly books, has now been integrated with Shen lang. every bit of the heavenly book has been in Shen Lang\'s mind.

Shen Lang doesn\'t need to read like a Book anymore.

The other part of the book of heaven, "the origin of cause and effect", is handed over to the tree of the world to refine and understand.

The tree of the world is equal to Shen Lang\'s separation.

He is refining and understanding the "origin of cause and effect", while Shen Lang\'s Buddha is studying the heavenly book "swallowing heaven, making fortune and burying demons".

The essence of heaven and earth, yin and Yang, and countless mysterious and mysterious things linger in the waves.

Shen Lang felt that he had gone to a chaotic space and witnessed the birth and destruction of one world after another.

He stayed on the flamingo\'s back for only one day, but it seemed as if an era had passed.

"Swallow heaven and bury the devil". Once displayed, you can seize the dark and yellow nature of heaven and earth and the mystery of chaotic magic!

Let everything be destroyed until death!

Thousands of gods and demons are nothing but food in front of this heavenly book!

If we can practice to the great achievement, we can swallow everything, seize the essence of the gods, bury thousands of gods and spirits, do not invade thousands of laws, and control the law of death.

"See" here, Shen Lang opened his eyes!

It\'s not so much "see" as "listen".

It\'s the idea from the book of heaven, telling Shen Lang everything.

And hearing this, even Shen Lang, who integrated the soul of the war emperor, was shocked to the extreme!

It is not the so-called "swallowing everything, capturing the essence of gods, and burying thousands of gods and spirits".

But when it comes to the law

Shen Lang was shocked!

The so-called law cannot be changed. It is the law of nature.

Is above the rules!

Above the rules is the origin, and above the origin is the law!

Space rules are understood by many powerful warriors in the world, but let alone understand. Even if they control the space rules, they have hardly started the "space rules"!

The law is the Tao!

Understanding a rule can lead to the supremacy of the human world.

Understand a law and become the emperor of the divine world!

Master any law and be the king of the gods!

This book of heaven not only has the "origin of cause and effect", but also has the "law of death"!

Not to mention the "origin of cause and effect", if you can understand and even control the "law of death", you can devour everything, seize the creation of the dark yellow of heaven and earth, and grab the mystery of the wonderful method of chaos!

Heaven and earth, the life and death of thousands of gods and demons are controlled by one person!

What a horror!

How unimaginable!

Even the war emperor only understood a variety of rules and did not really control one rule.

Now Shen Lang has directly skipped the rules, skipped the laws and directly contacted the laws!

And it is a very terrible law - "the law of death"!

"According to the records of the God of war hall on the upper world, even the Supreme God Emperor and the demon emperor of the upper world have never heard of anyone who can control the law. If you can control a law, you can create a world... But there are only six worlds in heaven and the demon world, which have never changed since ancient times..."

"Who created this heavenly book? How can there be such an exaggerated and terrible thing?"

"\'swallowing heaven, making fortune and burying demons\' is the law of death, so I\'m afraid there is a corresponding law on several other heavenly books... How can such a terrible thing fall into the world of human beings?"

Shen Lang pressed down the shock of his heart and took a long breath.

He didn\'t expect to understand the "law of death" casually.

If you want to surpass the war emperor of that year, compared with the somewhat ethereal "law of death", the chaotic divine body can be seen and touched more.

At present, it is still necessary to focus on chaotic gods, followed by Tianshu, and the traditional martial law comes last.

Just then, the Flamingo gave a crane cry, suddenly slowed down and stopped in the air.

At this time, in the mountains and forests in the distance, a huge palm suddenly appeared out of thin air and patted it directly towards Shen Lang and Gu Yue!

The huge palm, like a mountain, took off at an unimaginable speed, and then took a picture. In a short time, it covered the whole sky and couldn\'t even shine a little sunlight!

This clap of thunder really has the power of collapse!

A palm down, unimaginable pressure is around Shen Lang and Gu Yue!

Gu Yue, who was completely unable to move, exclaimed, "adults, save me!"