Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 452

Seeing Shen Lang start the formation and start to attack, Zhu Feng was surprised and spit out a polygonal odd shield in his mouth.

The polygonal shield suddenly released a small light shield, covering his whole body in the middle.

Holding a sword and a shield, Zhu Feng tried his best to start dodging defense.

The continuous thunder ball hit Zhu Feng\'s shield, and every time it made a deafening roar, which made his body shake and uncomfortable.

No matter how strong the manpower is, how can it compete with the incomparable power of heaven and earth?

The big array calls the vitality of heaven and earth. As long as the treasure maintaining the array has not been destroyed and the strong person in charge of the array is still there, such attacks will continue.

Originally, Wang Wujing could use the vitality of heaven and earth to resist the enemy, but it completely lost its effectiveness in this large array that controls the flow of vitality of heaven and earth.

Zhu Feng can only defend and dodge passively.

He was not sure how long this defense and evasion could last.

The strong man at the top of the five fold heaven of the great king Wujing fell into such an array. He was beaten without the power to fight back, as if he had become a lamb to be slaughtered

"From the beginning of layout to the end of holding our lives in our hands... Exposed scheming and strength... How can there be such a terrible young man?"

Zhu Feng has lived for thousands of years and knows countless people. Apart from Zhuge Xianer, he has never seen such a powerful person.

The plan to deal with them is very simple and should not have succeeded in any way.

But now it is not just success, it can be said to be perfect success!

Whether it\'s the other party\'s various calculations, or he hides and mobilizes the power of the whole 15 strong men of Wang Wujing, and the array that is strong enough to kill the five strong men of Wang Wujing

All the means displayed make people fear and feel difficult to resist.

Many things that could not have happened have happened.

What could have been seen at a glance as a conspiracy now seems to be impeccable and perfect.

"Xian\'er said that this person is extremely terrible, and even she is not sure to compete with it... Xian\'er\'s words, we should have believed! Why have she missed what she said over the years?"

Zhu Feng\'s mouth was bitter. While defending and dodging, he extended his mind in all directions, trying to find the flaw of the big array.

If he can\'t find the flaw, it won\'t take him a moment.

The power of the thunderbolt is really powerful enough to make people talk.

Escape, there is no place to escape;

War, even the enemy\'s clothes can not be touched;

Defense, how long can you defend?

To say "I\'m a fish for a man\'s knife" is not to grow others\' ambition and destroy their prestige, but Zhu Feng\'s deep understanding of the current situation.

He is not as impulsive as shuitianji, and he has no enemies with Shen lang. he was originally an outsider and bystander. Naturally, he can see these things clearly.

On the other hand, Tang Hao seems to have reached the end of the oar. His whole body is full of blood and panting

Just when Zhu Feng felt desperate

Shen Lang leaned back on the chair and made a gesture.

Tang Hao\'s original crazy offensive suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Tang Hao was still holding on. Seeing the attack disappear, he suddenly breathed out and couldn\'t wait to sit cross legged in the void and recover.

However, there is no such route on the other side of Shengguang sect.

The four king\'s martial mirror strongmen of Shengguang sect and the beast palace have all their unique skills, but they can\'t cope with the endless attack of thunder and lightning.

These four people were more seriously injured than Tang Hao and could not last for a moment.

Instead, the disciples of the two schools huddled together without much damage. It seems that Shen Lang deliberately left their lives.

Shen Lang moved his chair slightly and disappeared out of thin air. He had reached the big array against Shengguang sect and beast palace.

"Shen Lang, we have no enemies with you. Why do you use this despicable means to lead us here and kill us? There must be a misunderstanding, there must be a misunderstanding!"

He Zongdao\'s green magic hand blasted away a thunder. Under the churning of Qi and blood, he endured the pain and shouted in the air.

Nothing makes people want to vomit blood more than this kind of thing.

I thought I found what I was looking for here. Unexpectedly, it was a conspiracy.

It\'s the people who arranged the plot. They don\'t know and know nothing!

I don\'t even know why the other party wants to deal with himself!

Even if they are dead, they are all dead

It makes no sense!

It was found that Shen Lang had entered this array before. A group of people were so popular that they screamed and scrambled to run in. Unexpectedly, no one saw such a simple plan to "lead you into the Urn".

The other three also found Shen Lang above the array and attacked Shen Lang almost at the same time.

The third King\'s martial arts mirror is strong. It\'s powerful and powerful.

The three attacks rolled into a huge air wave, like a dragon going to sea, roaring towards the Shen wave.

If you attack like this, I\'m afraid even the king Wujing\'s five heavenly strongmen will retreat in peacetime.

It\'s used to deal with a 17-year-old boy. It\'s really a bit like killing chickens with an ox knife.

However, before they reached the Shen wave, their terrible attack was instantly destroyed by the thunder falling from the top of the array, with energy rippling and surging.

There is no chance to reach shenlang.

"No grievance, no hatred? Your joke is not funny." Shen Lang sat in the void and said coldly, "since everyone knows I\'m from xuandaozong, what\'s the meaning of this nonsense?"

As soon as Shen Lang\'s voice fell, the void behind him opened a door. Jiang Haitian, the first ancestor of xuandaozong, and Feng Ping, the second ancestor, stepped out.

"It\'s them!" he Zongdao finally understood why this kind of thing happened.

After a long time, I wanted to deal with others, but it was better for the other party to start first!

The four men were guilty of being thieves. While defending in embarrassment, they responded to the falling thunder, lightning and fireball water arrows in the air, and opened their throats and shouted loudly.

"Mr. Jiang, although we have a little friction, it\'s all the trouble of the following disciples. We have no malice to xuandaozong. Please stop the attack so that we can explain to you!" he Zongdao still wants to pretend to be stupid.

Han laoguai was even more shameless. He said in a loud voice, "well... Two friends of xuandaozong, I have something to say. I\'m Han Linqi of the beast palace. Although you and I have never met, I\'ve heard a lot about you! We have nothing to do with shengguangzong and don\'t want to interfere in your gratitude and resentment. Please stop the operation of this array and let us go. We\'ll thank you very much in the future!"

However, Jiang Haitian and Feng Ping had no change in their expressions, but stood quietly behind the Shen waves.

They looked down like watching a clown show, and their eyes were full of mockery.

This gesture immediately made everyone below feel cold

Is it difficult that the two ancestors of the two xuandaozongs should listen to the young man?

What the hell is this sacred?

Where the hell did this guy come from?

"Death is coming. I\'m still pretending... But it\'s so far. It\'s useless to say more." Shen Lang shook his head slightly and said.

"I\'m very reasonable. If you want to settle xuandaozong, I\'ll start first. It\'s so simple. It\'s better not to say more meaningless words."

"I just want to know one thing now. What are you two looking for?"

"Whoever speaks first can leave this array alive."

After that, he added: "of course, it\'s OK not to say. After destroying your body, it\'s OK to catch your Dan baby and then extract your soul and refine your soul. However, the taste of soul and refine your soul is not very easy. You should think about it clearly."

On the ground, a group of disciples of shengguangzong and the beast palace looked pale and trembled uncontrollably.

In their eyes, the boy who played with the two ancestors was more terrible than the wild beasts

While Shen Lang asked, the operation of the array did not stop. The thunder kept pounding the defense of the four strong Wang Wujing below.

The four people looked at each other with a look of horror, but no one answered Shen Lang\'s words.

In the face of this unreasonable thing, Shen Lang smiled and said, "I\'m sorry, it seems that you\'re not going to tell me. But if you don\'t tell me, it doesn\'t mean I don\'t know what you\'re looking for."

He Zongdao and others at the bottom had a gloomy face to deal with the bombardment of the array, and no one spoke.

If it wasn\'t for the extreme importance of that thing, how could the great king and the strong man of martial arts mirror rush here just because he heard that there might be treasure here?

If it wasn\'t for that thing, how could the people in the beast palace come all the way here to compete with the people of Shengguang sect?

But if you don\'t say it, you may not have no chance to live.

Once they say it, not only the four of them will die, but also the Holy Light sect and the beast palace will be crushed into powder

The matter is extremely confidential. Shen Lang said he knows that these people don\'t believe it.

It was when the four people were crazy and wanted to find the big array of flaws, Shen Lang\'s divine thoughts were clearly put into their sea of knowledge: "what you\'re looking for is a fragment of Yuanli?"


He Zongdao raised his head and looked at Shen Lang, completely losing his composure.

Seeing the posture of the four, Shen Lang understood and guessed right.

These guys are looking for Yuanli fragments!

Shen Lang said coldly, "with the strength of your two sects, you are not qualified to contact things at this level. One last chance, tell me who is sacred? Otherwise, you will die!"

At this time, he Zongdao\'s breath soared, the air flow on the green devil\'s hand turned and rolled, and suddenly a punch was thrown upward!

This fist, with terrible energy impact and sharp sound of breaking the air, was like smashing the sky and roaring to the Shen waves in the air.

The strength of this energy is almost far more than the ordinary King Wujing\'s triple heaven power, and even reaches the level of King Wujing\'s quadruple heaven power!

In fact, he Zongdao is just the cultivation of Wang Wujing\'s triple heaven peak!

At the same time, he Zongdao shouted angrily: "Han laoguai, this is it. Either he or we are dead! If you and I don\'t fight back with all our strength, we will die without a place to bury!"

"Fight!" Han laoguai roared.

The breath of the four Wang Wujing strongmen was completely revealed, unreserved and intertwined, as if to tear open the sky!

The magic soldiers in their hands burst out a powerful light at this time