Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 453

Let\'s say that Shen Lang preached the words "Yuanli fragment", which greatly changed the complexion of he Zongdao\'s four people!

Such an important event is well known... He Zongdao knew that there was no room for turning around. He immediately encouraged several old Han monsters to break out with all their strength!

Although the defense of these guys seemed tight before, the real cards have not been broken.

At the moment, the momentum increased greatly, and the ferocity filled the air. Unexpectedly, they showed a desperate attitude.

He zongdaoqing\'s fist was far more than any previous counterattack.

With one blow, the huge and ferocious fist Gang pulled out a long crack in the air, as if even the space had been cracked, which was amazing.

Shen Lang\'s eyes coagulated and made three gestures.

Under the control of your ancestors, the thunder all over the sky immediately gathered and formed a huge palm several times larger than the green devil\'s fist gang.

The giant palm seemed to be the hand of the nine heavenly gods Buddha. When he caught it from the sky, he crushed the fist gang of the green devil hand!


In the deafening sound, he Zongdao\'s hard blow was easily resolved.

The four people who are climbing madly below can\'t help but turn pale, and the color of fear in their eyes is even worse.

These four people are different from Zhu Feng. They can\'t see who presides over the formation outside the formation, what accomplishments they have, and how many people there are.

I thought it was just xuandaozong.

If it is only the people of xuandaozong, and now Shen Lang is standing behind the first and second ancestors, only the third and fourth ancestors will control the array.

Their accomplishments are even worse than those of the first and second ancestors.

Even if this big array is powerful and only those two people control it, it\'s not without a fight.

Unfortunately, the ancient array itself is a powerful killing array.

And it\'s still a superimposed array!

Now, in addition to Jiang Haitian and Fengping, there are twelve strong Wang Wujing who preside over this array!

Shen Lang in the air snorted coldly, "your courage is commendable, but your vision is too poor. Doing your best, in my opinion, is also a place where you can\'t die."

He raised his hand and made another gesture.

The four people below haven\'t had time to react. They just feel that a flower in front of them has been separated one by one like Zhu Feng and Tang Hao!

Want to unite the power of the four?

I won\'t even give you such a chance!

Shen Lang always makes up his mind and then moves, and either he doesn\'t make a move. When he makes a move, he is furious and doesn\'t give a chance to the mobile phone.

Now that he has finished asking, how can he give these people a chance to work together?

Under the manipulation of Shen Lang, the wonder of this array is almost unpredictable.

In a flash, they completely separated the four people.

At this time, Jiang Haitian in the back whispered, "Xiaolang, what should we do now? Kill them directly?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "it\'s too easy to kill them, but it\'s too wasteful."

"Waste..." Jiang Haitian didn\'t understand.

Shen Lang said with a smile, "at least it\'s Wang Wujing\'s accomplishments. We\'ve spent so much manpower and material resources, and we have to get back some interest... Eliminate evil, use waste, destroy their flesh and take their pill babies. That\'s what we mean."

"..." Jiang Haitian and Feng Ping in the back were stiff, and a cold sweat came out of his forehead.

Shen Lang said this easily, but listening to them was like a thunderbolt!

If the monster is below, instead of four people, they won\'t have special ideas.

It\'s tempting and confusing to capture Danying, but it\'s really not easy to say it like Shen Lang\'s understatement.

For Jiang Haitian and others, they have a grudge against the people of Shengguang sect, so killing he Zongdao and breaking up his Danying is the biggest punishment for them.

Also take the pill baby, refine it or swallow it directly

This is not what ordinary people can do.

For the people in the devil\'s way, it seems to be routine and nothing.

However, for people in the right way, they are afraid of all kinds of influence. If they really want to do this kind of thing, they always hide and dare not do it openly.

How could anyone like Shen Lang say it directly without taboo?

Shen Lang doesn\'t have to look back. He knows what the two people behind are thinking.

"The two ancestors can\'t have compassion for these people. As enemies, most of the time, you die or he dies. There\'s no other choice. If the five sects have no alliance, I don\'t fight, and finally the xuandaozong is leveled by them... What will happen to the xuandaozong? How will they treat the people of the xuandaozong? What will happen to the four ancestors ?”

"When you pity the enemy, the enemy is thinking about how to eat your meat and drink your blood."

"I am not a cruel and murderous person, nor do I follow the path of the devil. I even have the star moon Bodhi beads of Ruyi Buddha sect in my body, but I have no compassion for he Zongdao and others."

"What is good and what is evil? If these people kill xuandaozong, with the temperament of each of these two sects, xuandaozong will become a hell on earth! Their people are human, aren\'t our people human?"

"If you fall into their hands, do you think you will escape the fate of Dan Ying being robbed and scared?"

Shen Lang said a few words, which immediately made the two ancestors sweat like rain.

They are all old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. They all understand this truth without Shen Lang saying.

It was just shocked by the capture of Danying for a time.

It seems that the situation is really good, but the things Shen Lang said are really very likely to happen.

If it weren\'t for the existence of Shen Lang, xuandaozong might

This world is always like this. Good people sigh at home and bad people sing on stage.

Kindness to the enemy is often cruelty to one\'s own people.

"Elder martial brother, Xiao Lang is right. Sometimes we are a little too kind... Even, we regard our weakness as kindness and think we are right." Feng Ping whispered, "these people deserve to die, and our strength is too weak. We need this kind of thing to improve our strength!"

"If we still tangle with this kind of thing, I\'m afraid it will chill our own people!"

Jiang Haitian nodded and couldn\'t help wiping another sweat.

He knows the people of Shengguang sect very well. After all, he has been dealing with them for so many years, so he also knows what kind of scene xuandao sect will be if it is really attacked by Shengguang sect.

Think about the crazy scene. Jiang Haitian thinks that he Zongdao\'s Danying is cheap for them!

"Xiaolang, you command, we all listen to you!" Jiang Haitian\'s tone became more firm.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, two fingers pointing down and said, "first, he Zongdao."

The large array was running at full speed, and Jiang Haitian and Jiang Haitian returned to their respective positions. The attack of the whole large array turned to he Zongdao of Shengguang sect.

Then he Zongdao found that he had separated from others and had entered badly. After a while, his body suddenly sank, as if the power of the whole heaven and earth were pressing on him!

"Shen Lang, if I don\'t die today, I will make you die!"

He Zongdao roared up to the sky like crazy.

He responded with thunder and lightning and endless fire.

Shen Lang looked at he Zongdao in the array indifferently, and his face was expressionless.

Under the manipulation of many powerful Wang Wujing, the big array runs at full speed, hooks the power of heaven and earth, and it\'s too easy to kill a person who has three or four heaven of Wang Wujing.

Although he Zongdao played his cards and took out one powerful magic weapon after another, he just persisted for ten minutes.

The ten minutes were reserved for Shen Lang because he wanted to get his Danying and didn\'t want his Danying to be destroyed by thunder and other attacks.

When a huge thunder ball hit he Zongdao\'s head, he Zongdao\'s body couldn\'t hold on any longer and suddenly collapsed.

A foot long Danying slipped like a flash of light and had lost its trace.

Dan Ying\'s speed is very fast. If he is outside, it is very difficult to capture him.

Even though the ruby has reached the realm of Wang Wujing\'s four heaven, and there are Linghua purple bronze mirrors in her hand, she was calmly escaped by shuitianji\'s Danying outside Tianfeng city.

Unfortunately, this is in the carefully arranged killing array.

He Zongdao\'s powerful body was shattered by the thunder. In the big array, the thunder and endless fire, where did the most vulnerable Danying have the chance to escape?

Without Shen Lang\'s command, several ancestors who controlled the array immediately urged the array.

The world destroying thunder and sky fire disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by the starry power grid!

As soon as the power grid was compressed, he Zongdao\'s Danying was forced out immediately.

In the blink of an eye, he Zongdao\'s Danying was confined to a very narrow space and could no longer move.

"Shen Lang! You and I didn\'t have a grudge. Even if we wanted to deal with xuandaozong, it was only planned. It didn\'t cause any loss to you xuandaozong. Why are you so aggressive!"

"If you can leave me a chance of life, I am willing to hand over two-thirds of the wealth of Shengguang sect! As long as you let me go, I can swear not to oppose you and not to be the enemy of xuandao sect forever!"

He Zongdao changed his previous attitude and begged for mercy towards Shen Lang.

"That\'s not what I want. You should know very well. Think about it. These seconds are your last chance."

What Shen Lang wants is the person or force who makes them come here to look for Yuan Li fragments.

Compared with this, what is the wealth of Shengguang sect?

In Shen Lang\'s memory, Yuan Li fragments were placed by the war emperor in xuandaozong.

Although many memories of these things are sealed, Shen Lang doesn\'t even know why the war emperor put the yuan force fragments in xuandaozong, nor where they are placed.

But it is absolutely certain that not many people know about it.

Even if someone really knows, it should be the talent of the God of war temple.

If it\'s really from the God of war temple, that\'s all.

But when he thought of it, Shen Lang always had an ominous feeling.

I\'m afraid it\'s not that simple.