Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 451

Let\'s say that Shen Lang, who had entered the ancient array, suddenly appeared again. Then Zhu Feng and Tang Hao found that their surrounding environment had changed and were in the starry sky in an instant.

By this time, if you don\'t know that this is a trick by Shen Lang, it\'s really stupid.

Shen Lang\'s strategy of "inviting the king into the Urn" is crude. It doesn\'t look wise, and even the trace is very heavy.

But every step of Shen Lang was pinched very accurately, and the calculation was cruel, which made people tremble.

Such a simple plan, as long as people with a little brain think about it carefully, will guess weird.

However, people are willing to drill in step by step.

Zhu Feng wondered what kind of thing it would be that would make the people of Shengguang sect and beast palace come here when they heard a news?

If the Holy Light sect and some old ghosts from the beast palace didn\'t come out, why would they still risk themselves when they guessed it was a conspiracy?

Even if Shen Lang had something to do with Huanglong clan, how could he arrange such a huge "array in array" that almost shrouded the whole dark moon abyss?

With the strength of huanglongzong, it is impossible to have such a huge and mysterious array.

The so-called array in array is very simple, that is, other arrays are arranged in one array, multiple superposition.

This is what the legendary array master can do.

The so-called array can only be arranged by using secret methods and magic stones. By changing the surrounding environment, it can guide and even control the power of heaven and earth to achieve a certain effect, such as losing your mind, defense, various attacks and so on.

It is a high-level direct or indirect use of energy.

Its vast and unpredictable power makes major sects and countless strong people crazy;

Its preciseness and harsh conditions have deterred many people.

Just because the array can communicate the vitality or energy of heaven and earth, and can change the environment, the more powerful the array layout is, the more complicated it is, and there can be no mistake.

In the eyes of many people, "array in array" is a difficult thing to achieve.

When an array is arranged and can communicate the vitality of heaven and earth, if another array is arranged outside and coerced into it, it is bound to change the flow direction of the vitality of heaven and earth, resulting in difficulty in integration between the two, and even plundering the energy of heaven and earth.

As a result, either the array is completely chaotic and even the person who arranges the array is difficult to control;

Or collapse completely, forming a chaotic and dangerous space.

But now Shen Lang has done it

At this time, Zhu Feng found that the space he was in was a vast starry sky, and the space was stable and abnormal. There was no confusion at all, and there were no flaws. His heart immediately became eager. Under such crises, his stable state of mind for many years also became a little loose.

"Elder martial brother, don\'t worry too much. Shen Lang may not be able to win us!" shuitianji, who was collected by Zhu Feng, made a voice.

Zhu Feng gasped and said, "younger martial sister, this is too much trouble. This is the array in the array. Don\'t mention us. Even the ancestors of xuesha Island fell into this array and wanted to break out of the array is very difficult."

As soon as his voice fell, Shen Lang\'s body suddenly appeared in the void in front of Zhu Feng.

He crossed his legs and the old God looked at Zhu Feng here with a smile.

He seems to be less than 300 meters away from Zhu Feng, but he seems to be in another space-time, sometimes clear and sometimes vague.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "you have a bit of vision and know the power of this big array. It\'s not my arrogance. Even if the two old guys of bloody island fall into this big array and want to escape from here, it\'s not so easy. Even if they don\'t die, I\'ll let them take off a layer of skin."

"Shen Lang!" shuitianji screamed, "elder martial brother, kill him! Kill him!"

"Alas, younger martial sister... Now we are trapped in the big array. I am a fish and a man-made knife. How can I hurt him at this time?"

Zhu Feng was a little speechless about shuitianji\'s hysteria.

Since Shen Lang dares to appear, where can he be attacked by them casually?

Even so, it seems that Zhu Feng listens to shuitianji\'s words and plans to show her and feel the mystery of the big array by the way.

With a wave of the long sword in his hand, two powerful swords were born and cut towards Shen Lang.

As expected

Although the sword was powerful, it cut through Shen Lang without hindrance, and then dissipated in the distance. It didn\'t even touch Shen Lang\'s clothes!

And the starry sky is not an ordinary fantasy, as if it is really boundless

"In the array, I can be here or there. Maybe you see me standing in front of you, but actually I may be behind you, so what you do is futile." Shen Lang said indifferently.

Zhu Feng looked around like earth.

Although his cultivation is extremely strong, he has reached the peak of Wang Wujing\'s five fold heaven.

But the array is not what he is good at.

If you want to break the array, you can either master the array and find the flaw of the array;

Or the strength is strong enough to resist the power of this big array... Break the array with strength!

But in this long void, I don\'t know up and down, it\'s difficult to distinguish things, and there\'s no force in the attack. It\'s not easy to break the array?

Even figures like Zhuge Xianer didn\'t calculate that Shen Lang could arrange such a powerful array!

Shuitianji said coldly, "elder martial brother, don\'t be fooled by him. He\'s just trying to break through our psychological defense line. This array is powerful, but elder martial brother, don\'t forget that if an array wants to exert its power, it depends on the cultivation of the person who arranges the array, and finally on the cultivation of the person who controls the array!"

"No matter how strong the cultivation of this little beast is, it can\'t have reached the level of Wang Wujing! Although this array can trap us for a while, it can\'t trap us for a lifetime, and he can\'t help us!"

"The operation of the array needs to consume too much aura. As long as it takes some time, the array will show its flaws. It\'s not too late for us to break the array at that time!"

Shen Lang listened to shuitianji say these words quietly, and couldn\'t help grinning and saying: "I just killed you, and you risked being discovered by the emperor longzong strongman and went to Tianfeng city. The result was even worse. Even a fool could see that I wanted to deal with you, but you still didn\'t know what to do... Now that you are in a big battle, anyone with a normal head should stop, but you still don\'t know what to do I yelled... "

"Now that your lives are in my hands, you still think I can\'t help you. I\'m really curious. How can your head be so simple after living for hundreds of years?"

"Next time, you must remember that you can\'t stop taking medicine, but you must not eat indiscriminately. You must choose big brands... Choose capping, cure kidney deficiency, sugar free, red bottle, good to drink!"

Shuitianji was furious by his words: "little beast has sharp teeth and sharp mouth. I don\'t know whether your real strength is worthy of your mouth! What do you say? Our lives are in your hands. Why are you talking to us here for a long time?"

"Finished, in this case, we should hold him and let him continue to talk to us. How can we use this language to annoy him?" Zhu Feng secretly complained.

As soon as Zhu Feng was worried, he saw Shen Lang\'s palm blowing in front of him, and two mirrors appeared on the left and right.

The scene appearing in the mirror immediately made Zhu Feng take a cold breath!

On one side of the two huge mirrors, five old men in armor were controlling the array. Wind, thunder, water and fire attacked the four strong Wang Wujing in Shengguang sect and beast palace one after another. The scene was extremely shocking;

It\'s only a short time since they fell into the array. He Zongdao of Shengguang sect and Han laoguai of animal palace have been depressed, bruised and tired of coping

The poor guys are still in the dark. They don\'t understand why they are so unlucky, let alone who is dealing with them.

On the other hand, it was even more frightening. Ten strong Wang Wujing controlled the big array outside. Tang Hao was in the starry sky. He was bombarded by thunder and kept dodging and fleeing. His left arm had disappeared, revealing only the flesh and blood!

There are fifteen strong Wang Wujing who control the array!

These people wear armor, and their breath is huge, vast and unfathomable!

"Old Tang..."

Although Zhu Feng could not feel the breath of those powerful Wang Wujing, he was as dead as ashes when he saw the eyes and bearing of these people.

There are fifteen strong Wang Wujing

I\'m afraid four of them are not weaker than him, who is the peak of Wang Wujing\'s five fold heaven!

Even if these people don\'t rely on this big array and directly surround them, they will never be able to resist.

There are so many strong people in charge of this array. It\'s hard to break out of the array!

"Stop! Don\'t hurt my senior brother!" shuitianji screamed when she saw Tang Hao\'s tragedy.

Tang Hao\'s cultivation is still above Zhu Feng. He is usually quiet and honest. Unexpectedly, he will fall in such a place just because of her

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I\'m sorry, you don\'t count."

"Although these two people have no grievances with me, since you came to kill me, do you think I will keep them?"

Shen Lang snapped his fingers, and the attack against Tang Hao immediately increased a lot, making Tang Hao miserable.

"No, no... please, please let go of my two senior brothers. I\'m the one you want to kill. I\'m the one who has a grudge against you. It has nothing to do with them... You kill me, please let them go!" shuitianji shouted with a cry.

Shen Lang was stunned by the woman\'s performance at the critical moment.

In Shen Lang\'s view, the woman who must repay for her kindness doesn\'t seem to care about other people\'s life and death.

Otherwise, why take those two people to jump into the fire pit?

"Hum." Shen Lang just looked at her without expression, and didn\'t mean to stop at all.

"Why is it like this? It\'s impossible... We have clearly checked that there are no other strong king\'s martial arts mirror in the dark moon abyss except those from Shengguang sect and beast palace. How can you escape the investigation of my two senior brothers! And why do you have such a powerful array?" shuitianji shouted wildly.

Shen Lang said indifferently, "explain to the dying people why I\'m not interested in such things."

"You can still stand here unharmed. It\'s not that I can\'t help you, nor that I have compassion for you. I\'ve never been soft hearted to my enemies."

"You\'re not dead yet, just because I want to see someone who gives advice for you. It\'s in his face that I left you alive."

As he said this, his fingers flicked in the air, and a thunderbolt flashed. The powerful thunder ball fell like rain and hit Zhu Feng.