Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1399

Just when Shen Lang, the demon in the heart, put on a posture of breaking the net

LAN Mengling suddenly and gently hugged him from behind.

Shen Lang, the demon in his heart, became stiff, and the power of crazy promotion got stuck.


LAN Mengling put his face on Shen Lang\'s back and whispered, "in fact, I knew you were my demon from the beginning."

"Thank you for accompanying me for so long..."

"After living for so many years, I have never laughed so much, never laughed so happily."

"Thank you..."

"Lan\'er..." Shen Lang, the demon in his heart, burst into tears.

Then, the terrible energy that seemed to destroy heaven and earth suddenly disappeared.

The changes of the world around us also belong to peace.

Shen Lang\'s whole body began to become transparent, and then began to turn into light.

"Strong girl, you are still so sober in your dream, and you lied to me for so long." the demon with only the upper body smiled bitterly and said, "I\'ve been wondering why I can\'t enter your state of mind when you laugh so happily."

"So you\'ve always kept a trace of Qingming in Lingtai..."

Then Shen Lang, the demon in his heart, turned around, looked at Shen Lang and said grimly, "Shen Lang, don\'t think that even if you win!"

"If you lose to her, then I will make a comeback and I will make you irreparable!"

Shen Lang, wrapped in a circle of Buddha light, looked up and watched the heart demon Shen Lang disappear slowly.

When he took back his eyes, he looked at the gemstone eyes of the blue dream spirit.

These eyes carry so much suffering, so much grievance, so much despair and hope.

Shen Lang\'s eyes were slightly red. He stood up and opened his hands towards LAN Mengling.

LAN Mengling jerked his nose, ran over quickly and threw himself into his arms.

A pair of enemies finally let go of everything and hugged each other tightly.

"Bad guy, you cheated me so badly just to cheat my tears?" Lan Mengling smiled while crying.

Shen Lang opened his mouth and said after a while, "you know?"

LAN Mengling put his hands around Shen Lang\'s neck and said with a bit of mischief and complaint: "of course I know. When I understood the field of sadness, I saw your thousands of incarnations bleeding and tears for me..."

Shen Lang looked away a little and said, "I didn\'t cry. The wind blew sand into my eyes."

LAN Mengling stretched out his hand and pinched Shen Lang\'s arm: "you still want to cheat me!"

"Say, is it you who fought with the demon Temple more than ten years ago and beat the demon temple to pieces?"

Shen Lang said with a sad face, "it\'s me, not me... Strictly speaking, the war emperor is half of my soul."

"When he fell, I was more than six years old."

Blue Mengling stared at Shen Lang, flattened his mouth and said, "you freak, it\'s hard to cheat me!"

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s courage is also great.

He hugged LAN Mengling\'s waist, leaned against him and said, "when someone occupies an important position in my mind, even a joke, I don\'t want to deceive her."

"I want to enter the demon temple and find out the reality of the ultimate fear."

"But I don\'t want to cheat that person anymore..."

"I\'m afraid that one day when my identity appears in front of the world, she will suffer from my deception."

LAN Mengling bit his teeth and said, "because of this, do you want to break up with me?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "of course not."

"I also know how important I am in your mind. I\'m afraid that when that day comes, you will stand on my side."

"And your soul blood is still in the hands of the black dragon."

"I can\'t watch my woman die for me!"

LAN Mengling knew these things from Grandma Feng\'s mouth early in the morning.

But when these words came out of Shen Lang\'s mouth

She was still shaking all over her body, tightly pursed her mouth, and her tears kept spinning in her eyes.

She gently slapped Shen Lang on the chest and buried her head: "you cruel man..."

"You think your calculations are amazing, but you don\'t know you\'ve done two things wrong?"

Shen Lang was slightly stunned: "really? Which two things?"

Blue dream whispered, "first thing, you don\'t know what position you occupy in my heart. You don\'t believe me, so you didn\'t try to communicate with me;"

"You cruel person would rather make me cry than tell the story. Let me play this play with you."

"The second thing, you just said, you occupy an important position in my heart, which is wrong."

"You don\'t occupy a position in my heart. There is no other position in my heart. Only you are in my heart..."

"Yes, I was wrong." Shen Lang held his hands tighter.

They stopped talking, but they just hugged each other.

This moment seems to be eternity.

After a long time, LAN Mengling raised his head again and said with an indisputable smile, "didn\'t those old and immortal unique skills in the God of war hurt you in the end?"

"I\'ve heard before that the joint attack skill of Canglong Qisu, even the great emperor, doesn\'t dare to connect."

"That\'s why at that moment, I was exploited by the devil... You bad man, always make people so nervous!!"

Shen Lang smiled with apology: "not next time."

LAN Mengling said again, "how dare you break into my dream space? If my mother-in-law hadn\'t urged most of her strength to protect me from the sea and keep me a trace of Lingtai Qingming when she was helping me understand the field, it would be impossible for you to deal with the demons so easily."

Shen Lang\'s eyes were full of tenderness and said faintly, "some people, that\'s how they can make people love recklessly."

"If you can\'t live with her, then die together. What\'s the big deal?"

LAN Mengling, who was just smiling, burst into tears and pinched Shen Lang: "no wonder so many women are dead to you because of your sweet mouth!"

"Do you use these sweet words to deceive others?"

Shen Lang patted LAN Mengling on the back and said, "well, it\'s time to go out. Mother-in-law Feng outside must be in a hurry."

"No." Lan Mengling hugged more tightly: "after going out, he will start acting again. I don\'t know when it will be. Go out later!"

At this moment, where is the dignity of Princess rosefinch and the momentum of a queen?

The whole person is complete, just like a little girl who has been wronged and needs to be taken care of

"Well," Shen Lang said no more.

Love, all sentient beings have love;

Empty feelings fly all over the world, and true feelings are found all over the world.


Sealed inside the tripod.

Thunder chains are combined together to form a complex seal.

This seal is like a spider\'s web, which binds the three flag leaders, Bai Luobing, Huang Tian and Feng Ao, to the void.

Shen Lang sat on the chair and looked at the three people with a strange face.

The three men, too, stared at him with unusual hatred.

The scene was really weird.

"The position of the five color flag in the God of war hall is not as good as the old monster of Canglong Qisu, but it is the power directly under the emperor of war. Why are you willing to be driven by them and forget your mission?" Shen langyouyou said.

The emperor of war left the five color flag because he had expected that the God of war hall would escape into the crack of time and space. Therefore, many years ago, the five people began to prepare to build the coordinate method array.

But these people are really not reassuring!

First, LAN Shishi and Shangguan ran to deal with Shen Lang.

Then Bai Luobing and the three elders in the "green dragon seven nights" shot together, showing an attitude of never giving up until Shen Lang was killed.

Shen Lang beat these people up. He is still angry.

If these guys didn\'t mess around, why would blue dream spirit break out?

Fortunately, there is a definite number. Everything is dangerous.

If it is really irreparable, Shen Lang is afraid that he will tear down the bones of the three old men of Canglong Qisu!

After a long silence, Bai Luobing suddenly said, "the five color flag is missing two people, and the mission can\'t be completed."

The cold words made Huang Tian and Feng arrogant.

The two shouted, "Lao Bai, shut up!"

The emperor of War didn\'t even know the mission of the five color flag.

How can you be fooled to say it because of this boy\'s one word?

Unexpectedly, Bai Luobing said again, "although the generation of Canglong Qisu is very high, it can\'t call us. I\'m here to confirm one thing."

"Who the hell are you?"

Huang Tian and Feng Ao\'s father-in-law were puzzled: "what are you talking about? Aren\'t we dealing with him for poetry and invincible revenge?"

Shen Lang grinned: "did you notice it long ago?"

"Yes, I\'ve really made a high profile in recent years."

With that, he brushed his palm gently and removed the seal that bound the three.

Then, the surrounding array opened, and LAN Shishi and Shangguan stepped invincibly.

"Poetry? Invincible? You\'re still alive!" Huang Tian and Feng Ao were surprised and delighted.

Bai Luobing was expressionless, but secretly relieved.

LAN Shishi held Shuang Feng in her hands and twisted to the side of Huang Tian and Feng Ao. She slapped Huang Tian and Feng Ao on the ground.

She is already the peak of the second heaven in the emperor\'s martial realm, and her strength has far exceeded Huang Tian and Feng Ao.

With this slap, the two people didn\'t have a trace of resistance and were photographed screaming!

LAN Shishi said coldly, "I won\'t die if you die!"

"I don\'t kneel down when I see the emperor. I want to make -- anti?"

Feng AO and Huang Tian stared and tongue tied: "emperor?"

The corners of Bai Luobing\'s mouth rose slightly, floating a smile. With a snap, he knelt down on one knee: "white flag leader Bai Luobing, see the emperor!"

Shen Lang sighed: "before I became the Lord of the God of war hall, the four of you fought to the death for the position of boss, but Lao Bai never participated in the struggle between you."

"I said let Lao Bai be the head of the five color flag. You are very unwilling. You think everyone is better than him."

"Now, among the five of you, he is the only one who guessed my identity."

"What else can you say?"

Huang Tian and Feng Ao stood for a moment. Two big men shed tears on the spot