Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1400

After dealing with Lan\'er, Shen Lang finally put down a big stone in his heart.

Not only that, he also knew that mother-in-law Feng and the rosefinch family were all people in the God of war hall, and their mood was much happier.

Looking for the part of the spirit of the black Pluto armor, I have returned with the black Pluto armor;

Found the separation of the master of the impermanent heavenly book and took the fairy princess xuelia to xuandaozong;

To the separation of amber dream, I have seen the eternal tree;

Now I have to find a part of Dugu family. I haven\'t done it yet.

As the time of the birth of the blood ancestral mausoleum approached, good news came one after another;

A powerful force is approaching Shen Lang;

Finally let Shen Lang, no longer as before, have a feeling of walking alone in the night.

He doesn\'t know where this road leads.

But now he is not alone.

Groups of people with the same faith gathered around him to face the coming storm and the legendary doomsday disaster with him.

A good man is indomitable. Even if he loses, he will be vigorous!

"For those who love me and the people I love, for the dignity and freedom of every living race;"

"For the smile on the lips of girls and the innocent smile of children, for the flowers in full bloom in spring, and to protect the beautiful things I cherish and love from being trampled..."

"I want to turn the world around with these hands!"

"Even if I was scared, I wouldn\'t hesitate!"

Sitting in the chariot of Zhuque mansion, Shen Lang closed his eyes, but his whole body was filled with an unimaginable sense of war.

Just then, the voice of Shuying came from outside the chariot: "Sir, the rosefinch house is here."

Shen Lang opened his eyes and walked out of the chariot.

Shuying and others stood respectfully aside, one by one restored their attitude before "breaking off kindness and righteousness".

Although Shen Lang and fling Royal Highness still fling caution to the winds, Shen Lang first blocked the white Luo Bing attack and then rushed to the princess\'s dream. This has won the respect of the strong hearts of the rosefinch government.

Everyone who has experienced this incident feels that the affair between him and his royal highness is not so simple.

But everyone pretended to be stupid.

Shen Lang\'s eyes took back from Shuying and fell on the magnificent city ahead.

The huge city is floating in the air.

From a distance, it looks like a mirage.

The void is full of space cracks.

From here to the castle, it looks less than a hundred miles, but there are many different spaces in the middle.

The only one who can use such means is the strong man in the realm of creation at the level of the sixth ancestor!

Moreover, it is impossible to do it alone!

It seems that those venerable people in the demon Temple worked hard for jingle.

Such unpredictable means, even if the sixth ancestor came here, it would be extremely difficult to break it!

"According to Ling Xue, those so-called venerable ones are all the parts of the real demon God hall under the Demon Lord. Simply from the point that their power is the power of gods and demons, the six ancestors, except the blood ancestors, are by no means their opponents."

"These old monsters are thousands of times more terrible than the black dragon. We must be careful!"

When Shen Lang was turning his mind, a huge rainbow suddenly flew out of the huge hanging city of Zhuque mansion.

The rainbow avoided space cracks, penetrated layers of space, and fell at the feet of Shen Lang and others.

It was at this time that the sound of "jingling bell" came from the other end of the rainbow bridge. A figure that made Shen Lang yearn for day and night appeared in Shen Lang\'s sight!


Shen Lang shouted, stepped onto the rainbow bridge and ran towards the snow jingling at the other end.

LAN Mengling in the back looked at Shen Lang\'s back and sipped his mouth.

"Brother Lang!"

The snow jingle at the other end of the rainbow bridge also shouted, and the pear blossom with rain wanted to rush over.

However, four ethereal shadows blocked her, making her unable to move forward.

"Are these four masters of the realm of creation?"

After Shen Lang ran a distance, he slowed down and walked slowly.

When he was still tens of thousands of miles away from here, he had urged Feng Tianding to release a circle of light and seal his whole body.


It\'s not a long way, but Shen Lang feels that he has walked for a long time.

When I really approached jingle bell, thousands of words poured into my heart, but I couldn\'t say a word.

Liang Shenghua, what was the reason why the soul was divided in half in the last life?


Just when Shen Lang\'s mood was hard to calm, one of the four dark shadows in front made a hoarse and ugly voice.

Shen Lang\'s eyes quickly swept over the four people, secretly frightened.

The four were suspended in the void, and the whole figure was translucent, as if they were in another space.

Such means have indeed reached the peak of the world.

Even the war emperor of that year could not do better than them.

The separation of the demon God is still the demon God!

"Shen Lang, the left envoy of Taotie mansion, has seen four dignitaries." Shen Lang bowed slightly, saluted and said.

At this time, the rightmost of the four venerable ones floated out.

Under this man\'s black cloak, there is a face that looks like a child of 11 or 12 years old!

"Are you Shen Lang? As the left envoy of Taotie mansion, why don\'t you have the mark of demon temple?" the Reverend with a child\'s face showed an unhappy look in his eyes, and there were two magic dragons flying around his body.

At the beginning, Shen Lang relied on the divine fire order given by LAN Mengling as a sign.

But the strong at this level, without exception, have to go through the review of the black dragon demon king.

But the black dragon was insidious and cunning. He kicked the ball to the venerable!

In this way, whether Shen Lang has a problem or not, he doesn\'t have to offend Shen Lang.

Don\'t offend Shen Lang, that is, don\'t offend Miss Xue Dingdang!

Now, seeing that Shen Lang didn\'t have the mark of the demon temple, his face was a little ugly.

Shen Lang was neither humble nor arrogant and said, "I met the demon king in Taotie mansion a few days ago, but the demon king probably didn\'t audit his subordinates because he wanted to lead the army to the dark gate."

At this time, the snow tinkle on the other side was also unhappy: "demon dragon Reverend, brother Lang is the person who grew up with me. Do you not believe him or me?"

The Dragon worshipper immediately lost his smile, turned around and stooped down and said, "where is the eldest lady, how dare your subordinates doubt the eldest lady?"

"But the master has ordered that anyone who contacts the eldest lady must find out the details."

"Moreover, it can only be the people in the demon temple!"

Xuejingdong said coldly, "what do you want? You won\'t let me see brother lang. now Brother Lang is coming, and you\'re still in the middle. What does that mean?"

Shen Lang\'s face sank: "four venerable masters, do you treat Dingdang as a prisoner?"

The evil dragon worshipper\'s eyes flashed angrily: "ignorant young man, I don\'t know heaven and earth at a young age!"

"Get down on your knees!"

As soon as the voice fell, he didn\'t see what he was doing. A force pressing the top of Mount Tai was rolling towards the Shen waves!


Shen Lang made a bone joint explosion. He was suppressed and began to bend his left foot!

If Shen Lang\'s power had not reached the fourth heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm, he would still be a chaotic God.

At this moment, I\'m afraid both his feet have been smashed!

In the sense of Shen Lang, this is not the power of mountains.

This is the power of space!

It seems to be a void space, suppressed above the head of Shen Lang!

Shen Lang\'s face was dripping with sweat, and his muscles and bones were singing together, making a clang sound.

He tried his best to shout angrily: "I kneel on my knees, my parents... If you want me to kneel, you deserve it!"

"Qiang Qiang!"

The black Pluto armor flew out in an instant and shrouded Shen Lang\'s whole body.

Unparalleled power was released from the black hell armor, which forced the power of the demon Dragon Master away, greatly reducing the pressure of shenlang.

As soon as the black hell armor was put on, Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed, and the double fields burst out!

After brushing, not only the Dragon worshippers, but also the three worshippers behind were surrounded by the "reproduction field" and "destruction field"!

The dual domain immediately began to work.

The other three venerable beings were forcibly removed by the power of the field, as if they were transferred to another space.

Seeing here, it\'s hard to come for a while.

Under the operation of the replication field, tens of thousands of waves appeared at the end of the rainbow bridge in an instant!

The tens of thousands of Shen waves, like a huge black dragon, circled in the air, circling the demon dragon worshipper layer by layer!

"Nine stars, nine stars all open!"

"The gods and Demons disappear and return to chaos. The ultimate destruction of heaven and earth!"

"Beast, take a punch from me!"

Shen Lang said he would fight. In an instant, he opened the nine stars to the limit. All the nine stars are open!

When the replication field was pushed to the limit, tens of thousands of Shen waves surrounded the demon dragon venerable, launched the joint attack technique, and increased the power crazily again.

Finally, he called the terrorist power of black hell armor and used the sixth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing"

One punch hit the demon God\'s part, demon dragon master!