Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1398

Shen Lang didn\'t go to ask Xiang Guizun immediately.

He already had a little idea about the five elements.

When dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, was found in yumudong blessed land, dinaros said something about the five element Elf race.

There are some records about these in the temple of the God of war.

In remote ancient times, the Yanmo family was not called Yanmo.

Yan devil had a better and milder name - Fire Spirit.

Although the power of the Yanmo family is not as powerful as the demon family, the fire elves, together with the water elves, gold elves, wood elves and earth elves, are called the five element elves. They are also a famous race in ancient times.

At that time, the Yanmo family was led by a powerful Yanmo king.

No race will despise them.

Even if many races or powerful people covet their pure heaven and earth spiritual power, they are afraid to provoke them because of their destructive power and quantity.

However, all this was finally changed because of the birth of the blood family

The change is not only the Yanmo family, but the five races of the five element elves.

When the blood clan was born and swept the world.

The five element elves, led by their respective kings, fight against the evil blood clan together with powerful races such as Terrans and Demons

There are more or less records about the blood clan rebellion in the classics of many races or sectarian forces.

However, it is extremely unfair to the five element elves that they are regarded as victims and discarded aside.

Not many people know how much the five element elves have paid for the world.

No one knows how many sacrifices the five elements elves have made for the world.

The scene of the five element Elf race rushing to the blood clan one after another has not been recorded in any ancient books.

The five kings of the five element Elf race and thousands of strong men among the five races were finally captured by the evil and powerful evil god blood ancestor

Since then, the five powerful elves have plummeted and become a weak race to be slaughtered.

The fire elves, because of their unwillingness and tyrannical temperament, rose up and resisted, and finally became "Yan demons".

Regarded as a inferior and destructive race;

It is regarded as a kind of... "Natural material and local treasure"!

The fire elves, who were originally active on the earth\'s surface, accepted the name "Yan devil", left the earth\'s surface and hid in underground lava.

Countless years later, the Yanmo family was completely desperate and fell down.

They have dared not expect to become strong, nor dare they expect to stand in this vast world and be recognized and respected by other races.

As the king of Yan devil, dinaros with royal blood is different from other Yan demons.

He reminded himself all the time to become strong, to remember the shame of the Yanmo family and to revitalize the Yanmo family!

Therefore, despite the opposition of other people of the Yan devil family, dinaros led a group of Yan demons to find the legendary yumudong blessed land, hoping that yumudong blessed land could take them in.

Dinaros\'s approach is undoubtedly very correct.

So later he met the mysterious purple robed man who came to the blessed land of yumudong.

The purple robed man showed him a bright way and asked him to wait for Shen Lang at the peak of the Yan devil.

And tell him

"The kings of the five elves in the world and thousands of strong elements are still alive in the blood ancestral mausoleum."

"Ten thousand years later, the time of nine stars and beads is the time of the birth of the blood ancestral mausoleum. Save your people imprisoned in the blood ancestral mausoleum, and the Yanmo family will revive its glory."

A few words contain too much information.

Shen Lang recalled these things and looked at the picture that distorted the plane of the five elements of the void.

"Five element elves, five element planes and blood ancestral mausoleum... It\'s a bit of a coincidence?" Shen Lang thought with his chin: "one plane carries an elves race, and one plane is guarded by an element king?"

"If I were a blood ancestor, I would do the same."

Shen Lang\'s eyebrows frowned again: "if there is an element king who was kidnapped by the blood ancestor in ancient times in every aspect, how powerful have they been over the past million years?"

"It\'s all right. After I come, go in and find out."


Laner\'s dream space.

Shen Lang is in trouble.

This is the dream space built by Lan\'er. In this dream space, Lan\'er is the master.

Until now, Shen Lang realized what position he occupied in LAN er\'s mind

Her fictional "Shen Lang" is an invincible existence!

In her mind, Shen Lang is really omnipotent and invincible?


Once again, Shen Lang was shaken back by the "heart demon Shen Lang", and Shen Lang couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

This "mind devil Shen wave" is difficult to define the real strength.

But every time Shen Lang raises his strength, he rises a large part.

No matter how Shen Lang improves his strength, he is always higher than Shen Lang.

At this time, Shen Lang entered the state of soul. There was neither chaotic divine body, Tai Chi diagram, nor Tianding.

Yes, only the fighting talent from the war emperor.

But no matter how powerful the fighting talent is, it is also dwarfed by absolute power.

The two fought madly, breaking the mountains and rivers and breaking the earth.

LAN Mengling stood on the edge and looked at all this quietly.

"Why, why did you come here to destroy everything?" said Shen Lang, a dark voice.

Shen Lang\'s eyes moved, and the same spirit read: "do you know who I am?"

"Heart demon Shen Lang" laughed: "I am the master of this dream and her real heart demon. Everything and anything in this dream are under my control. How can I know?"

"Shen Lang, you shouldn\'t have come to this dream!"

"Coming here is doomed to your ashes."

"From today on, I will take your place. I will be in this world with Lan\'er and achieve eternity!"

Shen Lang snorted coldly, "this is just a dream, not the eternity you said."

"She\'s dreaming. Do you dream with her?"

"Heart demon Shen Lang" smiled and said, "you are wrong. The so-called space is divided into material space and spiritual space."

"Since the dream already exists, as long as she doesn\'t wake up within three days, the dream space will last forever."

"What exists is reasonable."

"In the future, I will dominate this space and fly with her."

"And you will no longer exist!"

As soon as the voice fell, the momentum of "heart demon Shen Lang" soared, and a knife came fiercely towards Shen Lang!

Looking at the knife that broke the space, Shen Lang tilted his mouth slightly, retreated quickly like the wind, and avoided the knife: "it\'s perfect, after all, it\'s just the magic of the heart."

"You are her devil. All you know is what she knows about me."

"Magic knife formula, you won\'t;"

"Five Emperors dragon boxing, you can\'t;"

"What you have is that she gives you the power to dominate this space in a short time."

"Heart demon Shen Lang" said coldly, "I don\'t need those absolute forces to crush everything!"

"Even if it\'s only a short time, it\'s enough to kill you!"

With a flash of human shadow, the "heart demon Shen Lang" appeared behind Shen Lang out of thin air, and a palm was printed on his heart behind Shen Lang!


In the loud noise, Shen Lang snorted and was slapped and flew out.

Up to now, he has encountered this situation without fighting back for the first time!

"No, no!" Shen Lang said softly, "everything in the dream space is vain!"

"No matter how powerful the dream is, it is only a dream after all. It can only be a mass of energy!"

"The power of this energy body, in any case, cannot surpass the master who made this dream!"

"Lan\'er\'s accomplishments today are only a heavy heaven in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm; but I am a real soul, a four heavy heaven in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm!"

"There\'s no reason to be hit hard by her demons!"

Shen Lang suddenly folded his hands and sat down cross legged.

"All promising dharmas are vain. They are like illusions and boneless relics. Please help me!"

Shen Lang closed his eyes and began to try to communicate the boneless relic outside the dream.

In order to deal with the heart devil, he placed the boneless relic on his head before entering the dream!

"Heart demon Shen Lang" sneered and said, "hold Buddha\'s feet temporarily, Shen Lang, you\'re just like this!"

Without any sign, the "heart demon Shen Lang" appeared behind Shen Lang again and clapped his palm on Shen Lang\'s head!


Unparalleled strength burst in an instant.

Shen Lang\'s cloak burst into pieces and showed his true self.

A faint circle of Buddha light surrounded him, making him look like a Buddhist monk at the moment.

The "heart demon Shen Lang" saw the Buddha light, his face showed fear, and immediately withdrew from a long distance.

At this time, the blue dream spirit flew over and said in a surprised voice, "what\'s going on? Why does another you come out?"

"Heart demon Shen Lang" smiled, pointed to Shen Lang sitting cross legged and said, "this is your heart demon, in order to destroy us, and finally let you sink into the devil\'s way. You can\'t turn over forever."

"But how can I let it go?"

"Lan\'er, please step back and give me a little time. I will completely eradicate your demons and let them... Disappear!"

At this time, Shen Lang opened his eyes and opposed the four eyes of LAN Mengling.

"At that moment, you walked by my side and never put down your thoughts; at that moment, seeing your sweet smile, I can\'t forget the moment when I had you... If I can\'t save you this time, why don\'t I disappear here?"

Calm words, tell your heart\'s feelings.

The blue dream spirit came slowly towards the Shen wave with tears like rain.

"Lan\'er!" Shen Lang, the devil in the heart, stopped in front of her: "you can\'t go there. He\'s your devil! He\'s lying to you!"

As soon as he said this, "heart devil Shen Lang" suddenly turned around and said coldly, "little heart devil, dare you be rampant? Since you don\'t want to retreat, I\'ll destroy your form and spirit!"

The whole dream space wandered.

The energy of destroying heaven and earth began to gather madly towards the "heart demon Shen wave"